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Son of Thunderbeast
Sep 21, 2002
God this show fuckin owns.

I'm kind of in love with how they handle themes of abuse and manipulation, and escaping abusive home lives, and the differences between children who escape vs. those who stay behind (or get left behind) and how they adapt. They do an amazing (and tragically accurate) job of depicting those themes, especially how the abusive parent will always have a favorite/golden child that is used as an emotional cudgel against the others.

Shadow Weaver makes my skin crawl and seeing Catra fight back against her in the end while saying "this is what you trained me for" really hit home for me and made her my favorite character.

This show didn't turn me gay because I was never straight :v:


Son of Thunderbeast
Sep 21, 2002

Chokes McGee posted:

Good news it’s turned you supergay

Son of Thunderbeast
Sep 21, 2002

Son of Thunderbeast
Sep 21, 2002

Otherkinsey Scale posted:

So I saw snips of this show on tumblr and I gotta say, did not expect it to go as hard as it did, especially with the themes of trauma and childhood abuse.

End of episode 9: god, I knew they weren't going to, but if Entrapta had actually died that would have been just heartbreaking. Just the total meaninglessness of it. It wasn't in service to the mission, not some heroic last stand or sacrifice--everyone was already in the clear, they'd just gotten through that final door! But she just had to go back for the bot...
I really enjoyed Princess Invaderzim-gir but something about her "death"/defection felt off to me. There's nothing wrong with how they did it per se, it just felt a little rushed and aspects of it handwaved to make it fit the story, like they felt they absolutely had to get her over to the bad guys' side ASAP. I kinda wish they took a little more time to sell it properly, might've given her death scene and subsequent heel turn more weight.

Son of Thunderbeast
Sep 21, 2002
nah yeah you're totally right, and heel-turn wasn't exactly what I meant for the reasons you stated, I just couldn't think of a better way to put it succinctly at the time. Amoral is spot on though.

BTW, this is from last page, but I had to go back just now and laugh at how terrible this design was:

It's like what an edgelord 15-year-old me would've drawn after reading a bunch of Liefeld's X-men

Son of Thunderbeast
Sep 21, 2002
Catra owns.

Trying to find a good Catra pic, ideally in tux, to replace my current avatar. Wanna try doing the double-tall thing but I can't find a post explaining how to do it.

Anyway, here's some Catra fanart I found while looking for avatar candidates

I kinda really like this take

If I can reverse the top one so she's facing the posts, and keep the Force Captain badge and eye colors on the right sides, I might go with that one

Son of Thunderbeast
Sep 21, 2002
New av's kinda ugly with the space. It's too bad cuz I feel like the full pose with the hands in pockets is way better than just the top bit, but if it bugs me enough I'll probably just pare it down to the top one later.

e: didn't take long for me to get tired of that. Oh and here's the full source pic if anyone's interested:


Jon Joe posted:

show good

Son of Thunderbeast fucked around with this message at 02:20 on Dec 13, 2018

Son of Thunderbeast
Sep 21, 2002

twistedmentat posted:

Well, Goons haven't mentioned it, and we've discovered some pretty terrible stuff.

Though even though i haven't seen it, i wouldn't be surprised that Bronies are all nazis.

They aren't all nazis, but there are definitely nazi bronies, and thanks to brony adherence to the Geek Social Fallacies they tend to not get kicked out of groups (though maybe that's changed in recent years, iunno)

Now that I'm thinking about it, I'm a little surprised there hasn't been more nazi attention on She-ra, she's pretty drat Aryan ubermensch. 8 feet tall, blonde hair, etc. I guess the nazis must really be chuffed that the teenage cartoon doesn't have bomb-rear end tiddies

Son of Thunderbeast
Sep 21, 2002

Bobbin Threadbare posted:

Or think of Warhammer 40k as an ideal rather than a parody?

Son of Thunderbeast
Sep 21, 2002
Why does etheria use the Gregorian calendar :tinfoil:

Son of Thunderbeast
Sep 21, 2002
Entrapta is the daughter of Zim and Gir

Son of Thunderbeast
Sep 21, 2002

Son of Thunderbeast
Sep 21, 2002
Wow this is fantastic

Son of Thunderbeast
Sep 21, 2002
They generally don't affect the color you see, it's more that to cover the entire visible sclera the contact lens itself has to be pretty drat big

Son of Thunderbeast
Sep 21, 2002

Senerio posted:

That's a very specific date. I wonder why they picked tha--


Son of Thunderbeast
Sep 21, 2002

HorseLord posted:

This theory doesn't work because bronies are all huge perverts about it all of the time. It might be a chaste show for five year olds but they don't seem to have noticed.

It works perfectly with the theory. Think how obsessed creeps are with getting with a virgin/unspoiled woman (and not one of those whores who has had sex with anybody but them). Ponies are forever this to them

Son of Thunderbeast
Sep 21, 2002
These forums are postpunk as gently caress

Son of Thunderbeast
Sep 21, 2002
Yeah I'm pretty sure the bronies are the ones who complained about the new designs eat back when

Son of Thunderbeast
Sep 21, 2002
First they came for the bronies, and I spoke up for some reason

Son of Thunderbeast
Sep 21, 2002

Chokes McGee posted:

Catra rocked that tux so hard it was ridiculous.


Son of Thunderbeast
Sep 21, 2002

Watermelon Daiquiri posted:

Were those nods to the original character designs?

100%, and they owned

Son of Thunderbeast
Sep 21, 2002
Yeah I'm pretty sure they're doing the Voltron thing where they release shorter seasons more often

Son of Thunderbeast
Sep 21, 2002
poo poo so is disenchantment, though that at least had 10 episodes

Son of Thunderbeast
Sep 21, 2002
I get the love for Entrapta, I like her too, but of all of them I feel like she has the most potential to do the most evil, specifically because of her amorality. It'd be great if she fluttered back to the rebellion by accident and did some unintentional good things (and otherwise Gir's it up with the gang) but I think it's more likely that she's going to enable (and probably directly cause) atrocities on a scale not yet seen on etheria. The only things she's shown any empathy for so far are robots.

Son of Thunderbeast
Sep 21, 2002

Maxwell Lord posted:

My favorite part of the D&D episode was Glimmer giving Catra the “female anime villain” laugh
Glimmer being a huge 90s anime weeb somehow makes perfect sense for her

Son of Thunderbeast
Sep 21, 2002
friend of a friend's DJ stand

Son of Thunderbeast
Sep 21, 2002

Son of Thunderbeast
Sep 21, 2002

Son of Thunderbeast
Sep 21, 2002
It's a meme


Son of Thunderbeast
Sep 21, 2002

Elfface posted:

I believe the original was a fetish comic in the running for "most contrived pretense" in which the above happens, so Mandy has to be Billy's hands until they heal. So feed him, wash him, jerk him off... The usual things a nurse does for someone.
I didn't know about the rest of that, lmao

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