Heyyyy The Good Place is back! They were dead, and now they're not (?). Let's see if they do it right this time. Good luck kids Tonight The Good Place airs at 8PM EST on NBC. After this week it moves to 8:30 PM EST every Thursday.
# ¿ Sep 27, 2018 23:17 |
# ¿ Jan 26, 2025 02:39 |
Did they really show a preview before the final scene? That's bizarre. Anyway I totally did not see Trevor as the fifth person, I thought it might be Sean himself. I love that the Bad Place folks aren't taking this lying down. Sean being obsessed and vindictive because Michael tricked him and got away with the humans is great, and Trevor is the perfect representative to mess with stuff. Man I can't wait to see where this goes.
# ¿ Sep 28, 2018 01:23 |
double nine posted:Quick question, what would an mri show if you had it scan a demon? It's going to show a normal human because they are powerful and not idiots.
# ¿ Sep 28, 2018 16:12 |
Gaz-L posted:The snorkel is really great, because it tells a lot about Jason in such a small detail. Like, he knows that a snorkel helps you breathe in places where it's hard to breathe normally, but he hasn't quite made it to WHY it does that. And he DID manage to finally understand it, but only with the benefit of having the hindsight to look back on it once he was dead. Jason is good
# ¿ Sep 28, 2018 21:32 |
I think that without most of the people in charge realizing it yet, this whole experiment with these four humans just keeps snowballing and has the potential to upend the entire way the afterlife functions. Sean is doing what he's doing, not out of official capacity, but because he personally can't stand that they got away, and now they're interfering on Earth in a way that (presumably) isn't allowed. Very excited to see where this all goes.
# ¿ Sep 29, 2018 01:25 |
Evil Mastermind posted:I don't know if Shawn's thinking on that level yet. So far it seems more personal; not only did he let what may be the first humans ever escape the Bad Place, they also got one of his demons on their side. They're making him look pretty bad, and he seems to be pretty high-rank in terms of management. Thinking on what level? That's exactly what I'm saying, for him it's personal and it's driving him to take drastic measures.
# ¿ Sep 29, 2018 04:00 |
precision posted:Apropos of nothing, I just finished the story mode of the game your avatar is from and OH MY GOD HA I just replied to your post in games chat about that.
# ¿ Sep 29, 2018 04:35 |
I'm usually a stickler for spelling characters names right but Shawn is so offensive to me that it just can't stay in my brain as the way his name is spelled. I shall endeavor to fight this impulse in the future.
# ¿ Sep 29, 2018 14:48 |
thanks alot assbag posted:So have people noticed that the guy making the documentary that botched Tahani's time in the monastary is the same person as the judge in Jason's first dance competition? It's.... not the same person though. Also what Argue said.
# ¿ Sep 29, 2018 16:31 |
The_Doctor posted:I thought the student in Simone’s office was Doug Forcett for a moment when we first saw him. Doug Forcett would be like 65-70 by now
# ¿ Oct 1, 2018 11:14 |
Bobulus posted:I had a brief moment where I was like "Is Simone going to be revealed to be a demon? She's so nice and goofy and basically acts a lot like the demons pretending to be Good People in season one. Is this the season 3 big surprise?????" But then I was like "No, that doesn't make sense. She was hanging out with Chidi before the Bad Place got access to the Judge's systems, so presumably she has to be a normal human." Michael was able to instantly notice Trevor's presence via the ticker tape, so I'd think it would be hard for the bad place to slip that one by him
# ¿ Oct 1, 2018 15:11 |
LORD OF BOOTY posted:Kamila ends up in the Bad Place, and is one of the easiest people they've ever had to torture. They just put her in a fake Good Place where everyone thinks she's Tahani. Argue posted:Kamila goes to the Bad Place but much to Tahani's chagrin all the demons there adore her too. I don't know which of these I'd like better
# ¿ Oct 2, 2018 03:28 |
double nine posted:... I may need to see this now. How the hell youre in the good place thread and not watched parks and rec??? Go fix
# ¿ Oct 2, 2018 20:09 |
Yes. I still say watch it cause it's only 6 episodes but it can be skipped.
# ¿ Oct 2, 2018 20:24 |
CapnAndy posted:Shawn considered that aspect, and then remembered that he is a naughty bitch. That is entirely plausible
# ¿ Oct 4, 2018 23:01 |
# ¿ Oct 5, 2018 00:32 |
He's a monster.... A MONSTER
# ¿ Oct 5, 2018 00:35 |
He's too good....... he's unstoppable
# ¿ Oct 5, 2018 00:44 |
I'm not surprised that she found out that fast once they totally abandoned all pretense of being sneaky.
# ¿ Oct 5, 2018 00:55 |
Thanks jeff
# ¿ Oct 5, 2018 01:00 |
Alright Michael, now what.
# ¿ Oct 12, 2018 00:30 |
Oh no she let herself be vulnerable and got hurt
# ¿ Oct 12, 2018 00:51 |
Ahhh Michael don't
# ¿ Oct 12, 2018 00:59 |
Did the game just get changed again why yes I believe it did
# ¿ Oct 12, 2018 01:00 |
Toast Museum posted:The lady in Mindy's orientation video is the only actual Good Place being we've seen, right? Yep, unless the whole good place sleeper agent thing is true.
# ¿ Oct 12, 2018 19:43 |
tsob posted:I mean, the only reason she was even considered for the Good Place is because she died immediately after deciding to do something that basically netted her a fuckton of points so that she didn't have the time to do enough bad poo poo to put her back in the red. Which, it's pretty obvious she'd have done given a few more years given her lifestyle. If I recall, a lot of the points accrued after she died but technically had to be alotted to her since she set the idea up and never distanced herself from it in some way and because she technically could have turned her life around but never had the chance to demonstrate if she would or not it left her in a bit of a limbo. That isn't how it's described on the show though. If she had lived long enough to actually make the charity and then died, the points she got would automatically have put her in the good place. The bad place argued that she didn't earn those points because she died beforehand. The whole argument was the good place and bad place in conflict over who should get her. It's a neat idea but I really don't think the facts we have support the idea of an empty good place.
# ¿ Oct 12, 2018 22:00 |
Arist posted:If the idea is that most people who do manage earn enough points eventually ruin it for themselves, I could see that, maybe. But, again, that suggests that Mindy is still the only person to ever even get close to ultimately ending up there, which seems... off. Yeah exactly. If someone as lovely as Mindy could earn enough points in a single action that SHOULD get her in there if not for a technicality of timing, there's no way LITERALLY NO ONE ELSE has ever managed to get in there.
# ¿ Oct 12, 2018 22:21 |
Calico Heart posted:Hey all. I just finished the first season and a pretty major thing is bugging me, can anyone let me know if this is ever addressed; In the way the system works there are two components to getting in and Chidi and Tahani are examples of people who fulfill one but not the other. You have to both do good things that help other people more than hurt them and you have to do so selflessly and not for some kind of personal gain. So Chidi wants to do good and behave ethically for its own sake, but he's so indecisive that he never takes action and often hurts the people he cares about. Tahani on the other hand has the resources to do tremendous amounts of good for the world but she doesn't actually care about the people she's helping. She just wants to be praised and recognized. The system is not a good or fair one but it's mostly consistent. The whole point of the show is that such a reductive definition of what it means to be good doesn't give people with personal issues they struggle to overcome any real leeway. And that applies to all four of our humans.
# ¿ Oct 14, 2018 14:02 |
Yeah and Mindy St. Clair is actually a great example of that. She was a selfish lovely person for most of her life, but had one incredible idea that would help an enormous amount of people and didn't have any other goal than to help them. That one thing was so good that it not only cancelled out everything else she did in her life but also gave her tons of points on top of that. Or at least it WOULD have if she hadn't died before technically following through.
# ¿ Oct 14, 2018 19:33 |
Peeny Cheez posted:Well, she didn't follow through all the way, but she did draw up all the papers and pull out her life savings even after sobering up so there's that. So, while not perfect, she still serves as a positive role model and a beacon of hope for compulsive masturbators everywhere. And don't get me wrong, both I and the good place representatives who argued on her behalf agree with you. But the bad place argument based on the strictest interpretation of the rules was enough to convince the Judge to take the middle road. Mindy really is the best clue we have of how the system works and what both sides seem to want.
# ¿ Oct 15, 2018 13:42 |
MaxieSatan posted:So they're Democrats?
# ¿ Oct 15, 2018 14:48 |
Beat him up Chidi!
# ¿ Oct 19, 2018 00:31 |
oh my god
# ¿ Oct 19, 2018 00:35 |
H-hi Chidi
# ¿ Oct 19, 2018 00:40 |
Chidi no
# ¿ Oct 19, 2018 00:47 |
eke out posted:need shirtless chidi
# ¿ Oct 19, 2018 00:50 |
Harrow posted:So... this all counts for points, right? They all know that none of this can save them from the Bad Place so they’re doing all of this with no expectation of reward. I don't know! No one knows! There's no precedent for any of this! AHHH
# ¿ Oct 19, 2018 00:53 |
Mmmmm chili
# ¿ Oct 19, 2018 00:55 |
# ¿ Oct 19, 2018 00:56 |
# ¿ Jan 26, 2025 02:39 |
Lol Tahani's "oh yeah he exists" face
# ¿ Oct 19, 2018 01:00 |