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May 16, 2009

Look! A teddybear doll!
It's soooo cute!

So that's how they explain why he doesn't have an African English accent, then. I was wondering whether they'd address that.


May 16, 2009

Look! A teddybear doll!
It's soooo cute!

Lutha Mahtin posted:

omg wtf did i miss. i caught just the end where eleanor is in chidis office

Michael went back and saved everyone, but everyone reverted after several months. So he nudged Eleanor, now he's nudging Chidi.

May 16, 2009

Look! A teddybear doll!
It's soooo cute!

Australian Ted Danson, holy poo poo.

FELD1 posted:

I'm so glad Cowboy Boots Guy is back.

edit: poor guy can't catch a break.

He caught two breaks there.

May 16, 2009

Look! A teddybear doll!
It's soooo cute!

Marc Evan Jackson is my favorite character actor.

May 16, 2009

Look! A teddybear doll!
It's soooo cute!

Eleanor, matchmaker! :D

May 16, 2009

Look! A teddybear doll!
It's soooo cute!

Lutha Mahtin posted:

i'm enjoying seeing mike o malley. just b/c i haven't seen that guy in forever

Oh, THAT'S who that is! I thought he looked familiar.

May 16, 2009

Look! A teddybear doll!
It's soooo cute!

Lutha Mahtin posted:

yeah i had to IMDB the show and ctrl+F for "mike". pretty sure i watched him on nickelodeon shows in the 90s

He hosted Guts.

May 16, 2009

Look! A teddybear doll!
It's soooo cute!

I love that they can get away with the repeat gags like Jason's overly specific recaps like that.

May 16, 2009

Look! A teddybear doll!
It's soooo cute!

wouldn't a container from earth explode when it touches antimatter?

May 16, 2009

Look! A teddybear doll!
It's soooo cute!

Would've been nice if that reveal at the end didn't get spoiled by that preview. Good work NBC. :T

May 16, 2009

Look! A teddybear doll!
It's soooo cute!

I do like how it’s consistent with demons’ inability to do an Australian accent, like with Vicky.

May 16, 2009

Look! A teddybear doll!
It's soooo cute!

I bet it might come up. It’s the sort of thing that they’d do.

May 16, 2009

Look! A teddybear doll!
It's soooo cute!

The_Doctor posted:

Does it grow out of the cringe comedy thing in season 2 then?

Yeah, it gets more character driven in season 2, and it’s much less cringe comedy than season 1. Honestly, from season 2 on, the show holds up through the finale.

May 16, 2009

Look! A teddybear doll!
It's soooo cute!

Oh my god inverse Outback Steakhouse

May 16, 2009

Look! A teddybear doll!
It's soooo cute!

Hell yes Janet

May 16, 2009

Look! A teddybear doll!
It's soooo cute!

D'Arcy Carden is a treasure and needs a Supporting Actress nomination next year.

May 16, 2009

Look! A teddybear doll!
It's soooo cute!

Everyone on this show is a loving treasure.

May 16, 2009

Look! A teddybear doll!
It's soooo cute!

Doorman is great.

May 16, 2009

Look! A teddybear doll!
It's soooo cute!

Look, this show doesn't gently caress around. Seasons go by in episodes.

May 16, 2009

Look! A teddybear doll!
It's soooo cute!

HOLY poo poo that's canon

May 16, 2009

Look! A teddybear doll!
It's soooo cute!

This show is great as hell.

May 16, 2009

Look! A teddybear doll!
It's soooo cute!

tarlibone posted:

I had to look this up, but yes, it's a callback: apparently, a place called Stupid Nick's Wing Dump had to close when a pelican fell in a flash fryer. The owner opened a new spot, called Ugly Nick's Meat Trench.

They’re Jason’s favorite wings!

May 16, 2009

Look! A teddybear doll!
It's soooo cute!

Doltos posted:

Plato being written Palto on the board made me a lot more uncomfortable than it should have.

He was so tired. :ohdear:

May 16, 2009

Look! A teddybear doll!
It's soooo cute!

I loving love Michael Schur's habit of putting future tech in his sitcoms.

May 16, 2009

Look! A teddybear doll!
It's soooo cute!

Eleanor, oh no :ohdear:

May 16, 2009

Look! A teddybear doll!
It's soooo cute!

Yeah, I'm calling it: I think that Simone is a secret Good Place emissary, and they're looking to help Michael's rehab test work.

May 16, 2009

Look! A teddybear doll!
It's soooo cute!

Oh shiiiiiit~

May 16, 2009

Look! A teddybear doll!
It's soooo cute!

Season 4 sees the six of them in charge of running the rehab Good Places as a proof-of-concept that the Good Place should lay claim to every possible redeemable soul.

May 16, 2009

Look! A teddybear doll!
It's soooo cute!

Oh dang, twists coming early!

May 16, 2009

Look! A teddybear doll!
It's soooo cute!

Simone is amazing and I really hope this isn't the end for her.

May 16, 2009

Look! A teddybear doll!
It's soooo cute!

Arist posted:

His NAME is Pillboi?!?

Florida, man.

May 16, 2009

Look! A teddybear doll!
It's soooo cute!

muscles like this! posted:

Jason and Pillboi crying through their elaborate handshake routine was amazing.

Actually cackling with laughter as I watched it. Holy poo poo.

May 16, 2009

Look! A teddybear doll!
It's soooo cute!

According to the podcast last week, the bank and grocery store in the show were also Nemo jokes, too.

May 16, 2009

Look! A teddybear doll!
It's soooo cute!

I love a show with the confidence to go from heartfelt to bofa jokes like that. Hot drat.

May 16, 2009

Look! A teddybear doll!
It's soooo cute!

nuts, my recording cut out-- did she say anything after "We did what now?"

May 16, 2009

Look! A teddybear doll!
It's soooo cute!

Maxwell Lord posted:

Michael: "Do you wanna listen to a podcast"

Nuts! That's a really good joke, too.

May 16, 2009

Look! A teddybear doll!
It's soooo cute!

Tostitos Library. Ha.

May 16, 2009

Look! A teddybear doll!
It's soooo cute!

Holy poo poo :stare:

May 16, 2009

Look! A teddybear doll!
It's soooo cute!

I love that they're rolling with the flippant joke description of this universe and expanding it out.


May 16, 2009

Look! A teddybear doll!
It's soooo cute!

Oh, jeez, the soul mates thing isn't real? :smith:

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