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Dec 9, 2003

R.I.P. Inter-OS Sass - b.2000AD d.2003AD
Google in their infinite wisdom have decided to make their software worse. These things happen; I get it.

Instead of joining the rest of the grognards posting on the Google Product Forums, does anyone know of any alternatives?

The main things I would like are:
-highlighting of weekends
-better contrast between last month/the past/today/the future/next month

Most of the userstyles seem to be dark themes.


Sep 14, 2002

by Fluffdaddy
Click the settings gear and Back to classic.. Assuming you like the old style. You can use a lot of other apps like the Windows 10 calendar app to sync with it as well.

Dec 9, 2003

R.I.P. Inter-OS Sass - b.2000AD d.2003AD
The back to classic option was like a limited time only thing over the last few weeks.
The "new interface is coming" nag screens have been every session for the last few days and finally it's new or nothing.

Alpha Mayo
Jan 15, 2007
hi how are you?
there was this racist piece of shit in your av so I fixed it
you're welcome
pay it forward~
Anyone else get a poo poo load of Google calendar spam these days? I thought I had a virus or poo poo app that I gave Google account permission to but turns out if you receive spam in Gmail that has a calandar invite attached, it automatically goes into your calendar despite being marked spam in Gmail. It's the loving dumbest thing and apparently a known issue for years.

Thanks Ants
May 21, 2004


Yeah iCloud went through the same thing for a while. I noticed some had appeared silently the other day, clicked the spam button on the event but not really sure what else I can do.

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