carry on then posted:medium no syntax highlighting? i'm not writing a go blog friend. ok you can embed gists which is good enough but ugh this wysiwyg editor is really painful DONT THREAD ON ME fucked around with this message at 22:26 on Jul 23, 2018 |
# ¿ Jul 23, 2018 22:23 |
# ¿ Oct 7, 2024 14:28 |
gently caress it rolling my own blogging engine
# ¿ Jul 23, 2018 23:29 |
redleader posted:i spent about zero seconds thinking through this analogy, so i'm sure someone is going to swing by and categorically explain why composability IS NOT lego and hurt my feelings actually it's k'nex
# ¿ Jul 23, 2018 23:33 |
eschaton posted:write it in server side Swift! Bloody posted:write it in fullstack rust honestly i'm not gonna do it because like jony neuemonic, i've already done it 3 times and i dont want to get distracted by something i already know how to do. but i really want to. maybe i will write a blog engine in both languages and then write a blog comparing and contrasting. eschaton posted:theyre both good just for different things i'm being facetious. clearly a language needs to be able to model is-a relationships. i suppose i'd amend my statement to say "composition is better than complex inheritance. eschaton posted:
yeah i'm definitely going to market this around. the rust team just introduced some blog amplifying program where you submit your blog and they post it up all over the place so i'm gonna try and do that too.
# ¿ Jul 24, 2018 01:12 |
sublime text what is this, barely 3 years ago??
# ¿ Jul 24, 2018 03:48 |
Bloody posted:i just want to write rust and get paid for it let's do a startup
# ¿ Jul 24, 2018 21:22 |
a rusty venture, if you will
# ¿ Jul 24, 2018 21:37 |
jit bull transpile posted:I have an actual product idea but it would be subscription based and I'd want to HQ in Milwaukee instead of the stupid sf bay so it's doomed from the start probably. i'd live in milwaukee imo i've never typed milwaukee before what a weird word
# ¿ Jul 24, 2018 22:16 |
a wallet chain made from a block chain for holding your paper wallet
# ¿ Jul 24, 2018 22:20 |
jit bull transpile posted:Its an app meant for families and yeah I was thinking like 10 and 25 buck a month tiers based in what features they want. follow your heart friend. you're smart and if it's actually a good idea i think you'll know
# ¿ Jul 24, 2018 22:28 |
buy out several city blocks and turn it into an adult theme park fantasy land that is exactly like a normal city in every way except that trump was never elected president. that's where i want to go on vacation.
# ¿ Jul 24, 2018 22:33 |
a space exploration startup whose only goal is to send elon musk to the kuiper belt
# ¿ Jul 24, 2018 22:37 |
sorry, i'm done.
# ¿ Jul 24, 2018 22:42 |
i had a streak of over-engineering 5 things and now i'm really cautious about it. my natural inclination is to over-engineer, i really enjoy the process of greenfield poo poo so i go overboard and it's probably my worst quality as an engineer. fortunately i'm aware of it and do my best to combat it now. i go hog wild in personal projects, though.
# ¿ Jul 25, 2018 01:24 |
gonadic io posted:rust magnetometer ststus: done and it calculates the angle from (magnetic) North it seems consistent but I have ordered a magnetic compass to check. This is much easier because I live on the Greenwich line so don't have to really correct for geographic vs magnetic north lol how are you feeling about arduino as your choice for doing embedded stuff in rust? i'm super interested in learning more about embedded but i dont want to get super serious (yet).
# ¿ Jul 25, 2018 15:39 |
gonadic io posted:For reference with my mkrzero (samd21g18a) I now need no unsafe code and no pointer loving which is a million times better than it was a year ago: https://github.com/djmcgill/coffee-compass/blob/master/src/main.rs nice yeah, i want to do this. that is such a departure from the code i've been writing. i think i have byte anxiety.
# ¿ Jul 25, 2018 17:45 |
well then we really need to invent a font for people with dyslexia that isn't comic sans. the idea that there's a group of people out there who can only look at comic sans is heart wrenching.
DONT THREAD ON ME fucked around with this message at 14:05 on Jul 26, 2018 |
# ¿ Jul 26, 2018 14:02 |
ya i think so. but maybe there’s a better way idk
# ¿ Jul 26, 2018 14:36 |
TheCog posted:At the risk of sounding ignorant, what is a p-lang? also you’re not ignorant it’s yospos slang
# ¿ Jul 26, 2018 21:24 |
rats (get it, cats in rust) update: we got kleislicode:
this was tricky to implement. (sorry, i know this is useless without explanation, i'm working on it). code:
side note, I wish rust would let me do this: code:
also: i still really don't get lifetimes, and this is tied up in my complete lack of understanding around how memory works. really looking forward to digging into c/c++ because rust isn't really helping with my intuition here. also also: translating a well-documented library from one language to another is a really useful exercise for learning. DONT THREAD ON ME fucked around with this message at 00:23 on Jul 27, 2018 |
# ¿ Jul 27, 2018 00:14 |
there's nothing good about it. it's a monstrosity. i feel nothing but shame.
# ¿ Jul 27, 2018 02:02 |
for real though, i'm just reading the cats source code and re-implementing it as well as i can in rust. i love it but it's definitely not good. thanks though
# ¿ Jul 27, 2018 02:27 |
i just happen to like rats a lot. also i had a sweet tooth tonight, so check out this sweet sweet syntactic sugar: code:
# ¿ Jul 27, 2018 03:50 |
tinaun posted:male shoegaze i think the inferred outlives rfc and the implied bounds rfc would help you out here and cover most of what you want. (it won't hurt to submit your rfc though, it doesn't seem like that large of an addition). there's also an ancient rfc about lifetime elision in impl headers that was accepted pre 1.0 and only now getting around to being implemented. oooh yeah these would help a lot. as you said though, my suggestion seems harmless so i might give it a shot just for fun. eschaton posted:does rust let you declare your own operators, using Unicode too? otoh, adding custom operators would be in keeping with my previous terrible programming language contribution: adding nested ternary expressions to Crystal. Peeny Cheez posted:Male Shoegaze has drunk deeply of the FP Kool-Aide i know you're just poking fun but let me just state that I am not an FP zealot. It's really fun and it's making my brain grow and I'll definitely continue to apply a lot of these concepts to other things, but I don't think it's the best/only way to program. I just came off a year at a scala shop and I didn't get to explore these concepts as much as I wanted so here I am. Powerful Two-Hander posted:what the gently caress sort of moon language is this it's good
# ¿ Jul 27, 2018 12:46 |
Powerful Two-Hander posted:this is how terrible I am: when you open any script file in our solution vs will barf a load of warnings of "==, I think you mean ===" and I ignore them all
# ¿ Jul 27, 2018 13:25 |
Blinkz0rz posted:yeah that's pretty terrible otoh don't kill yourself fixing a bunch of terrible javascript that you didnt write
# ¿ Jul 27, 2018 14:19 |
Phobeste posted:it's really cool that for some reason when otherwise reasonable programmers get into that FP Good poo poo they suddenly forget all about the concept of "reasonable function or variable names" or "comments" and nobody's expected to blnk an eye it's because functional programming is just an excuse to never have to come up with names for your variables
# ¿ Jul 27, 2018 15:41 |
tinaun posted:watch this space. until then you could use FutureObj to store boxed futures 0.3 Futures, as all Box<F> where F: Future03 can be freely converted to a FutureObj. its useful! e: I gave it a shot, it almost works but I'm stuck because it looks like you can only convert into a FutureObj from a Box<Future<Output=()>> (as opposed to Output=A)? that doesn't really make sense to me, hmm. quote:yesterday i got invited to be a maintainer of futures-rs, so thats cool i guess. that's awesome, i'd be extremely chuffed about that if i were you DONT THREAD ON ME fucked around with this message at 17:13 on Jul 27, 2018 |
# ¿ Jul 27, 2018 16:39 |
also tinaun plz explain pinning tyvm
# ¿ Jul 27, 2018 17:47 |
gonadic io posted:snip Oh I didn't notice this, let me try harder. e: yeah that worked, thanks! unfortunately since the future needs to be send that means I have to constrain some of the typeclass methods to also be send, eg for functor, the Fn(A) -> B function would need to be send. This would be fine if I could limit that requirement to the future functor only, but I don't think I can. e2: oh I think I can just use a LocalFutureObj instead. DONT THREAD ON ME fucked around with this message at 18:57 on Jul 27, 2018 |
# ¿ Jul 27, 2018 18:35 |
hurray: code:
DONT THREAD ON ME fucked around with this message at 21:02 on Jul 27, 2018 |
# ¿ Jul 27, 2018 20:48 |
Bloody posted:i have found an excuse to spend my friday at work writing rust tell us about your rust project
# ¿ Jul 27, 2018 21:04 |
MononcQc posted:I think most functional language that have pattern matches and guard sequences for them support that feature. yeah, but are those languages zero cost *and* fearlessly concurrent?
# ¿ Jul 27, 2018 22:14 |
before i'm done with my functional rust library thing i'm definitely going to try and benchmark it against at least scala. interested in memory performance as well as speed. i'm trying to implement trampolining now and am curious to see how that performs against scala in a fold right.
# ¿ Jul 27, 2018 23:00 |
tinaun posted:ok. but first lets talk about mem::replace wow thanks! im taking a break from computer today but ill be working through this tomorrow!
# ¿ Jul 28, 2018 12:57 |
Powerful Two-Hander posted:born to script it's so weird how memes work i first saw this one you know like, 6mo-1yr ago in this thread. and i didn't get it. so i looked it up and i thought "ok, whatever" then i saw a few more and they didnt do anything for me but now this one is funny. memes are weird.
# ¿ Jul 29, 2018 02:19 |
Woo, got kleisli compose and monad working with futures. It required wrapping the stored closure in the kleisli in an Rc, but the more I think about that the more it makes sense.code:
also i've been switching between RLS and Intellij a lot and RLS feels like it's catching up. It's a lot better at dealing with macros than intellij which is super important because a lot of the std lib stuff is macro based. For instance, intellij just doesn't understand futures v3, because a lot of the definitions are inside macro blocks. However, intellij can implement traits which is a majorly killer future for what I'm doing. DONT THREAD ON ME fucked around with this message at 16:47 on Jul 29, 2018 |
# ¿ Jul 29, 2018 16:40 |
true story i had no idea how to pronounce kleisli until i saw rob norris do a talk where he said it. i was saying something closer to khaleesi in my head. also if you're interested in FP stuff I'd definitely recommend rob norris' talks / blogs, he's responsible for any of the understanding i have. i dunno that he's a guru but he's really likable and accessible. https://tpolecat.github.io/presos.html DONT THREAD ON ME fucked around with this message at 17:00 on Jul 29, 2018 |
# ¿ Jul 29, 2018 16:57 |
tinaun posted:ok. but first lets talk about mem::replace thanks again for this. reread it a few times. i'll need to experiment before it really clicks but it's not a mysterious and scary as it was at first.
# ¿ Jul 29, 2018 21:25 |
# ¿ Oct 7, 2024 14:28 |
the biggest thing i miss about red hat is the big on prem private cloud we had in lower environments for testing/validating pocs/etc. so nice, even if the UI was garbage.
# ¿ Jul 30, 2018 13:58 |