fell in the hole for this instead of finishing a mature adult show I could talk about with others but I couldn't look away from Catra's life trainwreck
# ¿ Dec 6, 2019 07:49 |
# ¿ Oct 10, 2024 06:37 |
drunk, in quarentine alone, and cheering for Catra when she holds hands with Adora
# ¿ May 16, 2020 03:24 |
Android Blues posted:I think it's tricky because like, Catra has literally attempted to kill Adora, kill Adora's friends, and destroy the world, some of those things multiple times each. You sort of have to read those as heightened metaphors for bad behaviour, rather than as literalism, for her redemption arc to "work" without more time than the show had to spend on it. it's also a cartoon. no one gets a chance to destroy the entire universe irl. I'm really, really, really tired of the idea that characters who were abused and then acted out based on that abuse has no choice but to die for "good" people who were born well and never made mistakes because the only way to be a good person is to be born into perfect circumstances and only neurotypical people with rich families can be good people. And I'm honestly looking at posters who think Catra dying would be a better message really funny for coming into a children's show thread and suggesting that. Adora wasn't waiting for her abuser to get better or whatever, Catra already had gotten better, was already trying to get better, and had already acknowledged she had been wrong, and had already been through loving hell. Both Adora and Catra were dealt a bad hand by their horde adoption, and both are hosed up from it. The entire story has been about their relationship and how hosed up it is they could not be there for each other. Let them have their happy ending. Maybe the part where Catra wants to get better and starts getting better was too fast, whatever. It's kind of silly the horde's holding hands with the rebellion now and singing koombaya. But we already had the kind of alternate ending like this in Voltron and everyone either thought it was...ok... or loving hated it
# ¿ May 19, 2020 00:26 |
Beekeeping and You posted:I mean, they do, but it's usually businessmen and not traumatized catgirls I guess I do kind of read Horde as being less like an army and more like Amazon or Tesla for some reason.
# ¿ May 19, 2020 00:32 |