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Dec 14, 2009

Status: Ravenously Rambunctious

Mr.Pibbleton posted:


Needs more sparkles in the background, push it past the redline into pink.


Dec 14, 2009

Status: Ravenously Rambunctious
The art is perfectly fine. Strangely I don't really care much for the Catra and Adora conflict, because we all know Catra isn't in a place where she is going to do any good or learn. Not this season anyway.

Scorpia though will 100 percent turn against Hordak at some point. She is just too great not to.

Also I want to see more of her skills of an artist. She makes drawing fun!

Dec 14, 2009

Status: Ravenously Rambunctious

nerdman42 posted:

I think I'd actually like to see more about Scorpia's background, like if there's other details to that "my parents will chill with the Horde" that she was kept in the dark about. Something to give her a bit more complicated arc.

I am not sure I do. Sometimes simple works, and Scorpia kinda embodies simple. In her case that absolutely works for her.

Dec 14, 2009

Status: Ravenously Rambunctious

These are really fun and good. Wish it was easier to communicate that than via English to the artist.

Dec 14, 2009

Status: Ravenously Rambunctious

Ups_rail posted:

so I remember youtube being filled with people making GBS threads on the promo or trailer for this show, now that its out ( I don't have NF anymore) is there still reeeing about it or did it all go away.

Happy to hear its good.

The whining never really goes away, but we don't really care. As long as the show stands on its own that is.

As for emojis, I said I wanted to thank the artist not scare them away from the Internet.

Dec 14, 2009

Status: Ravenously Rambunctious

CaptainCrunch posted:

I suppose it would have been too on the nose for Scorpia to be a scorpio.

She... doesn't have a tail, does she? I never saw it if so. Edit: I may be legally blind, of course she does have one.

They way her claws look awkwardly big and rounded makes her look more like her astrology sign anyway. A lot of scorpions have more agile and thin pincers.

But then again, it is proven that she is a skilled and respected artist, so maybe I shouldn't judge a Princess by her claws.

Dec 14, 2009

Status: Ravenously Rambunctious

Zerilan posted:

She has a tail with a stinger on it.

Yeah, I know. I just didn't recall it at the time. Just goes to show how her claws draw attention I suppose.

Dec 14, 2009

Status: Ravenously Rambunctious
Postpunk is when Postman Pat's nose is augmented with olfactory boosters and a GPS.

Dec 14, 2009

Status: Ravenously Rambunctious
drat but the second season of this show was miles better than the first. There is character development, great interactions and comedy aplenty.

Just wish we had gotten a full season.

Dec 14, 2009

Status: Ravenously Rambunctious

sexpig by night posted:

Finally fully finished up. Great season. Still has the problem where despite how adorable the best friends trio is the villains are 100% more interesting and I kiiiinda just want a Fright Zone show that happens to involve Princesses of Power fuckin their stuff up, but now that we're past season 1's 'we have to introduce everyone and have Adora's journey and all that jazz' stuff the story is really able to stretch its legs.

Scorpia's still best princess, she's powerful and good.

She reminds me of Yona the Yak from another kid's show. Big, somewhat clumsy and all about pride in her nation, but with a heart of gold and a lot of empathy for others.

At least Scorpia isn't constantly under threat of dying, unlike her.

Dec 14, 2009

Status: Ravenously Rambunctious
Soooo, Entrapta is in that image but no other villains? Suspicious I say!

Dec 14, 2009

Status: Ravenously Rambunctious

Elfface posted:

Entrapta won't get redeemed. Instead, Scorpia will join the princesses, because Hordak won't let her marry Cattra. Entrapta is later discovered in their luggage.

She sets up a new lab in the castle, but she does this every week when the old one explodes, and doesn't notice she has moved until the Horde implodes and a month later their Amazon Prime payment bounces, so her gadgets no longer arrive the next day.

Scorpia is the best. None of the factions deserve her.

Dec 14, 2009

Status: Ravenously Rambunctious
He is only seizing the product not the means of production.

What I am saying is he should be taking over apple orchards.

Dec 14, 2009

Status: Ravenously Rambunctious

Chokes McGee posted:


I hope Catra remembered it :ohdear:

She-Ra remembered it but Catra stole the claw-safe cake she made for her.

And ate it herself.

Dec 14, 2009

Status: Ravenously Rambunctious

Stenis posted:

All cats are evil

This is the most true and good thing the show teaches us and kids alike.

Catra will not be redeemed. But she will get undeserved bellyrubs.

Dec 14, 2009

Status: Ravenously Rambunctious

Dangit Catra, stop making Garfield funny!

Dec 14, 2009

Status: Ravenously Rambunctious
A Skelleta if you will.

Dec 14, 2009

Status: Ravenously Rambunctious

Labes for days posted:

He’s looking forward to dunking on his little brother for not being able to take over one sad-rear end little planet by himself.

Its this, given how petty the rulers seem to be. "Awww, look at you, failed little Hordling, how have you failed this time hmm?"

Dec 14, 2009

Status: Ravenously Rambunctious

Arc Light posted:

Please don't spoil the real villain of season 5, tia.

How predictable, making the communist a villain.

Dec 14, 2009

Status: Ravenously Rambunctious
Hey! Don't break that sword! Its a nice sword! What did it ever do to you?

Dec 14, 2009

Status: Ravenously Rambunctious

Darth Walrus posted:

serve as a symbol of colonial oppression and try to blow up the universe

If the lesson here is that you don't need the sword because the sword was inside you all along I don't think that will help matters.

Dec 14, 2009

Status: Ravenously Rambunctious
I mean the guy didn't realize he was being lied to by a person who has like, three defining traits and the most prominent one he knows of is that she lies a lot.

Oblivious to social cues seems pretty obvious, yeah.

Dec 14, 2009

Status: Ravenously Rambunctious
Well you do you I suppose.

evilmiera fucked around with this message at 01:27 on Nov 30, 2020

Dec 14, 2009

Status: Ravenously Rambunctious
Entrapta almost didn't bother to care about saving the planet because the science of watching the planets destruction was just too cool. If you want a reason for her not pursuing relationships it is probably related to that.

Dec 14, 2009

Status: Ravenously Rambunctious
Season five will only happen once the horses of the world throw off their shackles and become Swiftwinds in their own right.

evilmiera fucked around with this message at 01:25 on Nov 30, 2020

Dec 14, 2009

Status: Ravenously Rambunctious

socialsecurity posted:

Hasn't he ruled/oppressed half the planet for an extended period of time?

The issue with Hordak was that he was brought up to serve and knew nothing but that and trying to please Hordak Prime. Then when he got marooned all he knew to do was to keep trying to conquer stuff because he figured that way he could resolve his issues while tinkering with his gear.

But he kept failing and kept distancing himself from everyone because he didn't understand anything but hierarchy and conquest.

The moment he started caring about Entrapta, despite her being of "lower rank" than him is when he first started understanding what empathy was. Sure, Catra gained his trust, but it was by presenting herself as a competent subordinate.

There's arguments around if you can be truly evil if you didn't know you were causing evil, but here Hordak legit did not know how to even approach the concept of other individuals, let alone good. I am sure he can be redeemed as long as someone hammers those concepts into him.

Luckily Entrapta is good with hammers.


Dec 14, 2009

Status: Ravenously Rambunctious

The_Doctor posted:

So we’re decided then, it was Bow. :colbert:

Swiftwind stayed true to himself through the entire series. Without him we would never learn about justice, equality, apples and communism.

evilmiera fucked around with this message at 01:33 on Nov 30, 2020

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