and the backup works as well? wonders never cease
# ¿ Jul 20, 2018 10:37 |
# ¿ Sep 9, 2024 19:15 |
Star War Sex Parrot posted:I’ve become pretty interested in databases during my masters program and am strongly considering sticking around to do a PhD to do more databases research write a paper titled: how to coax dbas into letting you run more and longer queries
# ¿ Jul 22, 2018 09:02 |
The_Franz posted:
but now you have a visual basic program to maintain
# ¿ Jul 23, 2018 09:18 |
Chalks posted:I mean you're writing software for windows 95 so I guess you're past the point of worrying about things like that. I missed that part completely also, welp
# ¿ Jul 23, 2018 09:58 |
CRIP EATIN BREAD posted:i need a java library that does parsing of html, it doesnt have to be perfect, i just want to set up a proxy webserver and use the library to replace some strings without compltely breaking the html tags. must it be java? I think pythons beautifulsoup does what you want, at least the scraping bit, the regex i'm more iffy on
# ¿ Jul 23, 2018 14:51 |
Xarn posted:Also lol no* other choice in academia. depends on your field life sciences for instance is firmly ms word land
# ¿ Jul 26, 2018 08:36 |
cinci zoo sniper posted:c tp s: i really don’t like working with relational data structures in pandas so im now experimenting with local mssql server installation to avoid committing war crimes to our dwh i'm still amazed at how bad pandas seem to be in a load of ways
# ¿ Jul 26, 2018 09:32 |
cinci zoo sniper posted:basically each agent has a list of customers assigned to them. they log into customer management panel in the morning, and start going one by one, manually, through customer account pages. if they see that customer has an invoice due, they print out a blank invoice reminder letter form, open customer personal detail page, and write down their details, by hand, into the form, and the gold it into an envelope and write the customer’s address on it, by hand. two letters per customer. total volume of hundreds, if not thousand, per day.
# ¿ Jul 26, 2018 10:42 |
eschaton posted:I don’t know, what’s a p-lang with you? pos-lang
# ¿ Jul 27, 2018 08:33 |
CPColin posted:Filter that feedback through middle management, if possible, in case that helps not paint a target on your back. My manager who is also the CTO told me to put on a more happy demeanor so my colleagues would come to me with their tech issues. They felt I was scary.
# ¿ Jul 30, 2018 22:48 |
gonadic io posted:this is legit feedback, being welcoming and approachable is important when pairing or sharing knowledge it is but they're salespeople and marketing. I'm also not a monster, I just don't smile. edit: actually gently caress it and gently caress them all. never work at a startup champagne posting fucked around with this message at 22:59 on Jul 30, 2018 |
# ¿ Jul 30, 2018 22:56 |
holy poo poo that is terrible
# ¿ Aug 2, 2018 09:54 |
Powerful Two-Hander posted:extremely true about this: what is a good system for version control and storage of documents?
# ¿ Aug 3, 2018 08:58 |
cinci zoo sniper posted:xml i feel, you can version files and their schemes nicely no like marketing has a bunch of word and pdf files in different version how do you keep track of them in a way that's not terrible?
# ¿ Aug 3, 2018 09:10 |
eschaton posted:make them write in LaTeX and use git? lol
# ¿ Aug 3, 2018 09:47 |
my new dog posted:im terrible and my programming is terrible
# ¿ Aug 10, 2018 14:08 |
lol if you have to deal with time zones and/or any naive time really get a library dude
# ¿ Aug 14, 2018 12:24 |
today in terrible programming: my boss said to me: "hey boiled can we remove the square brackets from the json output? yeah the ones demarking arrays, our scandi customers are having trouble parsing them"
# ¿ Aug 14, 2018 14:18 |
Symbolic Butt posted:there's so many questions, like how is it harder to parse arrays than json objects oh my it got better. After making the change the franchise partners got back to a relations person (thankfully i don't have direct contact with anyone) and said "postman no work now, it says syntax error "
# ¿ Aug 15, 2018 13:49 |
Triglav posted:i wanna write terrible programs for money that go fast and dont use a lot of ram businesses want agile, fast and cheap programs realistically you may want to look into embedded something
# ¿ Aug 15, 2018 17:18 |
Shaggar posted:use azure sql instead. if you like me is a terrible dba who just need the database to work then it's amazing that's all, i don't know how to continue this argument
# ¿ Aug 17, 2018 08:05 |
table-1 TEST-table-1-delete as Infiniti
# ¿ Sep 4, 2018 22:31 |
pseudorandom name posted:C++ doesn't have a decimal type either SQL does and the guy who set up the SQL server at work used the type to produce large zero precision numbers, i.e. numbers with up to 18 decimals, with none after the decimal place.
# ¿ Sep 7, 2018 22:15 |
question: are image sizes ever an issue?
# ¿ Sep 8, 2018 16:10 |
cinci zoo sniper posted:is this problem with all high level etl guys? ours is absolutely incapable to use ssh 10 months into working in a linux server shop. and by absolutely incapable i mean just connecting to server via ssh learning and using version control doesn't give immediate value, and as such I doubt any boss would be willing to get that ball rolling hell my current employer had no version control or code repository of any kind when I started
# ¿ Sep 10, 2018 08:25 |
Shaggar posted:yeah anyone using Linux for etl instead of SSIS is a total moron gently caress i would love either i have a server that accepts user:pass ftp. Not even sftp or anything fancy. For double the fun said ftp server was rebooted for security updates (it's a windows 10 server because the CTO "knows windows" despite being a through and through apple person) and now the subcontractor who sends us files every night can't connect.
# ¿ Sep 10, 2018 14:39 |
Chalks posted:
i agree 1020.0000000000001 is better
# ¿ Sep 11, 2018 16:45 |
Shaggar posted:also related to dbs and .net, why in the gently caress is the .net team still promoting entity framework? Its so loving awful. Is the vs/.net team just totally incompetent when it comes to databases? afaik the teams at microsoft fight each other tooth and nail it might be incompetence through infighting.
# ¿ Sep 20, 2018 15:44 |
carry on then posted:god i love worthless documentation of open source poo poo, just this smug air of "you work 80 hours a week so you have time to figure this out yourself" how about worthless open source documentation from microsoft? "What's that? Want to interface with active directory through python? With tokens? You madman figure it out":
# ¿ Sep 21, 2018 07:46 |
there’s always more and it’s always worse
# ¿ Sep 21, 2018 10:48 |
Luigi Thirty posted:call me when swift runs on the Motorola 68000 be the change you want to see in the world: write the compiler
# ¿ Sep 27, 2018 09:25 |
Skyl3lazer posted:It took like 12 years for VS to be good though so it's not a great example. The difference between VS2007 and VS2017 is staggering it's also really only good in windows. VS for mac is weird and features and documentation are all over the place.
# ¿ Oct 1, 2018 16:51 |
akadajet posted:this is a good thing if we’re lucky we might be rid of it in two decades to be replaced with nothing
# ¿ Oct 1, 2018 22:09 |
akadajet posted:they should post the unmodified notch source code they can’t, not after the chat bot
# ¿ Oct 7, 2018 22:55 |
tay the bot
# ¿ Oct 8, 2018 20:13 |
cinci zoo sniper posted:c tp s: im in data science and was asked today how much time would it take me to develop "mission critical" part of our architecture in a hypothetical new product this lead me down the path to eventually be fired from my awful startup job
# ¿ Oct 16, 2018 22:35 |
cinci zoo sniper posted:i quoted estimate of 3 full time weeks of my time + a month of full time of a full development team with overall prototype delivery in 2 months, which should be good enough to ward these thoughts away “that’s nice but instead here’s 16 hours. we’re an agile company “
# ¿ Oct 16, 2018 22:57 |
cinci zoo sniper posted:nah this is a finance multinational and my boss is a former banking exec that doesn’t sound fine at all
# ¿ Oct 17, 2018 08:14 |
i want to learn some c++. is there an ide that’s the ide for this purpose?
# ¿ Oct 20, 2018 23:22 |
# ¿ Sep 9, 2024 19:15 |
pointsofdata posted:Yeah letting the applications control the data structures is a surefire way to end up with a lovely db, loads of duplication and misrecs everywhere a combination of huge views and an orm is likewise a terrible idea although views a pretty good, if the underlying db is bad then, well it’s all gonna be bad
# ¿ Nov 2, 2018 12:57 |