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sexpig by night
Sep 8, 2011

by Azathoth

Nemo2342 posted:

Mermista's "I'm too tired for this poo poo" could easily cross the line into being obnoxious, yet somehow manages to stay endearing throughout.

They didn't have to explicitly say it but between the state of her kingdom and her VA putting juuuust enough 'there's actual emotion hidden here' stank on some lines it was pretty clear her deal is more 'I'm just kinda used to seeing things turn to garbage around me so if I act aloof it's less lovely when it happens' than the typical anime bullshit of 'rando character acts above everything for no actual good reason'.


sexpig by night
Sep 8, 2011

by Azathoth

The_Doctor posted:

Ok, just watched episode 11 The Promise. What is it about all these characters who take the wrong lesson away from a situation? It’s honestly getting very frustrating.

Almost all the protagonists and antagonists alike have incredibly deep trauma and major issues trying to figure out their place in the world?

sexpig by night
Sep 8, 2011

by Azathoth

Mr.Pibbleton posted:

I'm not going to say no to a 1930's noire episode where Scorpia wears a suit and fires a tommy gun while standing up in a convertible while Catra drives it wearing a fedora and shades.

they were already rocking that genre style pretty hard in princess prom, might as well go full hog.

Give Scorpia A Gun 2019

sexpig by night
Sep 8, 2011

by Azathoth
Basically all the fashion choices in this show are good as hell for various reasons ranging from 'nice representation of nontraditional styles' to 'sick rear end outfit'

sexpig by night
Sep 8, 2011

by Azathoth
I hope in season two they give Catra a sword and she can be the complete lesbian icon she deserves to be.

sexpig by night
Sep 8, 2011

by Azathoth

JazzFlight posted:

I'm thinking she drinks a lot of Soylent.

only in very tiny bottles

sexpig by night
Sep 8, 2011

by Azathoth

Noelle is v. good.

sexpig by night
Sep 8, 2011

by Azathoth

Darth Walrus posted:

I sort of feel like if Catra's redemption comes, it can't be based on her relationship with Adora. Her whole problem is that Adora is the only person she really cared for beside herself, and to become a hero, she has to develop a broader conscience and sense of empathy. Them patching up their relationship (assuming they don't just find healthier relationships with other people) seems like it would come after that, not before.

That's probably the point of her team as it is. Scorpia is hardly that bad, just kinda an outcast like her (with some valid beef with the princesses who didn't get on with 'scorpion lady princess' in the lineup) and Entrapta is literally just on their side because of tech. I can see that story going on with those two bucking a pretty bad order, Catra being told to get them in line, and having a moment like Adora's 'oooooh poo poo we ARE the bad guys.....' I mean, there's a lot of She-Ra baddies they can drag in to reboot as an antagonist, they can just have all of Catra's Crew turn good and still have plenty of Horde baddies to draw from.

sexpig by night
Sep 8, 2011

by Azathoth

The_Doctor posted:

We’ve seen Grizzlor in the background a few times, but I can imagine they’ll go more Mantenna, Leech, or Modulok as they lose the more human faces of the Horde to the Rebellion.

I was thinking Modulok when I wrote that actually, he was a neat one, and lots of fun ways they can go with it now that they, ya know, have more than two body types to work off.

Also hoping for Fisto, because the man's name is Fisto. His power is He Got A Big Fist and I respect the dedication.

Where was Grizzlor by the way, totally missed him. Was he just chillin in the background in the Fright Zone?

sexpig by night
Sep 8, 2011

by Azathoth

socialsecurity posted:

Vegeta never really killed anyone actually it was either suicide/Nappa. He killed some people later after his good turn at a Tourney but he was under the Majin influence so there is some question of his culpability.

He blew up a planet and he killed a bunch of namekians I think, not counting the no doubt countless off screen kills he had when he was a Frieza Boy

sexpig by night
Sep 8, 2011

by Azathoth


The complaints are also silly because from a practical standpoint same body types meant just one mould you could think give different hair and accessories. Even as a kid I recognized that!

yea I love the 'BACK WHEN THE SHOW WAS GOOD VS WHEN SJWS RUINED IT' comparisons they do that are shots of the whole cast because it's literally just {generic female body} and {generic male body} all the way down.

sexpig by night
Sep 8, 2011

by Azathoth

KillerQueen posted:

Ooo, brainstorm! New Skeletor is just the nervous blonde guy from Adora's old squad that stumbles into some power but he's still totally incompetent!

I'm in as long as he gets the full Batman villain treatment

'now nervous blond guy, take this drum of face melting acid to Entrapta's lab, but don't spill it on your own face or you'll become a skeleton man'

*smash cut to blond guy rolling on the floor with a melting face*


sexpig by night
Sep 8, 2011

by Azathoth

CuwiKhons posted:

Entrapta is, if not the sole ruler of her own country, then the daughter of said country's monarch. Entrapta doesn't have to pay taxes because she is the person to whom taxes are paid :colbert:

She might have to pay taxes to Hordak now though, which she is definitely not doing.

the most powerful weapon? Friendship.

Second most powerful? Tax evasion. Hordak can't attack the good guys if he can't afford robot repair and tank...juice?

sexpig by night
Sep 8, 2011

by Azathoth
Finally fully finished up. Great season. Still has the problem where despite how adorable the best friends trio is the villains are 100% more interesting and I kiiiinda just want a Fright Zone show that happens to involve Princesses of Power fuckin their stuff up, but now that we're past season 1's 'we have to introduce everyone and have Adora's journey and all that jazz' stuff the story is really able to stretch its legs.

Scorpia's still best princess, she's powerful and good.

sexpig by night
Sep 8, 2011

by Azathoth

twistedmentat posted:

okay were they saying PEACE or BEAST island? I could have sword I heard some people say one and others say the other.

I just really want season 2B/season 3/whatever to start with Catra asking this now.

sexpig by night
Sep 8, 2011

by Azathoth
yea Entrapta isn't really a 'villain' so much as...amoral I guess? Not a GREAT thing to be, sure, but she's almost certain to get a redemption since she doesn't really have any support for the horde beyond 'they don't yell at me for playing with dangerous tech'.

Also huh, I somehow never caught it was Lauren Ash as Scorpia, I thought she sounded like her but never bothered to check. Good for her, I like her on Superstore and Scare Tactics owned.

sexpig by night
Sep 8, 2011

by Azathoth

Gaz-L posted:

Or it'll be something where Hordak's plan destroys all of Etheria and she's "But that's where all my research is!"


Pretty sure it'll come down to a "make a bioweapon that'll poison the Whispering Wood and kill everyone" request that'll make her balk.

"But...if I kill everything I won't have any *control variables*..or TEST SUBJECTS!" :colbert:

Yea on second thought that really is the only way it can happen.

"And now this portal will tear Etheria asunder, allowing me to return home and destroy this world once and for all!"

"Heeeey, destroy Etheria? That's where I keep all my research :argh:"

sexpig by night
Sep 8, 2011

by Azathoth
I really don't think Catra's getting a redemption arc, except maybe the Azula 'pity ending' type thing where the point is you just should feel kinda bad for this completely broken person.

Adora's the story of overcoming abuse and maybe it's not terrible if Catra is the story of 'sometimes abuse destroys a person'.

sexpig by night
Sep 8, 2011

by Azathoth
It's a hard line to walk. Ultimately it IS a kid's show and yea the more ways to say 'listen, little kid watching this, if you feel you've been forever ruined by something bad others did to you, you aren't' the better, but at the same time I do think contrasting her with Adora's overcoming an abusive background can also teach a message of 'sometimes you can't save everyone and sometimes you have to cut that rope before you get pulled down too' which is...also kinda an important thing to teach...

The problem is, yea, when you have a lot of people identifying with that character you really have a hard time saying 'welp she's hosed', even if you weren't in the framing of a kid's show.

sexpig by night
Sep 8, 2011

by Azathoth
Yea, I mean this is a topic big HBO drama stuff struggles with, I won't really hold it against a Netflix kids show for taking the option of 'everyone can be redeemed'.

sexpig by night
Sep 8, 2011

by Azathoth
yea that was some classic anime rear end protagonist 'dude did you not realize I've been holding back this whole time?' energy.

sexpig by night
Sep 8, 2011

by Azathoth
yea not sure if it's a good or bad 'check' but so far all we know is they got a signal from something they thought shouldn't be there and went 'well that's not how things should be, what's up with that?'

sexpig by night
Sep 8, 2011

by Azathoth
I'm so glad Double Trouble is as campy and extra as I hoped they'd be

sexpig by night
Sep 8, 2011

by Azathoth
Sea Hawk is alright because there's no way he's not an absolute bisexual disaster, he just happens to have found a lady this time.

sexpig by night
Sep 8, 2011

by Azathoth
When a mommy flower lady and a mommy scorpion lady love each other very much they find a loving wizard and get magic surrogacy or some poo poo who cares that kid's cute as hell

sexpig by night
Sep 8, 2011

by Azathoth

Applewhite posted:

I’m still a little mad Scorpia’s gemstone power was “red lighting.”

Every other princess gets a power on theme with their name/hobby, yet Scorpia gets stuck with a completely generic power that has nothing to do with scorpions.

Like it doesn’t ruin the show for me but I wish she’d gotten like, an extendo-tail or something instead.

Hell, they could have at least made the lightning shoot out of her tail!

yea I was hoping her thing would be, like, super strength or something since I know 'the power of scorpion' is a bit niche even in She-Ra logic but she is buff and tough as hell so it woulda been neat if her powers made her go full on Hulk.

I just wanna see Scorpia throwing a Horde battle tank.


sexpig by night
Sep 8, 2011

by Azathoth

maltesh posted:

She's throwing a Ball (possibly a Princess Prom?) in Adora's vision, so Adora, at least, expects her to eventually decide to do that.

And somebody needs to secure the Black Garnet.

plus it sounds like the fright zone is old enough that they just have people who've lived there for their lives anyway, all those ex soldiers would probably like to stay in their home. Just rebuild it less oppressively evil looking and give them more food than ration bars and they'll be perfectly normal citizens.

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