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Nov 21, 2003

Its my party
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I am pretty sure Aetheria everyone is just Pansexual.

Seahawk was based on Corsair from X-men right?


Nov 21, 2003

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Hahah I love how Swiftwing comes back and is just FULL GAY SPACE COMMUNISM NOW!

Nov 21, 2003

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I remember so little about the original she ra. I do remember Catra being all "mroooooooow!" and that's about it.

Nov 21, 2003

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As I said, I can imagine a fantasy world where the idea of gay straight or whatever doesn't exist. You just go for what you're into.

Nov 21, 2003

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I feel like Catra exploited her friendship with Adora. In the first episode she was pretty content to let Adora do all the hard work, then latch herself onto it once its done.

Nov 21, 2003

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That stuff costs what animators call pencil mileage, even with digital ink and paint you still have to design and draw background characters for that. It's probably easier to just assume there's ton of villages everywhere that we don't visit.

Nov 21, 2003

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Alt right poo poo Nazi incel nerds think everything has to be for them, an no one else.

Nov 21, 2003

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Entrapta is clearly a could not should kind of scientist, so she'll do anything for more access to first ones tech.

Catra may be great, but she is a toxic friend and a user of people. She cannot be redeemed until she over comes that.

Nov 21, 2003

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There’s a documentary series on Netflix where they speak to creators/designers/marketers of well-known toy lines and the He-Man episode mentioned taking care to make Prince Adam kind and caring on the cartoon for basically that reason.

Both it and the Toys that made us episode on He-Man are great.

Nov 21, 2003

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Skeletor always read as Hordak's bitchy Ex to me.

Nov 21, 2003

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I wonder if it will turn out that the Eternians used to be intersteller warlords and conquered other planets using portals, and they were the Old Ones. The reason Eternia is so funky is because it got nuked to hell when the Empire was destroyed in a revolt.

Hordak kidnapped Adora from Randar in hopes she could unlock the old ones technology, but when He realized he didn't need it he got bored of the project.

Nov 21, 2003

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I'm surprised that Bronism never really developed into internet nazism.

I've seen some terrible Brony art, but never seeing Princess Ironhoof with a swastika cutie mark.

Nov 21, 2003

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I want to

cant cook creole bream posted:

A lack of noticeble evidence may either imply a negative result, or an insufficency in the testing method.

You're a pure and innocent soul.

Well, Goons haven't mentioned it, and we've discovered some pretty terrible stuff.

Though even though i haven't seen it, i wouldn't be surprised that Bronies are all nazis.

Nov 21, 2003

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Libluini posted:

I've watched a couple episodes of Discovery, and it seems like mostly a war story, so I'd have expected the complete opposite reaction to this. I guess underestimating how stupid people can be does not pay off. :shrug:

They saw a black woman, a gay man and a thiccccc woman as leads and they assumed the SJWs got to it. They probably got upset that the Klingons were trying to Make Quo'noS Great Again.

Nov 21, 2003

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if they do bring in Skeletor in the future, they need to keep his whiny bitcheness and lines like "Randor, come in your Royal Boob".

Nov 21, 2003

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HappyKitty posted:

Also, in the original series, Castaspella had the hots for Prince Adam.

So if we ship Castaspella/Adam, that means Adora is Castaspella's sister-in-law.

And Castaspella is the sister of King Micah.

And King Micah is Glimmer's dad.

So Adora is... Glimmer's dad's sister's husband's sister.

Adora is... Glimmer's aunt's husband's sister.

Adora is... Glimmer's paternal aunt's non-related husband's sister.

Castaspella is... Adora's sister-in-law.

Glimmer is... Adora's sister-in-law's niece.

I hope I'm not doing family trees badly, or Glimmadora is pretty much sunk.

This is slightly less confusing than the network of alliances that lead to WW1.

Nov 21, 2003

Its my party
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Okay astrology nerds, do your thing

(OF COURSE Catra is a Scorpio)

Sea Hawk and I have the same birthday!! :dance:

Nov 21, 2003

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wizzardstaff posted:

Entrapta is Peridot with enhancers for her hair instead of her limbs.


I mean, Mermista is basically just Lapis.

Nov 21, 2003

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I've heard that yes, Netflix is doing a He-Man series, but none of the stuff I've seen says if it will be related to She-Ra.

Nov 21, 2003

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nerdman42 posted:

Can't believe She-Ra and her squad of lesbians are gonna go kick Thanos' rear end for the Avengers.

Captain Marvel could totally join the Princess Alliance as Princess Sparklyfists.

Nov 21, 2003

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Open Source Idiom posted:

Yeah. It's not that these guys don't have sex thoughts about the lady ponies, it's that the ponies themselves have a passive sexuality. They easily accommodate to the sexual desires of the imposed fantasy, because they're inherently safe.

Yea, have you see how many creeps talk about the "presenting" of the ponies? Also the sexual fantasies they come up with almost all involve rape.

Examine any fascist or authoritarian society, and their roles for women are always Mothers and Wives, do what your husband and state asks of you. This means cook dinner, spit out kids and not talk back, and take the punch your husband throws at you. Why conservative and "Traditional values" crowds are always rooted in fascism.

Nov 21, 2003

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nerdman42 posted:

She-Ra will never appeal to bronies because it features complicated girls that they can't project their submissive/tamed women fantasies onto

Exactly. That's what bronies are at the heart; guys are afraid of real women because real women have their own wants and desires and minds, and that means they can't control them, but cartoon horsey ladies they can imagine as their perfect waifus because they have uncomplex personalities and that makes them not threatening. It's not unlike guys who want to move to Japan because in they think women are again like those anime girls that are demure and submissive.

Nov 21, 2003

Its my party
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Brony incorporates a specific fan of MLP, not the entire fandom. They are the bad ones, so no, we're not being overly broad.

Nov 21, 2003

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Someone who also loves this show (is that redundant?) told me that apparently behind the scenes the show is in really bad shape and doubtful it will keep going after the season season.

Nov 21, 2003

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Nice, I will tell them, because they are super bummed out about hearing that.

Nov 21, 2003

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Oh god, I just got to the episodes with Bows dads.

They are adorable, and I love how one of them is just classic Bow.

EDIT: What? that was the end of the season? Awe Man. And I know people love Catra, but she's such a user and abuser I can't feel sorry for her.

twistedmentat fucked around with this message at 05:04 on May 12, 2019

Nov 21, 2003

Its my party
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I want to

Chokes McGee posted:

She’s an abused product of her environment that’s colossally in over her head and will ultimately be saved by the love of a good insectoid :hai:

Scorpia's too good for her.

okay were they saying PEACE or BEAST island? I could have sword I heard some people say one and others say the other.

Nov 21, 2003

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Labes for days posted:

Shadow Weaver would probably hate Peace Island even more than Beast Island though. Throw some snarling monsters at her and she’s fine; throw some hippies with their drum circles and yoga at her and she’s having flashbacks to Mystacor.

That's exactly what I thought. All these super evil Horde people would wish for death if they were sent to an island that was nothing but peace and tranquility.

Nov 21, 2003

Its my party
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Friend was asking me "so it seems like everyone is in same sex relationships, so where do babies come from?"

My guess, Eggs.

Nov 21, 2003

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ManlyGrunting posted:

The gays have become just that powerful.

I am pretty cool with that.

Nov 21, 2003

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Labes for days posted:

There are obviously straight people reproducing, but they got killed so Shadow Weaver and Bow’s dads could adopt their children. So goes the cycle of life on Etheria.

Huh, never thought of that. Shadoweavers former student guy will probably come back at some point. Though I thought it was funny that the Wizard School people were all "Well, we can't actually fight against this army thats invading the planet, its not our business".

It's awesome that a show as gay as this was able to do an episode about coming out that was also really good.

Nov 21, 2003

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Entrapta is all about could've not should've.

Nov 21, 2003

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Skeletor shows up and Hordak is all "Can you help me get rid of my Ex?" to Entrapta.

Nov 21, 2003

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Yea, and there is a more detailed He-Man documentary on Netflix that goes over the entire thing, but has some more interviews. It's called Power of Greyskull.

Man, I'd really love a more, i guess adult/modern/decently written He-Man story that leans more heavily on the Science Fantasy of it all. It could be jokey jokes too but treated the whole thing more seriously would be great. A Little more than She-Ra has been doing, but at the same level of gay.

Nov 21, 2003

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This means we'll probably see Skeletor as Hordaks bitchy Ex or openly gay Prince Adam.

Orko is just going sit around smoking pot in this.

Nov 21, 2003

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Nobody cares about He-Man outside of the 80s show. Why they would choose to work on the 2000s one is perplexing.

Also I don't think Catra wants to be redeemed. She'd convinced to make everyone as miserable as she is.

Nov 21, 2003

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Stenis posted:

I agree but its cultural significance is nothing compared to the 80s He-Man

Plus I don't think it has a NYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH HE MAN! Skeletor, which is literally the only reason to watch it.

Nov 21, 2003

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It sounds like he went to rehab and is off the coke.

Nov 21, 2003

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Test Pattern posted:

Good for him!

Yea but he's less fun now.


Nov 21, 2003

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It comes from the / in ficiton and it does come from Kirk/Spock fiction, so yea it has origins in gay fanfiction, but it expanded to encompass pretty much any fiction based on a pairing.

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