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Mar 17, 2007

This game looks interesting.

How about something very creative like Grand Alf, Rincebreeze or Hewhoshallnotbenamed?


Mar 17, 2007

Nice piece of fish posted:

It's surprisingly well written, iirc. I like all of those suggestions, but how about Goondalf the Gray or maybe just Goondalf for short?
Oh, that's a good one. If it fits the full name is better.

A wizard's staff has a knob on the end. :v:

Poil fucked around with this message at 21:57 on Apr 23, 2018

Mar 17, 2007

Goondalf the Glorious hero. Slayer of multiple beetles. Rescuer of grain. :toot:

Mar 17, 2007

Ah, the joys of very low level adventuring.

Black Robe posted:

And so begins Goondalf's TRUE quest: to collect every single pair of pants in Avalon.
Goondalf the Glamorous. Master of the fancy pants.

Mar 17, 2007

Maybe the archers plonk down the shield in front of them and use it as cover?

Nice piece of fish posted:

That. God. drat. Mage. And his god damned Hold spell. That motherfucker killed me more than the entire village combined. He is incredibly hard if you're not prepared for him, as a fighter or a scout I don't know how I would have dealt.

Also, dun dun duuuuun! The Sha'Ahoul are digging a hole. I wonder what it could all mean.
A diggy diggy hole. Lord whatshisface is a traitor!?


Mar 17, 2007

Maybe people have to be willing to be brought back from the dead. Why no I do not want to enter paradise I want to go back and starve in the besieged castle full of traitors, enemies and an obnoxious smugwizard "accidentally" hitting me with spells while ordering me around. Also he looted my pants off my corpse for some reason.

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