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Jan 25, 2005

a last drink with no ice

Dijkstracula posted:

I think it's one of those "you have to learn how to answer the questions on the test, not solve the problem the question asks" things :rolleye:

this is 100% true. system design interviews aren't any more categorically "realistic" than "coding" interviews. some of them are decent conversations relevant to the work, and some of them are examinations with prescribed correct answers.


Jan 25, 2005

a last drink with no ice

Sapozhnik posted:

Also this is going back a bit in the conversation but no, Postgres is not good, it's just better than the alternatives. We know how to manage its badness, and it is not VC-backed. The latter point is especially important, because once you've started building a product on top of a database you are never ever moving off that database, and that particular characteristic is why you never ever let a VC own your business database. Or, well, Oracle.

i've historically had a better time working with sql server than postgres. i don't think it's a better value but it's felt like a slightly better product.

Jan 25, 2005

a last drink with no ice

Deviant posted:

can't i just get a job referral where i can skip all the interview coding stuff and get hired on vibes?

unironically, yes, that's what your network is for. do you have a network?

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