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Senior Scarybagels
Jan 6, 2011

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Grimey Drawer
I can confirm it's gayness. After watching it, it turned me gay.


Senior Scarybagels
Jan 6, 2011

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Grimey Drawer

Nemo2342 posted:

I think you misspelled Entrapta.

I can agree that Entrapta is the best princess and Second best washu.

Senior Scarybagels
Jan 6, 2011

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Grimey Drawer

Space Cadet Omoly posted:

You know what might be interesting? If She-Ra and the other Princesses had to team up with Skeletor temporarily to defeat Hordak in a "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" type situation.

Maybe it's a certain holiday and Skeletor has to learn that maybe its better to protect others? Maybe he carries a robot puppy around too?

Senior Scarybagels
Jan 6, 2011

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Grimey Drawer

Space Cadet Omoly posted:

I think you might be joking right now, but I would unironically love it if the new show ever did a shot by shot remake of the He-Man Christmas special.

Complete with Bow's Christmas song?

Senior Scarybagels
Jan 6, 2011

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Grimey Drawer

KillerQueen posted:

Ooo, brainstorm! New Skeletor is just the nervous blonde guy from Adora's old squad that stumbles into some power but he's still totally incompetent!

Eh, I mean if you think about it, before he-man skeletor was pretty successful. Besides, we still don't know who adora's parents are. She could have come from eternia and was separated due to the oracle. Or maybe Orko caused the separation.

Senior Scarybagels
Jan 6, 2011

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Grimey Drawer

Edit I made that seemed appropriate.

Senior Scarybagels
Jan 6, 2011

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Grimey Drawer

Typical Pubbie posted:

"Abusive parental figure pits children against each other by picking favorites" is one of the most common tropes in cartoons. This show is boring. The writing is bad and the animation is cheap.

But did the show turn you gay?

Senior Scarybagels
Jan 6, 2011

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Grimey Drawer

Wildeyes posted:

Saying Adora has no chemistry with Catra....I'mma have to respectfully disagree with that

Yeah Catra slept on her bed wistfully waiting for Adora.

Senior Scarybagels
Jan 6, 2011

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Grimey Drawer

evilmiera posted:

The art is perfectly fine. Strangely I don't really care much for the Catra and Adora conflict, because we all know Catra isn't in a place where she is going to do any good or learn. Not this season anyway.

Scorpia though will 100 percent turn against Hordak at some point. She is just too great not to.

Also I want to see more of her skills of an artist. She makes drawing fun!

What about Draw Squad but with Scorpia? I could totally see her sing the Shade song.

Senior Scarybagels
Jan 6, 2011

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Grimey Drawer

Madurai posted:

Someone (maybe here?) pointed out that all the Horde vehicles seem kind of scorpion-themed, and that maybe in addition to hosting them, Scorpia's family might be bankrolling Hordak.

I think it's stated in the show itself that this is the case, that he was given the land by her family and they are working in conjunction.

Senior Scarybagels
Jan 6, 2011

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Grimey Drawer

Cockmaster posted:

Now who could possibly have guessed that a community founded on the principle of "don't give people poo poo for being different" would be less than welcoming to anyone loyal to a political party with a long-standing track record of shamelessly catering to racists and homophobes?

Don't go down this rabbit hole, it does not end well.

Senior Scarybagels
Jan 6, 2011

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Grimey Drawer

The_Doctor posted:

Huh, that’s pretty soon. I wonder if they’re going to do the Voltron-style 6 episode seasons to ensure regular releases.

Maybe they've been working on it ever since the release of Season 1?

Senior Scarybagels
Jan 6, 2011

nom nom
Grimey Drawer

Ragnar34 posted:

I meant real -punk :smuggo:

I prefer post-punk punkpunk fiction. :colbert:


Senior Scarybagels
Jan 6, 2011

nom nom
Grimey Drawer

HappyKitty posted:

When Adora returns to the Whispering Woods in the middle of the night, Catra offers to go with her; Adora refuses to take Catra along. That's the decision I'm referring to. Adora and Catra would have met Bow and Glimmer together, and the whole first two episodes would have played out along completely different lines.

I mean if Catra was there Adora might never have switched sides.

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