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Aug 7, 2006

The microseries isn't canon any longer. There's quite a few TV related things which aren't canon anymore (Ewoks TV movies, Ewoks cartoon, Droids cartoon, etc.). I think the opening post is more explaining the current state of semi-active shows that are canon.

Can we also please not poo poo up the thread with movie complaints, keep that in the movie threads.


Mar 27, 2004

Studying the art of terrorists
To keep you safe

Teek posted:

The microseries isn't canon any longer. There's quite a few TV related things which aren't canon anymore (Ewoks TV movies, Ewoks cartoon, Droids cartoon, etc.). I think the opening post is more explaining the current state of semi-active shows that are canon.

Can we also please not poo poo up the thread with movie complaints, keep that in the movie threads.

Yes to everything in this post.

Sep 13, 2007

But how does it taste? Yummy!
Dinosaur Gum
Ah yeah if this thread is just for canonical TV, then the microseries is out.

Mar 20, 2017

Oh come now, the first season of the '03 CW can easily fit into the show

S2, sadly, got thoroughly debunked, which is a god drat shame - RIP BAMF Grievous

Tomtrek posted:

I really really want the thing on his back to be the electric prod thing Boba has in the Holiday Special.

Some guy named Phil Noto did a doodle where that's the case

Vinylshadow fucked around with this message at 14:37 on Oct 5, 2018

Mar 27, 2004

Studying the art of terrorists
To keep you safe

Nov 21, 2003

Its my party
and I'll die if
I want to
I hope that means Clancy Brown is in it. He'd be terrifying as some Crime Lord or post Empire Hold Out.

Mar 27, 2004

Studying the art of terrorists
To keep you safe

twistedmentat posted:

I hope that means Clancy Brown is in it. He'd be terrifying as some Crime Lord or post Empire Hold Out.

Well he was in both Rebels and Clone Wars, so I'm guessing he struck up a friendship with him. But yeah, I agree, I would LOVE to see him in the live action show.

Jun 10, 2003

That was pretty intense, huh?

So what are the odds that The Mandalorian is Sabine?

Risky Bisquick
Jan 18, 2008


So low, the leaked image does not appear to be a womans figure, unless you happen to be gwendoline christie

Oct 14, 2013

"هذا ليس عادلاً."
"هذا ليس عادلاً على الإطلاق."
"كان هناك وقت الآن."
(السياق الخفي: للقراءة)
Also the armour's not all painted up, which was her one character trait for like 3 seasons.

Mar 27, 2004

Studying the art of terrorists
To keep you safe

teagone posted:

So what are the odds that The Mandalorian is Sabine?

Nonzero chance, but only just barely.

Aug 11, 2008

Lipstick Apathy
it would be so tight if it was Sabine

Jul 23, 2007

I wouldn’t bet against a Sabine appearance in this show, but Filoni has pretty clearly stated that Sabine/Ahsoka will be its own thing.

Jul 9, 2007

WhiskeyWhiskers posted:

Also the armour's not all painted up, which was her one character trait for like 3 seasons.

Grizzled vet Sabine doesn’t have time for that childish bullshit. She would be what, 30 at this point?

Nov 3, 2009

That's 100% not Sabine. She might show up though.

Jun 10, 2003

That was pretty intense, huh?

OptimusWang posted:

Grizzled vet Sabine doesn’t have time for that childish bullshit. She would be what, 30 at this point?

This is what I was thinking. Jaded, world weary Sabine would be an interesting direction to take her character.

Mar 18, 2009
Episode I: Dave Filoni
Episode II: Rick Famuyiwa
Episode III: Deborah Chow
Episode IV: Bryce Dallas Howard
Episode V: Dave Filoni
Episode VI: Rick Famuyiwa
Episode VII: Deborah Chow
Episode VIII: Taika Waititi

Wheat Loaf
Feb 13, 2012

by FactsAreUseless
Is Favreau not directing any episodes himself?

Big Mean Jerk
Jan 27, 2009

Well, of course I know him.
He's me.
He’s writing and EP.

Nov 21, 2003

Its my party
and I'll die if
I want to
I can totally see Katee Sackoff showing up as Bo Katan.

Wheat Loaf
Feb 13, 2012

by FactsAreUseless

Big Mean Jerk posted:

He’s writing and EP.

Oh, I know that, I just assumed he'd be directing some episodes too.

Aug 15, 2012

i wear this armour to protect myself from the histrionics of hysterical women


I don't think anyone is going to show up for a cameo in this show, Favreau's scroll makes it sound like it's going to be disconnected from everything else

Sep 25, 2007

me @ ur posting
Fallen Rib
Story group will make a few connections to other things, even if it is cameo or 'known only to fans' things appearing in this.

Jul 19, 2007

You've got to admit, you are kind of implausible

Tomtrek posted:

Confirmed: It's a Mandolorian.


I really really want the thing on his back to be the electric prod thing Boba has in the Holiday Special.

Maybe it is; look down at the Mandolorian's knee, and you can just make out what looks like a prong

Sep 13, 2007

But how does it taste? Yummy!
Dinosaur Gum
seeing some rumblings on twitter that Leia appears in the first episode of Resistance but conspicuously has no lines. Maybe they've completely excised that actress' performance.

Jun 10, 2003

That was pretty intense, huh?


Feb 5, 2007
Switchblade Switcharoo

jivjov posted:

seeing some rumblings on twitter that Leia appears in the first episode of Resistance but conspicuously has no lines. Maybe they've completely excised that actress' performance.

Little sad they didn't just recast her if they wanted Leia to be a regular thing

Sep 13, 2007

But how does it taste? Yummy!
Dinosaur Gum
It's possible they still will and just didn't get it done (or get the lines re-recorded) in time for the series premiere

Aug 7, 2006

The first 3 (4 technically) episodes of Resistance are up on the Disney Channel site.

Looks like the first "episode" is the first two episodes back to back, i.e. The Recruit parts one and two. Then there's episode two The Triple Dark and three Fuel for the Fire. Looks like both parts of The Recruit will be airing on Disney tonight. The next two are actually online way before hitting TV. So if you want to get a few weeks ahead, you can do so by watching online.

Mar 18, 2009

Those were some solid episodes. Definitely stronger, especially on the dialogue side, than Rebels was at the start.

Stuff I liked:
- The Colossus has a nice sense of personality and community even this early on
- Music reminds me of the iMuse score on the early X-Wing games
- The flight visuals are a dream
- The character designs are interesting and varied (that freaking furry janitor alien)

Stuff I was eh on:
- I said the dialogue was stronger than early Rebels, but it still has a ways to go
- The now-traditional S1 filler eps (though I'll grant that the pirates and the other flight crew will definitely be recurring characters)
- And yeah, it is most definitely "for kids" though there is still quite a bit of nuance here and there (Senator Dad calling the Resistance "extremists" is an interesting touch)

Nov 30, 2005

I'm not a huge fan of the art style, but the animation is top notch and everything looks good. I imagine the style will grow on me because of how good it looks.

Big Mean Jerk
Jan 27, 2009

Well, of course I know him.
He's me.
The main character has Season 1 Ezra Syndrome, in that I can't wait for him to explode and die grow up and stop being so irritating. The show's biggest flaw right now, for me at least, is that there's only two likable characters (Yeager, Bucket) in the cast. It's impossible to judge this early on, but I have a feeling it'll follow the same trajectory as Rebels, where the first season is rough and small in scope, and subsequent seasons get better once the larger conflicts are introduced.

I'm really digging the ship designs though.

May 21, 2001


Watched all the episodes currently available. Much stronger start than Rebels and the animation already looks really good so I can't wait to see what they do with it as they get stronger and build up the asset library. The background peeps on the Colossus are much more varied than anything we saw in Rebels which gives it a really nice vibe, like it probably took Clone Wars or Rebels a couple of seasons to get enough models to represent the # of aliens we see in like 1 cantina shot in this.

The visuals are really great so far, especially any of the wide shots of the Colossus. The racing hook is already paying off as there is now plenty of fodder to introduce gimmicky teams for one offs or for continuous cameos. Elijah Wood's in the third episode as Jace Rucklin, a mischievous upstart racing crew.

Big Mean Jerk
Jan 27, 2009

Well, of course I know him.
He's me.
One thing I will say about Resistance is that the mix of OT, PT, and ST alien/droid designs is fantastic. You’ve got new guys like the giant-headed janitor and Unkar Plutt’s species alongside pit droids, Aleena, and OT deepcuts like snaggletooth.

Not sure what to make of Jim Rash’s ‘literally an ovoid chicken’ alien.

Sep 13, 2007

But how does it taste? Yummy!
Dinosaur Gum
Speaking of cameos; its super obvious, but the race announcer is Greg Proops! Not voicing Fode again...but still!

Nov 21, 2003

Its my party
and I'll die if
I want to
I'm up to episode 3 and I'm enjoying this, but I kinda wish Kaz wasn't such a whiny dumbass. I mean, that's all the main characters in Star Wars, but he seems worse than normal. Though like all others, he'll grow up.

Oct 19, 2012

by Nyc_Tattoo
Resistance is pretty good.

May 21, 2001


Big Mean Jerk posted:

One thing I will say about Resistance is that the mix of OT, PT, and ST alien/droid designs is fantastic. You’ve got new guys like the giant-headed janitor and Unkar Plutt’s species alongside pit droids, Aleena, and OT deepcuts like snaggletooth.

Not sure what to make of Jim Rash’s ‘literally an ovoid chicken’ alien.

With the animation style the designs really pop too! Compared to Rebels or CLone Wars where the different species were honestly pretty bland.

Wheat Loaf
Feb 13, 2012

by FactsAreUseless
I am quite enjoying reviews like "This children's series is for CHILDREN! :qq:" on imdb et al.


Sep 13, 2007

But how does it taste? Yummy!
Dinosaur Gum
I'm impressed that a show aimed pretty solidly at kids is willing to mention "Death" out loud. No euphemisms like "destroy" or whatever, just "if you do this, you'll die", "this could kill you", etc.

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