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dick traceroute
Feb 24, 2010

Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
Grimey Drawer
Alternatively just fart out to a service like sendgrid. May not be an option, but their free plan is quite generous


dick traceroute
Feb 24, 2010

Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
Grimey Drawer

Finster Dexter posted:

I was gonna post a pun about this but it's no longer timely :v:

Post it with the offset then

dick traceroute
Feb 24, 2010

Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
Grimey Drawer
Maybe regex

dick traceroute
Feb 24, 2010

Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
Grimey Drawer

Chalks posted:

GET /somelist?filter=butt
200: []


This, but unirorically

dick traceroute
Feb 24, 2010

Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
Grimey Drawer

Shaggar posted:

a better tool wouldn't allow the user to make those mistakes.

It looks like you're trying to rebase!

dick traceroute
Feb 24, 2010

Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
Grimey Drawer
Last time we did crunch mode we did it voluntarily, but for a Mon-Thu with Friday off
One person worked a literal 2 hours extra and took Friday off anyway. They no longer work at my company.
Good riddance (not for the slacking, but for the being really useless and irritating to work with)

dick traceroute
Feb 24, 2010

Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
Grimey Drawer
But it's web scale

dick traceroute
Feb 24, 2010

Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
Grimey Drawer
I had to leave a comment once saying
// Don't put this transaction in a using block... It gets reassigned in a method below

Still there iirc

dick traceroute
Feb 24, 2010

Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
Grimey Drawer

Scionix posted:

do less full scans


dick traceroute
Feb 24, 2010

Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
Grimey Drawer
gosh dern

dick traceroute
Feb 24, 2010

Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
Grimey Drawer
I always mash ctrl alt f in vscode

dick traceroute
Feb 24, 2010

Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
Grimey Drawer
I wrote something like this on Friday


Assert(true, false);
In a test

dick traceroute
Feb 24, 2010

Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
Grimey Drawer
Or a two line ps1, second line \$

dick traceroute
Feb 24, 2010

Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
Grimey Drawer

He is fully functional

dick traceroute
Feb 24, 2010

Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
Grimey Drawer

CPColin posted:

Speaking of this and the context of the terrible programming thread, how do you think Dr. Soong tested Data's bonin' subroutine?

That would surely be an integration test

dick traceroute
Feb 24, 2010

Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
Grimey Drawer

redleader posted:

teslajs would make a great name for a new js framework

A really expensive one you can pretend is an environmental choice?

dick traceroute
Feb 24, 2010

Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
Grimey Drawer
I think a lot more things make sense when you have to work on programs with other people
Other people are the worst

dick traceroute
Feb 24, 2010

Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
Grimey Drawer

akadajet posted:

who's didn't?


dick traceroute
Feb 24, 2010

Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
Grimey Drawer
ctps: turns out you shouldn't create hundreds of thousands of instances of HttpClient in a tight loop
who knew

dick traceroute
Feb 24, 2010

Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
Grimey Drawer

pointsofdata posted:

It implements IDisposable but that's a trick, disposing it doesn't help!!!! SqlConnection on the other hand is fine with doing this

e: "fine"

I actually feel like it shouldn't be idisposable
Not that we had it in a using block...

No joke, same day I found a set of tests with:

singleton HttpClient (good)
running in parallel (good)
Altering default request headers on the client, breaking other tests in the process (Hella lol)

dick traceroute
Feb 24, 2010

Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
Grimey Drawer

Powerful Two-Hander posted:

be aware:it splits on a certain return value name iirc so if your column order ever changes you're hosed.

I mean, column order won't just change

Unless your dapper query is select * from butts

Don't select star

dick traceroute
Feb 24, 2010

Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
Grimey Drawer

eschaton posted:

someone compile Scheme or Common Lisp to wasm already

dick traceroute
Feb 24, 2010

Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
Grimey Drawer

TheFluff posted:

i absolutely agree with your description of why sql is good. I see what you mean too and that's a fair point tbh. I guess I was dreaming about some magical language that would make it easier for me to make junior devs not scared of sql

I knew a senior dev scared of SQL
Thankfully past tense

dick traceroute
Feb 24, 2010

Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
Grimey Drawer

dick traceroute
Feb 24, 2010

Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
Grimey Drawer
He's still scared

dick traceroute
Feb 24, 2010

Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
Grimey Drawer

Progressive JPEG posted:

nothing better than an employer paying you to waste time

This but unironicly

dick traceroute
Feb 24, 2010

Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
Grimey Drawer

Soricidus posted:

lol did you seriously think I was advocating for vim there? the correct solution is to make the default editor be something that uses standard goddamn shortcuts so people don’t need to learn anything new just to edit a file.

What's standard? What do windows users do if there's no mouse. What about Mac

dick traceroute
Feb 24, 2010

Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
Grimey Drawer

gonadic io posted:

Yes it is not my code butbthst a transitive dependency.

dick traceroute
Feb 24, 2010

Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
Grimey Drawer

cinci zoo sniper posted:

im hitting that point where i seriously contemplate learning enough code to write proper R support for either vsc or pycharm

Real question (don't use R, and haven't tried it)
What's wrong with this:
I've submitted PRs to vscode extensions before and it's been pretty ok
Recommend building on existing stuff if you can

dick traceroute
Feb 24, 2010

Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
Grimey Drawer
ime azure table storage is pretty solid
no real experience with other nosql dbs
you do have to think quite a bit about access patterns etc to get performance out of it, worth it in some cases

dick traceroute
Feb 24, 2010

Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
Grimey Drawer


dick traceroute
Feb 24, 2010

Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
Grimey Drawer
Is it web scale

dick traceroute
Feb 24, 2010

Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
Grimey Drawer

Ciaphas posted:

isn't there a loving -NaN too

JavaScript has -Infinity

dick traceroute
Feb 24, 2010

Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
Grimey Drawer
Profile it, op

We profiled a parser of ours once and found 99% of the time on a single line of code

dick traceroute
Feb 24, 2010

Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
Grimey Drawer
You spelled dell XPS wrong

dick traceroute
Feb 24, 2010

Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
Grimey Drawer
It's both, but with half the work being done to the parameter references

dick traceroute
Feb 24, 2010

Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
Grimey Drawer
If we work at the same place

dick traceroute
Feb 24, 2010

Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
Grimey Drawer
If it's SQL server just use database project and deploy dacpac

Anything else idk, but would be surprised if there was nothing

dick traceroute
Feb 24, 2010

Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
Grimey Drawer

Blinkz0rz posted:

clever solutions to any problem are terrible because they increase the cognitive load on everyone else who reads it afterwards

write code for humans

Hail satan


dick traceroute
Feb 24, 2010

Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
Grimey Drawer

Pile Of Garbage posted:

vs code is fine for me however if i did have to work with any compiled languages i'd prolly switch to vs.

nah typescript is better in vscode

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