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Jul 26, 2004

Ruh roh...
3x06 - Glimmer has a new mom :(


Jul 26, 2004

Ruh roh...

CuwiKhons posted:

Catra seems to have taken a hard turn down the Azula line of villainy, which seems increasingly irredeemable. I mean, she basically attempted to destroy the entire world just to get one up over Adora. She's cracked and I don't know how the show is going to fix it or if they even will - which is super interesting because for the first two seasons I had thought it was inevitable that Catra would get a redemption arc. Now I legitimately don't know.

This was a very good season and I await the next one with baited breath.

I don't think Catra's any more specifically evil/irredeemable now than she had been before. The big change is that Adora's stopped absorbing all the guilt Catra throws her way, which I think had to happen first before Catra even COULD be redeemed. Part of any redemption arc is gonna have to be that she stops blaming Adora for everything that went wrong in her life, ever, which means Adora had to stop feeding into it. I don't know if she WILL be redeemed, ultimately, but the narrative path is still there IMO.

Jul 26, 2004

Ruh roh...

tsob posted:

What would she have to do to be actually evil in your eyes that she hasn't done already, out of interest? Does she have to personally torture puppies? Kill babies? Admit she likes pineapple on her pizza? What? She's already tried to destroy the world, twice, personally tried to kill her friend/sister on a half dozen occasions or more, betrayed what few friends she has to feed her own ambitions and seems fully aware throughout that what she's doing is bad, but just not care so long as it results in her being on top and/or acknowledged. That's about as evil as you're going to get really.

That's not what I said. I don't think she's MORE evil now than she was previously, when she was, say, invading Brightmoon or throwing Adora to her death. She's always been this exceptionally manipulative and selfish (and broken and desperately craving any kind of parental approval, etc.). She's irredeemable in Adora's eyes now, but I don't see how everything she's done up until now is merely light villainy vs a newfound maximum evil. Choosing to destroy the whole world is worse, objectively, than choosing to destroy one kingdom, but the headspace that led Catra to make those decisions is exactly the same. If anything, it shows that maybe Entrapta isn't too far gone because she's the one who pulled back on the "open a portal" plan at the last minute.

Jul 26, 2004

Ruh roh...

tsob posted:

I must re-watch season one at some point, but my memory of Shadow Weaver in season one is that she barely interacted with Catra and was mostly obsessed with getting Adora back; only interacting with Catra in season two because Catra constantly visited her in jail. She mostly seems happy to ignore Catra. Which I suppose is a form of abuse on it's own, but it's not really something you can ramp up, given it seemed to be her default attitude to Catra in the first place.

SW's interactions with Catra in season 1 were mostly her negging the poo poo out of Catra at every opportunity, because (in SW's eyes) Catra is such a gently caress-up that she let the good daughter Adora escape. IIRC she redirected Catra at least once away from doing something that might've benefit the Horde directly in favor of chasing down Adora, and Catra's the one who basically got SW deposed and thrown in fright zone jail by the end of the season.

Jul 26, 2004

Ruh roh...
There are probably a dozen (or more) things I could pick at about how things happened over both this final season and the show as a whole, but that finale resonated so much with me emotionally that I can't bring myself to care.

Jul 26, 2004

Ruh roh...

Saucy_Rodent posted:

I think “wait for the person who’s abusing you to say ‘I love you,’ then proceed to make out with them” is a bad lesson for kids, and a better one would be “sometimes you’ll love people, but they keep hurting you, and they’re not gonna stop and it’s not your responsibility to fix them, and it’s gonna hurt but you’re gonna have to let them go.” It’s not about punishment, it’s about teaching kids responsibility, and you can do and also still have Adora be mega gay.

I don't see where any of this fits with what actually happened in the final season? Catra made a choice, without any input or direction from Adora, to sacrifice herself to save Glimmer (or, well, mostly to protect Adora, but saving Glimmer was at least the result of her choice). She consciously makes an effort to apologize/work on her anger/etc. throughout the season. Adora isn't actually making any effort to 'fix' her (besides removing the chip, which, that doesn't count), but she does encourage Catra's own attempts at 'fixing' herself.

Catra doesn't spend 12.5 episodes continuing to be lovely to Adora, only to declare love in the last 15 minutes of the series and wipe it all away, like you make it sound. She isn't 100% rehabilitated/redeemed/whatever by the end of the series, but that's not the point. The point is that she found her path, and she has supportive influences (not just Adora) around her now to help her along the way.

Jul 26, 2004

Ruh roh...

Doctor Reynolds posted:

I assume when Adora mind broke Hordak that also affected the zillion other Hordak clones that were standing right there, because otherwise uhhh fights not over

All of the clones are obviously going with Entrapta, regular Hordak, Wrong Hordak, Emily, and Darla back to Dryl, where Entrapta will give them all great names and teach them to cook small foods. Wrong Hordak continues to answer to Wrong Hordak.

Jul 26, 2004

Ruh roh...
Jem and the Holograms revival cartoon that's more goofy crime-fighting adventures than whatever the hell that live-action movie was.

Jul 26, 2004

Ruh roh...

Larryb posted:

Ah ok, that’s what I thought.

Looking it up it seems like the final season will be out sometime between April and June

Season 2b is coming 'soon', and then the 3-episode-special final season will be out afterward.


Jul 26, 2004

Ruh roh...

Larryb posted:

Yeah, I also wouldn’t mind some kind of SPoP continuation if the cast and crew were up for it (especially since after Revolution comes out we basically have zero MOTU projects left on the horizon besides the toyline)

Speaking of, have any of said crew done anything of particular note since then (I know AJ has her own band, Karen played the lead role in Kipo, and Hordak’s VA was Darius in The Owl House)?

Aimee Carrero was in The Menu (movie) and has been palling around with the Critical Role crew primarily, I think.

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