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Crab Dad
Dec 28, 2002

behold i have tempered and refined thee, but not as silver; as CRAB

hot sorcery posted:

i regret to inform you the air force uses a kiwi as their logo lol

from kiwi to kererū?

Do you have an even lamer fat ground bird than a kiwi?


Crab Dad
Dec 28, 2002

behold i have tempered and refined thee, but not as silver; as CRAB

I’m not bashing on NZ vets specifically, for the US I’d say from Bald Eagles to Turkeys.

Jan 15, 2006

Crab Dad posted:

Do you have an even lamer fat ground bird than a kiwi?

How can you forget the amorous kakapo?


Dec 22, 2018

I hope this is "battle" enough for you, friend.

A.o.D. posted:

How can you forget the amorous kakapo?


A bird called poo poo poo?

Crab Dad
Dec 28, 2002

behold i have tempered and refined thee, but not as silver; as CRAB

A.o.D. posted:

How can you forget the amorous kakapo?


Arnt those the parasitic parrots that feed on sheep blood?

Well I guess that’s a metaphor but it’s awfully mean spirited.

Jan 15, 2006

Crab Dad posted:

Arnt those the parasitic parrots that feed on sheep blood?

Well I guess that’s a metaphor but it’s awfully mean spirited.

How the hell can goons forget this majestic birb?

They're flightless, not parasitic, and their mating call is a loud BOOM sound. They're also very round.

edit: they turn into full on borbs when they boom.

A.o.D. fucked around with this message at 00:43 on Jan 9, 2024

Crab Dad
Dec 28, 2002

behold i have tempered and refined thee, but not as silver; as CRAB

A.o.D. posted:

How the hell can goons forget this majestic birb?

They're flightless, not parasitic, and their mating call is a loud BOOM sound. They're also very round.

Oh that’s a different parrot! Yes I suppose that would work nicely.

Lemniscate Blue
Apr 21, 2006

Here we go again.

Crab Dad posted:

Arnt those the parasitic parrots that feed on sheep blood?

Well I guess that’s a metaphor but it’s awfully mean spirited.

That's the kea. Also known for trying to disassemble cars when bored.

May 28, 2009

Aug 28, 2002

Does a bear split in the woods near Zheleznogorsk?
I've had USAA for home (or renters) and auto insurance for years. I've been fortunate enough to only have two claims: a roof replacement after some awesome cannonball hail from a tornadic storm in Oklahoma, and a new windshield in a state where insurance covers that. No hiccups either time.

Handsome Ralph
Sep 3, 2004

Oh boy, posting!
That's where I'm a Viking!

Watched like 200 penguins storm a beach in Australia at dusk after they returned from fishing all day. Incredibly :3:

Handsome Ralph
Sep 3, 2004

Oh boy, posting!
That's where I'm a Viking!

Went to Hobbiton with my wife yesterday. If you have even a remote interest in the Lord of the Rings, goooooooo.

Also New Zealand is a beautiful country and I'm jealous of those of you who live here. My wife is strongly considering going for broke and trying for a work visa since she's in a pretty in demand field.

Crab Dad
Dec 28, 2002

behold i have tempered and refined thee, but not as silver; as CRAB

Handsome Ralph posted:

Went to Hobbiton with my wife yesterday. If you have even a remote interest in the Lord of the Rings, goooooooo.

Also New Zealand is a beautiful country and I'm jealous of those of you who live here. My wife is strongly considering going for broke and trying for a work visa since she's in a pretty in demand field.

I thought you said HobbyLobby for a minute and I was thinking no the gently caress i will not.

Tiny Timbs
Sep 6, 2008

Hobby Lobby got them Gundams though

Handsome Ralph
Sep 3, 2004

Oh boy, posting!
That's where I'm a Viking!

Crab Dad posted:

I thought you said HobbyLobby for a minute and I was thinking no the gently caress i will not.


Nick Soapdish
Apr 27, 2008

Lol probably going to get a talking to from my supervisor as I did not go to an AF Wing award ceremony. I told her after I went to my first one last quarter that I would just stay in the office until the end of my day instead. I figured as a civilian I wouldn't have to deal with this but guess not

Evil SpongeBob
Dec 1, 2005

Not the other one, couldn't stand the other one. Nope nope nope. Here, enjoy this bird.
As a non DOD fed civilian, I've often wondered what it's like working with or for military people who think their stupid ceremonies matter to everyone. Also, what it's like telling some O6 "not my problem" when shutting off the computer at 459 pm.

Oct 28, 2008

I'm increasingly convinced that January isn't worth celebrating anymore. Nothing good ever happens in this cursed month. This January, my wife and I battled horrible post-viral infections courtesy of one of our friends' drat weiner kids, one of our dogs almost died (and was saved by a $10,000 emergency surgery, of which insurance thankfully picked up $7300), and I'm dealing with a profoundly awful professional situation with horrible management, a poo poo-rear end commute and being deliberately underpaid, undervalued and disrespected by aforementioned horrible management.

I think January only exists to frame the rest of the year in a more positive light because otherwise gently caress this poo poo.

Aug 28, 2002

Does a bear split in the woods near Zheleznogorsk?

Nick Soapdish posted:

Lol probably going to get a talking to from my supervisor as I did not go to an AF Wing award ceremony. I told her after I went to my first one last quarter that I would just stay in the office until the end of my day instead. I figured as a civilian I wouldn't have to deal with this but guess not

I've never seen a GS or CTR attend anything that didn't involve a friend.

Duzzy Funlop
Jan 13, 2010

Hi there, would you like to try some spicy products?

We've launched a probe that slingshotted around Venus multiple times to get a closer look at the sun while orbiting inside its loving Corona and I only learn about this now?

Was this completely ignored by major news outlets or was I just living under a rock?
Goddamn, the details on the mechanics of the thing and the planning are absolutely, positively stupid.

Comrade Blyatlov
Aug 4, 2007

should have picked four fingers

NASA isn't that exciting so gets ignored a lot yeah. Which is a shame because there is a lot of incredibly exciting stuff going on.

Comrade Blyatlov
Aug 4, 2007

should have picked four fingers

If you're a Podcaster look up Astronomy Cast. It's a little dry but discusses in detail a lot of the very cool stuff being done.

The Aardvark
Aug 19, 2013

Houston We Have A Podcast is a good one for a look into whats going on with human spaceflight stuff.

Aug 28, 2002

Does a bear split in the woods near Zheleznogorsk?
That's an A+ name for a podcast, at the very least.

Jeffrey of YOSPOS
Dec 22, 2005

[Hoping this is the chat thread] I got this email:


Are you interested in owning It does not come with a website, just the name is on sale. If so, please let us know and we will send you more details.

I don't know why they think I would want, and I was about to let opportunity pass me by, but I realized that someone here might want to own an internet landmark such as this. Let me know and I would be happy to broker a meeting.

Aug 22, 2006

The blue glue is a feature, not a bug
Are we not all dirtyveterans at heart?

bird food bathtub
Aug 9, 2003

College Slice
How is that not already a web comic or someone shilling $500 family crests?

Feb 6, 2002

Every man likes a pretty girl with him at a skeleton dance.
Petition to rename the forum

Aug 22, 2006

The blue glue is a feature, not a bug

Nystral posted:

Petition to rename the forum just redirects to GiP

Mr. Nice!
Oct 13, 2005

bone shaking.
soul baking.

CommieGIR posted: just redirects to GiP

Syrian Lannister
Aug 25, 2007

Oh, did I kill him too?
I've been a very busy little man.

Sugartime Jones

CommieGIR posted: just redirects to GiP

Wasabi the J
Jan 23, 2008


CommieGIR posted: just redirects to GiP

Oct 28, 2008

Dune Part 2 was pretty drat good.

Aug 22, 2006

The blue glue is a feature, not a bug

pantslesswithwolves posted:

Dune Part 2 was pretty drat good.

Its standing up to my hopes so far.

Nick Soapdish
Apr 27, 2008

pantslesswithwolves posted:

Dune Part 2 was pretty drat good.

Driving two hours to see it in IMAX this afternoon

bird food bathtub
Aug 9, 2003

College Slice
Plan is for next weekend to avoid opening weekend rush. Was the first movie I saw in person after COVID and was totally worth it, not going to miss part 2 in theaters.

Oct 28, 2008

Nick Soapdish posted:

Driving two hours to see it in IMAX this afternoon

Time well spent IMHO. There are a number of moments when I was blown away by the visuals, so I can only imagine what that's like on a truly huge IMAX screen.

The fight choreography, costume/set design and visual effects are truly awesome.

Dec 22, 2018

I hope this is "battle" enough for you, friend.

pantslesswithwolves posted:

The fight choreography, costume/set design and visual effects are truly awesome.

Is it a film or a ballet show?

¿Probably both?

Mr. Nice!
Oct 13, 2005

bone shaking.
soul baking.
Here’s some dad chat. My mom never knew who her father was. Thanks to 23andme and dumb luck, we’ve found him. My grandpa is jewish. Never would have thought.


Nick Soapdish
Apr 27, 2008

Mr. Nice! posted:

Here’s some dad chat. My mom never knew who her father was. Thanks to 23andme and dumb luck, we’ve found him. My grandpa is jewish. Never would have thought.

Mazel tov!

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