![]() Welcome to the Star Wars TV Show Megathread! Seeing as how we now have multiple Star Wars based television shows, and can't stop talking about the old ones, we decided a megathread would be the best way to handle things moving forward. So let's see what we have coming, and where we've been! The Mandalorian ![]() https://i.imgur.com/SEKpWBR.mp4 From Wikipedia: "Beginning five years after the events of Return of the Jedi (1983) and the fall of the Galactic Empire, The Mandalorian follows Din Djarin, a lone Mandalorian bounty hunter in the outer reaches of the galaxy. He is hired by remnant Imperial forces to retrieve the child Grogu, but instead goes on the run to protect the infant. While looking to reunite Grogu with his kind, they are pursued by Moff Gideon, who wants to use Grogu's connection to the Force." The Mandalorian is the flagship of Star Wars television, at the moment. Three seasons are currently done and available on Disney+, with a fourth apparently already written. If you haven't watched it yet, what are you waiting for? Get on it! Andor ![]() https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKOegEuCcfw A prequel to Rogue One, telling the story of Andor. Widely considered to be the best TV show, and maybe the best media, Star Wars has ever produced. Ahsoka ![]() https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnzNZ0Mdx4I https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vvt8FhkDIEg A lot of us really wanted to like this one. And It's not really bad. Some episodes are even truly great. But it could have been much better. That being said, I'm a big defender (I mean, it has Thrawn, of course I'm gonna go to bat for it), and I maintain it has one of the best single episodes of Star Wars TV (non-Andor category) ever. Just go in expecting a slow burn. Season 2 incoming, hopefully building on the setup from season 1. The Acolyte ![]() https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtytYWhg2mc Currently airing. Set during the High Republic (so about 100 years before The Phantom Menace), it involves a mystery surrounding the murder of a Jedi. That's all I'm willing to say without spoilers, but the consensus is...all over the drat place so far. Goon consensus is good, if that helps. Not Currently Airing Shows Since we're Star Wars fans who can't stop talking about anything ever feel free to discuss the following older shows here as well! Star Wars: The Clone Wars ![]() The Clone Wars originally ran for 6 seasons, and told the story of, well, those fighting in the Clone Wars. Anakin and Obi-Wan fought side by side, Anakin gained a padawan named Ahsoka (who, if you're new to the show, you're going to probably dislike at first, but give her some time. They hit a stride with her around half way through season 2, and by the end of the show is one of my favorite Star Wars characters). It also featured a wide variety of Clones, somehow, with each cultivating different personality traits. Basically, this show is great. A little slow to start, but once they figure it out (again, about half way through season 2, and then definitely in season 3) it's a beast. The show was revived for a 7th and final season. Opinions on the season as a whole are mixed, but basically everyone agrees that the final 4 episodes are amazing, and are required viewing for all Star Wars fans. Star Wars: Rebels ![]() Rebels ran for 4 seasons on DisneyXD. It was set during the height of the Empire, beginning around 5 years before the events of A New Hope, and told the story of a small Rebel cell, initially trying to keep the Empire out of their home planet, before being pulled into the larger galactic conflict. The general consensus seems to be that the animation and story started a bit rough, but didn't take long to get better. And by the end, it looked like this. ![]() So if you're new to the show, don't be disheartened at the beginning. You're in for something special. The entire show is available on Disney+. The Book of Boba Fett ![]() https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOJ1cw6mohw One season show (...so far) that was met with mixed reviews. Most people agree that, when it was a third season of Mando, it was pretty good. Problem is, that's not what it was suppose to be, and it didn't stand on it's own very well, if at all. Still it's unfortunately required viewing if you want to keep watching Mando. Obi-Wan Kenobi ![]() https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWTfhyvzTx0 It's...pretty bad. Which was disappointing to a lot of us. But it has some great moments, few and far between as they are. And it may get a second season? Though I'm personally hoping they move on. That being said, your mileage may vary. And it has Hayden Christensen reprising his role as both Anakin and Vader, so that's at least worth a look. Likely just a one season show, but if it gets renewed, I'll move it out of the "Not Currently Airing Shows" section. The Bad Batch ![]() https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsOmYpP4UDU The Bad Batch follows a group of "defective" yet enhanced Clones who are navigating a post Clone Wars galaxy, during the rise of the Empire. Three season show that most people agree goes out well, and tells a complete story. Feels almost like a post script on The Clone Wars. Highly recommend. Star Wars Resistance ![]() Resistance was a two season show that is...not great, but if you're looking for a kid's show about pilots in Star Wars set during the time of the Sequel Trilogy, you'll probably enjoy yourself. Just remember, it's first and foremost a kid's show, and Filoni is not involved much past the initial setup of the show. Upcoming Shows Not much is known about these shows, so I'll just be listing them here, and posting premiere dates as they become known. Rangers of the New Republic ![]() Future uncertain, possibly being retooled, possibly cancelled, because Gina Carano turned out to be an rear end in a top hat. Lando ![]() Web Series I guess I might as well include these here, too. ![]() Star Wars: Forces of Destiny Forces of Destiny is a series of short videos made for YouTube focusing on the various female characters and what they're up to when not on screen. They're fine, harmless fun, and lets the original actors (in most cases) play around with some lighter fare as voice actors. 2 seasons so far, you can knock them all out in an afternoon if you feel like it. First episode can be found here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVVa2g4X4MU Star Wars: Galaxy of Adventures https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wsHRyLWgWg Seems to be animated shorts remaking the entire film saga, including the existing dialogue. Helpful Links
So let's do this thing! ![]() thrawn527 fucked around with this message at 02:10 on Jun 13, 2024 |
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# ? Feb 7, 2025 21:57 |
Excellent OP! And yeah, Forces of Destiny frequently did cool stuff (though more so in the 2nd season) like recanonizing the Gorax and revealing that Ahsoka lowkey knew about Anakin & Padme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9gk3JMMHRY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIRtw4WufsA that thumbnail framing ![]()
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I'm glad FoD branched out a hair from JUST focusing on the female characters. Not that I don't think a female-character-spotlight is cool and rad...but we got a Luke and Yoda on dagobah episode and it was great
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After a long war serial, and a show about the mysticism of the force as a backdrop to family and the rebellion, I'm looking forward to a fighter plane show
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resistance is gonna be good
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Yub-nub bitches. Just one clarification: The Favreau series takes place 3 years after RotJ. There was some confusion when that news first came out, with Favreau meaning the series was 7 years after ANH, not RotJ. So basically it takes place two years after the Battle of Jakku which ended the Galactic Civil War.
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I used to like Star Wars, but I started hanging out with someone early this year who got me really into Star Wars. I marathoned through Clone Wars, Rebels, a bunch of books, comics, etc. I'm really glad I didn't have to wait for some of the cliffhangers (especially in Clone Wars and Rebels). Its gonna be rough when that happens with Resistance and I really have to wait
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Does that make the Favreau series the furthest we’ve delved into the ROTJ-TFA gap? IIRC, the Aftermath books end around the Battle of Jakku and there isn’t much else until the Poe comics set just before and after TFA.
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Teek posted:Yub-nub bitches. Ah, alright. Thanks. Fixed.
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Big Mean Jerk posted:Does that make the Favreau series the furthest we’ve delved into the ROTJ-TFA gap? IIRC, the Aftermath books end around the Battle of Jakku and there isn’t much else until the Poe comics set just before and after TFA. The Leia Bloodline book takes place about 6 years pre-TFA. Phasma takes place around then too. The Legends of Luke Skywalker kind of quasi takes places in that post-RotJ time period too, though it's mostly second hand stories. In terms of more comprehensive stories though, the Favreau series will probably be the most gap filling. Teek fucked around with this message at 17:29 on Oct 3, 2018 |
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The Star Wars Holiday Special was on TV and should be included. ![]() You've made Lumpy sad.
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Colonial Air Force posted:The Star Wars Holiday Special was on TV and should be included. *puts on jivjov hat* Canon content only.
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io9 review of the first two Resistance episodes: https://io9.gizmodo.com/the-first-episodes-of-star-wars-resistance-establish-a-1829472679
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It's a pity that Resistance got such a mean blowback right out of the gate because it looks like something I would've been mad keen on as a kid. I don't know if it's just the way people are in 2018 or what the problem is; I remember people had a right whinge 10 years ago when the Clone Wars movie came out (I distinctly recall people griping about how Lucas had "Disney-fied" Star Wars ![]() I don't get it. What happened to Star Wars fans?
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I like the idea of having a thread for all the shows! In case it’s still helpful to anyone, here’s a link to my list of essential Clone Wars episodes. No better time than now to get caught up before the new episodes arrive! Quick pedantic correction for the OP, if you care: Rebels begins 5 years prior to the events of ANH. (That’s 14 years after ROTS; Ezra was born on the same day as the Empire.)
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thrawn527 posted:*puts on jivjov hat* I mean...its not like we can't still talk about Legends content....
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Star Wars fans have always been a little out there. It’s just instead of being confined to theforce.net then can blast people on Twitter which gets amplified by people out to stir poo poo up. This then turns into media reports of “Star Wars fans rage and hurl hate” when like 95% of people who like Star Wars are pretty chill. Look at the Star Wars threads here in TVIV, they’re pretty chill and friendly. When it comes to Resistance the animation style isn’t quite my thing, although I felt the same way about Rebels at the start. I slowly got into it, they fixed up some things and by Season 4 I was in love with the show. Hell even Clone Wars had that awful first season and I’m now the guy who has to defend loving the Yoda stuff from The Lost Missions.
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Wheat Loaf posted:I don't get it. What happened to Star Wars fans? The Last Jedi. The default public opinion of Star Wars has swung back to prequel-era levels of hatred, combined with right-wing MAGACHUDs emboldened on social media moaning about every single female or POC character included in new SW media. Resistance was going to get a ton of loud negative reactions regardless of actual content. That’s just how toxic a not-insignificant portion of the fanbase has become. And I’m aware of the article this week about the bots influencing online opinions, but that segment of the fandom has always existed. They’re just being signal-boosted now. The answer, as always, is gently caress ‘em. Make what you want, watch what you want, enjoy what you want, because eventually they’ll get tired of throwing tantrums and move on to the next thing.
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Star Wars Show announced they'll be doing Resistance episode follow ups called Resistance Rewind in the vein of their Rebels Recon episodes. Wonder if we'll get the obligatory Pablo lore nuggets.
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Big Mean Jerk posted:The Last Jedi. Oh, well, you probably know what my opinion on the matter is already, in that case.
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While we are clearing the air ![]()
Come back to me Clone Wars Season 7, Ahsokaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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Wheat Loaf posted:Oh, well, you probably know what my opinion on the matter is already, in that case. Sure, but you and others here are always civil about it. The same can’t be said for most folks on social media.
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Big Mean Jerk posted:Sure, but you and others here are always civil about it. The same can’t be said for most folks on social media. Just for avoidance of doubt, I really liked TLJ a lot, but my opinion is that more people probably disliked it than liked it. Anyway, I've been thinking of tracking down the Ewok tv movies following discussion in the CineD thread. I nicked them off the Internet years and years ago before they got their dvd releases but I've never watched them since. My first exposure to them was actually through the Essential Guide to Characters, of all things. ![]()
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Wheat Loaf posted:Just for avoidance of doubt, I really liked TLJ a lot, but my opinion is that more people probably disliked it than liked it. I honestly can’t tell. It’s definitely divisive, but the detractors are so loving loud that it’s tough to gauge what percentage of the audience they actually make up. The friends I saw it with in the theater all had mostly positive things to say about it immediately after, but as soon as the vitriol started to spread across the internet later that month, nearly all of them backtracked and now claim to hate it. quote:Anyway, I've been thinking of tracking down the Ewok tv movies following discussion in the CineD thread. I nicked them off the Internet years and years ago before they got their dvd releases but I've never watched them since. My first exposure to them was actually through the Essential Guide to Characters, of all things. I’ve watched just about every SW thing, including the bizarre Droids cartoon, but I still can’t make it all the way through the Ewok movies or the cartoon. It’s just unbearable.
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Big Mean Jerk posted:I honestly can’t tell. It’s definitely divisive, but the detractors are so loving loud that it’s tough to gauge what percentage of the audience they actually make up. The friends I saw it with in the theater all had mostly positive things to say about it immediately after, but as soon as the vitriol started to spread across the internet later that month, nearly all of them backtracked and now claim to hate it. Oh, well, I think that was sort of the story with the prequels. They had plenty of critics (the amount of bullying Jake Lloyd and Ahmed Best in particular received over their roles certainly prefigured what you see today) but I don't feel like everyone decided they'd always hated them until the first RLM review came out. I never got the impression that the prequels were widely hated at the time but maybe it's because of my age. I'm 26 now and I was eight, 11 and 14 when each of the prequel movies came out. Of course I didn't pay any attention to any of that stuff.
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For me it was definitely the art style and the way the trailers have been edited. Reading stuff in here and the Rebels thread turned me around but I wasn't really interested in Resistance at first.
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https://twitter.com/io9/status/1047635570095263745 Okay
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![]() I really hope it's actually someone new and not just... Boba Fett...
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The faux-crawl would seem to indicate a new character... right?
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Tomtrek posted:
Hopefully based on oddworld: stranger's wrath.
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Jango wasn't Mandalorian. Boba was his clone, so neither was he. Is this guy actually Mandalorian? My guess is it's the guy with Boba's armor from the short interludes in the Aftermath trilogy. (Which would mean no, he isn't a Mandalorian.)
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Colonial Air Force posted:Jango wasn't Mandalorian. Boba was his clone, so neither was he. Wait, when did Jango get defrocked from being Mandalorian?
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Madurai posted:Wait, when did Jango get defrocked from being Mandalorian? The Mando government (the one trying to remake Mandalore into a peaceful, pacifictic society) disowned him because he was a mercenary.
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Madurai posted:Wait, when did Jango get defrocked from being Mandalorian? I'm not sure the source beyond an old starwars.com article, but from Wookieepedia: Jango Fett was born in the years prior to the Invasion of Naboo. He claimed to have been born on the planet Concord Dawn, a Mandalorian world, but the exact authenticity of this claim was unknown. He wore Mandalorian armor after becoming a bounty hunter and assassin for hire, a fact that led officials of Mandalore to disavow any connection to Fett, claiming he was simply a bounty hunter who somehow stole an artifact from their planet's troubled past. E: Of course this is a page that exists: https://www.bobafettfanclub.com/news/fett-fact-check/is-boba-fett-a-mandalorian-or-does-he-just-wear-mandalorian-armor/
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resistance looks so good, I'm very hype...fazon
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Tomtrek posted:
God if this doesn't play directly into the end of Rebels and them making this a Sabine show, please yes and thank you...
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Colonial Air Force posted:I'm not sure the source beyond an old starwars.com article, but from Wookieepedia: The 501st and other Boba diehards hate this if you bring it up. I made that mistake at Celebration. Not thrilled about the focus on a boring SW culture, especially after we just had TCW and Rebels expand on them, but I am extremely down for The Man with No Name: A Star Wars Story.
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https://twitter.com/Tcann13/status/1047478602491543552 This makes Resistance S1 the longest Star Wars TV season since S4 of The Clone Wars, which was 22 eps as well.
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hell yeah give me that delicious content.
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# ? Feb 7, 2025 21:57 |
I wonder if the Mandalorian space western tv series means anything vis-a-vis the Boba Fett movie James Mangold was meant to be working on. The Favreau shows sounds like what I imagined the Mangold Fett movie would be like. (Mangold should be doing an Obi-Wan movie - it'd be a companion to Rogue, set immediately before ANH as he goes on one last adventure and then on his way home rescues Luke from the Sand People and the movie ends with CGI de-aged Mark Hamill saying, "He claims to be the property of an Obi-Wan Kenobi - do you know him?" and the movie ends with Ewan McGregor saying, "Obi-Wan? Now there's a name I've not heard since long before you were born..." - basically Logan.)
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