![]() Introduction Mooncrash is a standalone expansion for Prey (2017). It turns the open world narrative game into a roguelite experience with persistent elements. We're a hacker apparently indebted to KASMA Corp, and to fulfill our contract we'll have to run through a corrupted simulation to discover what happened to Talos's Pytheas moon base. Whatever happened it couldn't have been good because it seems everyone is dead and there are Typhon on the loose everywhere. Mooncrash will also add a non symmetrical Typhon vs Human multiplayer mode called Typhon Hunter, but that hasn't been released as of the time of this writing. About the Playthrough I tend to get bored of roguelites and roguelikes alike after a bit, and initially I wasn't sure how much I'd play. However, I've had a lot of fun coming back to Prey and it seems there's a bit of story here which may keep things interesting. I really liked the story in the base game as well as the gameplay / open world nature of things which made it feel kind of like Ultima Underworld in space with a touch of cosmic horror. That open world gameplay appears to be more or less intact in Mooncrash (though the base is smaller), and there may even be some interesting strategic elements as you select which characters go where in their bid to escape. As a side note I did a human mods playthrough of the main game back when it was new, though I didn't run a thread for it. You can watch it if you want. I'm including it as sort of an extra related thing, but I can make dailyish update posts for each video in that series if people are interested. I'm curious to see if there is any direct relationship between the main story and the events of Mooncrash. The ultimate goals for Mooncrash are to complete all of KASMA Corp's objectives and to escape the simulation with all 5 characters in one run, 4 of which need to be unlocked first. Once we've completed those goals, I guess I'll consider the playthrough complete unless something else comes up. Episodes will probably be a bit on the long side while I'm exploring new areas, but I expect things to speed up a fair bit once I've familiarized myself with the game and gotten some practice in. Update Schedule I don't have a specific schedule in mind other than "most days." Probably 3-4 episodes a week, possibly more as time allows. I'll keep any tips or advice in mind, but it may be a few episodes before I can act on anything because I'll likely have a small backlog. Thread Rules Tag story spoilers for Mooncrash. Any spoilers for the main game are fine. Episodes Main Game Playthrough (Human Mods Only / NIghtmare Difficulty) (note: old / completed before this thread) Mooncrash Playthrough
rojovision fucked around with this message at 02:39 on Aug 29, 2018 |
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# ? Feb 7, 2025 20:34 |
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Here are a few screenshots of Mooncrash. It's a pretty good looking game in my opinion.![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() rojovision fucked around with this message at 01:20 on Jun 15, 2018 |
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![]() Mooncrash Episode 1 - Prey Roguelite Gameplay ![]() Mooncrash Episode 2 - Back In
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![]() Mooncrash Episode 3 - The Corruption Clock rojovision fucked around with this message at 22:00 on Jun 25, 2018 |
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Agreed this is good game, since it came out ive played 20 hours? The dlc is really polished and just plain fun. As you get further things become more and more random and harder. Advice btw, always always start with a 9mm and 150 ammo it will save you so much its not funny.
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UCS Hellmaker posted:Agreed this is good game, since it came out ive played 20 hours? The dlc is really polished and just plain fun. As you get further things become more and more random and harder. Cool I'm looking forward to seeing how things change, and definitely won't complain about some additional difficulty. It seems a bit easy so far, though I expect it's going to take some planning and practice to manage to eventually escape with all 5 characters before the corruption boots me out / makes things extremely tough. The pistol seems way undervalued pointswise. I'll probably take your advice and start bringing more ammo because I'm racking up all these points every run and am likely being more frugal than necessary.
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The main problem with the DLC, or really the only problem, is that it's remarkably easy. Because it has one major mechanic for enforcing difficulty(corruption), and you can run end-laps around it after about an hour of play and stave it off more or less indefinitely if you get the right crafting recipe. Essentially, around the point where you've got your characters nice and levelled, and access to upgraded equipment, you also get the ability to shortcircuit the game's ability to level up the enemies. Spoilering the details, even though it's really a game mechanic thing rather than a story thing... You get access to items known as Delay Loops, which shove the corruption timer back down again(though it can't lower the level, it can prevent the level from increasing). At first you'll only find them, occasionally lying in places, but reliably only on the corpses of powerful Typhon, the ones that'd qualify as mid-bosses of sorts. But eventually you'll get to craft them. And the thing is, as you do stuff in the game, you also acquire Sim Points. Sim Points allow you to deck out a given character you're bringing out so you don't have to equip them from the bottom up every time... but you can equip them with any item you have the crafting recipe for. So, long story short, after playing each character once, more or less, I was happily able to start one off with a nice arsenal plus ten or so "Delay Loops," he'd use the ones he'd need for his run. Stash the rest in an accessible container. The next would stock up with Sim Points that the first earned, collect his stash... Rinse, repeat. Resultingly I only ever saw corruption levels above 1 if I forgot to keep an eye on the timer. Not saying I didn't have fun with the DLC, but it felt like it kind of shot itself in the foot. Gear-wise I always went for a shotgun and a disruptor. One thing for the fleshy stuff, one thing for the mechanical stuff. The pistol's not bad, but on Pytheas you're usually always in shotgun range because of the cramped nature of the base. If I left anything out, it'd be the shotgun, because projectile weapons would almost always be accessible at security stations, while finding a disruptor was less certain.
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I've actually already found the thing you're talking about in an upcoming episode, and while I haven't used it yet, I agree it's going to make things super easy. I'll probably use it while I'm still exploring / unlocking stuff, but I might abstain from adding it to my loadout for a bit of self-imposed extra challenge eventually. Also, I'll probably start bringing a disruptor once I find the prefab for the batteries.
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rojogames posted:I've actually already found the thing you're talking about in an upcoming episode, and while I haven't used it yet, I agree it's going to make things super easy. I'll probably use it while I'm still exploring / unlocking stuff, but I might abstain from adding it to my loadout for a bit of self-imposed extra challenge eventually. Also, I'll probably start bringing a disruptor once I find the prefab for the batteries. I could never bring myself to not bring them, personally. ![]()
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PurpleXVI posted:I could never bring myself to not bring them, personally. Honestly, if I wasn't committing this playthrough to the public record so-to-speak I'd probably just do the same as you and call it a day.
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rojogames posted:Honestly, if I wasn't committing this playthrough to the public record so-to-speak I'd probably just do the same as you and call it a day. Like, I'd say for an "entertainment" challenge, I'd say it'd be okay to bring them, except you could only use one per corruption stage, so you don't end up completely halting the counter, except for stage 5 where it's okay to use it to stave off a crash. Because completing the five escape in one run objective completely without using the Delay Loops would be just painful.
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![]() Mooncrash Episode 4 - A Universe of Shoes, You Say? rojovision fucked around with this message at 21:48 on Jun 18, 2018 |
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PurpleXVI posted:Like, I'd say for an "entertainment" challenge, I'd say it'd be okay to bring them, except you could only use one per corruption stage, so you don't end up completely halting the counter, except for stage 5 where it's okay to use it to stave off a crash. Because completing the five escape in one run objective completely without using the Delay Loops would be just painful. Yeah we'll see how it goes. Ultimately it'll come down to my skill level, and if I'm constantly failing I'll obviously need to make some adjustments.
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Im pretty sure the loot is randomized, you dont need to worry about leaving any behind for the next rub.
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Dreadwroth posted:Im pretty sure the loot is randomized, you dont need to worry about leaving any behind for the next rub. Are you sure? I feel like containers I've looted with one character remain looted when I go through with the next, until I fully reset the simulation, but maybe that hasn't been the case. Either way it does seem to make sense to leave some things behind with certain characters. For example, spare parts with Andrius because so far he can't use them, and he has a small inventory size.
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rojogames posted:Are you sure? I feel like containers I've looted with one character remain looted when I go through with the next, until I fully reset the simulation, but maybe that hasn't been the case. Either way it does seem to make sense to leave some things behind with certain characters. For example, spare parts with Andrius because so far he can't use them, and he has a small inventory size. Containers that you loot remain looted when the next guy shows up, and don't get refreshed until you reset the simulation. That's why it can be a good idea, if you're okay on ammo and other supplies, to skip over some stuff. OR to stash a few things at a central location before "finishing" with a given character. Generally containers near the entrance to areas or the containers in the central station in the Crater are good choices, since they're not too out of the way. Of course it depends a bit on which escape you're planning to use with the next character. Generally I grabbed stuff I didn't have a use for with the current character, too, simply for the purpose of stashing everything for the next guy somewhere "centralized" rather than having to re-check all those containers.
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![]() Mooncrash Episode 5 - A Glimpse of Home rojovision fucked around with this message at 00:05 on Jun 21, 2018 |
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Oh wow that makes not resetting the simulation even more of a challenge considering poo poo gets harder as the corruption increases, that's some nice design.
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I have to ask, why do you intentionally gimp yourself so much? You've had plenty of opportunities to abuse/use things like the infinite free turret power but you've been preferring to take a tentacle to the face instead.
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SugarAddict posted:I have to ask, why do you intentionally gimp yourself so much? You've had plenty of opportunities to abuse/use things like the infinite free turret power but you've been preferring to take a tentacle to the face instead. Carrying turrets is tedious and the episodes tend to run longer than I'd like already. I'm sure I've made mistakes, and will make more. I may not escape every time, but the game really isn't very difficult so far, and messing around a bit / playing imperfectly makes for more fun for me. I'd hope it also makes things more fun to watch rather than having me steamroll the game every time. Is that not the case? Edit: I'm also accepting tips on how to kill a moonshark because I've been failing pretty miserably so far, and it's something I'd like to succeed at. rojovision fucked around with this message at 09:24 on Jun 20, 2018 |
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I can't speak for the moonshark but I have to assume that the mimic portal escape for the Volunteer requires you to go through that area with multiple characters. You visit as the mechanic to repair it, presumably another character will be able to hack. Finally the volunteer can use the portal.
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dscruffy1 posted:I can't speak for the moonshark but I have to assume that the mimic portal escape for the Volunteer requires you to go through that area with multiple characters. You visit as the mechanic to repair it, presumably another character will be able to hack. Finally the volunteer can use the portal. Yeah it seems there will be a certain order you need to go through a run with (with a bit of flexibility). I doubt Vijay can hack since he's a security guard, so I'd guess our hacker will be the janitor when we unlock her, which makes me wonder what her story is. Maybe a spy from a rival company? We'll probably find out later this week / early next week. rojovision fucked around with this message at 00:15 on Jun 21, 2018 |
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![]() Mooncrash Episode 6 - Harsh Reality
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the most damage I've been able to do against the moon shark is with the charged up psyblade and with various typhon powers. Used with the propulsion system while timing things to avoid the rock blasts and the like. Definitely much easier to do with certain characters. There's also a side mission later on that can help
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Merry Deciever posted:the most damage I've been able to do against the moon shark is with the charged up psyblade and with various typhon powers. Used with the propulsion system while timing things to avoid the rock blasts and the like. Definitely much easier to do with certain characters. There's also a side mission later on that can help Gotcha. I do seem to recall Andrius being able to actually hurt him a bit with the one power I had at the time. I think it went through resistance, too. Psyblade sounds like a good idea as well since it seems to kill everything else with ease. I'll definitely need to work on my jetpack dodging or at the very least I'll need to to start the fight from better terrain. I'll keep an eye out for the other thing as we do more runs.
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![]() Mooncrash Episode 7 - The Search Continues
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![]() Mooncrash Episode 8 - Ransacking Irradiated Receptacles
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![]() Mooncrash Episode 9 - Mass Driver Preparations
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![]() Mooncrash Episode 10 - Turned Around Let's just say I took the scenic route on this one.
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![]() Mooncrash Episode 11 - Not So Fast Finally going after one of the story objectives.
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![]() Mooncrash Episode 12 - Planning Ahead
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![]() Mooncrash Episode 13 - Minor Setback
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![]() Mooncrash Episode 14 - Let the Wrench Do the Squawking
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![]() Mooncrash Episode 15 - Copy Then Floppy
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Now, I'm just thinking out loud here, but you found someone's tracking bracelet and some organic material inside that harvester you scrapped. And when you picked up the tracking bracelet, it said "personnel located". HMMMM.
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dscruffy1 posted:Now, I'm just thinking out loud here, but you found someone's tracking bracelet and some organic material inside that harvester you scrapped. And when you picked up the tracking bracelet, it said "personnel located". HMMMM. That is an extremely good point. If I remember the story about the lost keycard correctly, maybe she went to try to get it out of the harvester and things didn't go so well. Or perhaps...FOUL PLAY?
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![]() Mooncrash Episode 16 - Sabatoge
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![]() Mooncrash Episode 17 - Flip the Switch Well that was sort of anti-climactic.
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# ? Feb 7, 2025 20:34 |
rojogames posted:
I imagine the initial objective required you to go out into the moon surface where there's probably tons of typhon/phantoms to retrieve the modules, but coming prepared kinda neutered that requirement. Kinda like running into extra moon sharks while getting the antidote as Vijay. Also the two modules that popped out on the floor are probably the ones you inserted, the audio log said firing the towers breaks the modules.
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