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Sep 13, 2007

But how does it taste? Yummy!
Dinosaur Gum
I'm glad FoD branched out a hair from JUST focusing on the female characters. Not that I don't think a female-character-spotlight is cool and rad...but we got a Luke and Yoda on dagobah episode and it was great


Sep 13, 2007

But how does it taste? Yummy!
Dinosaur Gum

thrawn527 posted:

*puts on jivjov hat*
Canon content only.

I mean...its not like we can't still talk about Legends content....

Sep 13, 2007

But how does it taste? Yummy!
Dinosaur Gum

Madurai posted:

Wait, when did Jango get defrocked from being Mandalorian?

The Mando government (the one trying to remake Mandalore into a peaceful, pacifictic society) disowned him because he was a mercenary.

Sep 13, 2007

But how does it taste? Yummy!
Dinosaur Gum

DancinBrud posted:

The animation did make Luke look pretty young, and I think it tripped a lot of other people up, too. But he and Leia are just a day or two younger than Ezra!

Fun fact, the model for Luke was just the season 1 model for Ezra

Sep 13, 2007

But how does it taste? Yummy!
Dinosaur Gum

Wheat Loaf posted:

Hahaha. Oh, dear. There won't be any Star Wars movies in a few years time.

There's a bunch of movies in the pipeline; Rian Johnson's trilogy, the unspecified series from the Game of Thrones guys, etc. I doubt they're gonna dump all those into theaters in the next year given the whole "hey we're slowing down the release schedule" thing.

Sep 13, 2007

But how does it taste? Yummy!
Dinosaur Gum

thrawn527 posted:

Was that ever actually on TV? I thought they were just straight to DVD release movies.

Yep, the first 20 micro-episodes aired as little things in between other shows, and the last 5 full length episodes had a regular time slot (well, as regular as you can be with only 5 episodes)

Sep 13, 2007

But how does it taste? Yummy!
Dinosaur Gum
Ah yeah if this thread is just for canonical TV, then the microseries is out.

Sep 13, 2007

But how does it taste? Yummy!
Dinosaur Gum
seeing some rumblings on twitter that Leia appears in the first episode of Resistance but conspicuously has no lines. Maybe they've completely excised that actress' performance.

Sep 13, 2007

But how does it taste? Yummy!
Dinosaur Gum
It's possible they still will and just didn't get it done (or get the lines re-recorded) in time for the series premiere

Sep 13, 2007

But how does it taste? Yummy!
Dinosaur Gum
Speaking of cameos; its super obvious, but the race announcer is Greg Proops! Not voicing Fode again...but still!

Sep 13, 2007

But how does it taste? Yummy!
Dinosaur Gum
I'm impressed that a show aimed pretty solidly at kids is willing to mention "Death" out loud. No euphemisms like "destroy" or whatever, just "if you do this, you'll die", "this could kill you", etc.

Sep 13, 2007

But how does it taste? Yummy!
Dinosaur Gum

Sep 13, 2007

But how does it taste? Yummy!
Dinosaur Gum
The replies to that tweet indicate that it's a 50/50 shot. Some people have gotten full seasons of other shows at a similar discount. Someone else pointed out that the opening two parter may be its own "season" internally

Sep 13, 2007

But how does it taste? Yummy!
Dinosaur Gum

Azhais posted:

As if they won't fix that

Better buy it before they do. If they revoke the purchase after the fact you can probably at least get a month of free Prime out of it or something.

Sep 13, 2007

But how does it taste? Yummy!
Dinosaur Gum
Ooh, I'm glad it was confirmed that those were the newest model X-Wings in the beginning. Good stuff

Sep 13, 2007

But how does it taste? Yummy!
Dinosaur Gum

Colonial Air Force posted:

Oscar Isaacs is a great actor in person, but a poor voice actor.

I wouldn't go all the way down to "poor", but yeah, I get the impression that he's used to emoting with his face and body more, so trying to do it all in voice was stifling him a little.

Sep 13, 2007

But how does it taste? Yummy!
Dinosaur Gum

twistedmentat posted:

I read that this will take place during the period of The Force Awakens so anyone who's seen the show will know what that means.

spoiled Kaz is from Hosian Prime so its very likely his family will be completely wiped out when Starkiller base destroys it

About 6 months prior to TFA, yeah

In one of the later episodes you get to see an under-construction Starkiller, too

Sep 13, 2007

But how does it taste? Yummy!
Dinosaur Gum
The episode summary for 5 says that the First Order is coming to the refueling station, so even if a big Resistance vs First Order plot is a long time coming, they seem to be planning on keeping the First Order physically present at least

Sep 13, 2007

But how does it taste? Yummy!
Dinosaur Gum

Azhais posted:

It was actually after they blew up the fourth one

There've only been 2 Death Stars so far.

Vinylshadow posted:

That'd certainly be a nice way to introduce them to people who don't play video games - because what kind of idiot puts important lore and world-building into a platform not everyone has access to or is interested in?

What is this, Kingdom Hearts?

You realize Star Wars has been a cross-media franchise for decades, right?

Sep 13, 2007

But how does it taste? Yummy!
Dinosaur Gum

Wheat Loaf posted:

The movies have always been most important, though. My dad finally got seeing Solo recently on dvd and he said he was enjoying it until Darth Maul showed up because it completely took him out of the movie; said he had no idea where that came from. I told him he came back in the cartoons and he said it would've been nice if that had been explained in the movie, because as far as he's concerned Darth Maul has been dead since he was chopped in half and fell down a bottomless pit in 1999.

As I've said before, it doesn't strike me as terribly fair to make it incumbent on people to seek these things out so they understand what's going on in the movie they've bought their ticket for. My dad doesn't have the time or really the interest in watching children's cartoons to get the necessary backstory for the movie. In your opinion, is it unreasonable for him to be annoyed like that?

I he completely incapable of accepting the idea of stuff happening "off screen"? Even if you don't know the circumstances of Darth Maul's return...the fact that he's back can still be a cool Wow moment

EDIT: Also, I'm glad he enjoyed around 90% of the movie.

Sep 13, 2007

But how does it taste? Yummy!
Dinosaur Gum

NTRabbit posted:

I didn't realise they were just dropping the first 4 episodes and then taking 3 weeks before getting to the next one, ugh

Episodes 3 and 4 were more like "bonus previews". They're airing weekly on TV

Sep 13, 2007

But how does it taste? Yummy!
Dinosaur Gum
Oh heck yes; Freemaker was just wholesomely good fun, so I'm all for this

Sep 13, 2007

But how does it taste? Yummy!
Dinosaur Gum

radlum posted:

Where was Cassian's age stated? I know Luna looks rather young for his actual age, but he doesn't strike me as in his 20s.

The Rogue One Visual Guide establishes he was born 26BBY

jivjov fucked around with this message at 13:57 on Nov 9, 2018

Sep 13, 2007

But how does it taste? Yummy!
Dinosaur Gum

Rocksicles posted:

Don't you mean BBY?

I sure did; brain fart

Sep 13, 2007

But how does it taste? Yummy!
Dinosaur Gum
Catching up on a few episodes of Resistance I missed, and I gotta say, I really love the design of all the pirates in Synara's Score. The one with the bandolier made out of old imperial rank placards is particularly great. Oh and Yeager quoting Air Force One.

Sep 13, 2007

But how does it taste? Yummy!
Dinosaur Gum

IRQ posted:

Is that now 3, 4 if you count Clones Wars' lost episodes or whatever, tv series in production?

I'm not sure how to feel about that.

The only TV shows in production that we actually have confirmation of are Resistance (currently airing), Clone Wars Season 7, some manner of Cassian Andor show, and The Mandalorian. Nothing else has any manner of official confirmation.

jivjov fucked around with this message at 23:02 on Feb 25, 2019

Sep 13, 2007

But how does it taste? Yummy!
Dinosaur Gum
Random question: Does anyone have a bluray set of Clone Wars season 4 they might be willing to part with? That one in particular seems really hard to find at a reasonable price online.

Sep 13, 2007

But how does it taste? Yummy!
Dinosaur Gum
Torra's 14 and Kaz is 25; I hope they aren't pushing a romance angle there.

Sep 13, 2007

But how does it taste? Yummy!
Dinosaur Gum
Yeah, the idea of someone enamored by the idea of peace and security; who is tired of the constant back and forth wars; is a good place to explore...but having the black character say "just follow the law and you won't get hurt" in an era where black people are routinely murdered at traffic stops is just kinda tone deaf.

Sep 13, 2007

But how does it taste? Yummy!
Dinosaur Gum

Vinylshadow posted:

You may want to redo your math

Kaz was born 14 ABY
Torra was born 19 ABY
TFA is 35 ABY

Yeah, I had the year of Resistance/TFA wrong my bad

Sep 13, 2007

But how does it taste? Yummy!
Dinosaur Gum

Vinylshadow posted:

I can't believe they're adding another Death Star to The Mandalorian

Three were enough

Don't worry, the prototype Death Star from the Maw Installation isn't canonical, so any Death Star they do add (if they do) will only be the third.

Sep 13, 2007

But how does it taste? Yummy!
Dinosaur Gum

Angry Salami posted:

What about the Death Star from the Star Tours ride?

The star tours content is noncanonical. Incidentally the "storyline" of Galaxy's Edge is apparently going to be a canon thing though.

Sep 13, 2007

But how does it taste? Yummy!
Dinosaur Gum

bunnyofdoom posted:

What about Starkiller base?

What about it? It's not a Death Star.

Sep 13, 2007

But how does it taste? Yummy!
Dinosaur Gum
There's been some Episode IX content leaked. If you care about spoilers or potato quality scans of posters and character art, exercise caution on Twitter.

Sep 13, 2007

But how does it taste? Yummy!
Dinosaur Gum

Madurai posted:

It's a cool poster, but I seriously doubt it's real.

It's obviously not /the/ theatrical poster; but it fits the same style as the $5 Walmart posters they churn out for blockbusters

Sep 13, 2007

But how does it taste? Yummy!
Dinosaur Gum
Mandalorian confirmed to be a launch day show on Disney+, Q1 2020

jivjov fucked around with this message at 23:26 on Apr 11, 2019

Sep 13, 2007

But how does it taste? Yummy!
Dinosaur Gum

GLOSS posted:

Actual launch date is now November 12th, $6.99 for the service which is a helluva lot of content for that price...

guess that's Q1 of /fiscal/ 2020 then

Sep 13, 2007

But how does it taste? Yummy!
Dinosaur Gum
:/ streaming people don't get to see footage. That sucks

Sep 13, 2007

But how does it taste? Yummy!
Dinosaur Gum

Big Mean Jerk posted:

I loving love that John Knoll heard they wanted to make a model for lighting reference and immediately went home and CNC’d an old fashioned motion rig for filming in his garage :allears:

I always wince a little bit at the "LOOK AT OUR PRACTICAL EFFECTS" drum beating...but seeing stuff like this...THIS is how you show that


Sep 13, 2007

But how does it taste? Yummy!
Dinosaur Gum

Cross-Section posted:

TCW Season 7 panel is currently streaming:

I think they're leaving "Lost Missions" off as its own thing, and the new stuff is Season 6

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