Shaggar posted:yeah netscape and mozilla pretty much destroyed the internet lmao sure it's not microsoft refusing to follow the w3c or anything the browser wars were microsoft's fault and we've all suffered for it
# ¿ Jan 12, 2019 17:48 |
# ¿ Oct 16, 2024 08:37 |
Shaggar posted:lol no. javascript is a horrible, horrible language and all the tooling in the world cant fix it. also all the tooling is terrible i know i'm being shaggared but i'm sincerely curious as to why you think es6 is a horrible language don't compare it to c#
# ¿ Jan 12, 2019 17:50 |
es6 not what you remember of javascript from 1998
# ¿ Jan 12, 2019 17:51 |
ComradeCosmobot posted:Do you prefer substr or substring? i'm aware of the gotcha you're trying to call out. i tend to use substring because mdn considers substr to be legacy that said i haven't written an appreciable amount of javascript in a year and a bit
# ¿ Jan 12, 2019 18:12 |
Shaggar posted:if es6 had eliminated prototype inheritance and dynamic types it would have been a good step forward prototypical inheritance is fine it's not the language's fault you don't understand it js type system could be better but typescript exists and tbh if you get into a place where you have questions about your types you're probably writing bad code anyway
# ¿ Jan 12, 2019 18:14 |
i wonder what the overlap between people saying javascript is bad and people who write c is
# ¿ Jan 12, 2019 18:17 |
the terrible programmers are coming from inside the thread
# ¿ Jan 12, 2019 19:40 |
AWWNAW posted:it’s huge fun writing dynamically typed programs and it fuckin sucks to maintain them
# ¿ Jan 12, 2019 21:09 |
i'm the NullPointerException at runtime
# ¿ Jan 12, 2019 21:20 |
AWWNAW posted:whose stack trace has been elided as a performance optimization pretend i posted a stack trace entirely comprised of files in spring boot
# ¿ Jan 12, 2019 22:11 |
Soricidus posted:another plausible outcome would have been: client side scripting takes off, but in vbscript this would have been the outcome if microsoft had had its way
# ¿ Jan 13, 2019 15:24 |
abigserve posted:golang error handling is so terrible if you're thinking about writing something in golang think extremely long and hard about how much error checking you want because this one attribute of the language might be enough to put you off go error handling is fine albeit super verbose handling panics in early versions was hot garbage especially since places in the stdlib and a whole bunch of 3rd party libraries used to use it liberally
# ¿ Jan 13, 2019 23:09 |
hmm yes a 3 year old question sure showed them
# ¿ Jan 15, 2019 08:40 |
fart_man_69 posted:welp chardet thought one of my files was ISO-8859-2 (Eastern European) but its actually Windows-1252 with a bunch of Danish characters require a specific encoding and throw an error back to the user if it isn't that file encoding is like time handling: not even once
# ¿ Jan 19, 2019 19:21 |
DONT THREAD ON ME posted:amazing that's how you roll in tyool 2019 but pretend it's 1994 and nothing you know about writing or releasing code exists in any appreciable way
# ¿ Jan 24, 2019 04:39 |
lol i just found out a team we worked with to architect a file encryption and decryption service is having issues encrypting files...that are 6+ gb why no, the solution based on the spec that required reading ~5mb pdfs into memory and encrypting them won't scale with huge files why do you ask?
# ¿ Jan 30, 2019 14:53 |
gonadic io posted:ctps: why not mirror your entire $GOPATH into your build container, build from the project directory, then copy the binary out to the next stage?
# ¿ Feb 12, 2019 13:35 |
gonadic io posted:why copy all my other go projects when i only want to build one? it's an intermediate container. there's no need to select a specific set of directories and worry about additional vendor directories when you ultimately have to recreate a part of your $GOPATH tree anyways just either copy the whole $GOPATH or mount it as a volume and not worry about it
# ¿ Feb 12, 2019 13:56 |
Corla Plankun posted:tests are documentation that is guaranteed to be correct (or at least overtly incorrect when it is incorrect) code:
is a test guaranteed to be correct but has absolutely zero value and is one i would delete from a codebase in an instant if i found it
# ¿ Feb 16, 2019 18:47 |
Corla Plankun posted:if you're commiting a list comprehension that is more complicated than something like my team is loving awful at this and i have to constantly remind them that "pythonic" means readable and comprehensible not code golf
# ¿ Feb 18, 2019 16:29 |
Powerful Two-Hander posted:what the gently caress why does this method pass an instance of a class to itself as a parameter for its own save method if i had to guess someone probably wrote a dal abstraction layer that uses the class type as an entity to pass into a factory that saves the right object type but then forgot what they were doing and gently caress you that's why
# ¿ Feb 18, 2019 18:11 |
Private Speech posted:a dalal if you will
# ¿ Feb 18, 2019 19:33 |
Powerful Two-Hander posted:i added commit hooks to our main repos and now I keep getting asked why commits don't work because reading the output window in vs or the error message is apparently too hard i wish github let you add hooks on their end. i bet gh enterprise does this, right?
# ¿ Feb 20, 2019 00:07 |
multi-tenancy is a hell of a drug
# ¿ Feb 20, 2019 13:55 |
redleader posted:nice. we can use one google doc then. headings are permissions. bullet points beneath each heading list the permitted users for that permission. strikethrough is used for revocation. this also allows other people to manage the permission lists, as well as history tracking, versioning, and rollback i know you're being sarcastic but static acls are totally fine as long as the contents of the acl file is hashed and verified as the source of truth
# ¿ Mar 2, 2019 17:40 |
i have a weird/dumb idea that i was hoping to get some thoughts on. i wrote a task runner in python that takes user supplies code, generates a context, and executes the code in that context. the task running code is kind of janky and, because it's python and the gil exists i've had to resort to using multithreading to get semi-decent performance with the trade-off that the process boundary is extremely brittle. i was thinking about rewriting the task runner code in go and somehow using ffi to execute the python code. from reading it looks like i'll have to use the c import and write a c bridge to handle the ffi but there's also a bit of the runner code that does some code validation and it'd be cool to port that to go as well am i being stupid here? are there better options?
# ¿ Apr 6, 2019 23:28 |
i haven't written a line of c++ since high school
# ¿ Apr 6, 2019 23:33 |
does rust have an aws sdk? cause that's the other piece of the puzzle i'd love to use rust if i could
# ¿ Apr 7, 2019 00:01 |
it's not performance critical but it is bottlenecked by python's gil if i use threads and lots of very specific data handling and sanitization when dealing with passing values across the process boundary if i use multiprocess i'd love to work with something that's a) statically typed, b) performant, and c) doesn't have the same annoying considerations around parallelizing execution
# ¿ Apr 7, 2019 01:44 |
also the rest of my lovely team only really knows python so it ended up being python but it takes loving forever to run these tasks
# ¿ Apr 7, 2019 01:45 |
ratbert90 posted:Modern C++ is quite good and meets all of one points. i came in asking this question thinking i was the terrible programmer but maybe it's u?
# ¿ Apr 7, 2019 01:46 |
Beamed posted:who the hell's high school had programming courses we had ap comp sci
# ¿ Apr 7, 2019 12:22 |
god i hate writing boilerplate dtos
# ¿ Apr 15, 2019 22:03 |
CRIP EATIN BREAD posted:webdev is such a joke that it shouldn’t even be considered programming idk the number of dumb poo poo problems that web devs keep having to solve because no one has solved them in meaningful ways is kind of astonishing
# ¿ Apr 21, 2019 21:05 |
@Autowired ftw
# ¿ May 3, 2019 23:10 |
but for real di frameworks own because i don't want to worry about what type is fulfilling the interface
# ¿ May 3, 2019 23:11 |
the best di frameworks force you to declare your interface to impl mappings in code somewhere near the application entry point the bad ones are xml all the way down
# ¿ May 4, 2019 00:02 |
ratbert90 posted:It's me, I like chef. I am a terrible person. chef is miserable and, like all dsls, should be destroyed and all its creators rounded up and executed
# ¿ May 7, 2019 23:20 |
it's fine to be wary of sql insofar as rdbms systems very quickly start to require a lot of very specific tweaks and nuanced approaches that aren't particularly intuitive and aren't immediately apparent from just knowing how to use the language
# ¿ May 12, 2019 21:31 |
# ¿ Oct 16, 2024 08:37 |
Fiedler posted:some database systems are easier and more intuitive than others. for example, this little oopsie literally could not have happened if they had used azure sql database instead of some azure vms running postgresql. i was referring to some of the more esoteric oddness that happens when you start working with huge tables and lots of operations for example we run into this bug and this bug (which is in innodb so it hits us in mysql) every now and then yeah we probably wouldn't run into these specific issues if we weren't using mysql or mariadb but postgres and mssql have their own complexities that the sql language belies
# ¿ May 13, 2019 01:18 |