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Aug 25, 2017

Can I request a GIF of Adora seeing a horse for the very first time? If there's a scene that would make kids relate to the show so much, that would be it.

Mr.Pibbleton posted:

I feel that the most important question about the show is who is the best princess and why is it Scorpia?

Please, everyone is the best princess in this show. They're all real, and strong, and my friend. :3:


Aug 25, 2017

SardonicTyrant posted:

I legit did a double take when they first introduced Seahawk, because...*waves hands at him*

Something I like about Seahawk is that characters like him are usually revealed to be incompetent idiots who faked all their achievements. But Seahawk really does seem to be quite competent as a dashing rogue. It's just that every princess is way more competent and completely outclasses him. I think it's a more nuanced take on his character type. :3:

Aug 25, 2017

SardonicTyrant posted:

No no, I meant that he was very obviously a gay pirate.

I think you'll find that Seahawk is very much a bisexual pirate.

A birate, if you will. :colbert:

Mr.Pibbleton posted:

While I feel it would be very progressive for them to include a non-heterosexual character in this show, having them be the only one would be a touch odd, perhaps this can be rectified in season 2.

Aug 25, 2017

TheShadowAvatar posted:

Didn't Mermistra blush when looking at she'ra pretty hard? Also the "this lady can turn into a 8' tall amazon with a sword and I want her on my team."

She did.

And let's not forget how Perfuma reacted to seeing She-Ra:

TheShadowAvatar posted:

Didn't Entrapta get like that with Bow too? Or was that someone else?

Entrapta wasn't blushing, but she was very interested in examining She-Ra like one of her science experiments. Which coming from her, is a sign of how much she's into She-Ra.

Aug 25, 2017

Mr.Pibbleton posted:

I am impressed with the show's avoidance of drug and alcohol usage, yet showing what would happen if Adora got drunk off her rear end.

The showmakers are just taking inspiration from the creativity of the 80s version. :v: Wasn't there a mandate that She-Ra can't be shown to punch or use her sword so the makers had to get super resourceful on showing off her power.

SardonicTyrant posted:

I'm kind of disappointed in the later Princess' reactions to She-Ra, because the meeting in the flower kingdom made me think She-Ra was an unstoppable babe magnet.

I can see wanting a huge scene like Perfuma did. Though while it's not as overt as Perfuma's reaction, the way Mermista and Entrapta reacted was rather strong if you consider their personalities. Mermista's pretty unflappable, but she blushed pretty hard at She-Ra. And Entrapta was super interested researching She-Ra when the main thing that gets her attention is technology.

Aug 25, 2017

Vorpal Cat posted:

I just wanted to find some cute videos of people reacting to how gloriously gay episode 8 was and instead my search results are drowned in a sea of altright losers bitching about how SJWs are trying to ruin everything, it's loving infuriating.

OTOH, at least the chuds all hating on the show means this won't turn into another MLP situation, so I consider that a win.

Aug 25, 2017

Waffleopolis posted:

Skeletor should be a combination of both the 2002 remake with the seriousness and menacing but also have the goofiness of his 1980's cartoon. Also way more ambitious than Hordak in his plans and would join his allies in battle more often. Hordak loving HATES Skeletor and vice versa.

Someone compared the Horde and the Rebellion to two rival schools. So if the Horde are the ultra competitive sports rivals, does that make Skeletor's group the wacky stoners from summer camp? :v:

Darth Walrus posted:

One thing to remember about Episode 11 is that Catra reached her decision after being bombarded by very specific memories in a very specific pattern by a Definitely Trustworthy And Not At All Sinister AI who really wanted Adora to abandon her emotional connections. Seriously, that shot of Light Hope telling her to 'let go' immediately after Catra walked away was shady as gently caress, and I really doubt that the parallels with Episode 7 were accidental. Just an over/under on how many episodes it is until we find out that Mara was totally right, I reckon.

In that context, Catra fell so hard and fast because she was subjected to a sustained and vicious emotional assault by someone very powerful and very manipulative who went after her psychological weak spots with a hammer, and because she didn't have a good enough, healthy enough support network to help her bounce back. In a show about the power of friendship. Yeah, I wouldn't write her off just yet.

Speculation: I think the First Ones were some kind of conquering force and used the crystals and princesses to subjugate planets, with She-Ra as their tactical nuke. So Mara bonded with those they subjugated, questioned what they were doing and used all her powers to send Etheria to the dimension it's at now and break the line of She-Ra.

There's also the part where Entrapta was messing with First One tech that made the robots murderous, and made She-Ra go berserk. I'm guessing the First Ones installed some kind of "kill em all" protocol switch on She-Ra and we'd get an episode of everyone + Catra trying to get through the brainjacking.

Aug 25, 2017

Awwww, look at Entrapta just casually hanging her hair off Scorpia's arm. :3:

Aug 25, 2017

Zerilan posted:

The interactions between the Super Pal Trio were really the highlight of s1 for me, especially any moment involving Catra and Entrapta were especially adorable, especially Catra's body language in those scenes, and small touches like her wipes the tears from Entrapta's eye with her tail while walking past, or her having an brief expression of actual concern when Entrapta talks about being left behind before going into her more manipulative approach. Did a good job of giving the feeling of Catra seeing the others in the trio simultaneously as pawns in her own ambitions but also people she'd probably genuinely see as friends if she wasn't still kinda reeling from her feeling of betrayal over Adora.

The best part for me was Catra's speech in recruiting Entrapta because it's equal parts manipulative and genuine. Like while part of it is Catra empathizing with Entrapta, she's also projecting her own issues super hard onto Entrapta.

Aug 25, 2017

Robodog posted:

Nimona had a pretty nuanced view of being designated good guys or bad guys and being labelled as a monster for reasons you never had a choice over. But this is a cartoon for kids so they'll prolly just Zuko Catra and all at some point when Hordak decides to go for being the biggest baddest bad against everybody.

Just watched the whole thing since season 2 is soonish and yeah it was pretty alright. Could be gayer though.

Well hopefully they'll add Bow's two dads next season so we'll have gays to add to the lesbians and bisexuals in the show. :v:

Aug 25, 2017

Mr.Pibbleton posted:

I was not loving ready for the D&D episode preview, let alone the actual episode.

Edit: Wow that got taken down right after I linked it. :(

Perfuma would make an excellent Wizard. "How does it work? It's Magic~"

Out of everyone in the group, I did not expect Mermista to be the one super into the roleplaying aspect. :allears:

Aug 25, 2017

Phylodox posted:

I just read the last few pages, so I don’t know if this has been discussed or not. If it has, sorry.

Did anyone else kind of get the impression from Mara’s recording that she didn’t send Etheria off into its own pocket dimension to protect Etheria from something, but to protect the galaxy from Etheria?

Yeah, this is how I read that too. There's some things that don't make sense unless Etheria's the aggressor. Stuff like Mara destroying the tower thing to weaken Light Hope's capabilities, the red virus that Entrapta was messing with acting more like a "kill every enemy" switch that seems more like an Old Ones tech feature than a bug, or how Light Hope noting that Adora's emotions are making her go down the same path as Mara. My guess is that Mara's a lot like Adora and Huntara in that she's a soldier who realized the harm their side was doing and tried to make things right.

Aug 25, 2017

thatbastardken posted:

previous season but context: second time, the first was when infected she-ra was going to waste her without a second thought

I thought that moment went by too fast for it to sink in to Catra. Especially since She-Ra started attacking Glimmer and Bow instead, so Catra went back to trying to control She-Ra rather than immediately destroying the red virus.

Though if you view S2 and S3 as just one season, then it makes more sense. It's all a build-up for the moment at the end of S3 so we all feel catharsis from She-Ra being completely done with Catra.

Labes for days posted:

Rae Geiger posted this so it’s basically canon ok

Amazing! :allears:

Aug 25, 2017

Naw, Scorpia's no incel. Scorpia isn't bitter about not getting any and focuses all her energies on being a good friend first and wanting to spend time with her crush second. She just needs to broaden her horizons more and she'd find others who can see her awesomeness for what it is. :3:

Aug 25, 2017

Elephant Ambush posted:

For all intents and purposes that means "dead", but this is She-Ra so anything is possible.

And yes Mica is absolutely not dead but I have no idea how or why. Maybe he was imprisoned somehow. Maybe Shadow Weaver teleported him somewhere far away and safe to prevent him from dying during the war.

I can see that happening. Hordak orders Shadow Weaver to send King Micah to Beast Island, but she still has a soft spot for him so she gives him things he needs to survive there.

Also Angella needs to come back because poor Glimmer doesn't need Shadow Weaver to become some sort of mentor figure.

Aug 25, 2017

CuwiKhons posted:

Confirmed straight couples: Micah/Angella, Mermista/Sea Hawk
Implied straight couples: Bow/Glimmer

Confirmed queer couples: Adora/Catra, Netossa/Spinnerella. Bow's dads - George/Lance
Implied queer couples: Scorpia/Perfuma, Kyle/Rogelio/Maybe Lonnie??? I don't know what that trio is up to really.

And Hordak/Entrapta is either straight or platonic or if you assume they're ace datemates then they're kind of a queer couple but basically that one is very open to interpretation.

So queer relationships actually do outnumber straight relationships in She-Ra. And we're all better off for it :colbert:

I'd put Mermista and Sea Hawk into the queer couple category, because I read the two as a bisexual couple. I mean, Mermista had that little blush when she first saw She-Ra, and Sea Hawk's Sea Hawk.

Aug 25, 2017

I want Skeletor and Wrong-Hordak to meet and smooch.

Aug 25, 2017

Doesn't She-Ra throw mountains in the 80s cartoon? I kind of wish they managed to sneak it in a dream sequence or something.

Aug 25, 2017

Hispanic! At The Disco posted:

Maybe if Glimmer carried First One tech like Adora, or regular tech like Bow, Entrapta might remember who she is.

Entrapta and Bow's dads would either get along swimmingly because of their mutual interest of First Ones tech, or go to war because Entrapta wants to take apart and tinker with the tech, while Bow's dads wants to archive and preserve it.

Aug 25, 2017

tsob posted:

I actually found that quite annoying in Shadow Weaver's case. I find it understandable in Horde Prime's case, because he's only introduced in the final season and there's so much going on that he barely gets any screen time or presence, but Shadow Weaver has been a persistent character since the first episode and there's been a good bit of mention of her past, as well as tying her to every major character in the show and in the end she was just power hungry because she was power hungry; rather than having a deeper reason for wanting power. Which, I'm not even saying it has to be abuse of any kind, but there should be something to her past and to her motives that isn't just "yummy power". It's a very shallow characterization, which is kind of disappointing since she was quite...ambiguous is probably the wrong word, since it's always implied she has sinister motives, but certainly enigmatic in her actions and the way she acted around a lot of people. It's even implied she felt some regret about what happened with Micah, but there's barely any follow up on it.

I love the fact he always has love hearts on his boots a lot more, to be honest.

I dunno, I liked it. Sometimes an abusive narcissist parent is because they're a terrible person, not because they had some kind of dark past. And even if she did felt some regret about Micah, it'll never get followed up because Micah himself made the decision to not have Shadow Weaver in his life anymore. Just because your abuser says they're sorry doesn't make you obligated to welcome them back or anything, and I like that they included that message in She-Ra.

Also here's my random result in that website, and they look like an absolute disaster. :allears:

Aug 25, 2017

Pyrotoad posted:

I think he should've been a First One, like one of the OGs of their people. The non-Mara faction ones were already bad guys and their methods were pretty similar. Plus it'd be pretty cool for the First to be defeated by the Last.

Personally, I liked that Horde Prime wasn't one of the First Ones, because that means the show has two colonizer factions that She-Ra stands against.

The First Ones scoured the galaxies for planets with the express goal of stealing and using resources from it. Their reckless experiments on Etheria stole magic from the people of Etheria, completely loving up the wildlife. And they perverted what should have been a resource the people of Etheria use for peace and turned it into a weapon to be used to conquer more planets. Hell, they even whitewashed history so Etherians remembered them for being a mysterious benevolent ancient civilization with advanced tech. As for Horde Prime, his mission of spreading his twisted vision of his light to galaxies is pretty much the white man's burden. Horde Prime and his army's color scheme is even white just to hammer that point home.

Aug 25, 2017

tsob posted:

I could easily name at least half a dozen that haven't gotten any kind of reimagining yet to my knowledge and that I'd be at least interested in because I thought they were cool as a kid. M.A.S.K, Bravestarr, Jayce & the Wheeled Warriors, Mysterious Cities of Gold, the Centurions, Spiral Zone, Dino Riders, Count Duckula and Dogtanian & the Three Muskateers are all ones I watched as a kid and would at least check out reimaginings of if they were made. Looking at a list of 80's cartoons, there's also more I know others enjoyed that I never knew of as a kid like Silverhawks, Galaxy Ranger etc. And If you stretch it to include early 90's stuff then there's even more: The Bots Master, S.W.A.T. Kats, Cadillacs & Dinosaurs, Gargoyles, Freakazoid! etc.

The show's creators made a Kickstarter trying to fund a new miniseries or something, but it sadly didn't go anywhere. I remember that the show's first season looked just okay, but the second season took a huge jump in quality due to switching animation studios.


Aug 25, 2017

Larryb posted:

I got into this show late, what’s the “Sow” scandal?

One thing to note, is that while the "scandal" was unfortunately a crummy moment, it was also done by people acting in bad faith. In the very same stream, one of the staff mentioned a name of a podcast, which happened to have the d-word for lesbians, because they wanted to honor the members of that same podcast who were in the chat at the time. Just seemed like some folks who were very online were just gunning for anything to use against Noelle and the crew.

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