terrible manager that sometimes programs checking in i write python and java when i get the chance but mostly i tell other teams how they should write their code
# ¿ Jul 17, 2018 23:17 |
# ¿ Sep 9, 2024 19:30 |
Shaggar posted:javascript is the worst thing there is. gently caress everyone who thinks it was ever a good idea. nah php is way worse
# ¿ Jul 18, 2018 00:42 |
ruby is worse too
# ¿ Jul 18, 2018 00:42 |
case in point, a former coworker of mine just went to google to do open source tools engineering. idk what he's gonna be working on but it sounded really good.
# ¿ Jul 21, 2018 18:06 |
MALE SHOEGAZE posted:tef's posts always remind me that i need to learn more about distributed systems. i work with a distributed system and the thing that sucks the most is how easy it is to go up your own rear end covering edge cases and failure points. it gets absurd and never gets simpler and that's why tef's posts own.
# ¿ Jul 22, 2018 23:25 |
MononcQc posted:Some storage we'll use on a high-availability product will be backed by just regular human readable files because it will be more important for an operator to be able to edit things by hand or crush it with an external file if all poo poo goes to hell than any level of performance that would be gained otherwise thats why our message bus passes pointers to files in s3. any performance loss (and there's not a lot) is offset by a) being able to sort of replay messages and b) diagnose failed payloads
# ¿ Jul 22, 2018 23:47 |
Ploft-shell crab posted:this is your brain on message bus? is there a reason you can’t do service discovery? it's a ~8 year old data ingestion pipeline and i have 0 control (or interest in control) over refactoring how services talk to each other
# ¿ Jul 23, 2018 21:31 |
Powerful Two-Hander posted:this is how terrible I am: when you open any script file in our solution vs will barf a load of warnings of "==, I think you mean ===" and I ignore them all yeah that's pretty terrible don't use == unless you absolutely have a reason to compare and allow javascripts weird type conversion rules to do their thing https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Equality_comparisons_and_sameness
# ¿ Jul 27, 2018 14:00 |
no outlay for hardware. no need to anticipate hardware purchases. built in orchestration apis versus implementing something like esxi.
# ¿ Jul 30, 2018 12:48 |
Kilometres Davis posted:Less poo poo to worry about disagree entirely if you're running t2.micros yeah that's true but cloud networking and vm performance tuning is a very interesting and complicated thing
# ¿ Jul 30, 2018 21:38 |
imo aws's api is light years better than vmware's offering also managed services are great and i love not having to janitor my database vms and not use rabbitmq in favor of sns/sqs
# ¿ Jul 30, 2018 21:51 |
eschaton posted:applications don’t run in the cloud, applications run on users’ devices your gimmick sucks
# ¿ Jul 30, 2018 23:47 |
we wrote a property management system that works really well and is a really great concept but is garbage cans full of burning trash under the hood still proud of it tho
# ¿ Aug 2, 2018 23:06 |
it's the linchpin of services we spend $18m/year running on aws and it's literally loving nodejs but it works flawlessly
# ¿ Aug 2, 2018 23:42 |
i miss writing code and am srsly thinking about going back to being an ic even though management has sweet rear end perks
# ¿ Aug 13, 2018 12:37 |
Finster Dexter posted:ctps: I'm plumbing the depths of a whole new universe of being terrible. Currently staring at the AWS console and wondering why I agreed to do devops stuff. Currently reading Aurora docs and still unsure why I would want this. I just want to set up a database server, geez. aws loving owns and paas is super cool and good
# ¿ Aug 17, 2018 00:54 |
Corla Plankun posted:costs a god drat fortune though lmao god you ain't kidding i just checked and our aws spend last month was $1.3m and that's one of the cheaper months we've had lately
# ¿ Aug 17, 2018 02:07 |
Spime Wrangler posted:as a terrible python programmer is kotlin a good option for a second not-javascript language? learn java then if you like it give kotlin a go. there's nothing in kotlin that's a super killer feature imo it's just a generally nice and well polished language on the jvm.
# ¿ Aug 23, 2018 00:36 |
brap posted:does go give a compile error if you don’t bind the error return value to something? (i.e. _) yes, a returned error is an explicit part of the function's signature and if a return value isn't handled the complier will yell at you
# ¿ Aug 25, 2018 01:02 |
incremental commits like "wip" or "linting" or "wtf" that will always stay local should probably be rewritten to represent the final units of work before pushed to the remote
# ¿ Sep 7, 2018 00:10 |
Finster Dexter posted:Yeah, that's what I'm using... but I have to do it in the context of the event-based json decoder like it's 1998. You can't just "Unmarshal" (the ~idiomatic~ term for deserializing) the json string and then call Number.String on it. can't you tag the field as json.RawMessage and parse the []byte as needed?
# ¿ Sep 8, 2018 11:33 |
CRIP EATIN BREAD posted:i'm pretty sure that at my university, before i could take anything related to programming, i had to take an algorithms course that was nothing but reading/write pseudocoe and time complexity analysis. this is like people admitting that their parents beat them with switches when they were kids but then swear that it was just discipline being abused by a cruel education isn't your fault
# ¿ Sep 15, 2018 14:00 |
ComradeCosmobot posted:also it has a schema language that can be used to enforce syntactic correctness of esoteric things JSON didn’t feel the need to standardize like timestamps tbh idk if i want my serialization format to be so opinionated as to stipulate a timestamp format so i just do what everyone else does and pray that dates are iso-8601 or seconds since the epoch and if not
# ¿ Oct 27, 2018 16:26 |
spring has these really great concepts called interceptors and filters that can be applied before a request hits your controller. they seem like an ideal place to do hmac validation but apparently HttpServletRequest doesn't cache the request body in any way so once you read it it's gone forever and you can't reassign the body back into the request in any way so now i'm making a hmac validation utility and calling it from the first line of all my controllers rather than doing it the way i want
# ¿ Nov 12, 2018 00:05 |
suffix posted:if they're like jetty filters you can make a new request that wraps the old one but with getReader etc. overriden and pass that down the chain Kevin Mitnick P.E. posted:ServletRequestFilter is provided by the spec and runs before DispatcherServlet. interceptors are provided by spring and run after DispatcherServlet sees the request. sounds like this is global to your app so just do a filter and pass a wrapped request down the chain. i tried this but couldn't get the @RequestBody annotation to recognize the cached request body in the wrapped request. then i gave up and wrote a util
# ¿ Nov 12, 2018 04:17 |
supporting one webapp is way easier than supporting multiple, platform-specific codebases
# ¿ Nov 23, 2018 16:01 |
Schadenboner posted:I once had a tooth pulled for which I got the one that’s Tylenol and some opiate. I took one then fell asleep extremely worried I wasn’t going to ever wake up but unable to do anything about it. have a spine injury and you'll get it
# ¿ Nov 26, 2018 13:19 |
Sapozhnik posted:k8s and docker have a legitimate use in situations where you've got 10,000 applications and 10,000 servers and installing all those applications on all those servers isn't really practical, so you want to decouple applications from the physical servers they are installed and running on. classic tools like rpm are too heavy and static and single-instance-focused to usefully accomplish this. well constructed golden images were the pinnacle of server management and i'll fight anyone who disagrees kubernetes has largely just turned that concept into a herd of pets managing cattle containers while the ops team tears their hair out making sure that all of k8s's inscrutable internals are working correctly so the fleet of 10,000 containers serving a fart app can continue to run
# ¿ Dec 13, 2018 19:38 |
Ploft-shell crab posted:yes, that’s exactly the point. instead of ops managing several different kinds of pets, it manages just one kind of pet. so in the interest of consistent environments (which we already have because chef/ansible/salt are a thing) ops is now on the hook for making sure that a set of beautiful pet k8s masters and nodes can never ever go down. tell me again how that's better than golden images with sensible autoscaling and instance termination on app failure? Shaggar posted:y do you even have servers. just deploy to azure paas. lmao, hush shaggar, the adults are talking
# ¿ Dec 14, 2018 00:08 |
Finster Dexter posted:I blame microservices (and I'm not sure if that's good or bad, tbh) i blame everyone wishing really hard that they were google or netflix, cargo culting like crazy, and forcing sensible people into chasing buzzwords to enable idiots to keep going fast and breaking things
# ¿ Dec 14, 2018 00:11 |
there's a middle ground where you can build microservices and not use docker or kubernetes and still get consistent, reproducible builds of both the app and the environment it does take a level of discipline that very few companies have though
# ¿ Dec 14, 2018 00:17 |
ratbert90 posted:Docker is nice though because updating is easy as gently caress. golden image is nice because step 1) build step 2) push jar/war/whatever the gently caress to nexus/artifactory step 3) have packer bake a new ami it's the exact same poo poo
# ¿ Dec 14, 2018 00:25 |
Ploft-shell crab posted:if you live in a world where you have stateless components and can easily scale up in an asg, then by all means go that route. I would argue that baking containers is preferable to baking images, but it doesn’t really matter that much fair
# ¿ Dec 14, 2018 03:46 |
i used to be of the opinion that queues between services let you reasonably distribute work to n number of consumers of m types and decouple services but all you end up doing is adding an unbounded, ephemeral transport between services which means you have to continually monitor scaling and queue depth to identify bottlenecks and can't actually apply back-pressure from the consumer contrast this with http/rpc/whatever calls to a load balancer with each services maintaining internal queues for re-work in case the downstream service applies back-pressure and imo it's pretty clear that all a queue does is provide non-durable storage outside of individual transaction handling at the operational expense of maintaining an opaque system that's really easy to tip over (i'm looking at you rabbitmq)
# ¿ Dec 22, 2018 17:24 |
elasticsearch is fine just use it for storing logs
# ¿ Dec 24, 2018 15:20 |
CRIP EATIN BREAD posted:how in the world are you screwing up an es cluster? running it on aws, pumping hundreds of thousands of log-lines per second through it, then losing a node and/or having a shard/shards reallocate es is great when it works but man it takes a lot to keep it operating as a near-realtime store for operational logging from a few hundred microservices + sidecar services
# ¿ Dec 26, 2018 23:03 |
yep that's exactly right. it's hard to tell what an appropriate capacity for an es cluster is based on volume/storage needs until you tip it over, adjust, tip it over again, and then keep adjusting. there are some ok tools for understanding shard allocation and replication but no real silver bullet for any of it.
# ¿ Dec 27, 2018 00:16 |
MrMoo posted:Anyone use Veracode because i'm about to start a poc with them please tell me more sadness
# ¿ Jan 9, 2019 00:04 |
Shaggar posted:it wouldn't be bad if the client language was c# instead of javascript. then go back in time and kill brendan eich cause otherwise that horse left the barn years ago
# ¿ Jan 12, 2019 17:44 |
# ¿ Sep 9, 2024 19:30 |
modern javascript is fine as a language although the stdlib is tiny because browsers the ecosystem that came up because of the tiny stdlib, the lack of standardized build targets, and the entire thing running on the client is javascript's shame
# ¿ Jan 12, 2019 17:46 |