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Fart Sandwiches
Apr 3, 2006

i never asked for this

it's totally normal for your promising product to have its program manager and half the dev team get laid off with no notice while large contracts are pending. now I'm team lead of a crippled group and report to someone who has never bought into what we're doing.

I also have interviews this week so good luck with your self created dumpster fire you loving idiots


Fart Sandwiches
Apr 3, 2006

i never asked for this

thanks to some sales dickhead saddling us with an impossible contract to fulfill, i've been working insane crunch time and i finally had enough. i've been with this company 10 years (silly me) and i've always had very reasonable deadlines because i made them myself. we made money, we had work to do, all was well. got my department shifted to a different business unit in the company and now we're hyper-capitalist work to the bone type shop and i don't believe them when they say it won;t happen again, so it's new job time.

this was literally my first job out of the military and i've been comfortable enough with the different things i do to stick around, but the time is right.

so how the gently caress do i do any of this? i think i have a decent resume, but where do i start? i set linkedin to looking for job, and that's about it so far. i guess reach out to friends to see what's around? are there any sites that aren't terrible? (yes i know im using linkedin...)

poo poo's scary yo

Fart Sandwiches
Apr 3, 2006

i never asked for this

raminasi posted:

- it is a crapshoot, do your best to not get discouraged by failure
- recruiter attention is not consistent. you will get ignored for a few weeks (especially around now) and then four people will contact you in a day.
- third-party recruiters, 90% of the time, are useful for knowing about open positions and filling out job applications for you, and nothing else. use them for this but don't invest too much in them or get sad when they're idiots or ghost you.
- first-party recruiters who reach out to you are a great sign and way more useful. treat them nicer!
- seriously, it's a crapshoot

thanks for this and the other posters. I almost posted my resume but even with scrubbing some things I’m worrying about doxxing cause my resume is almost word for word in my LinkedIn.

I have some time, this thing is almost done, but I’ll keep looking to try and get something at the new year.

Fart Sandwiches
Apr 3, 2006

i never asked for this

lol my dipshit idiot boss signed me up for the comptia data+ certification. I don’t work with data like that at all and I have a huge disdain for certs, but it should be a cakewalk cause it’s a pilot program and they always pass people in those.

let’s see what they have to say about it


CompTIA Data+ is an early-career data analytics certification for professionals tasked with developing and promoting data-driven business decision-making.

lmao I have senior in my title and I don’t touch data or reporting at all. we actually had our most senior dev, absolute genius juggernaut who was with the company 7 years, leave because he had been tasked with making loving pdf reports for a customer and wasn’t doing any work on his normal product.

I probably won’t have a new job by the time class starts in Feb so might as well take a free week off work for some learnin. except I know I’ll still be responsible for deliverables in that period. hate this place

the hardest part about hunting now is I’m worried I’m at my salary cap. a lot of the jobs that would be a nice upgrade in pay require poo poo I refuse to do (clearance with the us govt) or specialized skills I don’t have outright, but could learn rapidly.

I guess that’s a good filter, just state my expected pay to recruiter and if they laugh and move on, good riddance

Fart Sandwiches
Apr 3, 2006

i never asked for this

Since I have decided to look for a job, the best I could muster was updating linkedin a bit and couldn't find the motivation to even work on my resume. Current work was just consuming my time and I was exhausted. Now that we've beaten a deadline I was given the week off and first thing I see on linkedin is a former coworker just got a director position at a company I'm interested in working, which I have also partnered with on projects in the past. My job title aligns with their open positions and the salaries are right, and it's all remote. This is almost too perfect but I finally have the motivation to slam out some killer resume poo poo and get that job.

So for all you cyber punks out there losing hope because of depression and exhaustion and work killing you, there may be hope! I'm gonna slow roll this a bit because I don't wanna get too excited! This dude has actually interviewed me before as part of an internal thing so let's hope he still likes me.

Fart Sandwiches
Apr 3, 2006

i never asked for this

submitted application online at the same time I reached out to someone I know and before they were even able to look in their system for me a different director set up a 30 minute call with me that went very well. I have some technical stuff to do (attacker scenario where I have to probably exploit some service or capture a flag, and write some instructional content so they can check my writing chops) and then I’ll have a panel interview next week. shits moving fast!

contacted an old boss about references and he instead is trying to get me to work with him again AND another reference I was talking to works at that company. goddamn I wish I knew it would be this streamlined for me but stress and depression are a hell of a demotivater. I’m so ready to get out of this place.

is it considered bad form to poach your entire team when you leave?I like my coworkers a lot and they would probably thrive elsewhere too. like obviously the answer is yes but I’m so excited

Fart Sandwiches
Apr 3, 2006

i never asked for this

that’s good to know. I’m def going for about a 20% bump. I know I’m underpaid but that’s kinda the territory of staying at one place for so long. I was always so risk averse and the work was good until it wasn’t.

Fart Sandwiches
Apr 3, 2006

i never asked for this

Perplx posted:

Well I've been holding off posting on the off chance somebody at works reads my posts (not likely) and waiting for my background check to clear (it just did!).

After 9 years at my current job, I got a new job !
I was always underpaid at my job, this new job is a massive raise, over 50%. By all measures I'm above market rate now.

I'm going to call my manager now and ruin new years for him. I'll make a longer post later.

hell yes

Fart Sandwiches
Apr 3, 2006

i never asked for this

well I’m halfway through my capture the flag assessment for this job and it’s actually fun. the first challenge had me stumped and I was like why am I so stupid I’ll never get the job and it turns out I was testing the http served site and the challenge specified https. had to stop for night routine with my kid but I’m excited to get the rest done

Fart Sandwiches
Apr 3, 2006

i never asked for this

welp I submitted my writing and assessment results. pretty straightforward ctf stuff with enumeration, exploitation, and buffer overflows and I actually did better than I thought I would because they threw some curveballs in there.

got an interview set up for next week

also my boss called me just a bit ago asking if I was happy with work and I just lied to his face and it felt real good. they’re hiring a buncha folks now so they’ll be fine, goodbye

Fart Sandwiches
Apr 3, 2006

i never asked for this

Just had my interview. One of the guys didn't bother showing because he interviewed me at a different company for a different role 4 years ago and said I was good lmao. Two minutes after the interview I got an email saying they are moving forward with me and we set up a time to discuss salary and start date.

Leverage your network if you have it, folks.

Fart Sandwiches
Apr 3, 2006

i never asked for this

I got my offer after negotiating. 9% bump and a signing bonus. I didn’t get senior in my title but I’m ok with that because within 6 months I’ll be eligible and that will be a nice promotion and raise pretty quick. I start the 31st! I’m telling my boss tomorrow but my team already knows

Fart Sandwiches
Apr 3, 2006

i never asked for this

raminasi posted:

beware that "oh we'll promote you and give you a big raise after six months" is a pretty classic bait and switch that companies pull while hiring

hell, it's not uncommon even once you work somewhere. "well we can't promote you this cycle because of [generic bureaucratic reason] but in six months you're a shoo-in," every six months, forever, until you quit

yeah I get that but I know some people there already and it’s a small-ish company (~300) and the ceo sent me the offer letter so I’m hoping to make a good impression. they do promotions/raises/bonuses etc every June/December. I’m really Fuckin good at what I do and if I can’t get a promote in the next year it’s either like you say and I’ll move on or I succeed! thanks for the heads up I hadn’t thought of the bait and switch angle

Fart Sandwiches
Apr 3, 2006

i never asked for this

well i got hit hard by a non-compete i signed over 10 years ago. i completely forgot about it and i should have asked but when i tried to give my two weeks my boss said "you know the company is gonna sue you" so i am now working under duress... gently caress. I told new company about it and they basically said they have to pass because of it. boss promised (not in writing because he's a oval office) to get me the same raise offered but I have to wait till july. so I just blasted my resume to all my friends and told them the situation. The plan is to work somewhere to wait out the 1 year non-compete and then go back to the company i want to work for. this should at least get me a better title and pay anyway in the long run. just really pissed at how naive i am right now, but this is the first time i'm switching jobs so live and learn

edit: hey neat my gang tag updated!

Fart Sandwiches fucked around with this message at 16:31 on Jan 24, 2022

Fart Sandwiches
Apr 3, 2006

i never asked for this

champagne posting posted:

I thought non-competes were like prenups: Ultimately unenforceable

new company chief of staff said they think the likelihood of lawsuit is high, and even if it was clear cut unenforceable and winnable doesn't mean they want to deal with it, so here i am stuck. good times

Fart Sandwiches
Apr 3, 2006

i never asked for this

polyester concept posted:

i just landed a new job after extreme burnout working at my current place of employment for 10+ years. the interview process was nerve wracking as hell because it's been so long. but i got a small bump in pay, a bunch of perks, and seems like the new place will be overall better for my mental health.

yay me :)

this could have been meeeeeee

I have my resume floating at a few places with friends so I might hear something by friday

in the meantime I'm accidentally crushing it at my job I hate but the problems to solve are just too juicy to ignore and I'm addicted to being right

Fart Sandwiches
Apr 3, 2006

i never asked for this

EIDE Van Hagar posted:

if you really need a whole year, have you considered moving to somewhere the noncompete is not enforceable? moving is a big pain in the rear end but a year out of an industry might make it harder to get back in. a lot can happen in a year.

I literally just moved! it's not industry changing I have to do, just role change. i like working in training and instructing but I can't do that for a year so I'll just go do some ops for a while, get my skills more relevant and go back to training with higher title/pay. I have my resume floating at a few places and will start to hear back next week.

also my lovely boss almost died in a car wreck last week and came back from the hospital talking about work life balance and how he realizes he's been wasting his and our lives on work and nothing is that important so.... we will see how long that lasts till I leave

Fart Sandwiches
Apr 3, 2006

i never asked for this

i will definitely sell me soul to Amazon while I wait out my non compete. still on the hunt but I have some interesting leads right now and my resume is moving through a friends place, but a resume to Amazon might not be bad. have a few pals over there too…

Fart Sandwiches
Apr 3, 2006

i never asked for this

I took a bit of a depression break from the job hunt but some stuff finally came through. I have three companies lookin at me right now with some technical interviews on the horizon and some decent figgies in my future. one of the jobs up front talked compensation and my eyes bugged out at the sick deal I’d get if I do well. nice to have a recruiter be open about expected salaries and stuff before we even start the whole process

Fart Sandwiches
Apr 3, 2006

i never asked for this

if I land one of the jobs I’m aiming it will be almost a 2x bump because of the concept of “total compensation”. I’m a slow dummy and stayed at the same company for ten years so even tho I was getting decent raises I haven’t gotten any equity or bonuses ever because my initial contract was of a junior caliber. so when a company is offering me a 10% bump in cash and also a ton of equity and automatic bonuses my eyes bug out like a cartoon with dollar signs in them.

Fart Sandwiches
Apr 3, 2006

i never asked for this

tk posted:


“Automatic” bonus?

x% of salary as sign on and then yearly, assuming performance metrics and stuff I guess. I could also be wrong I’m not done interviewing anyway it’s still more than I get now lol

Fart Sandwiches
Apr 3, 2006

i never asked for this

ultrafilter posted:

It's not automatic. Ask them how much the bonus payout has been for the last few years and what it takes to get the full x%.

thanks I’ll make a note to ask

Fart Sandwiches
Apr 3, 2006

i never asked for this

speaking of transfer internally, my job hunt has taken an interesting turn. my boss, who I hate, who knows I’m trying to leave because I’m not happy with what we are working on, offered me to take over as lead dev on our semi-internal tool we use to build stuff. our lead dev left about 6 months ago and they haven’t filled the role, and they would bump my pay significantly. this will let me finally fix all those loving bugs I have to work around and when we sell poo poo it will be less “ok so the docs say this but it actually behaves this way and you must remember that or you will waste lots of time” and my team will get a better tool (hopefully)

some downsides:
I haven’t written c++ in ages
still would have same boss
there’s some tech debt. this hasn’t been actively developed on in almost 2 years (why the original dev left, he was shunted off to help other random projects)

pay me now bitch
they will pay for a bunch of training at my request
if it doesn’t work out I can revert to my current role (with pay decrease but still, small safety net)
the tool already exists and I know how it works from user level so less time “getting to know the product”
I can set product release and feature schedule so I can prioritize what I know needs to get done va whatever the gently caress was happening before.
the level of documentation left for me is staggeringly complete.
I worked on this in like… 2016 so I have a vague familiarity with the code base already.

I’m pretty sold on it for the pay bump, change in title, etc, and I will probably keep looking for a job anyway. this also helps me bring my code skills back to the forefront and I could pivot to some pure code role later down the line for making my exit

I’m going to do it but I need to make sure to get a lot of poo poo in writing.

Fart Sandwiches
Apr 3, 2006

i never asked for this

at last my long national nightmare is over

my boss never got back to me on the coding gig, and a recruiter reached out to me about an interesting opportunity with a major consulting firm and i jumped on it. decent cash raise, bonus, and big overall total comp bump, doing some work with people who have a lot of mutual contacts as me. I think the team will be a good fit (i'm the first hire other than the bossman on a team of 5) and im finally out of my lovely company in two weeks. delivered my notice today, have a nice 1.5 week buffer before i start new job so I get to spend a lot of time with my kid, and i'm pretty stoked.

negotiated a bit higher than they were offering too, the advice from this and that other thread works!

Fart Sandwiches
Apr 3, 2006

i never asked for this

qirex posted:

getting the vibe I have no headroom to progress at my current place and I’d like to lock down a fully remote job so get ready for a lot of complaining

complaining makes real progress happen so fire it into the void, someone is listening

Fart Sandwiches
Apr 3, 2006

i never asked for this

distortion park posted:

do it going fully remote is in like the top 5 best decisions I ever made. I maybe lost out on figgies a little but my actual disposable income is up and the qol is just insanely better. move to the beach or some nice walkable town it's great.

a friend of mine makes 10k more than the offer I just got but he has to go to an office AND maintain a clearance. gently caress that my house, pajamas, and weed are way better than extra cash

Fart Sandwiches
Apr 3, 2006

i never asked for this

Achmed Jones posted:

well there's oldjob but they only hired ninjas and rockstars, not wizards, so idk if it's a good fit

where do ‘mancers fit in all this

Fart Sandwiches
Apr 3, 2006

i never asked for this

Achmed Jones posted:

necro-, pyro-, and shadowmancers are acceptable due to their proximity to the accepted classes or, in the case of necro, because skulls are cool

ah gently caress im more of a technomancer, something I say all the time to my partner who hates it but they’re the ones killing their gadgets all the time and I’m reviving it like electronic jesus

Fart Sandwiches
Apr 3, 2006

i never asked for this

first day at new job. feels good man. I like onboarding stuff because I get paid for paperwork and I like to complete checklists

Fart Sandwiches
Apr 3, 2006

i never asked for this

Not a Children posted:

Yup, this is being enforced at my company. I negotiated an above-market salary when I joined a few years back and my employer seems to be pulling out all the stops to temper my salary to "normal" while I age into a promotion

I was told I couldn't get promoted this year because there were only so many promotions to go around. What a crock

this is how the military handles it. there’s literally only so many 5* (early promote) and 4* ( must promote) evals you can hand out, with everyone else getting 3 (promotable) or lower no matter what. then there’s only so many open positions at certain ranks and so you’re not even fighting for promotion on your ship, you’re fighting with the whole navy for your promote. then when you make it, you are in a probation period where you have the full rank and responsibility but not the pay! 6 months till then and if you gently caress up and get busted down, they base it off your pay so you effectively lose two ranks

don’t join the military

my last job the raises were so fuckin low. I mentioned it in my exit interview and the very nice hr lady was like yeah the raises and expensive benefits make it difficult to retain people. if you know, fix it!

Fart Sandwiches
Apr 3, 2006

i never asked for this

KirbyKhan posted:

I used a medical document from our past, unfortunately it is from a different state, so forwarded email explains the labs faxed it to us and I scanned it to pdf. Totally normal thing to happen. The altered file has been scanned and faxed before being printed to capture that authentic artifact degredation. It helps mask the font differences in the dates. Timelines have been made consistent with the present day. Headers and footers preserved. All references to age redacted by sharpy, printout will be waved in front of manager face then returned due to HIPPA concerns.

This may be my magnum opus for crafting makework props used for kabuki theater. I still got it baby~

Edit: Got call, interview went great. Let them scrutinize like crazy people, I have already out crazied them with the quality and care placed into this transparent lie.

I’ve done this for friends needing to rent apartments but had unpaid rent at other places, just some bogus letterhead with the correct address, some flowery apartment manager language that has grammar errors, and a number to call that I could pick up. gently caress em, it’s fun to practice forgery

Fart Sandwiches
Apr 3, 2006

i never asked for this

got laid off yesterday from a big 4 firm that starts with a d and ends with a stupid loving green dot. motherfuckers I know your profit margins my salary is a rounding error goddamn I’m pissed

luckily i kinda saw it coming and I’ve already had 2 interviews lined up. took a break from making stuff to try my hand at at consulting and I was bored to tears so I was already looking to move on. spur in my rear end to move faster

edit: they paid for my cissp like 6 months ago so thanks for that on the way out

Fart Sandwiches
Apr 3, 2006

i never asked for this

always lurking but for all you peeps lookin for work please leverage your network (I hate saying this lmao). got laid off beginning of November and just couldn’t land anything. barely any interviews to tons of applications but I finally sucked it up and contacted an old coworker who is running a startup and he hired me on no resume no interview and I started today making more than I did at the big green dot. solid work making cyber security training and I’ve already started making a dent in their backlog.

work sucks but if I have to this is pretty good. just had to eat poo poo for a few months

Fart Sandwiches
Apr 3, 2006

i never asked for this

PIZZA.BAT posted:

what’s wrong with hitting up old coworkers for leads? that should be the first thing you do i don’t understand why you would intentionally hamstring yourself like that

social anxiety? inability to ask for help? I dunno i didn’t even think of it till I started getting desperate and even then it felt weird. I’m glad I did it but it can be hard to put yourself out there. just trying to remind those of us who are scared to ask

Fart Sandwiches
Apr 3, 2006

i never asked for this

rotor posted:

think of it this way: if an old coworker reached out to you, would it make you feel good or bad to help them?

for people reading this in the future, reaching out to old friends and cow orkers is the first fuckin thing you should do

Fart Sandwiches
Apr 3, 2006

i never asked for this

well-read undead posted:

good advice, but reaching out to cow orkers is only really useful if you're looking to get into cow orking yourself

we talkin cow orcas?


Fart Sandwiches
Apr 3, 2006

i never asked for this

i started this job Feb 1 and i guess they like me because I’ve been on an interview panel with 8 candidates over the last two days. it’s for a junior red team spot and it SUCKS because all the candidates are so strong and i like them all for different reasons. for those of you frustrated with the job hunt just know you are amazing and a good fit but it’s only one spot :smith:

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