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Nov 26, 2010

Then you have a responsibility that no man has ever faced. You have your fear which could become reality, and you have Godzilla, which is reality.

tinaun posted:

watch this space. until then you could use FutureObj to store boxed futures 0.3 Futures, as all Box<F> where F: Future03 can be freely converted to a FutureObj. its useful!

yesterday i got invited to be a maintainer of futures-rs, so thats cool i guess.

that's awesome

I can't wait until I can actually use them


Nov 26, 2010

Then you have a responsibility that no man has ever faced. You have your fear which could become reality, and you have Godzilla, which is reality.

ratbert90 posted:

There was no free booze.

that's not a party that's misery, what the gently caress

EDIT: this is the one that lost millions because they were poo poo to you, right?

Nov 26, 2010

Then you have a responsibility that no man has ever faced. You have your fear which could become reality, and you have Godzilla, which is reality.

ha! hey guys..

yospos, bithc!!!!!!!

Nov 26, 2010

Then you have a responsibility that no man has ever faced. You have your fear which could become reality, and you have Godzilla, which is reality.

ratbert90 posted:


it's okay to explicitly state methods vs static functions op

Nov 26, 2010

Then you have a responsibility that no man has ever faced. You have your fear which could become reality, and you have Godzilla, which is reality.

ratbert90 posted:

self/this is terrible and bad.

not shitposting: how would you differentiate the borrowing of self without, uh, explicit self?

Nov 26, 2010

Then you have a responsibility that no man has ever faced. You have your fear which could become reality, and you have Godzilla, which is reality.


is self anything more than syntactic sugar in rust? I've gone pretty deep into that part of the language and I can't think of anything about self that can't be stated with functions that take foo as an argument.

i'm definitely not a fan of self in other languages, but rust's take on self is very different. but i'm coming from higher level languages so i'm curious what the c++ take on this is.

i came from c++ but i guess spent enough time in Java hell that I might prefer any sort of escape

Nov 26, 2010

Then you have a responsibility that no man has ever faced. You have your fear which could become reality, and you have Godzilla, which is reality.

god, don't work with rust futures yet

Nov 26, 2010

Then you have a responsibility that no man has ever faced. You have your fear which could become reality, and you have Godzilla, which is reality.

Mahatma Goonsay posted:

so are futures kind of like promises in js?

not in terms of how you interact with them at all, either ES6 promises or deferreds.

especially working with Typescript and C# so much at work, going home to Rust futures feels.. clunky.

Nov 26, 2010

Then you have a responsibility that no man has ever faced. You have your fear which could become reality, and you have Godzilla, which is reality.


I've spent a good deal of time with both rls+vscode and intellij+plugin and while I prefer vscode greatly as an editor, i have a much better experience overall with the intellij plugin. better completion (still a crapshoot) and it can fill out trait implementations which is a big deal for me.

rls continues to be really slow and rls+vscode basically destroys my laptop. honestly i'd probably be on rls+vscode if not for the slowness, because i do prefer the editor.

emacs also has some basic rls integration and it seems okay, but i'm in the middle of overhauling my emacs setup and haven't really invested in learning it yet.

the community is pretty audibly frustrated over rls mostly being not a good experience.

Bloody posted:

rls just crashes nonstop

this is my experience yep. RLS is..really, really, really not there yet, and it's frustrating they're pushing it to 1.0 for marketing.

Nov 26, 2010

Then you have a responsibility that no man has ever faced. You have your fear which could become reality, and you have Godzilla, which is reality.


back in my university days (~10 years ago) i put together a dedicated machine in VHDL that synthesized a VGA controller, ram controller, and a few shift registers to interface with a NES controller, as well as an instruction set dedicated to playing a tank game like the old atari game. it was cool having a dedicated "bullet" instruction.

i don't think i could do it again, though.

we did the same (well, the NES controller bit) at my college, was so much fun but I haaaated Verilog

Nov 26, 2010

Then you have a responsibility that no man has ever faced. You have your fear which could become reality, and you have Godzilla, which is reality.

gonadic io posted:

rls update:
fixed some more bugs, added ability to run unit tests, added a clippy setting

intellij rust update
Extend Unresolved Reference inspection to highlight trait method calls if the corresponding trait is not in the scope. Also, provide quick fix to import this trait

sounds like rls hit 1.0! gently caress it, ship it

Nov 26, 2010

Then you have a responsibility that no man has ever faced. You have your fear which could become reality, and you have Godzilla, which is reality.


what's wrong with smart pointers? I'm not really using them yet because I want to get experience with raw pointers but I figured modern C++ was all about the smart pointers.
it was when i was last writing c++ in 2015, so I'm curious to know if the community moved hard against 'em like they did another cool C++11 feature

Nov 26, 2010

Then you have a responsibility that no man has ever faced. You have your fear which could become reality, and you have Godzilla, which is reality.

Nov 26, 2010

Then you have a responsibility that no man has ever faced. You have your fear which could become reality, and you have Godzilla, which is reality.

no they're correct, it's mutually exclusive

Nov 26, 2010

Then you have a responsibility that no man has ever faced. You have your fear which could become reality, and you have Godzilla, which is reality.

lol if the school u went to could afford sorting functions

Nov 26, 2010

Then you have a responsibility that no man has ever faced. You have your fear which could become reality, and you have Godzilla, which is reality.

doing emulator 101, and keep bouncing back between mapping my instructions to Enums with the data(e.g. MOV(Register, Register), ), which sucks because it means my instructions are "special" in memory, or just opcodes I dereference when I need to care what they are.

The downside to the -latter- is that during execution of the emulator, i have to care when i need to load more data, which arggh my perfect desiign.

Nov 26, 2010

Then you have a responsibility that no man has ever faced. You have your fear which could become reality, and you have Godzilla, which is reality.

akadajet posted:

yep. we're still making em

can you stop please

Nov 26, 2010

Then you have a responsibility that no man has ever faced. You have your fear which could become reality, and you have Godzilla, which is reality.

ratbert90 posted:

Fun fact about my current boss:
He not only promised that on the current project that we would not only get time to re-architect, but he delivered on that promise.

We had 6 full months to rewrite and re-architect an (admittedly far better) application, and in the end it's the nicest software with full test coverage and end to end tests that scales well.

He will fight tooth and nail for us, and our team has earned a rep of being fixers now. :v:

meanwhile the company you left is still millions of dollars in the hole right?

happy endings are so heartwarming

Nov 26, 2010

Then you have a responsibility that no man has ever faced. You have your fear which could become reality, and you have Godzilla, which is reality.

Kevin Mitnick P.E. posted:

its rust. rust has worse usability than go


Nov 26, 2010

Then you have a responsibility that no man has ever faced. You have your fear which could become reality, and you have Godzilla, which is reality.

let's steer this topic of conversation towards something more wholesome

Boy if there's one thing I love it's random drops of win32 API trivia

Nov 26, 2010

Then you have a responsibility that no man has ever faced. You have your fear which could become reality, and you have Godzilla, which is reality.

to be fair es had amazon totally pull the rug out from under em lol

Nov 26, 2010

Then you have a responsibility that no man has ever faced. You have your fear which could become reality, and you have Godzilla, which is reality.

Blinkz0rz posted:

if you get into a place where you have questions about your types you're probably writing bad code anyway

:psyduck: I don't think I've ever seen this particular defense of dynamic typing before but here we are.

Nov 26, 2010

Then you have a responsibility that no man has ever faced. You have your fear which could become reality, and you have Godzilla, which is reality.

Plorkyeran posted:

did you completely miss that 10 year period where everyone loved dynamic typing and thought that static types were just a legacy thing that used to be required for good performance?

probably, i didn't program until 2011

Nov 26, 2010

Then you have a responsibility that no man has ever faced. You have your fear which could become reality, and you have Godzilla, which is reality.

ThePeavstenator posted:

terraform is pretty cool

is it though

Nov 26, 2010

Then you have a responsibility that no man has ever faced. You have your fear which could become reality, and you have Godzilla, which is reality.

uncurable mlady posted:

types dont guard against npe

why would you write in a language which allows null pointers

Nov 26, 2010

Then you have a responsibility that no man has ever faced. You have your fear which could become reality, and you have Godzilla, which is reality.


like i woulda been totally fine with it sucking as long as it's unstable, that's just responsible development. it's not like I have to depend on it in my build, so i don't mind it being unstable.

but they just reaaaally had to check that 'great ide support by default' box on the marketing page.

the dev responsible said he just wanted a way for more people to start trying it, which.. man. i dunno. do they even use it?

Nov 26, 2010

Then you have a responsibility that no man has ever faced. You have your fear which could become reality, and you have Godzilla, which is reality.

Maximum Leader posted:

just had an encounter with a programmer that doesn't use indentation, refuses to use indentation and claims its "normal" to write code like this. not only that but actually zero indentation (no spaces, no tabs) is supposedly the default in visual studio code

I honestly have no idea how you can prevent VS Code from indenting code.

Nov 26, 2010

Then you have a responsibility that no man has ever faced. You have your fear which could become reality, and you have Godzilla, which is reality.

Blinkz0rz posted:

i haven't written a line of c++ since high school

who the hell's high school had programming courses

Nov 26, 2010

Then you have a responsibility that no man has ever faced. You have your fear which could become reality, and you have Godzilla, which is reality.

akadajet posted:

who's didn't?

mine had a computer course where you went into a computer room and they taught you how to use Microsoft Word and Excel. The teacher would walk behind you and make sure that you weren't browsing the internet.

I once asked if they had any programming stuff and was told that's more of a technical school kind of thing. This was 2008-2011.

Nov 26, 2010

Then you have a responsibility that no man has ever faced. You have your fear which could become reality, and you have Godzilla, which is reality.

Wheany posted:

Regdate Nov 26, 2010

:thunk: :siren:

what? lmao I imagine most people registered for SA in high school

Nov 26, 2010

Then you have a responsibility that no man has ever faced. You have your fear which could become reality, and you have Godzilla, which is reality.

akadajet posted:

lol no. I wasn't going to spend $10 for a forums account in high school

i mean your high school could probably hand out forums accounts for free if it was rich enough for programming courses lol

Nov 26, 2010

Then you have a responsibility that no man has ever faced. You have your fear which could become reality, and you have Godzilla, which is reality.

pseudorandom posted:

I'm both a couple days late and too lazy right now to actually investigate your code, but is there any reason you're going lower-level with hyper/tokio rather than one of the higher level frameworks? Rocket was really easy for simple projects, but I've moved over to Actix for my more recent toy projects. I would definitely recommend using a framework for Rust web things, unless your project is a web framework itself.
I posted about getting burned really hard by this a few months back, to the point where I wanted to write my own framework - it was at the height of the panic over Actix's tons of unsafe blocks, Rocket still being Too Unstable, and Gotham being abandoned (temporarily). Rust's web story still doesn't seem to be there.

pseudorandom posted:

Look at this guy, graduating high school in 3 years.

I was 7-11.

I was probably 7-11 too, but years are hard :smith:

Powerful Two-Hander posted:

honestly given how easy sql actually is I struggle to think of a case where a full fat orm is actually a benefit. like dapper owns because you can a use it as just an auto mapper and save some boilerplate, and yeah you can do stuff like embed lambas to split dataset outputs but you know what? If you're doing that poo poo you need to look at your data source queries and think "am I being too clever here?"

just write some procs that query views and if its slow either unfuck your query to not return a billion rows in an embedded expression then distinct them (!) or add the index you probably forgot about because you were gonna come back and add them after you created the table but db janitoring is boring so you didn't

edit: select em all 1989, I am ANSI man, 27193736 returned rows

EF is cool when you have to write an OData-compliant API oh god why

Nov 26, 2010

Then you have a responsibility that no man has ever faced. You have your fear which could become reality, and you have Godzilla, which is reality.

Luigi Thirty posted:

doc block convinced me that even if I don’t have a full runtime I can still write my own objc_msgSend and add object orientation features where they will do the most good since obj-c is effectively just bolted onto ansi c

I actually did find an embedded objective c framework targeting nintendo handhelds but not the n64!

Nov 26, 2010

Then you have a responsibility that no man has ever faced. You have your fear which could become reality, and you have Godzilla, which is reality.

the most frustrating thing about juniors to me is when they write code that they say works and that they finished a problem, so I ask okay great how'd you test it, and they tell me it compiles

Nov 26, 2010

Then you have a responsibility that no man has ever faced. You have your fear which could become reality, and you have Godzilla, which is reality.


di is the one design choice that has never failed me

im never sitting around regretting using di

Nov 26, 2010

Then you have a responsibility that no man has ever faced. You have your fear which could become reality, and you have Godzilla, which is reality.

Blinkz0rz posted:

the best di frameworks force you to declare your interface to impl mappings in code somewhere near the application entry point

yeah it's this. of the di frameworks i've used off the top of my head:

spring was Fine. I can specify init methods and explicitly point at impls. i don't really think much else is usually needed.

Autofac was Fine. interface->impl mappings, support for singletons when i just wanted config objects sometimes. good poo poo.

.net core's built-in poo poo was Good. interface->impl mappings, support for singletons, lets you specify scopes, lets you specify lambdas instead, it doesn't give a gently caress.

maybe just stick with one of these 3 (or write Rust code idk) (or poo poo does Rust have a di framework too now balls)

EDIT: when i write serverless apps i still write my code using DI-centric patterns and have my startup just manually control creation, and switching between them when i choose to containerize my apps instead is the easiest thing in the world.

Nov 26, 2010

Then you have a responsibility that no man has ever faced. You have your fear which could become reality, and you have Godzilla, which is reality.

animist posted:

theyve been trying to solicit feedback from the community to avoid people getting pissed off like they did from arg-position impl Trait

but now they've solicited community feedback AND ignored it which seems, like, worse?

that was pretty dumb though, the pissed off i mean. people ignored the rfcs and all that then it got merged and they were like 'WOW WHAT'

Nov 26, 2010

Then you have a responsibility that no man has ever faced. You have your fear which could become reality, and you have Godzilla, which is reality.

crazypenguin posted:

the .await syntax seems like the right decision to me?

it chains, and it's not like the semantics are different from the other syntax choices so... good on them imo

it's hard to argue with beyond the "it looks like a magic field" thing. which is a big thing! but doesn't outweigh other advantages.

Nov 26, 2010

Then you have a responsibility that no man has ever faced. You have your fear which could become reality, and you have Godzilla, which is reality.

elcannon posted:

Does anyone have any terrible programmer opinions/experiences on serverless stuff? I'm currently doing work for a small startup and the overall setup for our webapp is 6 or so aspnetcore apps running in docker on an ec2 instance. This has worked with minimal hiccups so far with the CI/CD pipeline just being updates to the docker-compose file, but the more I read about putting aspnetcore in lambda the more I am leaning towards ditching our current setup and going down that path. The main thing that is drawing me towards it is that I know gently caress all about maintaining linux things and I'm super paranoid that I have something misconfigured and there are logs slowly building that are going to crash things in the middle of the night 3 months from now or there is some security thing I am overlooking. The scalability options and cost benefits are nice but I don't see us getting over ~10k requests a day for a very long time so I'm mostly focused on finding a solution that is going to involve as little interaction with the infrastructure as possible.

don't do it using lambdas in aws tbh if you're intent on aspnetcore. the warmup times when it needs to become more parallel are genuinely impactful, unless your api is only being used by other apis asynchronously. it's just too much a pain in the rear end.

throw it into a docker container run it in eks or whatever your favorite choice here is and be done with it. throw an elb and apigw in front.


Nov 26, 2010

Then you have a responsibility that no man has ever faced. You have your fear which could become reality, and you have Godzilla, which is reality.

Soricidus posted:

typical questions when using maven:
- which bit of the pom do I add dependencies to?
- what’s the xml element I need to use?
- oh the ide does it all for me anyway? cool

typical questions when using gradle:
- what the gently caress does this bit do?
- what do you mean, nobody knows?
- please god, if you exist and ever helped anybody, can’t you please let me die?

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