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Sep 14, 2003

I haven't had to give interviews for javascript developers in over a year and my outlook in life as improved greatly as a result.


Sep 14, 2003

jizz buzz

Sep 14, 2003

i just drive 30 minutes. it's nice

Sep 14, 2003

i like listening to the classical music station on the way to work. it's low on advertising and i feel like i'm discovering new (old) music all of the time.

Sep 14, 2003

PokeJoe posted:

you'd rather drive longer than take faster, literally free transit? are there any actual benefits to driving?

ya, my car is clean and not full of filthy, sick strangers

Sep 14, 2003

if i wanted to deal with common people and go outside i would have become a cop

Sep 14, 2003

PokeJoe posted:

get over yourself, you're a common person

doesn't mean i want to hang out with other's like me

Sep 14, 2003

Boiled Water posted:

your office is full of them though

yeah. flu season was brutal :(

Sep 14, 2003


Sep 14, 2003

HoboMan posted:

what's a good bs answer for "what does your dream job look like?", all my dreams are long dead

you give me all the money, and i do whatever i want.

Sep 14, 2003

hobbesmaster posted:

that wouldn’t even cover a grad student in the US :lol:

wouldn't cover any computer toucher in the US

Sep 14, 2003

PokeJoe posted:

i once overheard a recruiter tell a guy "no, i don't date developers" at a networking event lmao


Sep 14, 2003

qhat posted:

I pretty much despise pair programming.

if you think it's that bad, imagine how the person who has to work with you feels.

Sep 14, 2003

we have a lot of office beer, but i never see anyone drinking it outside of like friday evenings and all hands meetings

Sep 14, 2003

my bitter bi rival posted:

I asked "what's the most impressive thing you've seen out of someone else you've interviewed recently" and she said "nothing, thats why we're still interviewing" lol :jimfromtheofficeface:


Sep 14, 2003

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

i'm not sure a clearance has been worth anything since the massive cutbacks around the sequester

lotta S and TS clearances running around working for piss

even if it did net you more money, it's usually not worth the toll on your sanity working on gov't contracts

Sep 14, 2003

cheque_some posted:

that's that company that puts people out to pasture when they get old, right

it's the company that should be put out to pasture because they are so old

Sep 14, 2003

PokeJoe posted:

I've interviewed a lot of people this year and I can say without a doubt: most candidates are bad, and can't answer the most basic of questions.

yeah. it's crazy. where do they come from?

Sep 14, 2003

KoRMaK posted:


poo poo, that would at least explain things. but these peeps have like 4 year cs degrees and years of experience on their resumes

and then they can't explain what a for loop is

Sep 14, 2003

Ragtime All The Time posted:

ffffffuuuuuuucccccckkkkkkk job hunting

hear my tale of woe;

currently in a steady, easy, but extremely boring job. was not actively looking but starting to think about it. towards the end of july a recruiting agency which i had had success with in the past approaches me about a job that is tangentially related to what I currently do. they ask what kind of pay I would be looking for so i name a figure i thought would be at least 25% over the max for the position. they say that that’s reasonable and ask when I would be available to interview. the date gets set for early august and I figure out what the company is the position isn’t listed on their website, i assume because the recruiter is handling everything. the company is employee owned and seems to put a heavy influence on employee enrichment and happiness. great this could be awesome I begin to think to myself. I interview, it goes well, they give me details about career path, timelines, insurance (extremely good), etc. immediately after the interview I check in with recruiter, they tell me that they have a call very soon with the company and they will have likely made a decision. great excellent. about an hour after that recruiter calls back and tells me the company loved me and thought I would be a great fit, are giving me a soft offer and to anticipate a hard offer by the end of the week. wow perfect this was the easiest process ever. the end of the week passes, I check in with recruiter. oh they are just waiting on a signature from some dude who’s on vacation and will be back the following week. ok not too bad, I can wait a week. the week passes, the recruiter calls; oh they’re having a company wide conference in 2 weeks and want to wait until after that to hire anyone. hmmmmm a little concerned but ok I’m not unemployed I can wait a bit longer. conference comes and goes, recruiter says, uh oh they did some reorganization and may not actually want to hire anyone at this time, they now want to wait until q4 to re-evaluate. awwww poops maybe there’s still a chance. waiting waiting, q4 begins. recruiter calls says they have a meeting scheduled to “determine their position with the company”. recruiter goes silent. yesterday the company posts the position on their website. fuckkkkkk i apply and message the person I had interviewed with through linkedin. not a peep yet. how boned am I? am I right in assuming that company has kicked the recruiter to the curb? and that there may be some contractual thingie that would prevent them from pursuing me on their own?

just keep looking man lol

Sep 14, 2003

never stop looking until you have a firm offer in hand

Sep 14, 2003

I've worked for places that would have a potential contract about to fall in their lap, but it wasn't solid. So they would string along candidates until the contract fell through and then ghost them. It was super lovely.

Sep 14, 2003

Skim Milk posted:

wish I could ahve unlimited time off from your posting


Sep 14, 2003

qhat posted:

Recruiters from palantir and Facebook reached out to me this week. I guess they're scouring for potential h1bs?

palantir is satan tho

Sep 14, 2003

JawnV6 posted:

you skip lunch?

lol if you care about lunch hours. management doesn't count their lunch

Sep 14, 2003

Shaggar posted:



Sep 14, 2003

Blinkz0rz posted:

who tf uses dart

Sep 14, 2003

Blinkz0rz posted:

so who tf uses flutter

people who desperately want to make ios apps without having to fool around with apple sdks

Sep 14, 2003

"sorry guys I asked on blind and they said this offer was no good. so try again"

Sep 14, 2003

current interviewing status: 9AM guy didn't show up to the teams meeting. Looked him up and he's on the west coast so they scheduled a 7AM for him lol

Sep 14, 2003

Doom Mathematic posted:

I want to re-emphasize that java script: The Good Parts is not a great read for learning about modern JavaScript because it's from 2008 and a lot of incredibly important and valuable stuff has been added to the language since then. Everything from here down is missing from the book, and this is stuff everybody uses every day now. Like, classes. And variables with vaguely sensible scope.

The book is somewhat interesting as a historical milestone.

it helped me out before es5 was a thing

Sep 14, 2003

Stringent posted:

it's not hard to get programming jobs in japan for foreigners

imagine programming with only a japanese character set

Sep 14, 2003

how do you say "goto 10" in japanese??

Sep 14, 2003

I usually get really good performance reviews until very recently when I got a new manager with no development experience. I don’t think it’s my performance that’s changed. I’m also looking for something else now because it’s just been sucky for the last year or so, even if they pay is decent.

Sep 14, 2003

lol after 5 different 1 hour interviews with positive feedback the company I was looking forward to getting an offer from announced a hiring slowdown, and now I have to wait for approval from some upper exec. lovely

Sep 14, 2003

champagne posting posted:

"tell me about a time you had a conflict with a coworker" comes up every interview

I don’t know what they want out of these.
“once we hired this guy who totally sucked so I kicked his rear end and put him in his place”

Sep 14, 2003

I mean usually it’s just “I didn’t like the way a coworker did something so I asked for a change in the pr and he made it”

Sep 14, 2003

I don’t get paid enough to fist fight my coworkers

Sep 14, 2003

we were moving to another part of the office once and a coworker wanted to block off our area by moving whiteboard around. it was blocking other people from getting to their areas so I moved the whiteboard back. the coworker got really angry at me for doing that and said “you don’t want to be in my poo poo list”. I laughed and said “nah man, you don’t want to be on mine” jokingly. he got put on a pip like a week later and was let go because he wasn’t completing his work


Sep 14, 2003

rotor posted:

is valve famously toxic? I know they're famously ineffective but i hadnt heard of anything more toxic than regular.

I thought people really loved working at valve in the past.

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