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Sep 26, 2006


FilthyImp posted:

Man, I swear that Catra was one of the princesses in the S1 segment when LightHope explains how Etheria works and I kept hoping she was somehow related to Magic Stealthcat and it would be that both she and Adora were kidnapped and at the end they both get She-Ra powers

There is a cat-person silhouette, but while all the other silhouette's perfectly match their respective character model, the cat one doesn't match Catra. It's a bit squatter, or thicker or something if I recall. Which wouldn't discount it on it's own, but I feel is a good indication when the others are so clearly and definitely a match for their character.


Terrifying Effigies
Oct 22, 2008

Problems look mighty small from 150 miles up.

FilthyImp posted:

And hey oh poo poo did I completely miss a conversation about how Entrapta's custom Space Suits were functional and non-sexualized for the women, but Bow got a motherfucking Abs-Window? because that poo poo was amazing.:blush:

Pretty sure last season established as canon that Bow loses his powers if his midriff is unexposed.

Dec 19, 2002

Entrapta fucking loves robots

Grimey Drawer

T-man posted:

That said, I think it's pretty clear that the show sets up "I Love You" as an explicitly romantic relationship thing; We have Catra/Adora, Spinnerella/Netassia, and iirc Mermista/Seahawk, with Entrapta/Hordak being the exception that proves the rule. I'm pretty sure by this pattern that Bow/Glimmer were supposed to be implied to be romantically dating, which isn't really something I care for, especially because it means the show does not normalize saying it to platonic friends. (Which I'm all in for, myself.) Am I imagining things?

I don't see Entrapta as being romantically interested in Hordak, I'm still saying she's ace. Unless you're literally a robot, cuz she was gonna gently caress that robot in episode 2. But as much as I want opposite gender platonic relationships normalized, I can't read the ending with Bow and Glimmer as anything but a romantic relationship. The vision Adora had also showed their adult versions in a romantic relationship.

So yeah, I agree with you. It doesn't diminish my enjoyment of the show at all, but it was a bit of a let down.

May 5, 2005


Soonmot posted:

But as much as I want opposite gender platonic relationships normalized, I can't read the ending with Bow and Glimmer as anything but a romantic relationship. The vision Adora had also showed their adult versions in a romantic relationship.

So yeah, I agree with you. It doesn't diminish my enjoyment of the show at all, but it was a bit of a let down.

There are also a couple points this season where to the two of them reach out to each other in crisis moments that is very much non-platonic. Like "despite being a seasoned fighter, I'm going to go for you instead of going for the threat" kind of reaction.

Mar 19, 2006
droppin Hamiltons!

FilthyImp posted:

Man, I swear that Catra was one of the princesses in the S1 segment when LightHope explains how Etheria works and I kept hoping she was somehow related to Magic Stealthcat and it would be that both she and Adora were kidnapped and at the end they both get She-Ra powers

Right? I thought for sure with that kiss that they both would emerge in that beam of golden light all armored and glorious n’ poo poo.

Dec 19, 2002

Entrapta fucking loves robots

Grimey Drawer

AlternateNu posted:

There are also a couple points this season where to the two of them reach out to each other in crisis moments that is very much non-platonic. Like "despite being a seasoned fighter, I'm going to go for you instead of going for the threat" kind of reaction.

Yeah, it wasn't out of nowhere or anything like that.

Chokes McGee
Aug 7, 2008

This is Urotsuki.

CaptainCrunch posted:

Right? I thought for sure with that kiss that they both would emerge in that beam of golden light all armored and glorious n’ poo poo.

I was actually ready for a cat-eared Firestorm She-Ra but no sense in being greedy after all that :)

Aug 22, 2010

Talk shit, get bzzzt.

Soonmot posted:

I don't see Entrapta as being romantically interested in Hordak, I'm still saying she's ace. Unless you're literally a robot, cuz she was gonna gently caress that robot in episode 2. But as much as I want opposite gender platonic relationships normalized, I can't read the ending with Bow and Glimmer as anything but a romantic relationship. The vision Adora had also showed their adult versions in a romantic relationship.

So yeah, I agree with you. It doesn't diminish my enjoyment of the show at all, but it was a bitta of a let down.

Sorry, I meant to use Entrapta and Hordak as the exception, because they don't drop the (other) L word to each other iirc. I agree with your ace theory, on the basis that she literally wears the flags colors.

Jun 26, 2012

FilthyImp posted:

And hey oh poo poo did I completely miss a conversation about how Entrapta's custom Space Suits were functional and non-sexualized for the women, but Bow got a motherfucking Abs-Window? because that poo poo was amazing.:blush:

She gave herself a boob window in hers, so maybe not as pure as that.

Chokes McGee
Aug 7, 2008

This is Urotsuki.
In other news Catra's va loving nailed that scene and is a major reason it blew the doors off what everyone was expecting. I didn't realize just how much of the heavy emotional lifting was put on her, and she delivered incredibly.

Elephant Ambush
Nov 13, 2012

...We sholde spenden more time together. What sayest thou?

Nap Ghost
My wife and I just finished this tonight and it was great. It was really weird hearing so many characters say "I love you" to each other but at the same time I love that it's normalizing the phrase and making it a thing you can just say to someone you love instead of the traditional media bullshit where it's a hard thing to say and you have to hold it back until the most dramatic moment possible or whatever. It was positive and refreshing.

My wife and I are straight so we really didn't see Catra/Adora or Bow.Glimmer coming but again, refreshing and awesome and cool and good. I hope this show blows the doors off so that many other shows (animated or otherwise) can follow suit with representation and normalization.

We're probably going to go back and re-watch the whole drat thing with the new perspectives this season gave us and I'm sure we'll pick up on things we missed before. Like we definitely noticed the subtle sexual tension between Adora and Catra at the prom but we thought it was just Catra loving with Adora because that's her MO.

Scorpia and Entrapta are the loving best. Hordak/Wrong Hordak/Prime's voice actor was the VIP of the whole season. That takes some serious talent to do what he did.

I'm really glad this show exists. My wife and I both watched the original show as kids and it's really awesome to see it not only modernized but also pushing LGBTQ+ representation to the max. And not even just that community but like Glimmer and Spinerella are chubby and they're represented. So many skin colors represented. Interracial relationships are represented. Literally gay black dads are represented and that is just brave as gently caress. I think the only group I can think of that wasn't featured was disabled people, although someone here can correct me if I'm wrong. It's late and I'm tired and going to bed after posting this.

It was also really cool reading through all the perspectives from different people here. We have a lot to digest and think about and talk about for the rest of the week. :)

Jul 18, 2008

Elephant Ambush posted:

My wife and I are straight so we really didn't see Catra/Adora or Bow.Glimmer coming

Really? Wow. Not making fun, just shocked. Fascinating, the mind of the het...

Android Blues
Nov 22, 2008

Elephant Ambush posted:

My wife and I just finished this tonight and it was great. It was really weird hearing so many characters say "I love you" to each other but at the same time I love that it's normalizing the phrase and making it a thing you can just say to someone you love instead of the traditional media bullshit where it's a hard thing to say and you have to hold it back until the most dramatic moment possible or whatever. It was positive and refreshing.

My wife and I are straight so we really didn't see Catra/Adora or Bow.Glimmer coming but again, refreshing and awesome and cool and good. I hope this show blows the doors off so that many other shows (animated or otherwise) can follow suit with representation and normalization.

We're probably going to go back and re-watch the whole drat thing with the new perspectives this season gave us and I'm sure we'll pick up on things we missed before. Like we definitely noticed the subtle sexual tension between Adora and Catra at the prom but we thought it was just Catra loving with Adora because that's her MO.

Scorpia and Entrapta are the loving best. Hordak/Wrong Hordak/Prime's voice actor was the VIP of the whole season. That takes some serious talent to do what he did.

I'm really glad this show exists. My wife and I both watched the original show as kids and it's really awesome to see it not only modernized but also pushing LGBTQ+ representation to the max. And not even just that community but like Glimmer and Spinerella are chubby and they're represented. So many skin colors represented. Interracial relationships are represented. Literally gay black dads are represented and that is just brave as gently caress. I think the only group I can think of that wasn't featured was disabled people, although someone here can correct me if I'm wrong. It's late and I'm tired and going to bed after posting this.

It was also really cool reading through all the perspectives from different people here. We have a lot to digest and think about and talk about for the rest of the week. :)

Love the positivity in this post. Thank you for your perspective!

Sep 26, 2006


Doctor Reynolds posted:

Really? Wow. Not making fun, just shocked. Fascinating, the mind of the het...

Speaking as another heterosexual person, I didn't see it either. I'm quite dense when it comes to noticing relationship dynamics even with straight people though, so that may not mean much. I think part of it is that they're presented as sisters for much of the first two seasons however, so I saw their relationship primarily through that lens throughout the show and Catra's desire for approval from Shadow-Weaver as well as actions to push away and hurt the favoured sibling stood out more to me than any sexual or romantic tension.

Hispanic! At The Disco
Dec 25, 2011

Soonmot posted:

I don't see Entrapta as being romantically interested in Hordak, I'm still saying she's ace. Unless you're literally a robot, cuz she was gonna gently caress that robot in episode 2.

Seriously, she didn't look at anyone the way she looked at that robot.

Dec 28, 2012

So maybe I missed something but uh, ep 6 Did Catra die from that fall? I don't know if she was dead or unconscious afterwards and and She-Ra revived/healed her. Since I wasn't expecting her to actually come around since she kept pushing people away the second they tried being nice to her just like she has the entire series I wasn't really thinking she'd be doing anything aside from being in a med bay thing this season. In all honesty, I was expecting her to be alive but paralyzed.

Doctor Reynolds posted:

Really? Wow. Not making fun, just shocked. Fascinating, the mind of the het...

Add me in on the first part of that. Aside from like, 40 minutes over the first season before she left, Catra was just so hostile to Adora all the time that I didn't see that one eventually developing in any positive manner.

Also I'm still bad at reading characters beyond them, I think Entrapta sees Hordak as a friend and lab partner. And eventually she'll get a piece of First Ones tech about relationships and go 'Ohhhhhh, that's what everyone was doing.' And then 7 years later she'll have an epiphany and be like, 'Hey, that's kinda like me and Hordak!'

Fanfiction aside, I thought this season was the best one, I liked it a whole lot and just binged it entirely when I saw that it was a thing on Netflix instead of going to bed. I'm bad at liveposting.

Chokes McGee
Aug 7, 2008

This is Urotsuki.

Doctor Reynolds posted:

Really? Wow. Not making fun, just shocked. Fascinating, the mind of the het...

OP I'm pretty much default cis male and I saw it from the word go.

A cat does not sleep at the foot of someone's bed unless they care very deeply about them.


fellas get yourself a gal who looks at you the same way entrapta looks at alien biofield scans

Pants Donkey
Nov 13, 2011

There was that Season 1(?) episode where Bow and Glimmer fight because Bow took someone else to the dance, so I figured they were going to make it a point that they’d stay friends and hook up with other characters, but I guess they ran out of time to really develop two more relationships.

Captain Oblivious
Oct 12, 2007

I'm not like other posters
Bow and Glimmer is one of those things where like, yeah it’s not unimaginable by any means but it feels like the writers didn’t really do their homework to bridge A and C? An extremely “oh okay I guess” development.

Sep 24, 2009

Seven idiots and a bear walk into a dragon's lair.

Bow and Glimmer feel deliberately ambiguous in a way where you can totally read them as being just friends or as more and the canon supports you either way. Basically they did a straight couple the way most media does queer couples :v:

Mar 20, 2017

With the sheer amount of queer couples in media (and how much everyone talks about them), it's straight couples that are becoming the minority

Can't wait for that powder keg to detonate

Android Blues
Nov 22, 2008

Vinylshadow posted:

With the sheer amount of queer couples in media (and how much everyone talks about them), it's straight couples that are becoming the minority

Can't wait for that powder keg to detonate

Haha, oh buddy. We're not even remotely close to this being the case.

Sep 5, 2006

Vinylshadow posted:

With the sheer amount of queer couples in media (and how much everyone talks about them), it's straight couples that are becoming the minority

Can't wait for that powder keg to detonate

This isn't even true for She-Ra

Aug 22, 2010

Talk shit, get bzzzt.

When the Gay Replacement comes you'll know. Mostly from the gay frog juice nanobots in your blood being activated by 5g.

Sep 24, 2009

Seven idiots and a bear walk into a dragon's lair.

Noonsaliwah posted:

This isn't even true for She-Ra

Confirmed straight couples: Micah/Angella, Mermista/Sea Hawk
Implied straight couples: Bow/Glimmer

Confirmed queer couples: Adora/Catra, Netossa/Spinnerella. Bow's dads - George/Lance
Implied queer couples: Scorpia/Perfuma, Kyle/Rogelio/Maybe Lonnie??? I don't know what that trio is up to really.

And Hordak/Entrapta is either straight or platonic or if you assume they're ace datemates then they're kind of a queer couple but basically that one is very open to interpretation.

So queer relationships actually do outnumber straight relationships in She-Ra. And we're all better off for it :colbert:

Oct 24, 2010

Illegal Hen
This is hearsay but I remember seeing something about Glimmer's VA being confused if Glimmer and Bow were dating during a script read leading to Glimbow happening, which could be why it feels a little more last minute than other ships.

Aug 8, 2006

Corpse runner

Pyrotoad posted:

This is hearsay but I remember seeing something about Glimmer's VA being confused if Glimmer and Bow were dating during a script read leading to Glimbow happening, which could be why it feels a little more last minute than other ships.

It's not hearsay. Noelle's spoken about it. The line was written ambiguously--even to her--and when it came time to do the recording session Glimmer's VA asked how she was supposed to read it, since a line intended to have that much emotion can't really be done ambiguously. Noelle told her to go romantic.

Aug 25, 2017

CuwiKhons posted:

Confirmed straight couples: Micah/Angella, Mermista/Sea Hawk
Implied straight couples: Bow/Glimmer

Confirmed queer couples: Adora/Catra, Netossa/Spinnerella. Bow's dads - George/Lance
Implied queer couples: Scorpia/Perfuma, Kyle/Rogelio/Maybe Lonnie??? I don't know what that trio is up to really.

And Hordak/Entrapta is either straight or platonic or if you assume they're ace datemates then they're kind of a queer couple but basically that one is very open to interpretation.

So queer relationships actually do outnumber straight relationships in She-Ra. And we're all better off for it :colbert:

I'd put Mermista and Sea Hawk into the queer couple category, because I read the two as a bisexual couple. I mean, Mermista had that little blush when she first saw She-Ra, and Sea Hawk's Sea Hawk.

Sep 24, 2009

Seven idiots and a bear walk into a dragon's lair.

That is true and Noelle did say one of the guys at the bar was Sea Hawk's ex. Even fewer straight couples.

Elephant Ambush
Nov 13, 2012

...We sholde spenden more time together. What sayest thou?

Nap Ghost

Doctor Reynolds posted:

Really? Wow. Not making fun, just shocked. Fascinating, the mind of the het...

Yep! :v:

And it's not like I'm socially blind either. I've been with my wife for 20 years. I think the blocker for me is that I'm not used to those kinds of romantic relationships. I've probably been brainwashed by 4 decades of cishet media showing me what "normal" relationships look like. I'm also extremely lucky to have never been abused or been in a rocky relationship like Catra/Adora and I don't think I've ever seen a friendship like Bow/Glimmer turn into a romantic relationship seemingly out of left field like that.

So yeah me being being cishet is the problem lmao

Thank you so much for posting this. It was one of my favorite moments of the whole season (my absolute favorite being Catra getting spritzed and netted by Netossa)

Chokes McGee
Aug 7, 2008

This is Urotsuki.

amigolupus posted:

I'd put Mermista and Sea Hawk into the queer couple category, because I read the two as a bisexual couple. I mean, Mermista had that little blush when she first saw She-Ra, and Sea Hawk's Sea Hawk.

Look, she... she set a boat on fire. Just once! To see what it felt like!

May 19, 2016

I saw Catradora going on from the first episode, but I missed

Chokes McGee posted:

Look, she... she set a boat on fire. Just once! To see what it felt like!

until this post

Nov 4, 2009

So is Netossa just Etheria's version of Batman?

Elephant Ambush
Nov 13, 2012

...We sholde spenden more time together. What sayest thou?

Nap Ghost

Technowolf posted:

So is Netossa just Etheria's version of Batman?

Yes that is literally the joke. And it's great.

Chokes McGee
Aug 7, 2008

This is Urotsuki.

galenanorth posted:

I saw Catradora going on from the first episode, but I missed

until this post

Hopefully you also did not miss her and Seahawk mugging and dragging off a Seahawk ex in the background while Scorpia and Perfuma were having their heart to heart

I swear 90% of the best content this season happened in the background. Like if you look at the team photo in the opening credits for the second-to-last episode, Nettossa is dip-kissing Spinerella full on the lips on the left. :mmmhmm:

Dec 19, 2002

Entrapta fucking loves robots

Grimey Drawer

CuwiKhons posted:

Bow and Glimmer feel deliberately ambiguous in a way where you can totally read them as being just friends or as more and the canon supports you either way. Basically they did a straight couple the way most media does queer couples :v:

holy poo poo mind blown

Hispanic! At The Disco posted:

Seriously, she didn't look at anyone the way she looked at that robot.

Are there any gifmasters who can get this down to avatar size?

May 19, 2016

Soonmot posted:

holy poo poo mind blown

Are there any gifmasters who can get this down to avatar size?

Elephant Ambush
Nov 13, 2012

...We sholde spenden more time together. What sayest thou?

Nap Ghost

Chokes McGee posted:

Hopefully you also did not miss her and Seahawk mugging and dragging off a Seahawk ex in the background while Scorpia and Perfuma were having their heart to heart

I swear 90% of the best content this season happened in the background. Like if you look at the team photo in the opening credits for the second-to-last episode, Nettossa is dip-kissing Spinerella full on the lips on the left. :mmmhmm:

This is so true. I also really love all the background art in Mystacor. There was also some cool stuff in Scorpia's home country and in the First Ones ruins. You have to pause though because it's never on the screen for very long.

Nov 7, 2012

CuwiKhons posted:

Confirmed straight couples: Micah/Angella, Mermista/Sea Hawk
Implied straight couples: Bow/Glimmer

Confirmed queer couples: Adora/Catra, Netossa/Spinnerella. Bow's dads - George/Lance
Implied queer couples: Scorpia/Perfuma, Kyle/Rogelio/Maybe Lonnie??? I don't know what that trio is up to really.

And Hordak/Entrapta is either straight or platonic or if you assume they're ace datemates then they're kind of a queer couple but basically that one is very open to interpretation.

So queer relationships actually do outnumber straight relationships in She-Ra. And we're all better off for it :colbert:

I don't know what to call it but Casta/SW were a delight every time they were sharing screen time.


Mar 19, 2006
droppin Hamiltons!
CastaShadow, obvi. :smuggo:

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