is there anyone other than Netflix that pays top dollar while also supporting remote roles?
# ¿ Nov 4, 2022 19:42 |
# ¿ Dec 10, 2024 20:14 |
thanks for all the feedback. I’m starting to realize that I have most likely missed my window, but maybe I’ll get lucky. appreciate the links, I’ll check them out
# ¿ Nov 4, 2022 23:54 |
The Fool posted:rotor next time you do some interviews can you test my theory that question is only valid with the follow through. but then you’ll look like an rear end for not taking a potential future coworker at their word. what a conundrum
# ¿ Feb 10, 2023 19:17 |
a good shitbird filter is important. typically, we throw in a data structure question and then do followup questions until they get stuck, mostly to see how they handle not knowing something. its okay if they get flustered with a question they don’t know, good if they seem eager to learn something they didn’t before, and bad if they get defensive and tell you what school they graduated from
# ¿ Feb 20, 2023 18:32 |
dioxazine posted:true! after sitting around for an evening and thinking about this (thanks, mates. i love you possers). i decided to send a counter that they absolutely would not accept at 40% higher and patiently explained to them what the market rate is in the local area my money is on them using the opportunity to brow beat you one more time. They’ll explain how actually you need to consider the total benefits package they’re offering, like the [lovely pto package], potential bonuses [based on factors primarily outside your control], potential for career growth [that will never materialize], or the team pizza party if everyone has been an especially good boy good luck
# ¿ Mar 15, 2023 23:50 |
dioxazine posted:i fully went in accepting the call with this exact expectation and no intention on accepting whatever they offered and it delivered! when you’re trying to get out of a lovely situation, just about anything looks like a potential lifeline. so good for you sticking to your guns It’s also an interesting play by them to limit their hiring pool to software engineer who are legally prohibited from employment anywhere that is not a credit union. I wonder how long they’ve been looking, or what their existing talent pool is like
# ¿ Mar 16, 2023 04:15 |
i am a moron posted:The problem is that 99% of people don’t wait for an exit interview to say something like that. Has nothing to do with whether people can affect positive change at any sized company, if you waited until then I can wipe my rear end with that feedback and why are you telling the Corporate hall monitors about this poo poo they definitely can’t do anything about it. oh you’re leaving? I wish you had given me this feedback yesterday, then it would have been acted upon, but now time has passed and I must wipe my rear end with it
# ¿ Mar 22, 2023 02:20 |
AnimeIsTrash posted:I'm an idiot, and misread. It's external interviewers, i'm applying to jobs outside my company. Some companies have their own recruiters (internal). Some companies hire other firms to help with the recruiting (external). Most companies end up using both.
# ¿ May 26, 2023 00:37 |
lord fifth posted:had a really weird interview experience the other day. the company did their first round technical screens through a third party service so i got to listen to an underpaid overseas worker's baby cry through a terrible internet connection for an hour. is this common now? the entire interview was very uncomfortable Ive never heard of that, but lmao someone is making a fortune selling that experience
# ¿ Sep 24, 2023 22:05 |
# ¿ Dec 10, 2024 20:14 |
Private Speech posted:maybe it's because I'm a foreigner and they thought I was a sucker or something I dunno, I don't need a visa or anything though its because most recruiters put even less thought and effort into their jobs than we do
# ¿ Jan 30, 2024 11:22 |