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Apr 1, 2009

Black Robe posted:

You killed the doggos.

Truly, Goondalf has become what he once opposed. No fashionable pants can save him now.

Your utter evilness aside, I don't know how I feel about the Scoutmaster also randomly being an undercover agent in addition to being the best and able to teach you all these impressive upgrades and such. Quite apart from the 'so why didn't he do everything we just did months ago?' issue, it's a little bit teenager's-pet-expy-RP-character (complete with dramatic backstory) and doesn't really add anything to the plot. Unless he's going to be important later or something.

This game is good enough to have earned plenty of slack anyway so it's not a big deal, just a slightly off note.
I see what you mean there. This is probably one case where my nostalgia got in the way and made something seem more awesome than it actually is. I thought it was cool that the game had a questgiver lie to you and have that be a good thing, instead of setup to make you hate them or whatever, but yeah overall he's not great.

And listen, I had to kill the doggos. There are 15 of them, that's worth 2-3 points of Mysticism!


Black Robe
Sep 12, 2017

Klingon w Bowl Cut posted:

I see what you mean there. This is probably one case where my nostalgia got in the way and made something seem more awesome than it actually is. I thought it was cool that the game had a questgiver lie to you and have that be a good thing, instead of setup to make you hate them or whatever, but yeah overall he's not great.

And listen, I had to kill the doggos. There are 15 of them, that's worth 2-3 points of Mysticism!

No, that's a good point too.

But you're a puppy-murdering monster, so :colbert:

Apr 1, 2009
Part XXVIII - Goondalf the G(host) (Not)

Orbs fucked around with this message at 20:09 on Oct 10, 2018

May 10, 2015

Good lord that outfit looks like something straight out of a haute couture show for spring 2019

Apr 1, 2009
Part XXIX - Goondalf the G(allant)

Orbs fucked around with this message at 23:49 on Oct 24, 2018

Black Robe
Sep 12, 2017

Goondalf's getting very sassy these days, isn't he?

Klingon w Bowl Cut posted:

It flaps way more than standard robes as we move. Yes, they made extra flappy robes for the Mage Chapter, as is good and proper.

The cloak billows massively when we cast spells.
Good, good.

Klingon w Bowl Cut posted:

:skeltal: Not that the thought of throwing back the cowl of my hood, cackling ominously, and throwing spells about hasn't occurred to me... In fact, it has occurred to me, and it took me nearly five minutes to stop laughing the first time I thought of it...
I love this game.

Klingon w Bowl Cut posted:

There. Now that should make up for all the Sha'ahoul doggos we killed last chapter.

It doesn't. :colbert:

Mar 16, 2009

It does :colbert:

Apr 1, 2009
Part XXX - Goondalf the G(houl 'n' Ghost (Super))

Orbs fucked around with this message at 17:14 on Nov 13, 2018

Black Robe
Sep 12, 2017

Gosh, how spooky!

Digging the music for this update, really nice. And that doppelgoondalf spell seems insane :psyduck:

Klingon w Bowl Cut posted:

This little shrub is what we're looking for. We can't get in by blasting it like the Sha'ahoul were trying, no matter how hard we try.

When we click the branch, the door fades out of existence and reveals stairs. Oh boy, here we go!

That's some Harry Potter poo poo right there.

Lots of loot and sassy talking books this update, nice.

Klingon w Bowl Cut posted:

The main prize is a blue version of our current mage robe!

It would clash with our red hood though, which is a fate worse than death for any fashion-conscious wizard, so Icharas can have this one.

What else are minions for?

Klingon w Bowl Cut posted:

And so they finally reveal something that has been foreshadowed since all the way back in Chapter One. Nice.


I'm enjoying the silliness of Goondalf's multiple personalities. This spell is broken and also great.

Klingon w Bowl Cut posted:

:skeltal: Perhaps you have misspoken it. Ah! No, here we go... [His bones glow softly as he switches almost imperceptibly.] Wow, that was really quite invigorating, but where's my clap of thunder and fanfare? [The robes swell in the area of his chest, and he reaches into his ribcage to remove something.] Hello, what's this?

That would probably be Felious' grimoire. I always figured that -- like everything else -- it would be in a chest somewhere...


Glad you're continuing with this, this game just keeps getting better.

Nov 4, 2009
I really love the character of Bones. :allears:

Does he appear later? Because I hope so.

Nice piece of fish
Jan 29, 2008

Ultra Carp
I too want to get on mr. Bones wild ride.

Fantastic update, very spooky.

Apr 1, 2009
I'm glad you all enjoyed the Halloween update, it was a little more work than usual but fun to write!

Rosemont posted:

I really love the character of Bones. :allears:

Does he appear later? Because I hope so.
:skeltal: is the best, but I don't want to spoil anything about the next Chapter, since it is a ride. We shall see.

Mar 16, 2009

Didn't read, too spooky for me

Apr 1, 2009
So, I've hit a bit of a snag. There's one particular map transition in Chapter 6 that is consistently causing my game to glitch out, much like it did when we walked on the flowers in the Inner Bailey. I've tried reinstalling, changing Config settings, using compatibility settings, even stripping Goondalf of his party and his clothes before triggering it. It is all to no avail.

Now, I have enough backlog for a few more updates, but I can't progress beyond that. I really want to finish this LP though, so does anyone have any ideas?

I'm running Windows 10, with the latest unofficial patch and these .dll files. The only remaining suggestion the patch's Readme has to offer is to run Windows 2000 on a virtual machine, but that's something I have no experience with. Is there a decent tutorial out there for that?

Mar 18, 2018

I'm not an expert on this by any means, but Oracle's VirtualBox is pretty straightforward and user-friendly; it's always worked well for me, and it's free. You'll probably want to install the Extension Pack in addition to the main software. After that it's pretty easy, just pick the option to create a new virtual machine and the software will walk you through it (I generally recommend you give the VM a bit more RAM to work with than the minimum it suggests, but otherwise you're probably good with default settings).

The main snag is that while this handles the virtualisation aspect, you will still need installation media for the OS you want to actually use (so it'll be a problem if you don't actually have Windows 2000 discs or the ability to find them someplace online).

I've also run into some snags in the past because Microsoft no longer has registration servers running for their older operating systems, so even if you have a valid registration code there's no way to submit it and get out of trial period hell. There are supposed to be hacks and workarounds for that, but I was never quite able to get them to work right; that said, in the worst case you'd just have to remember what date you created the VM and mess with your system clock on occasion.

Don't know if this actually helps, but maybe it's a place to start?

Oct 31, 2012

Ante up.

Oh noes! :ohdear: Best of luck fixing things, it would be shame to not see this through.

Otherwise we'll just have to claim that Goondalf the G gained ultimate power and ascended to become Goondalf the God, leaving behind the petty mortal concerns of Avalon (and the remainder of the plot). :v:

Apr 1, 2009
Part XXXI - Goondalf the G(alactic)

Orbs fucked around with this message at 22:53 on Nov 27, 2018

Apr 1, 2009
Still working on the technical issues, but in the meantime, have an update!

Black Robe
Sep 12, 2017

At last, we are officially a wizard :smugwizard: I do hope this means we become ever more insufferably cryptic and smug.

Again with the dog-murdering. Sigh. At least you didn't specifically make friends with these ones first.

Hope you get all the technical bugs sorted out as well, I'd hate this to end prematurely.

skeletal sarong...?

Dec 21, 2012


I can't understand these kinds of games, and not getting it bugs me almost as much as me being weird
Do any of the other classes have locked content like the Apprentice does for Felious?

Black Robe
Sep 12, 2017

If I remember right, some of the stuff we did earlier was meant to be locked to the Scout class, but glitched out or something? Too lazy to check.

Apr 1, 2009

Rockopolis posted:

Do any of the other classes have locked content like the Apprentice does for Felious?
They do. The Squire can do a quest to become a Knight in Chapter Three, and the Scout can become a Ranger in Chapter Four. All three of them also have a unique thing in Chapter Six, but we'll get to that, hopefully.

Black Robe posted:

If I remember right, some of the stuff we did earlier was meant to be locked to the Scout class, but glitched out or something? Too lazy to check.
I think I was just wrong there. Anyone can take the trainings offered, the parts that are locked we didn't see.

Nice piece of fish
Jan 29, 2008

Ultra Carp
loving amazing update. I really appreciate you going the extra mile with the dialogue, you are really adding a lot to the game itself.

Apr 6, 2009

Fuck it then. For another pit sandwich and some 'tater salad, I'll post a few more.

At least flip some of the Goondalfs. Or dye them a different color.

Apr 1, 2009

Nice piece of fish posted:

loving amazing update. I really appreciate you going the extra mile with the dialogue, you are really adding a lot to the game itself.
Thank you!

Xander77 posted:

At least flip some of the Goondalfs. Or dye them a different color.
I thought the confusion would add to the experience. :-/

Apr 1, 2009
Part XXXII - Goondalf the G(lacial)

Orbs fucked around with this message at 21:11 on Dec 5, 2018

Black Robe
Sep 12, 2017

Goondalf meets Treebeard. That's fitting.

Also Icharas what are you doing? In a plane full of golems and lava crabs you run screaming from a bee?

Mar 16, 2009

Does the game require you to stack heat resistant gear on your companions to avoid passive fire damage too? Sounds annoying if so.

Apr 1, 2009

Slaan posted:

Does the game require you to stack heat resistant gear on your companions to avoid passive fire damage too? Sounds annoying if so.
It does, but the threshold is really low. Just one of those rings is more than enough. And I think at this point Goondalf's passive health regen is enough to overcome it too. It would be more annoying if the resistance didn't also help against all the fire spells the elementals cast.

Aug 7, 2009
It's a shame that despite all the cool worldbuilding they've done they couldn't think of more imaginative extradimensional realms than "here's the ice one, and here's the fire one".

Apr 1, 2009

malkav11 posted:

It's a shame that despite all the cool worldbuilding they've done they couldn't think of more imaginative extradimensional realms than "here's the ice one, and here's the fire one".
Yeah, it's definitely not the most original setup. Most ice worlds don't have Treebeard just chillin' in the middle at least.

Apr 1, 2009
Part XXXIII - Goondalf the G(uardian)

Orbs fucked around with this message at 17:59 on Jan 2, 2019

Black Robe
Sep 12, 2017

The resolution to the Lurkers' story was pretty cool. I love how much detail they put in, giving all of them unique comments when you talk to them. One more chapter to go, huh? It's criminal that there aren't any other games in this universe and that this isn't better known.

Nice piece of fish
Jan 29, 2008

Ultra Carp

Black Robe posted:

The resolution to the Lurkers' story was pretty cool. I love how much detail they put in, giving all of them unique comments when you talk to them. One more chapter to go, huh? It's criminal that there aren't any other games in this universe and that this isn't better known.

My thoughts exactly, it's quite well flushed out and feels more or less like a good D&D campaign. That said the whole astral guardian business is a bit extra.

Most of the stuff here, travelling in portals, visiting realms and magic really makes it all feel like the wizarding chapter, which I guess it's supposed to. But overall the game kind of feels like it's better suited to a mage than the other classes, though that's probably my own biases talking.

Black Robe
Sep 12, 2017

One of the selling points from the OP was that this game pretty much lets you multiclass, so I guess the idea is that you do need magic to have the best chance of progressing but you don't have to follow a specific path to use it.

But really why wouldn't you be a mage anyway, magic has so much more variety than 'here's yet another sword just with slightly higher numbers in the description'.

Apr 1, 2009

Nice piece of fish posted:

My thoughts exactly, it's quite well flushed out and feels more or less like a good D&D campaign. That said the whole astral guardian business is a bit extra.

Most of the stuff here, travelling in portals, visiting realms and magic really makes it all feel like the wizarding chapter, which I guess it's supposed to. But overall the game kind of feels like it's better suited to a mage than the other classes, though that's probably my own biases talking.
Story-wise Mage is great, because you can free your bro Felious from possibly eternal torment. But I think I prefer Fighter in that regard, because them getting knighted in chapter 2 ties better into our backstory as an Elythrian noble, and the unique content for them in chapter 6 is my favorite of the three. The stuff Mages get coming up is powerful and awesome but not as thematically interesting. I hope we can get around to it, I'm working on it!

Apr 1, 2009
Excellent news readers!! I have resolved my game freeze issues and have successfully recorded to the end of the game! I can't make any promises about the quality of the images since I had to gently caress around with a lot of settings, but all that's left is to mine for screenshots and write stuff. We're going the distance.

Oct 31, 2012

Ante up.

Klingon w Bowl Cut posted:

Excellent news readers!! I have resolved my game freeze issues and have successfully recorded to the end of the game! I can't make any promises about the quality of the images since I had to gently caress around with a lot of settings, but all that's left is to mine for screenshots and write stuff. We're going the distance.

Huzzah! All aboard the Goondalf train, no stopping 'till we hit the credits! :toot:

May 10, 2015

For Avalon and the fashion show!


Apr 1, 2009
Part XXXIV - Goondalf the G(enius)

Orbs fucked around with this message at 23:49 on Jan 8, 2019

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