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Rudest Buddhist
May 26, 2005

You only lose what you cling to, bitch.
Fun Shoe
Hey YOSPOS what's the best way to blast my resume out to a bunch of different companies? I'm up on Hired and I've been using What's the new cool job site to use?


Rudest Buddhist
May 26, 2005

You only lose what you cling to, bitch.
Fun Shoe
Sweet, thanks gang.

Everybody got laid off this week and they want me to "Buy In" and do 100x the work. Time to start looking right?

Rudest Buddhist
May 26, 2005

You only lose what you cling to, bitch.
Fun Shoe

bob dobbs is dead posted:

time to have started looking was like 2 months ago, sure

Yep, I've been slowly interviewing since October to get the muscle back. Now I just need to find a company that is not a garbage fire within a 20 minute commute of my new house.

I'm feeling pretty excited and optimistic right now because I don't need to question if it's time to move on.

Rudest Buddhist
May 26, 2005

You only lose what you cling to, bitch.
Fun Shoe

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

lol you bought a house far away from a job center when your company was going to poo poo?

Negative. I bought a house _in_ a job center. Emphasis was on all companies being garbage fires.

Schadenboner posted:

No such thing.

Rudest Buddhist
May 26, 2005

You only lose what you cling to, bitch.
Fun Shoe
oh boy, well the company I’m working for missed a paycheck. Time to start hitting that “search jobs” button.

Imposter syndrome is high because I’ve been doing this for about 10 years but my resume looks like 2 years, 2 years, 1 year, 2 years, 2 years. Do companies care about job hopping like that?

Rudest Buddhist
May 26, 2005

You only lose what you cling to, bitch.
Fun Shoe
Thanks YOSPOS, you're the best!

Rudest Buddhist
May 26, 2005

You only lose what you cling to, bitch.
Fun Shoe

The Management posted:

“Your experience at <current job> caught my eye”

this is the dumbest phrase used by recruiters, and I see it all the time.

The Management are we interviewing at the same time again?

Rudest Buddhist
May 26, 2005

You only lose what you cling to, bitch.
Fun Shoe

The Management posted:

hell yeah. are you also hitting a vesting cliff and realizing the place you work is a dumpster fire?

oh I can do one better. They missed a full paycheck.

Rudest Buddhist
May 26, 2005

You only lose what you cling to, bitch.
Fun Shoe

The Management posted:

missed paycheck equals no work until they catch up. sorry to hear it, good luck finding something quickly.

Yep, full stop. Not so bad after I got over the initial shock and kicking myself for not seeing this coming.
Got a few interviews lined up this week. Response is pretty good just need to get that interviewing muscle back!

Rudest Buddhist
May 26, 2005

You only lose what you cling to, bitch.
Fun Shoe
Hey YOSPOS, I'm about to go on an interviewing run which I haven't done in ~5 years. I think I'm paid well but the only way to be sure is to get some offers in and see. Since I'm still (happily?) employed I can be a little tactical about this. Usually I sling 7 resumes a day x 5 days = 49 a week, I usually get 7 - 10 phone screens out of that but I think I want to shoot for a bigger household name company this time around.

qhat posted:

I hate to say this because I absolutely loving despise these questions, but if you're applying to these big companies then you should be buying and reading CTCI and doing these questions at least a month in advance.

^^^ Should I:
A) Start hitting CTCI for a month and some change, then sling interviews to the bigger companies
B) Sling interviews to companies I don't necessarily care about + CTCI
C) Sling like crazy now but potentially be unprepared for a bigger companies interviewing process

What's the best way to get that interview muscle back?

Rudest Buddhist
May 26, 2005

You only lose what you cling to, bitch.
Fun Shoe

CarForumPoster posted:

Apply to multiple reqs at big companies.

Oh hell yeah, I didn't realize you can just keep taking multiple cracks at them. Thanks!

Rudest Buddhist
May 26, 2005

You only lose what you cling to, bitch.
Fun Shoe
Job hunt has been pretty fun so far. Interviewing while you already have a job really takes the sting out of the current job and boosts your confidence in interviews.

I should have been doing this sooner!

Rudest Buddhist
May 26, 2005

You only lose what you cling to, bitch.
Fun Shoe

Gazpacho posted:

did a coding assignment, forgot to get a promise of feedback beforehand

This is a really really good idea that I wish I had been doing.

Rudest Buddhist
May 26, 2005

You only lose what you cling to, bitch.
Fun Shoe
Don’t doxx me

Rudest Buddhist
May 26, 2005

You only lose what you cling to, bitch.
Fun Shoe

Corla Plankun posted:

yeah! its nice to have a regular reminder that <current job> is just one of many possible jobs and not particularly worth getting upset about

also the gut check / validation of “Yep, it’s time to get out of here, on to the next thing”

Rudest Buddhist
May 26, 2005

You only lose what you cling to, bitch.
Fun Shoe
Now that I'm hitting the final stage at a few places I'm like, wait is this place going to be bad because they're willing to have me? :kingsley:

Rudest Buddhist
May 26, 2005

You only lose what you cling to, bitch.
Fun Shoe

Archduke Frantz Fanon posted:

this is my current train of thought :cheerdoge:

Hahaha, it's all in our heads / I just had one phone screen that is an obvious garbage fire so some companies are still below us!

Rudest Buddhist
May 26, 2005

You only lose what you cling to, bitch.
Fun Shoe
Dang, made it through the final interview gauntlet but they went with someone else.

Learned some things to tweak. Didn’t have to wait through the weekend to hear back. On to the next one!

Rudest Buddhist
May 26, 2005

You only lose what you cling to, bitch.
Fun Shoe
Had 1 ghost and 1 reschedule on Wednesday 4/20. coincidence?!? :dukedoge:

Rudest Buddhist
May 26, 2005

You only lose what you cling to, bitch.
Fun Shoe
What are the best job boards to hit these days? I’ve been going through LinkedIn Jobs pretty hard and that’s working well but what else should I be spamming for remote work?

Rudest Buddhist
May 26, 2005

You only lose what you cling to, bitch.
Fun Shoe
gently caress I said a number and he said “ooohhhh” and then “that’s within our base” RIP :rip:

It just slipped out.

Rudest Buddhist
May 26, 2005

You only lose what you cling to, bitch.
Fun Shoe
Thanks gang, it’s not the most tempting company yet but could be something. Find out as I keep moving forward!

Rudest Buddhist
May 26, 2005

You only lose what you cling to, bitch.
Fun Shoe
I don’t think it was too far off of base but I’d hate to leave anything on the table.

Rudest Buddhist
May 26, 2005

You only lose what you cling to, bitch.
Fun Shoe
Assumes timed coding exercise is in Python.
Opens exercise to realize it’s in JS.
Tries to learn JS for 30 minutes.
Sends in homework, welp onto the next one :downsrim:

Rudest Buddhist
May 26, 2005

You only lose what you cling to, bitch.
Fun Shoe
lol, I ended up submitting incomplete JS and then just Python separately. it’s all good not my first pick or anything. It reminded me of one of my favorite YOSPOS quotes:

“I find it helps to laugh when faced with the kind of situation that might have been in a first draft of Brazil but got cut for being too obviously stupid.”

Rudest Buddhist
May 26, 2005

You only lose what you cling to, bitch.
Fun Shoe
Sweet, another job search comes to a close. Figgies incoming, sign-on bonus too. Negotiating made me an extra 21K for ~15 minutes of work. Everyone through the whole interview process seemed competent and enjoyable.

Even though I mostly lurk this, thread and POS in general kept me sane. Thanks YOSPOS

Excited to leave the start up rollercoaster I’ve been riding the last few months!

Rudest Buddhist fucked around with this message at 22:29 on May 6, 2022

Rudest Buddhist
May 26, 2005

You only lose what you cling to, bitch.
Fun Shoe
I did mostly hackerrank toy problems but most of the coding stuff I did this time around was a lot more “back and forth let’s see how we get along while we tinker and spitball” vs. “solve this problem while I stay mostly silent” like I had in the past. Hopefully you have the same experience!

Rudest Buddhist
May 26, 2005

You only lose what you cling to, bitch.
Fun Shoe

Kernel Sanders posted:

this is fine. getting a job is a form of sales and sales is a) a numbers game; and b) planting many seeds early means there might be something to harvest down the road.

^ Also just blast out your resume like crazy. Try to send 7 a day Mon - Fri.

Rudest Buddhist
May 26, 2005

You only lose what you cling to, bitch.
Fun Shoe
“If you're not intimidated it's not a step up. If you're already qualified for the job you're seeking you're not making any progress.”

“The excessive compensation for programming positions is not indicative of its difficulty or value, so don't let that intimidate you if you want to pursue an easy way to earn money.”

Two of my favorite quotes from this thread.

Rudest Buddhist
May 26, 2005

You only lose what you cling to, bitch.
Fun Shoe

raminasi posted:

i work at a company where senior leadership can't focus on anything for more than a month at a time and there's zero technical vision from the top, but my coworkers are extremely chill, i clock out pretty much whenever i want, i'm learning a lot, and the checks are large and don't bounce, so i'll take it

This is where I ended up and it’s great 90% of the time.

Rudest Buddhist
May 26, 2005

You only lose what you cling to, bitch.
Fun Shoe

Asleep Style posted:

ended up getting an offer, wasn't able to get the number I asked for but I did get them above their stated range. the final offer was the raise I was asking for from my current job drat near on the dot

I’ve found as I get older that my base salary has kind of hit a ceiling so they try to entice me with bonuses and stock and poo poo to sweeten the deal. Instead I’m trying to find the highest base salary possible for the least amount of work / stress.

Rudest Buddhist
May 26, 2005

You only lose what you cling to, bitch.
Fun Shoe
Time for my yearly interview run. LinkedIn Jobs is still the one to hit?

Rudest Buddhist
May 26, 2005

You only lose what you cling to, bitch.
Fun Shoe


Rudest Buddhist
May 26, 2005

You only lose what you cling to, bitch.
Fun Shoe
laid off with severance. Here we go again!

Any tricks in this economy or is it still the YOSPOS mantra of 250 apps = 25 phone screens = 1 offer?

Rudest Buddhist
May 26, 2005

You only lose what you cling to, bitch.
Fun Shoe
Feels like it. 2500 apps it is then :blastu:


Rudest Buddhist
May 26, 2005

You only lose what you cling to, bitch.
Fun Shoe

Fart Sandwiches posted:

i started this job Feb 1 and i guess they like me because I’ve been on an interview panel with 8 candidates over the last two days. it’s for a junior red team spot and it SUCKS because all the candidates are so strong and i like them all for different reasons. for those of you frustrated with the job hunt just know you are amazing and a good fit but it’s only one spot :smith:

Hell Yeah this makes me feel better. No sarcasm, it validates my brain.

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