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Feb 24, 2006

HoboMan posted:

so I've never done this before, how do you sneak off for interviews during the week?

Take a lunch interview. Come in early or stay late.


Feb 24, 2006
Hello All,

We will love to hear your response on the following position. 
Technology Stack : NodeJS Angular JS React Libraries
You had me at hello all. Also the tech stack that involves both Angular and React.

Feb 24, 2006


Good Morning Justin,
That's not my name.

Feb 24, 2006
I got ghosted on two phone screens today and had a networking thing setup that got canceled as well. What a day.

Feb 24, 2006

ADINSX posted:

Its cool, teams will just have meetings in their work area.

The office is no doubt open so other teams will get to listen in, this increases collaboration.

And productivity for sure.

Feb 24, 2006
Had to beg for my first temp to hire role and now I get to choose between two to four offers. Feels good. Also, figgies.

Feb 24, 2006
I once got, "please enter a realistic number" after putting in $1.

Feb 24, 2006

raminasi posted:

if this is workbridge associates run far, far away. they are worse than useless.

...or Jobspring Partners, or SEP, or or or...

Look up the agency's rating on Glassdoor for working there.

Feb 24, 2006

meatpotato posted:

i decided to just blow off meeting with jobspring

im gonna do more tv show work instead :hellyeah:

Well done.

Feb 24, 2006
If anyone is looking to do crypto for $38,000 a year in Boston. I got a recruiter interested in talking to you.

Feb 24, 2006
I got a job that required 1-2 years of React experience. I was two weeks into learning it. They hired me and then paid me to learn it.

Feb 24, 2006


i'm getting sick but i have 4 video interviews with the 'dream job' tomorrow. it's not bad and i can tough it out but it's going to impact my performance at least a little bit. do i reschedule or do i just apologize for being a little under the weather?

pretty sure they'll reschedule if i ask.

e: yeah this is a dumb question i'll just ask them.

If they say no then you dodged a :redflag:.

Feb 24, 2006
Current company was on a unicorn growth path with an engineering culture to be super jealous of. Three years later our valuation fell off a cliff, we've lost all the awesome engineers and engineering culture, and we recently got acquired by Generic Software Incorporated. Can't wait to get sold for parts. :feelsgood:

Now that my belief that good companies exist has vanished, I shall begin this new job search.

Hello thread.

Feb 24, 2006
I must vent.

I joined a company after taking a year to job search. I've been there 6 months. In that time, I've had 4 bosses.

For the first two months I worked there, I did not add a single line of code to production because there was nothing to do. I decided to start bringing some order to the nonexistent engineering org, got 100% buy-in to start a decision making meeting (because, for example, we'd sit and talk about how to do PRs for hours without actually implementing anything) and learning hour (because the majority of engineers had <1 year experience or had never worked in a company with more than 1 engineer).

New CTO came in, axed everything I'd worked on in the first month. He's since hired a bunch of people that got to bypass the interview process. They refer to themselves as "the clan" which I saw on a calendar invite one time and not a single member has been at the company for more than a month. That CTO also hired a guy who's got active assault charges against him, they're friends. I got voluntold I was joining "the clan" but turned it down because that's loving weird. Also, the raise would have been for $5k. The other guy who got voluntold to join the clan got a $15k raise. Also, I got demoted and lost my direct report after turning down the promotion. I learned this via an all hands org chart powerpoint slide.

That is just a small part of the things that are hosed with engineering. Also, I haven't even touched on the rest of the company.

End rant.

Hello thread, it's nice to be here again.

Feb 24, 2006

jesus WEP posted:

hello huhu, hope you read the thread title on your way in

So Far, in terms of interview requests:
- 7 from Linkedin's "I'm job searching" feature
- 2 from
- 4 from friends
- 1 from 3 job applications

Steve Jorbs posted:

Lesson learned:

Take the promotion and raise and still continue to search for a new job. You’ll have more cash, more leverage, and be less observed while searching.

That loving sucks.

I dunno. The pay bump would have netted me $560 over two months. The clan also meets like 4 times a week. Instead, I get less job responsibilities while maintaining my figgies. Also my company does part time and I've requested that because of "burnout" and I'll be hopefully getting 3/5th my salary, while road tripping, and getting 4 days off a week.

bob dobbs is dead posted:

set your location on linkedin to a major figgieland if youre not in one already, then the recruiter spam will be much more intense
Already live in figgieland. Nice to see remote requests from other figgielands rolling in though.

Feb 24, 2006
Who the hell is trying to get a 6 month contract to hire job as a senior/lead engineer? Like as a intern/junior engineer I know you have no choice but as a lead software enginerer?

Feb 24, 2006

I now have a 5th boss. New boss is a mini-me of my previous boss. I talked them into me working 3 days a week for 3/5th my salary. I'm roadtripping now so I'll have lots more time for national parks and such. I also have 2 interviews this week and 1 next week.

Feb 24, 2006
I'm now 3 for 3 with being told pay bands in the first interview. I'm loving this.

Feb 24, 2006

huhu posted:

I must vent.

I joined a company after taking a year to job search. I've been there 6 months. In that time, I've had 4 bosses.

For the first two months I worked there, I did not add a single line of code to production because there was nothing to do. I decided to start bringing some order to the nonexistent engineering org, got 100% buy-in to start a decision making meeting (because, for example, we'd sit and talk about how to do PRs for hours without actually implementing anything) and learning hour (because the majority of engineers had <1 year experience or had never worked in a company with more than 1 engineer).

New CTO came in, axed everything I'd worked on in the first month. He's since hired a bunch of people that got to bypass the interview process. They refer to themselves as "the clan" which I saw on a calendar invite one time and not a single member has been at the company for more than a month. That CTO also hired a guy who's got active assault charges against him, they're friends. I got voluntold I was joining "the clan" but turned it down because that's loving weird. Also, the raise would have been for $5k. The other guy who got voluntold to join the clan got a $15k raise. Also, I got demoted and lost my direct report after turning down the promotion. I learned this via an all hands org chart powerpoint slide.

That is just a small part of the things that are hosed with engineering. Also, I haven't even touched on the rest of the company.

End rant.

Hello thread, it's nice to be here again.
Just have notice. Done with this company. Got two interviews with the FANG companies and a few more solid interviews as well.

Feb 24, 2006

huhu posted:

I must vent.

I joined a company after taking a year to job search. I've been there 6 months. In that time, I've had 4 bosses.

For the first two months I worked there, I did not add a single line of code to production because there was nothing to do. I decided to start bringing some order to the nonexistent engineering org, got 100% buy-in to start a decision making meeting (because, for example, we'd sit and talk about how to do PRs for hours without actually implementing anything) and learning hour (because the majority of engineers had <1 year experience or had never worked in a company with more than 1 engineer).

New CTO came in, axed everything I'd worked on in the first month. He's since hired a bunch of people that got to bypass the interview process. They refer to themselves as "the clan" which I saw on a calendar invite one time and not a single member has been at the company for more than a month. That CTO also hired a guy who's got active assault charges against him, they're friends. I got voluntold I was joining "the clan" but turned it down because that's loving weird. Also, the raise would have been for $5k. The other guy who got voluntold to join the clan got a $15k raise. Also, I got demoted and lost my direct report after turning down the promotion. I learned this via an all hands org chart powerpoint slide.

That is just a small part of the things that are hosed with engineering. Also, I haven't even touched on the rest of the company.

End rant.

Hello thread, it's nice to be here again.

Yesterday was my last day. Today they laid off 30% of the company, 50% of the engineers. My glass of "I told yall so" tastes real good tonight.

Feb 24, 2006

Quackles posted:

How much of "the clan" got laid off?

0 lol.

Feb 24, 2006

huhu posted:

Yesterday was my last day. Today they laid off 30% of the company, 50% of the engineers. My glass of "I told yall so" tastes real good tonight.

Just got an offer that's between $40k and $80k a year better than my previous job depending on how the stock price does (last job was an awful startup and no benefits, now I have the same salary plus ESPP, sign on bonus, RSUs, and a ton of other benefits). Stock grew by over 100% last year so fingers crossed.

Took a bunch of great interview questions from this thread, so that you all for the advice.

Feb 24, 2006
Decided to try out consulting. Just finished my first 6 months with a client and the last task was to basically delete everything I’ve done for the last 6 months because they never actually figured out what they wanted.

Got two final round interviews next week.

Also, my company will put me on the bench for the foreseeable future so I might get to collect two salaries for a month or two while working one job.

Maybe that’ll make up for the fact that they told me I was getting a promotion and HR just needed to sign it, then hr went “lol no, make him wait.”

This industry blows.


Feb 24, 2006

Cybernetic Vermin posted:

a nice representative introduction. as long as the checks clear

Company is doubling down on crypto and nft consulting soo, probably not for long.

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