Achmed Jones posted:I used to down ibuprofen like candy and then one day my body decided that ibuprofen ruins my stomach now. it’s generally ok if I’ve eaten recently but it’s bad enough and enough of a dice roll that I generally choose between having a drink and not hurting when I have a headache or something you can't just take a tylenol?
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# ¿ Feb 7, 2025 17:19 |
Achmed Jones posted:yes, tylenol works to make me not hurt. that’s why I have to choose between having a drink and not hurting. I guess I could drink and take it but I prefer having a liver that works Tylenol works fine tho
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Penisface posted:i doubt it, unless you too are in japan hey, come join the japan goon line chat
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Penisface posted:how do i do that? is there a nice non-doxxy thing i can search for on line or i will just create a throwaway email as i dont have PMs throwaway email
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jit bull transpile posted:i have never owned an apple device besides an old rear end iPod and never coded for any of their platforms prior to my employment here. truly, the race is not always to the swift
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just gonna apologize for that in advance
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Dirk Pitt posted:lol our computer janitor desperately wants us to install this on our macs “for security” to give him remote admin. you definitely chose the right thread to post that in
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ratbert90 posted:I can’t speak for anybody else, but I’m in an extremely niche market with my skills and can charge a premium. there’s a negative unemployment rate for Embedded Linux Full stack engineers with a focus on infosec. what does full stack mean in embedded linux?
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TheFluff posted:for some international perspective: i'm in stockholm, sweden, making about $63k (USD) before taxes (slightly over 30%). six-ish years of experience, no degree. peanuts by us standards, above 90th percentile here. think roughly $120-130k to equate it to a similar income bracket in the us. no stock or anything, but a deece pension contribution, 6 weeks of paid vacation, unlimited paid sick time, and of course free healthcare and education as well as heavily subsidized prescription drugs (and literal years of parental leave if i ever start a family). i am slightly underpaid though, i had another offer that would have paid 10% better but it was adtech and seemed way more stressful than my current job. very happy where i am. this sounds v good
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ADINSX posted:Sure, so they should be even more careful who they hire and not intentionally bring on what they consider "dead weight". Not suggesting that the op is anything like that btw, its just a weird idea. lol
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KidDynamite posted:Had a phonecall with an internal interviewer that ended in those questions that determine if the actual hiring manager will look at your resume. The questions asked were open ended and also worded terribly so I had no idea what the gently caress was going on. Be glad you're not working some place that asks candidates questions like that.
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Piano Maniac posted:Well, my dudes, I have found a company I like, the work's gonna be long hours but the team's great and flex time as well. I managed to pacify my wife, and she's on board with my career change, especially simce the starting pay is way higher than I am making right now. Now comes the hard part - sealing the deal with the job contract and leaving my current job of being a hotelman. hell yea man
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hackbunny posted:how do you interview complete newbies, guys fresh out of college with zero work experience? where do I start? hire the first one that knows how to use source control and understands why they should never, ever force push
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MononcQc posted:I rebase -i my commits in a PR to be self-contained pieces of work, but I leave merge commits in place. Then you can use the git log between any two arbitrary commits/versions to know what feature work has taken place. Takes a short awk script and you can get changelogs for free as long as the merge commits were descriptive and well-labeled. Most tools (github, tfs, gitlab, etc.) even annotate the merge commit with the PR title or work items so that gets done automatically. yup, this.
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the overwhelming presence of libertarians in couputer touching is proof positive that it's a job that actual morons can and will do
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Smythe posted:its a sixer so obviously i dont care. but it does amuse me that someone out there probs thinks that "crooter" (short for "recruiter") is sexist or something, which makes me laugh. I would like to hear the rationale for the probe. They're an IK so they're going to post "yr Mom, Loser, LMFAO" and thems the breaks, but then again maybe they will write 2k words about it and then resign in shame. Lets see how this plays out. seems a bit hysterical to me vOv
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how is :gb2qcs: not a smiley?
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qhat posted:it is in fact perfectly fine, perhaps normal, to not be okay with every aspect of your employer’s operations but also still want to work for them because you wish to provide a better life for your family so they don’t have to make these moral trade offs. i don't have a horse in this race, work where you want, stack paper, etc, but just as an argument this is dumb af. if you're operating at a level where facebook is offering you a job you're not exactly short on options. also making facebook money isn't going to shield your family from making moral tradeoffs (whatever that means), if anything you're just reinforcing that's it's fine to make those tradeoffs as long as you get paid. again, no criticism from me, by all means take facebook's money. just don't kid yourself about what you're doing.
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champagne posting posted:what is the big bad again? Is it the metaverse being bad or radicalizing boomers? iunno *edit* actually i do know, it's just how you're gonna be perceived by other six figgie fucktards that think this kind of poo poo matters (USER WAS PUT ON PROBATION FOR THIS POST) Stringent fucked around with this message at 09:14 on Mar 31, 2022 |
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champagne posting posted:On the other hand if it means being paid $100k more yearly then you can do a lot of good for yourself, your family or others with that money actually you probably can't, really
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Blinkz0rz posted:how a person posts this after the facebook files leak is beyond me https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-facebook-files-11631713039 taking a job at facebook has even less negative impact on society than voting for biden in the last election
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champagne posting posted:when you frame it like that I could literally work anywhere since I have no impact on american politics ![]()
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a cyberpunk goose posted:i agree this is often how it’s done, but I’ve seen it a lot in my market (PNW) where architects and principles and even staff get hired without knowing anyone at the company directly the thread in sh/sc is probably more conducive to productive discussion if that's what you're looking for. this is more like the cspam covid thread.
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yeah i meant coc
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a cyberpunk goose posted:I’m just putting some feelers out there, it’s not crazy to be like “hey anyone hiring remote BE devs at MTS/arch/principal level?” btw the coc thread is here: https://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3607482
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Achmed Jones posted:well there's oldjob but they only hired ninjas and rockstars, not wizards, so idk if it's a good fit yeah iunno
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it's not hard to get programming jobs in japan for foreigners
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aren't a lot of eu places like the business has to prove they can't find a local before they can get a visa allotment for a foreign hire?
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Sapozhnik posted:there are many places that are really cool to visit on vacation and suck a lot to live and work in and i get the feeling that japan is one of them i guess it depends where you're comparing it to, but coming from the US i've been nothing but happy with living in japan. learning the language was and continues to be difficult, but in tokyo at least there's plenty of ppl in the same boat so it's not so bad. the whole live-in-the-office thing is an anachronism at this point, and the majority of companies that still do it wouldn't hire a foreigner in the first place. you're right about the covid thing though, i doubt they've started issuing new work visas yet, but i'm not up to date on it. KidDynamite posted:post the job boards! dunno about job boards, your best bet would be to hit the larger japanese software companies through their sites: https://japan-job-en.rakuten.careers/search-jobs https://careers.mercari.com/search-jobs/ https://about.paypay.ne.jp/career/en/ https://careers.linecorp.com/jobs i'm probably forgetting a few, but that would get you started. indeed has a japanese site and some places advertise listings on stack overflow, but really i'd recommend just sticking with the big places. the japanese pool for programmers is really small so, if not a majority, then a very sizable minority of devs are foreign. most technical work will be done entirely in english, so you don't have to worry about the language gap and all. considerable pay cut from the US is the main down side, aside from living in a country where you can't speak (and more importantly read) the language and all.
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akadajet posted:how do you say "goto 10" in japanese?? ![]()
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Achmed Jones posted:that seems odd. why would someone not want to learn the language of the country they live in? it's a lot of work. i was fortunate that i came over with my wife (japanese) and enough savings that i was able to spend my first 9 months or so going to a language school full time. had i not, i doubt i would have learned the language very well. there's plenty of guys that have been here 40+ years and can't speak the language. it really takes a lot of work.
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4lokos basilisk posted:2 once you learn japanese, you also learn all the builtin social norms and whoops now you have to follow them all and you no longer get exceptions from being a dumb foreigner. this none of this tracks with my personal experience, but it's a big country. becoming fluent in japanese has only made living here better in my experience.
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i'll help youCarForumPoster posted:I find this debate frustrating because its centered around social ideas/ideals rather than how to achieve the goal of getting competing offers to get the job, life and pay you want. It seems like one made from an ivory tower to me. Every dev doesn't want to bother, but SOME recruiters look for it, and in that conflict lies opportunity for those who do. CarForumPoster posted:My cofounder and I are, presently, the only cis/het white men in the company.
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nudgenudgetilt posted:am I an rear end in a top hat for pursuing the cool gig and back pocketing the meh gig, considering a start date has been set and hardware already ordered for me? yes, but you'll get over it
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# ¿ Feb 7, 2025 17:19 |
KidDynamite posted:https://pastebin.com/6zKbzbvC i only took a quick glance at it, but i was kinda twigged by all your class properties and ui elements being public vars instead of private lets (where possible, obviously some of them needed to be vars). also in the urlsession i think [unowned self] is the fotm for closures instead of weak, but i couldn't swear to that. *edit* i was getting ready for dinner when i looked at this and didn't give it a proper look, i've got some questions if you wanna pm or something. better still if you can get pokeyman to look at it. Stringent fucked around with this message at 11:08 on Oct 7, 2022 |
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