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May 27, 2010

The Saga

Finished watching this show today after starting it back in October. It was enjoyable and Entrapta is, in fact, best character.


May 27, 2010

The Saga

Larryb posted:

On that note, why does the Netflix She-Ra series seem to be so reviled among the MOTU fanbase?
I'd guess a bunch of it is also "it's different from the thing I grew up watching, therefore bad". From what I've heard, even the original She-Ra's voice actress voiced the opinion of it being bad because it's different, before SPoP had even started airing.


Also I forget, I know they couldn’t use anything from the He-Man side of things for the show but was the whole bit about Adora being a princess that was taken and raised by the Horde still a thing in the remake?
She was raised by the Horde, but was taken in as a baby that had been pulled through a portal.

KennyMan666 fucked around with this message at 23:38 on May 13, 2021

May 27, 2010

The Saga

Larryb posted:

For that matter, were there any characters that were invented exclusively for SPoP or were they all in the original in some capacity?
Kyle and Rogelio are probably the most prominent original SPoP characters. There was a Lonnie in the original, though she was a one-off in that. Also Bow's dads (or any family at all) didn't exist in the original, but do have a nod to it in that George is basically a dark-skinned and dark-haired version of original Bow.

Fairly sure Entrapta's kitchen staff didn't exist in the original either.

May 27, 2010

The Saga

Larryb posted:

I’d have to agree with you there. I forget, did Razz have a (I presume) talking broom in the remake as well?

Sort of related, was there a previous She-Ra named Mara referenced in the original show as well or was she another invention of the reboot?
SPoP Razz talked to her broom, but it was never shown to be anything but a normal broom. There was a Mara in the 1990 He-Man cartoon, but she wasn't a previous She-Ra or anything like that, just part of the cast and a potential love interest for He-Man.

May 27, 2010

The Saga

I'm currently watching Kipo myself, two episodes into the final season at the moment. I like it, even if not as much as She-Ra (which is currently my second favourite western cartoon after Adventure Time) or The Owl House. And I can't stop hearing Kipo as Glimmer since Karen Fukuhara uses practically the exact same voice for both of them. But I haven't seen any other stuff she's in, so I don't know if that's just The Voice she uses for all of her roles.

Kalko posted:

Thoughts on the whole series...
Absolutely agreed on the emotional payoff at the end. Even if I would have liked for the relationship to become official earlier if only because I wanted more on-screen time with them together in that capacity (so now I'm hoping for some kind of epilogue series or movie), it did make for a very strong finale. Been about four months since I finished it and I'm still not entirely over how good it was.

Catra's my second favourite character for much of the same reasons you mention, while for me nobody can dethrone Entrapta from being Best Character I do think Catra has the best character arc in the show.

Also agreed on Princess Prom being where it really gets going. Even if System Failure is one of my favourite episodes, everything prior to Princess Prom was really just introducing the cast and worldbuilding. Not that that's not important too.

May 27, 2010

The Saga

Larryb posted:

Though on that note, what could a She Ra Season 6/movie even entail? The series seemed to end pretty conclusively to me (though I suppose they could bring in some more He-Man stuff or something, I could see Skeletor at least fitting in pretty well with this particular universe)
The best friend squad did in the final scenes of the series itself talk about a trip to restore magic to the rest of the universe, so that's one thing. Mermista also expressed concern about Hordak being a good guy now. There's also the case of Horde Prime's army: As Wrong Hordak demonstrated, being disconnected from the hive mind does not render a clone non-functional.

...and I just want to see Catra and Adora's wedding happen onscreen. And, of course, get more Entrapta.

May 27, 2010

The Saga

Larryb posted:

though who would Adam’s gay love interest be?
How could it not be Fisto?

Alternatively, Adam just has an entire buff guy harem.


May 27, 2010

The Saga

Personally I'd suggest making a new thread for the new show, since it's going to be quite a bit longer than Revelation and this thread is already 90 pages. Probably better to have one with an OP for that particular show.

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