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Apr 26, 2006
why would it be illegal?


Apr 26, 2006

Pollyanna posted:

2.5 years rails-ing 1 year react+redux-ing

typical agile familiarity

fair amount of experience translating feature requests into requirements and implementations

some basic sql knowledge

learned clojure and elixir on the side

bog standard otherwise

still trying to figure out where i want to go in life

you should be able to get entry level dev/qa at a real company pretty easy.

Apr 26, 2006
yeah those would be good examples but also consider companies that aren't full on "technology" like healthcare, finance, etc... Huge companies like that can offer better compensation and working conditions, but you're gonna be a tiny cog in a machine.

if you want something inbetween there are your 200 - 1000 employee type businesses that are always starving for talent. at that size you'll be doing way more work, you'll probably be paid less, but you'll have way more control over the company product if that's something that interests you. You wont have to deal with as much startupism at this level, but you'll also still probably need to figure out internal advancement on your own.

Apr 26, 2006
if you want on the gravy train finance or healthcare is where its at.

Apr 26, 2006
idk anything about tripadvisor or wayfair, but don't be afraid to interview cause you can always turn them down if you don't think its gonna be a fit.

Apr 26, 2006

Pollyanna posted:

that is true, though i feel the need to work with software engineers over just an "it department" - i'm not entirely sure why, i think it has to do with growth. maybe im misunderstanding/wrong

are we talking finance as in hedge funds, or as in money lenders? and healthcare as in "patient interaction and social platform", or EMRs and hospital management systems?

all of the above. insurance too.

Pollyanna posted:

i'm more worried about whether they'll give me even a passing glance

unemployment is so low right now that anyone with a pulse can get a job. If you have technical skills or you can show the desire and ability to learn you're gonna be above most applicants these days so don't worry about it. M

Apr 26, 2006

Pollyanna posted:

also, what would you say is the typical time-to-new-job for an engineer? starting from unemployment i mean

it will depend on where you are, but right now for the most part its gonna be pretty quick so just get out there and keep interviewing. you cant get a job if you aren't looking for one.

stay positive and be confident when you interview.

Apr 26, 2006
artifacts that have dependencies on each other either directly or transitively.

Apr 26, 2006
nah junior devs usually don't know anything which is good if you're looking to train them properly, but bad if you don't have the resources to train them

Apr 26, 2006

Mao Zedong Thot posted:

how tf do you graduate with a cs degree and be literally unable to program? did i accidentally go to a good school or something?

maybe, but also consider unless you did a coop or side work you got paid for, you cant really judge your skills in the context of the real world.

this is not a problem as nobody is expecting CS grads to know how to program irl. you goal should be to get somewhere that can mentor you and your mentor's goal should be to turn you from a time sink into a productive employee.

Apr 26, 2006
networking and nepotism are good and you should never be afraid of exploiting your connections.

Apr 26, 2006
and I'm not even talking cant do fizzbuzz I'm talking about grads who can do basic programming but cant understand why they'd ever do something like validate input

Apr 26, 2006
also new grads always want to reinvent every wheel instead of just using the appropriate library. you have to break them of that pretty quick.

Apr 26, 2006

qhat posted:

When I say huge cities, I'm referring to cities with like 8+ million people. I'd sooner move to anywhere on the west coast than NYC. In fact I'd probably move to Minnesota before I move to NYC.

*in cowboy voice* NEW YORK CITY?!?!

Apr 26, 2006
Come to beautiful Porltand, Maine! all the cost of living in boston without the jobs or pay!

Apr 26, 2006
Maine is honestly a very nice place to be during the summer month

Apr 26, 2006
Portland and some parts of the suburbs are but theres cheap stuff if you go a few minutes out

Apr 26, 2006
The problem is more you cant get paid as much as boston.

Apr 26, 2006
idk about boston but in Portland the problem is the city nimbys wont let anyone build up.

Apr 26, 2006

Pollyanna posted:

we need socialist policies that will heavily punish these people

nah we need fewer restrictions on building so their property values drop and make hording a waste of money.

Apr 26, 2006
tell them to get a computer job. its litterrally impossible to hire someone good w/out paying out the rear end right now and computer poo poo is easy as gently caress.

Apr 26, 2006

Pendragon posted:

I wrote earlier about using JavaScript without typescript and how it was doable with some minor difficulties.

after spending the past week trying to understand a bad contractor's code I'm now convinced that doing a large scale JavaScript project without any typing is doable only if you're the only programmer and you are as strict as gently caress with your variables and properties. any sense of fun and creativity is lost as I'm just struggling to figure out what this guy was doing and it's made all the more difficult by the fact that I have no clue what's in any given variable without a debugger, and even that fails because sometimes one object can have two sets of properties depending on the application state. it's drained any desire I had to work with this codebase.

even worse my boss has said many times that he doesn't miss types and loves the new codebase.

time to start hunting in earnest I guess.

javascript was only ever intended to open pop up windows and close pop up windows. anything beyond that is an abuse of the language

Apr 26, 2006
javascript front end is unavoidable at this point, but if you see rails run away as fast as you can.

Apr 26, 2006
learn c# and

Apr 26, 2006

Pendragon posted:

shaggar I may take you up on that as there's a decent number of C# shops around here that I wouldn't mind getting into. finding time to try out C# when I have two younglings may be difficult though.

that said a former coworker of mine who jumped ship recently said that her new job uses angular >2 and typescript and finds it to be much nicer than react/redux and... uhhh... let and const. anyone else confirm/deny the angular part?

angular is trash but typescript is good.

also c# is super good and easy and so is

Apr 26, 2006

Sapozhnik posted:

java is 80% the same thing as c# except that java has a standard build tool that isn't idiotic and a third party open source library ecosystem that actually exists. so you can pick up java very quickly, you'll spend more time learning the ecosystem than the language.

afaik in c# land if you want to do a thing then you either use the microsoft library for doing said thing or do it yourself. and chances are the microsoft library is poo poo, because chances are any given library is poo poo. if you have an open source ecosystem though, the poo poo libraries die and the not-poo poo libraries thrive and then natural selection works its magic. stuck with only the microsoft libraries? your hosed.

also there's various jvm langs out there that interop nicely with java. scala, kotlin, clojure are the big ones.

java 8 added something like linq, java 9 added something like assemblies except it's a massively disruptive change so nobody is really using them yet. bytes are signed in java but everything else is strictly better than its c# equivalent, at least it was back when i last dealt with c# in like v3 or something.

maven is really the only thing java has over c# these days.

Apr 26, 2006


there's a strange tendency for application programmers to view sql as somehow beneath them, which is especially funny when their application is primarily an interface to a sql database

sql is the only good part of any application

Apr 26, 2006
is that 30k in real money cause yeah you need to move on. also theres no reason to stay if you find a better position especially being as new to the workforce as you are.

Apr 26, 2006

Edgar Allan Pwned posted:

yes im in america.

Unfortunately the company I work for currently does not have a standardized process, or source control for work. I suppose I could try implementing something myself, just to show that I can. Ive used git before.

Additionally, I dont know if it matters but my actual title isn't programmer. It's "Discovery Technician". I work in e-discovery. But i often have to write programs or tools for the company. Tools that are actively being used. I've updated legacy python code to Powershell, written an auto updating tool, written ruby and python scripts to cull legal data. I guess my point is, i know my title isnt programmer but its a significant portion of my job.

yeah go get a job anywhere else

Apr 26, 2006
you can also consider looking for QA roles if you have trouble finding jobs on your technical creds (or lack thereof).

Apr 26, 2006
florida sucks rear end

Apr 26, 2006
SSIS is so good

Apr 26, 2006

Fiedler posted:

This company is hilarious. "We have chosen to cede the entire Windows developer market to GitHub and Microsoft."

lol. as if ruby in 2018 wasn't enough of a warning

Apr 26, 2006

TheFluff posted:

finding a job I'm interested in actually applying for is really hard when most of the companies around here exclusively do poo poo garbage for idiots

spotify is the usual monopoly-seeking poo poo and i have it on good account that they are mainly growing their developer force to pad their valuation
anything martech or fintech is right out
i will never volountarily work at an agency or a consultancy again
literal blockchain startups? gently caress off
"online doctor" startups focusing on lucrative and mostly healthy patients? gently caress off
tiny dumb "obvious thing with an app" startups with like five developers? gently caress off
some tv streaming poo poo that's competing with the channels' own platforms not to mention netflix? gently caress off
online casinos? gently caress off
the loving "natural cycles" rhythm method contraception app startup? gently caress off

seriously, loving google is starting to look like one of the least bad options at this point. i think i'll apply to paradox entertainment first though because video games are merely stupid rather than morally unacceptable

i know, i know, there is no ethical consumption nor any ethical labor under late capitalism but at least let me pretend for a moment

do the fintech

Apr 26, 2006

Achmed Jones posted:

also you shouldn’t work for Facebook

unless they pay you a lot of money in which case you should work there

Apr 26, 2006

AWWNAW posted:

Take a sex worker with you and make this a real coming of age story

this would be infinitely better than taking your mom

Apr 26, 2006

jony neuemonic posted:

i’m sure i already know the answer to this, but it’s pretty weird for a place to not have health insurance benefits, right?

its not weird for a startup with like 10 people but they should be paying you enough to take care of it on your own.

Apr 26, 2006
does Canada not cover dental or mental health services?

Apr 26, 2006


Apr 26, 2006

The Management posted:

never reply to recruiters offering contract gigs or recruiters that don’t mention the company name.

if you're interested in the actual company search the job description in your area because those recruiters usually copy and paste it.

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