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May 26, 2003

jesus is my neighbor and a cool dude he invited me over last weekend and we had a good time drinking wine and eating crackers in his big house. we also had a musical jam sesh and "passed the peace" iykwim

welp thats my personal relationship with jesus


May 26, 2003

his dad's kinda a downer tho

May 26, 2003

Perfume and cologne should be banned in offices. Some of us are allergic you know. Showering regularly and applying deodorant is quite sufficient. "Clean" shouldn't have a noticeable scent.

May 26, 2003

as with all remote meetings, pants are optional

May 26, 2003

s/house/car/ and it works :iiaca:

actually no because cars never appreciate

May 26, 2003

cjs: leaving on sunday to look for housing near my new job in a different city

May 26, 2003

Pollyanna posted:

i take the startup job and i am clearly ill equipped to handle the problems

i take the startup job then bail and join another company and the first company gets extremely mad and word goes around that im a flake

i take the startup job and decide to stay and then i have to work 9+ hour days and i burn out

i take the startup job and decide to stay and then they fire me for no good reason without trying to reason it out (the one im most worried about)

i take the startup job and the company eats poo poo and fails and i gotta look for a new job thereby making my resume look awful and me like a flake

1. seek therapy
2. sue them for defamation
3. set personal boundaries. if they're not respected, jump ship
4. collect unemployment
5. not in your control. two of my previous three employers went out of business but i still got another job

if you need a job now and this is the only offer on the table, take it and keep looking for a better fit. you don't owe any company allegiance like some feudal lord. if it's not working out just bounce, but get paid in the mean time.

May 26, 2003

Shaman Linavi posted:

hella same
also seen a lot of places where the only junior positions specify "must have graduated college in the last year" or something

translation: we want the young and naive so we can pay them as little as possible


May 26, 2003

HoboMan posted:

yo, hook me up

username checks out. get this guy out of his cardboard box

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