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Apr 26, 2006

cinci zoo sniper posted:

for reference, dude currently deemed responsible for the deletion was adamantly against having a dba or taking some control off laravel orm

giving developers access to a database is a bad idea.


Apr 26, 2006
javascript is the worst thing there is. gently caress everyone who thinks it was ever a good idea.

Apr 26, 2006

Blinkz0rz posted:

nah php is way worse

nope. php is definitely better than javascript.

Apr 26, 2006


until recently i would have agreed with you, but consider the following counterpoint: php code runs on computers belonging to the company that created or purchased that garbage. javascript code runs on your computer

this plus php is a better language in general.

Apr 26, 2006
in 15 years javascript will still be around and it will still be the worst thing.

Apr 26, 2006

Kilometres Davis posted:

JavaScript is much better than PHP this thread is insane.

JavaScript’s framework and module ecosystem is easily as bad if not worse though.

php can theoretically be used as a basic web template language. javascript has no theoretical good uses. its a pile of poo poo used by hacks to make garbage

Apr 26, 2006

ratbert90 posted:

        /* The true correct way*/

lol look at this hosed up bullshit. can you even imagine the kind of moron who would do brackets like that?

Apr 26, 2006
hard tabs only, all man style.

Apr 26, 2006

jit bull transpile posted:

I didn't realize you're in Healthcare it now. I'm no longer surprised. Every piece of health care software bar none is a piece of poo poo cargo culting bad programming paradigms badly 10 years after their heyday.

theres good software in healthcare its just not all that common. I had to do integration w/ a clinical analytics subsidiary of one of the major emr developers and their clinical database schema was extremely good and if I ever need to store the same data myself I will straight up copy that poo poo.

Apr 26, 2006
if u don't have a schema you cant have data

Apr 26, 2006
schemaless data is just noise

Apr 26, 2006
mongo isn't a database, its a heap

Apr 26, 2006
I used jsoup in the distant past. in c# I would use html agility pack.

Apr 26, 2006
linq is a good example of composability.

Apr 26, 2006

Lutha Mahtin posted:

i is though, right? i always took "composable" to mean "you can easily mash it together with other things in order to get different effects"

that's how legos work

Apr 26, 2006
heres a latex protip: use Microsoft word instead

Apr 26, 2006

Phobeste posted:

Does o365 work for collaboration at all

It's kind of astounding that microsofts state of the art way to collaborate on docs is still "email them around"

yeah but nobody has it setup right. if users have the ability to save documents locally they will.

Apr 26, 2006

cinci zoo sniper posted:

basically each agent has a list of customers assigned to them. they log into customer management panel in the morning, and start going one by one, manually, through customer account pages. if they see that customer has an invoice due, they print out a blank invoice reminder letter form, open customer personal detail page, and write down their details, by hand, into the form, and the gold it into an envelope and write the customer’s address on it, by hand. two letters per customer. total volume of hundreds, if not thousand, per day.

automate that poo poo. also sql server is great. check out SSIS while you're in there

Apr 26, 2006

Jowj posted:

c terrible programmer s:

been asked to make our 8 yr old home rolled fim output logs in a format that our ticketing system will accept. currently it hits character cap when listing every file exception out. The general direction was just "list what servers have exceptions, and the number of exceptions, and then have a link to the SEIM's report for those events.

I can write powershell and python but this is C#. I don''t know c#. I feel like i'm playing whack-a-mole trying to figure out why in certain cases my new lines are actually triggered and in some they aren't.

also side bitch: the logging module was home rolled too, they didn't use log4net or nlog, we just have a whole Logging.cs file full of "file.WriteLine".

i'd bitch about why we aren't using actual c# devs that we have in house for this, it would probably take them less than hour or two to figure out, but i've been wanting to figure out c# more, so, r i p

its possible they used a mix of line terminators. how are you reading in the log files and is there a standard layout (ex: date severity message) or is it a mess?

Apr 26, 2006

Jowj posted:

ah I miss-typed. I said "why my new lines aren't triggering" and i meant my new lines of code, rather than literal new lines.

but, lol no its a loving mess. it prints out a txt file but doesn't do any standardization its a travesty.

Processing server group: test

    Processing Time:
         Start: 7/26/2018 4:02:26 PM
          Stop: 7/26/2018 4:05:27 PM
       Runtime: 00 00:03:00 day(s) hr:min:sec
those are all staticly created newlines and spacing printed out. its a disgusting mess. if I had more time I would look into using an actual logging library, and making sure the application printed everything in date severity message. there are literally no time stamps other than start/stop of scan.


oh my god they are using a mix of line terminators gently caress, sometimes \n sometimes \r\n i am flabbergasted. this is windows only too.

how do you mean lines of code not triggering? if its breakpoints not being hit make sure you're in debug mode instead of release mode. release mode optimizes your code and deletes statements that it doesn't like so if you have debugging garbage it will just skip over it.

also lol good luck. if you can swing it, switching the logging to nlog or some other logging lib would absolutely be the best way to fix this.

Apr 26, 2006

TheCog posted:

At the risk of sounding ignorant, what is a p-lang?

perl, python, php, ruby, etc... bad Linux languages

Apr 26, 2006
the best is probably opening 2 input filestreams, 1 output filestream, and then doing copyto with an appropriate buffersize

Apr 26, 2006

Doom Mathematic posted:

It is? I thought it was like a mildly well-known industry term. That's how I use it at work anyway.

I think people instinctively know what you mean from context.

Apr 26, 2006
"we need to teach the interns how to code because they only know p-langs"
"the last idiot who worked here wrote it in some p-lang so we rewrote it in c#"

Apr 26, 2006
developing stuff for Cloud VMs isn't any better than developing for local vms. The big thing is doing development for platform as a service languages like where you can just deploy your app to azure and it handles everything including vm management. Scaling is way more cost effective and if you ever wanted to not run it on azure that's fine cause its and it will run anywhere so you can go back to the dark ages of server management.

Apr 26, 2006
I like aws's api and they have good cost reporting if you setup your own tags

Apr 26, 2006
yeah unless their test cases are invalid that sounds pretty nice

Apr 26, 2006
vs2017 wanted me to install node externally to build a js client project so I just decided not to do that.

Apr 26, 2006


i will not play kerbal space program. i bought it and installed it a few years ago, stayed up for 48 hours straight playing it, and then uninstalled because otherwise that game would have taken over my life.

get factorio

Apr 26, 2006

cinci zoo sniper posted:

no, he should sleep sometimes

not if he has more factorio to play

Apr 26, 2006

SpaceAceJase posted:

Yo, what's a good ETL/workflow engine for parsing CSV files, and doing stuff like error trapping at certain steps?

Js or PHP options please. I'm a terrible proframmer


Apr 26, 2006

raminasi posted:

apparently etl means something other that slurping up data from somewhere, fiddling with it, and putting it in a database but i can’t for the life of me figure out how it’s different

no that's it. extract transform load

Apr 26, 2006

redleader posted:

are there any libraries/frameworks/tools/etc for doing etl? surely it must be a solved problem by now.

i ask because at work we have a bunch (idk, 100+?) of integrations that just do endless variants of 'slurp data in, mangle data, fart data out'. of course, each one is usually its own bespoke little thing, handcrafted with varying degrees of quality, failure handling, logging, retrying logic, and just generally giving-a-poo poo. this is surprisingly a bit of a problem for our ops team, who spend a lot of time chasing these lovely imports and exports


Apr 26, 2006
the service name is the account providing the service afaik. So if your service is running as domain\serviceuser use that.

entity id is your issuer id. it basically identifies the authority for the saml token and is used in establishing from where the token originated.

Apr 26, 2006
I think your documentation from the vendor is wrong since setting a servicename would be spn -s http/fqdn/servicename accountname afaict

Apr 26, 2006
account name is required cause that account is used to handle the kerb encryption.

Apr 26, 2006
from what I gather you only need service name if you're going to be running that service on multiple hosts ex:


instead of

Which would I guess only work for one host. What im not clear on is how the host comes into play if you're using the same accounts on 2 nodes. If I use domain\mycoolwebsiteuser for the service on 2 nodes can they both use the http/ spn?

Apr 26, 2006
there are other apple employees who have posted about using Microsoft stuff (namely c#) in this thread or past variants.

SSIS is extremely good. depending on circumstance it might even be worth it to get a sql server license just for SSIS.

It cant (for the most part) turn bad data into good data but it can help protect your good data from bad data.

Apr 26, 2006


does "postman: for structured serialization formats" exist?

like i want an app like postman where i can point it to my schema defs in whatever supported format and then be able to compile and run requests against a server

something like this surely exists in a more unix-y flavor, right?

there are clients for WSDL or swagger/openapi in most mainstream development tools. swagger's is usually built into a website


Apr 26, 2006


sorry i should have been more specific, i meant binary formats specifically, although it wouldn't need to be restricted as such.

antlr maybe? not really my area.

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