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Jul 31, 2004

3/18/2023: Day of the Dorks
Mark Smith looks like the real deal. Could be huge for Mizzou if he maintains this level of play


Jul 31, 2004

3/18/2023: Day of the Dorks
Apparently Mizzou is getting their rear end kicked by iowa state.

Jul 31, 2004

3/18/2023: Day of the Dorks
Who put the Kim Anderson Tigers back on the court? Mizzou struggling against Kennesaw State

Jul 31, 2004

3/18/2023: Day of the Dorks
Haha jeez Mizzou is real bad. The freshman gotta grow up quick to salvage this season I think

Jul 31, 2004

3/18/2023: Day of the Dorks
Mizzou bad

Jul 31, 2004

3/18/2023: Day of the Dorks
Haha jeez Mizzou's offense is just non-existent. It's gonna be a rough year

Jul 31, 2004

3/18/2023: Day of the Dorks
The most Mizzou way to lose. No improvement from last year with ball control and late game management

Jul 31, 2004

3/18/2023: Day of the Dorks
lmao of course Geist wastes all the time and then makes his prayer shot

Jul 31, 2004

3/18/2023: Day of the Dorks
It's a sad state of affairs when Mizzou hits 37 at half and it's an offensive bonanza. Regardless, the freshman are starting to look pretty good. I think Pickett and Pinson are gonna turn out to be valuable 4 year players

Jul 31, 2004

3/18/2023: Day of the Dorks
There's been like 20 fouls called in this Mizzou/ORU game and there's 8:50 left in the first half

Jul 31, 2004

3/18/2023: Day of the Dorks

Grittybeard posted:

Haven't been able to watch but Oral Roberts is really loving bad I'm guessing from the score?

mizzou looked bad in the first half but just started draining 3s I guess.

Jul 31, 2004

3/18/2023: Day of the Dorks
Mizzou shooting lovely again, might be a long night

EDIT: nevermind they've made like 7 straight shots now. tilmon is feasting tonight

Mike_V fucked around with this message at 01:21 on Dec 19, 2018

Jul 31, 2004

3/18/2023: Day of the Dorks
Tigers running Xavier out of the building.

On another note, it'll be nice to not have Puryear as a guy you lean on regularly next year. Thank you for your service, Kevin, but you are consistently useless.

Jul 31, 2004

3/18/2023: Day of the Dorks
I hope the Illini lose by 30 and Mark Smith drops 20 on em

Jul 31, 2004

3/18/2023: Day of the Dorks
Ah I see this team wilts under pressure against a bad Illini team again

Jul 31, 2004

3/18/2023: Day of the Dorks
Oh man Jordan Geist is feeding tonight

Jul 31, 2004

3/18/2023: Day of the Dorks
I'm ready for Kevin Puryear to graduate. Thanks for sticking around the dark years but Mizzou needs players who can play

Jul 31, 2004

3/18/2023: Day of the Dorks
Pinson is the first razzle dazzle distributor mizzou's had since phil pressey

Jul 31, 2004

3/18/2023: Day of the Dorks
goddamn mizzou has like 5 straight open looks and clanks em all out

Jul 31, 2004

3/18/2023: Day of the Dorks
Loving these questionable calls going against Mizzou and they're still working the Illini

Jul 31, 2004

3/18/2023: Day of the Dorks
Tilmon is gonna feast on the Illini for the next two seasons

Jul 31, 2004

3/18/2023: Day of the Dorks
Nice to see Mizzou dummying a team they're supposed to. It's also nice to see all the guards draining threes when they're open

Jul 31, 2004

3/18/2023: Day of the Dorks

Mike_V posted:

Nice to see Mizzou dummying a team they're supposed to. It's also nice to see all the guards draining threes when they're open

Spoke too soon, Mizzou trying to lose this game

Jul 31, 2004

3/18/2023: Day of the Dorks
lol ok if that's the standard for T-ing up dudes in this Mizzou/Tennessee game, I expect to see a couple more

kevin puryear is just so regularly bad at basic plays. cannot wait to see the team next year without him taking a ton of minutes and loving things up regularly

Mike_V fucked around with this message at 01:51 on Jan 9, 2019

Jul 31, 2004

3/18/2023: Day of the Dorks
Mizzou looking like they're gonna get run out of the building at USC. Terrible ball control so far.

My god Kevin Puryear is just SO BAD for a senior

edit: lmao reed nikko with one of the worst attempts at a shot within 3 feet of the hoop i've ever seen. turns out jordan geist is the only good player kim anderson ever kept around?

Mike_V fucked around with this message at 19:27 on Jan 13, 2019

Jul 31, 2004

3/18/2023: Day of the Dorks
Man, the fouls are pretty even, but all of the bruising poo poo that South Carolina is getting away with, Mizzou is getting nailed on (SCAR seems to be getting hit with away from the ball calls and mauling people in the trap). I don't get it

Jul 31, 2004

3/18/2023: Day of the Dorks
mark smith is gonna be a real good four year player

Jul 31, 2004

3/18/2023: Day of the Dorks
lol a&m is gonna be lucky to break 40 points against Mizzou at home

Jul 31, 2004

3/18/2023: Day of the Dorks
Tilmon looking strong early on, would be nice if he kept this play up

Jul 31, 2004

3/18/2023: Day of the Dorks
barry booker is such a funny color guy because he's really bad at interacting with his partner and sounds so awkward

Jul 31, 2004

3/18/2023: Day of the Dorks
wow, KJ santos looks like he's in the wrong division. i don't think he's gonna work out

Jul 31, 2004

3/18/2023: Day of the Dorks
it's grim that cuonzo martin is resorting to playing ronnie suggs a lot the past couple games

Jul 31, 2004

3/18/2023: Day of the Dorks

Grittybeard posted:

Missouri's gotten all the calls after the techs (apparently, I just tuned in after the one on Geist) and are going to go into halftime down.

They've had Nikko, Santos, and Suggs on the floor all at once for a couple minutes now and they've gotta be like -10 or something crazy

Jul 31, 2004

3/18/2023: Day of the Dorks
Mizzou up 10 with less than 11 left, will be interesting to see how they crumble. My guess is a ton of turnovers

Jul 31, 2004

3/18/2023: Day of the Dorks

Grittybeard posted:

Haha, Tilmon just got called for grabbing his own shoulder.

It's insane how many fouls get called against Tilmon that are not fouls. He has to be in the top two or three in D1 in that category

god kevin puryear is just so useless. 0 points 4 fouls tonight, senior leadership baby

Mike_V fucked around with this message at 01:41 on Jan 27, 2019

Jul 31, 2004

3/18/2023: Day of the Dorks
I am loving the 70s daisy duke throwback look some of these LSU dudes are rocking

Jul 31, 2004

3/18/2023: Day of the Dorks

Grittybeard posted:

They held on a long time with that 10+ point lead, this is an impressive meltdown.

Kevin Puryear is really loving embarrassing. Mishandles relatively easy pass under the hoop which leads to a 3 pointer. Stop loving playing him all the time

Jul 31, 2004

3/18/2023: Day of the Dorks
It's crazy that you can't even get home cooking against LSU

Jul 31, 2004

3/18/2023: Day of the Dorks
Enjoy OT Gritty, I am not gonna watch Mizzou lose by 8 after the bullshit that was the first 40 minutes


Jul 31, 2004

3/18/2023: Day of the Dorks
Tilmon feasting against Auburn so far, although I imagine Auburn is gonna end up winning by 15

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