Welcome to this Let's Play of Final Fantasy 3/6! If you haven't played this game before, you're in for a very confusing time because we’ll be using a randomizer hack. Some Info About The Romhack Back in February of 2017, liquidypoo did a video playthrough of the Beyond Chaos romhack for Final Fantasy 3, a randomizer hack. The thread is HERE and the LP Archive is HERE. The version of the randomizer that liquidypoo used was the last version that abyssonym created. From this romhack, a small community of speed runners and permadeath runners started playing the game on Twitch. They eventually made a Discord group, which is open to the public. This should be a permanent link to the Discord and they always welcome new members. Since the time of liquidypoo's LP, members of the Discord have updated the romhack with abyssonym’s blessing. They're currently on Version 2 of Beyond Chaos EX and some of this stuff can get bonkers. You can find the current version of the randomizer HERE and a link to the full list of changes HERE. Our Rules I made a few seeds until I found one that I thought was interesting enough to share, and will be showing off what I can. I'm using a specially created "textless" ROM that has some additional features to aid players in understanding their new randomized game. 1) Items that have additional effect, such as items that cast a spell when you attack or automatically give a buff when equipped, will display in the item menu fully. 2)The main menu and party formation screens will show the original name of a character in addition to their randomized name. 3)Rages can be opened in the Skills menu to provide all relevant information. 4)Dances will display what skills they use. I will be doing my best to highlight anything interesting or funny that I've found along the way. Due to one of the codes I used, all of the cutscenes from the beginning until Kefka at Narshe have been removed, and some of the cutscenes after that are also removed. If you have never played or read an LP about this game before, you likely will be confused and won't understand anything at all about the plot. In places where the music has changed, I will post a YouTube link to the new music. Two rules; don't be a jerk, and no spoilers. This is the randomizer's main screen, after I've put in all the information I wanted. If you want a handy link of all the current possible codes, I put them in a spreadsheet HERE. You can determine which parts you actually want randomized, input a seed, and put in "secret" codes like the ones I linked above. HERE is a link to all the available random sprites; minor spoilers abound. Personally, I don't like randomized Blitz inputs or a randomized Zozo clock so I turn those off. As far as the "secret" codes, I did the following: code:
Feel free to ask questions about any aspect of this randomizer and I look forward to having fun with you. UPDATE: GreenKnight on the Discord has been working on a GUI for the randomizer, and has provided THIS LINK to it. Admiral Joeslop fucked around with this message at 18:08 on Mar 8, 2020 |
# ¿ Mar 24, 2019 21:56 |
# ¿ Jan 18, 2025 15:16 |
UPDATES World of Balance World of Ruin MINI UPDATES AND MISC. Get your Espers list here! Admiral Joeslop fucked around with this message at 13:53 on Apr 11, 2020 |
# ¿ Mar 24, 2019 21:56 |
We begin with the slow walk to Narshe, the opening credits replaced with the randomizer credits, as well as new music! Chrono Cross - Life is the track for this walk. Our first glimpse at the party. A nice teal paintjob on the Magitek armor, some big purple hair and..dogs? It can be hard to tell who a sprite is supposed to be, especially when they're shoved into a giant walking suit of magic. Maybe the menu screen can shed some light! PUPPIES! And Squall from FF8. The original Gestahl sprite kinda looked like a dog to young me, and it seems also to whoever made this sprite. What are our new friends wearing? Oh my. If anything at this point in the game posed a threat, those relics could really save my bacon. Or they could have random attributes that gently caress me over, . Since we can't unequip Biggs or Wedge, let's get ????? naked and see what they bring to the table. These are VERY nice rolls for Speed and Magic Power, generally the two most important stats. Many commands will rely on the Magic Power stat, and starting at 45 is great. Fight/Item are fine, Mimic has uses, and Dance will either be amazing or terrible. You can see here the extra information granted by the ROM I'm using; the MithrilBlade displays all the properties it has. The game has been edited so all (or nearly all) weapons can be used with SwdTech, Runic, and the Gauntlet relic. This is to prevent you from getting a character with one of those commands but not being able to equip any weapons that enable them. Items in the randomizer are kept to a certain range of power, comparable to the item you would normally get at that point. There is a code that can disable this, meaning you would get any item available in the game at any time. This includes things like getting an Illumina on your starting character, or a boss in the final dungeon dropping a Leather Hat. The only real stand out here is the Buckler. It gives the wearer poison immunity, decent defense, and a real cool +10 to Evade. If you're familiar with the base game, you would know that the Evade stat does nothing due to a bug. All evasion is instead calculated based on your Magic Block stat. The randomizer fixes this bug, so that +10 Evade is great to have. A quick glance at the Dances on the Skill page; I can check the generated text file to see what the dances are but it's more fun to find out as we learn them. Normally, there would be NPCs walking on screen to yell at me. The "notawaiter" code just removes them entirely, beginning a battle on this step. I'll keep mentions of this to a minimum as there isn't much to talk about, just know that it tremendously speeds up the beginning of the game. Our first battle, and the sprites aren't that big of a change. The original guards here are just a different guard sprite, and random chance gave us this guard sprite instead. Chrono Trigger - Battle - Our standard battle theme replacement. code:
Our Magitek commands. Fire/Bolt/Ice Beam aren't randomized, and the fourth slot is random but with a bigger chance of Heal Force appearing. Biggs and Wedge will always have Exploder, as a failsafe in case you encounter an enemy that absorbs all elements. It looks like one of our guards has a gambling problem too. code:
Shrapnel spins some blades around the enemy and does pretty heavy damage for this point of the game. For reference, the Beams have a Spell Power of 60 compared to Shrapnel's 120. We also learn our first dance! We'll look at that in a future update. The second battle in the intro, definitely different from the normal beast sprites but still in the guard theme. code:
New monsters! code:
Moving into the cave, we find a scorpion (the Nautee) and uh.. mouse (Asce) living in harmony. code:
The Big Bad Babby's First Boss is here and absolutely rocking that pink shell. Xenogears - Knight of Fire Our new normal boss fight music. code:
The hitpoints are close to the originals; you can kill the shell in the original game if you're patient enough. Nothing too bad on the head. Slow is annoying but it's an easy fight anyway. The shell doesn't actually attack normally, only if you hit it with something that does damage. Healing and nullified damage don't provoke an attack back. I didn't actually attack the shell to find out if it would cast Sour Mouth in response but that is likely the case. Watch the full fight here. It doesn't take long. After talking to the Esper, we mysteriously wake up in a bed. Can we remember our name? Hello Saber. It's nice to meet you! What an adventure we're going to have. Admiral Joeslop fucked around with this message at 04:17 on Mar 30, 2019 |
# ¿ Mar 24, 2019 21:57 |
SSNeoman posted:Dance is okay, mimic is kind of a dud IMO. Hopefully you'll get luckier with other party members. With this kind of randomizer, there's no real way to account for that randomness. They mitigate it a little bit in the intro by giving you an out in Exploder but otherwise things will be random. As far as Mimic goes, you can Mimic a heavy damage command for free, and for a reason that I'll talk about later, Saber having Mimic becomes a little important.
# ¿ Mar 24, 2019 22:19 |
FeyerbrandX posted:I'm looking forward to this. Hope it doesn't die at Kefka at Narshe like the last did (Forgot to vote for a party as did everyone else and the OP gave in). I won't be doing any voting for this run through, so hopefully there won't be issues like that. I already recorded the entire run. This may bite me in the rear end anyway.
# ¿ Mar 24, 2019 23:11 |
Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest - Shrine of Light - This plays when you wake up and until you get to Locke. Saber takes in her surroundings, and makes a beeline for Arvis' clock. Everyone loves clocks right? Remember how I said items are usually about as powerful as the item would be in the normal game? Clocks in the base game have Elixirs, so clocks can lead to all sorts of things, like this helmet that normally comes from the final dungeon. This comes with a price; clocks can ALSO have a Monster-in-a-box and they will usually be waaaaaay stronger than you can handle at the time. Lots of permadeath runs have ended right here and now with this clock. Arvis normally gives you an item before you leave his house. In vanilla I think it's two Sleeping Bags. Instead, I got a vanilla Barrier Ring. Nothing special but helpful. The Coronet has its normal stats with a tad higher Defense/Magic Defense. I also picked up a Shuriken at some point. Shurikens, Ninja Stars, and Tack Stars can all be equipped by anyone that rolls that particular weapon group. I think they're individually pieced out, as I've had characters that can equip the Shuriken but not the Tack Star and vice versa. This Shuriken is over twice the damage of the MithrilBlade I have but that -10 Evade hurts; it's just as well that Saber can't use it. Now we come to the dances. The randomized names are a recent addition and I think they're a neat touch! Dances in FF6 are a combination of the Dance moves from FF5 and a Berzerker. You choose which Dance you want from the menu; if the battleground you're on matches the Dance you choose (city, plains, snow, etc.) then the Dance will go off. Otherwise, you have a 50% chance to stumble and nothing happens. When the Dance does go off, the background changes (if applicable) and you perform one of the four moves listed. They're not equal odds though. For Town Mazurka, Aurabolt has a 7 in 16 chance of happening, Wild Fang has 6 in 16, Land Slide has 2 in 16, and Wind Slash is a 1 in 16 chance. All the Dances follow this same format. A Dancer will continue Dancing on their turn until the battle is over, or they are incapacitated in some way, be it death, petrification, Sneeze, whatever. code:
https://i.imgur.com/VtYIADl.gifv Flare Star sure looks nice, though! Speaking of, we find our first new monster in the Narshe cave, the Oscaged. code:
Cutscenes! Seiken Densetsu 3 - High Tension Wire - Locke's new theme is very cool. Instead, we meet our Locke replacement. He looks like Minwu from FF2 and is even more useful. He commands the respect of radioactive monkeys, for one. Say hello to our Moogle replacements, some monkeys hailing from the Legend of Zelda series. The reason they have character names is explained in Elephantgun's fantastic Let's Break Final Fantasy 6 LP. The basic explanation is that these Moogles take the place of future characters, and are overwritten when you reach the naming screen for that character. Now we get a deeper drink of the battle randomizer water. Due to character limitations, names sometimes come out weird and it's a guessing game what the command actually is until you use it. I'll spoiler that second command if you want to try and guess it yourself! Flash + Pearl. WuFei will cast Flash on a creature (or everything if you multi-target) then cast Pearl on the initial target. If the Flash kills the target of Pearl, Pearl won't even go off and the creature will die. R-Pearl will use a random holy-elemental skill, with some varying chance. code:
Scar Beam looks cool, unfortunately it's not very powerful. Flash does much better. Some kind of bug or funky programming within the game causes Flash to do this instead of the same Flash from Edgar's Tools. Much like Biggs and Wedge, the items the moogkies are using have no bearing on the rest of the game, they're just arbitrarily random, save one thing. Whatever Kamog has equipped is what you will start equipped with in the World of Ruin. WuFei has something new though. 5 lower defense and 5 higher magic defense compared to vanilla. I also stole a couple new items from Mog, who you CAN unequip. The Plumed Hat is slightly worse than vanilla, while the MithrilKnife has a juicy +10% Magic Block. Something that KUMAMA has equipped is giving her auto-sleep status. It's broken by any physical attack but she will start every fight with it. See if you can guess which item has it! I certainly won't remember by the time I get those items. Did someone order a huge gently caress-off robot named Alexandr? Final Fantasy IV: Restless Moments (Unreleased) - I really like this track, and had never heard it before. You may notice this boss music is different from the Whelk fight; I'm not sure of the criteria but certain battles have different music. code:
*POOF* Final Fantasy VI - The Day After - This is the town music that plays in the World of Ruin normally. Outside the city limits, we find a new scorpion. This one has red eyes. code:
The new battleground does give us another Dance however. code:
Maybe these new fellas will teach us how to bust a move? Writa is the land octopus, and the slimes are named Tycho after famed Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe. code:
NOW we're talking! code:
They do provide our final dance for a bit! code:
With all that information out of the way, next time we visit the castle of a lecherous King and learn about his spoony brother. Admiral Joeslop fucked around with this message at 04:18 on Mar 30, 2019 |
# ¿ Mar 25, 2019 00:52 |
FeyerbrandX posted:I would suggest choosing either sap or seizure and keeping it consistent, probably go with seizure since that's the in-game name even if sap is the status in everything else. That's the problem with using a wiki that has updated translation names in conjunction with an older translation game I'll try to pay attention to that in the future. As for the enemies, I'll do what I can. There's no indication in the game or text file for which sprite is which so I have to go by context clues like attacks and which name disappears after death.
# ¿ Mar 25, 2019 02:32 |
Final Fantasy V: Main Theme - FF5 is a good game and has a good theme. Edgar's theme is very regal and fitting for him; it's still a nice change of pace. Hello friends! Last we saw our heroes, they had finished up a Desert Dance Off and were headed to the castle of some king that WuFei claims to know. Before we meet the king, however, we gotta loot the place. We're not off to a good start. This is a really good selection. Since stores are randomized you are never guaranteed to be able to buy Tonics or Potions at any given shop. Having an easy source of them this early is great. Cheap tools are also cool though I don't pick any up at this point. Cheap Warp Stones are helpful, in case you get stuck in a real lovely battle that is hard to run from. They mimic the Warp spell, which may not even show up on any of my Espers. I sold some stuff and bought some stuff, actually ending up in the positive. This guy on the right is a grifter. Double price on two items, expensive throwables, and a Tool I won't be buying yet if at all. Our first Monster-in-a-box. This could be dire. Or not. Clearly the Narshe guards are onto our plot and sent an ambush ahead. Shame they didn't send their best. The other chest is more cooperative but still not useful. The Blind status is fixed with the randomizer so having some cool sunglasses does have a negative. Free items are free, I suppose. Ashuras are one of the most common drops I've seen in this game. I don't know how the game rates them but I always find several in chests all over the game; I'm pretty sure liquidypoo found his fair share as well. This one isn't even changed, it's exactly the same as the one Cyan starts with in vanilla. My, what big ears you have, my liege. Who is this blue-haired and wing-eared king? Why, it's Lenneth from Valkyrie Profile. Or Ranma from the anime series with cold water thrown on them. I had to Wikipedia that, don't loving @ me. Surely this King isn't the last of their family? Who will take over the country if Ranma kicks the bucket? A blind spoony bard, of course. We'll learn more about them in the future. Maybe they'll even give us a performance! We wave hello to this nice Chancellor and his wonderful blue overcoat on our way back to the king. We need to find out what Ranma is made of. Ranma is lookin' pretty swole! GP Rain is a Get Out Of Jail Free card usually; I'll also never say no to a Magic command. 3xWater will be very good for clearing out stuff weak to water. Having two magic commands backed up by a good Magic Power stat matched with good speed is wonderful news. code:
Iron Armor has two extra Magic Defense and the Flail has an extra two attack. The Heavy Shield gives us our first rogue effect! Super Jump is the effect you get from a Dragon Horn in vanilla. Instead of jumping once you have a chance to jump up to three extra times immediately at 75%, 18.75%, and 6.25% chance for each jump. Its a nice effect to have if you need to use Jump for offense. I rarely do so, unless that character has no other offensive options. Moving on gives us a look at our main antagonist. It seems that Chupon, from another dimension, has taken over Kefka's position in the Empire. We're currently looking at his rear end. He doesn't look any better from the front In a flash of darkness and with the speed of Hermes, we arrive at the next day. Everything is terrible. Final Fantasy IV: Restless Moments (Unreleased) - I'm linking this again because it's so good. Secret of Mana: The Little Sprite I don't think I've shown off our fanfare music yet. I'm so very confused how the dogs were riding these. Are they inside? Were the dogs really alien monstrosities the whole time? code:
Whatever, let's drown these motherfuckers. Oh. Not even this glorious golden whale was any help. It would be better used pulling an Aquaman from Marvel Vs. DC. Instead, a couple Flashes and a Pearl take care of the whole shebang. While waiting on the animations I discovered something about Ranma that I didn't check before. They're a Natural Magic user! Natural Magic is the term given to Celes and Terra in the vanilla game. There, they would learn spells at certain level ups. Terra gets Ultima at 99 and Celes learns Meteor at 98, and a whole mess of various other spells at different levels. Ranma currently knows W Wind and Safe. Safe raises a characters physical defense, cutting physical attack damage by 1/3. W Wind reduces the entire battlefield's HP by 15/16, ignoring Runic and Reflect. W Wind also won't work on anything that is immune to the Death status. Overall, W Wind is pretty useless. If it only targetted enemies it might have a niche use. The chocobos are a nice green color. Unfortunately the game plays the same music from when Saber woke up; we don't get new Chocobo music yet. The caves themselves do have a new song. Final Fantasy IV: Illusionary World A nice relaxing theme from the Summon World in FFIV. *SHIIIINNNNG* New monsters! Some sort of pants wearing Na'vi maybe. code:
They absorb Water and nullify Pearl, my main two damage dealers at the moment. Attack x3 is starting to get dangerous but their low level combined with only having 15 ATK means they're doing about 15 damage to a character in the back row. Flash and Fight do enough to put them down. https://i.imgur.com/Ygk4v5z.gifv STOP SWOONING! code:
The Cuisli's special attack, "NumbBlades" will put their target directly into Near Death status without reducing their hit points. This enables all the normal things that would happen at low HP, notably the Desperation Attacks. Speaking of, Desperation Attacks are based off the original character. Saber will have Terra's DA, WuFei will have Locke's, etc. Umaro and Gau don't have Desperation Attacks and so neither will their replacement. Final Fantasy VIII: Fisherman's Horizon - Cool Ghost did a great LP of FFVIII located HERE. He put a ton of effort in; the whole thing is a wonderful read. Duncan doesn't have anything special in his bucket. Our last new monster for this update, using the same sprite as a typical enemy you'd find outside South Figaro. code:
Morph is Terra's signature ability; it's not fully understood within the game but it seems to at least partially affect monsters. Morph will normally double damage and halve any magical damage taken. When an enemy takes "tick" damage in this game, such as the HP damage from Seizure, the attack actually originates from that enemy. A creature that has the Morph status and Seizure will take double the normal Seizure damage. Ah, I can smell the Cafe's speciality tea from here! And that's the update for today, friends. Next time we'll explore the town and maybe even make it through Mt. Koltz! Admiral Joeslop fucked around with this message at 04:18 on Mar 30, 2019 |
# ¿ Mar 26, 2019 02:59 |
I'm waiting to hear back from people that know more than me; I'm going to assume it won't do anything since Interceptor status from a rage or on a monster does nothing. I'll do some testing later. Admiral Joeslop fucked around with this message at 19:39 on Mar 26, 2019 |
# ¿ Mar 26, 2019 13:46 |
oldskool posted:I always thought this was a long-haired dude diving across the screen, but in my defense I didn't summon espers much as a kid. Six was my first FF and first RPG overall. Imagine my surprise when I learned the other games let you summon as much as you wanted in a battle. It's a shame too, as the artwork in this game is amazing.
# ¿ Mar 26, 2019 19:29 |
SSNeoman posted:Do the shops have different items depending on who your leader is? I remember that was a thing. I don't think different items is a thing but some shopkeepers will give discounts to female characters (Terra, Celes, Relm). Vanilla also gave a discount to Edgar within his castle, not sure if that also appears. EDIT: I did some testing with a seed that's in the WoR. I found an enemy with Rippler and let them use it on my Shadow. Then my Lore user cast Rippler on that enemy, and the Lore user gained Interceptor! However, casting Rippler on an enemy that has Interceptor status did nothing at all. The Lore user never once had Interceptor take a hit in around a hundred hits. Admiral Joeslop fucked around with this message at 20:49 on Mar 26, 2019 |
# ¿ Mar 26, 2019 19:41 |
I'm almost done with the next update, might drop tomorrow or Friday. If the thread happens to end up on the next page before then that would be great, otherwise I hope everyone likes four updates and an OP on the same page! Mega64 posted:Just gave it a try, and I'm impressed so far. My party already feels overpowered, though I still had trouble with Vargas despite that. I've just had an interesting curveball thrown my way, so I'm excited/scared to see how it plays out. Mind sharing what you've gotten so far? I love hearing all the stuff people roll. I once had a Dance with Goner (one of Final Kefka's attacks) on the first slot. Pretty sure I died to something stupid during that permadeath run. Admiral Joeslop fucked around with this message at 02:37 on Mar 28, 2019 |
# ¿ Mar 28, 2019 02:28 |
I like the natural magic code, it half defeats the point of the dancingmaduin code though. Oh also; the Blizzard Orb's ability is randomized, I think. Might get something good for your Money Zerker. Admiral Joeslop fucked around with this message at 03:19 on Apr 16, 2019 |
# ¿ Mar 28, 2019 10:19 |
Overcast is broken as poo poo but not one of the banned skills which include Baba Breath. That's the one Phunbaba uses to remove party members. It's banned for being too powerful and could lead to your game soft locking. I had no idea an item could change Magic into another command. I'm real curious to see if anyone else in your seed will be able to use it
# ¿ Mar 29, 2019 19:14 |
liquidypoo posted:If you think changing Magic is weird, then get a load of this: That's a very unfortunate skill change! I've just learned that the Moogles from the intro will always have Item in their 4th slot as they (and all guest characters) cannot get Magic or X-magic. Sometimes, however, you get a Moogle that has something besides Item in the 4th slot. That means they're wearing a rogue item command changer like you have. Edit: I'll do a little mini-update later with some info about which skills are banned and why, probably in addition to a regular update. Assuming the pitcher of margarita I'm about to share doesn't do me in. Admiral Joeslop fucked around with this message at 22:00 on Mar 29, 2019 |
# ¿ Mar 29, 2019 21:52 |
I mentioned in an earlier post that some skills are banned. Here's a list of what they are and why. In older versions of the randomizer the Dance command could pull from this list. Currently, only Slots and R-Chaos (literally everything in the game that is a skill can appear) can have abilities from this list. Slots are supposed to be random but there is an exploit you can do to guarantee whichever slot you want. I'm consistently unable to pull it off. What Do They Do? 50 Gs - Removes Float status from all targets. It is unblockable, but is vulnerable to Runic and affected by the Mute status. BabaBreath - Ejects a character out of the battle. It is unblockable but fails if there is only one character on the field. Battle - Physical attack to one target. Bomblet - Charm - Charm causes a special status ailment that works like Confuse, only there is no visual proof of it, to one target. Its Hit Rate is 80 and affected by the Mute status. The status ailment is unique in that it only dissipates after either the caster or the target has died, and there are no ways to prevent it. ChokeSmoke - Turns a KO'd target into a Zombie. It is unblockable and affected by the Mute status but Instant Death protection, such as the Memento Ring, stops it. Clear - Inflicts Blind, Poison, Imp, Doom, Mute, Confuse, Seizure, Sleep, and Stop on the user. It is unblockable and affected by the Mute status. Dummied in game. Cold Dust - Inflicts Frozen to one target and it's considered an Ice-elemental spell, but it doesn't deal any damage. It is unblockable and affected by the Mute status. Discard - Discard is an ability used only by the Tentacles. It discards Grabbed characters. Engulf - Removes character from battle. It is unblockable. If all four characters are Engulfed, they are transported to the Zone Eater's Belly but only if you're on the Overworld. Escape - Causes the user to escape from battle. Fallen One - Reduces all target' HP to 1. It is unblockable and affected by the Mute status. N. Cross - Inflicts Frozen on all targets and its considered an Ice-elemental spell, but it doesn't deal any damage. The ability doesn't remove Invisible status when it fails to inflict Frozen. Its Hit Rate is 90, and it is vulnerable to Runic. It is affected by the Mute status. Pep Up - Caster is removed from battle, restores a single ally to full HP and MP and cures all status ailments. Seize - Removes target from battle, and absorbs HP from them for several turns until Discard is used. It is unblockable. Sneeze - Removes one target from battle. It is unblockable. Special - N/A Targetting - Targeting does not do anything. It is only used by Doom to warn the player that it is about to use Demon Rage. Zinger - Vanishes from battle to possess a character, reappears when the possessed character is either Zombie, Petrify, or KO. It is unblockable. But WHY Can't I Sneeze Into Kefka's Mouth? They're Useless 50 Gs - Any creature that has auto Float can't ever lose it so this skill would do nothing. Battle - Just Fight but for Monsters, and doesn't work properly when used as a command. Bomblet - Does nothing, even in the fight with FlameEater. ChokeSmoke - You can't target dead creatures, and turning a monster into a Zombie removes them from the battle anyway. Clear - This one was never actually implemented in the base game and always only targets the creature casting it. Bad idea. Pep Up - Removes character from battle, which is terrible. Seize/Discard - Used by the Tentacles in Figaro Castle, doesn't work on monsters. Discard does nothing. Special - Just the term used in the Control menu to use a creature's Special Attack, and doesn't work properly when used as a command. Targetting - Completely useless, even in the fight with Doom. They're Over Powered Charm - It's Muddle but nothing is immune to it and it won't end until the target or caster is dead. Nasty. Engulf - See Sneeze. Used by the Zone Eater to get you into Gogo's dungeon. Escape - Always works, and lets you escape battles you normally couldn't like Final Kefka. Fallen One - Having this at will would present no challenge in the game at all. Then again, I once had a seed where Fallen One was the 7/16 skill of a dance. N. Cross/Cold Dust - Frozen is a crazy good status and no enemy in the game has immunity to it. It lasts twice as long as Stop and the enemy can do nothing at all. Sneeze - Like Escape but in reverse, the thing Chupon uses before the Floating Continent and in the Coliseum. Won't cause a soft lock, just very powerful. Can crash the game if you Sneeze a SoulSaver, the things accompanying WrexSoul. They Break The Game But In A Bad Way BabaBreath - This also belongs in Over Powered but straight removing things from battle can cause all sorts of issues like a soft lock, meaning the game sits there waiting for a prompt that will never come. Zinger - Doesn't remove a character forever but can still cause soft locks. If you're the kind of person that doesn't take kindly to being told "No" you can probably go into your Beyond Chaos/tables/spellbans.txt file and change "ban" to "noban". Admiral Joeslop fucked around with this message at 16:30 on Nov 13, 2019 |
# ¿ Mar 30, 2019 04:09 |
Final Fantasy VIII: Fisherman's Horizon - This music also played in Duncan's house; it's the World of Balance town music replacement. Is that a...potato rolling down the street? No, I must've been imagining it... Final Fantasy VII - Stolen Materia - This song fits pretty well with the rest of VI's music in my opinion. Whatever, let's get some of that amazing tea. I hate tea. THERE'S ANOTHER DOGGO! This must be his chew toy. I didn't even think dogs drank tea. Wait why are all the characters reacting so strangely? Have they never seen a dog in a cafe before? My what nice eyes you have...? I think I need to go outside for some fresh air and looting, I'm clearly hallucinating. In addition to these two items, I also snagged: Leather Hat Green Cherry Antidote Shuriken x2 I forgot to grab a pic of the Cotton Robe; it has worse defenses and also starts the user in Sleep status. If you guessed that was the item making Kumama fall asleep in the mines, congratulations! You paid more attention than I did! The Chocobo Brsh is Relm's starter weapon and is unchanged from vanilla. The 2-hand effect is even there in case you need to paint a really big frame. We're also going to rob the rich and probably toss their garbage in the ocean. Imp Halberds are sometimes useful but often not. This one has a -10 Magic Block so is extra useless. If we're lucky it will sell for a boatload of money. I also found: Fenix Down AutoCrossbow Iron Armor Fire Skean Flash The basement has an alright relic. You can use it remove Blind and Poison status out of combat by equipping it. You wouldn't want to keep this one equipped as it reduces your Magic Power; the only situation you would is if you were predicting a monster that uses Zombie attacks as you can't change a Zombie's equipment to heal that status. Someone at this house hasn't been taking care of the plants growing in the basement and they've gone feral. code:
I only pick up a Magus Hat and Hair Band for now, as no one can use the other weapons available. Magus Hat has slightly higher defenses and an extra +1 Vigor which is nothing special but the Hair Band has a bit higher defense and +2 to Speed! The Item shop has double priced Tonics. In my eternal wisdom, I didn't buy any Tonics at Figaro Castle in the hopes that Sun Bath would carry me through. Here, I buy some Antidotes and Softs because Mt. Kolts can get a little hectic. The relic shop has some relics I didn't buy due to lack of funds, as I wanted to see what the Mithril Vest had to offer. It wasn't worth it at all. Less Magic Defense and -1 Stamina, only currently used by Saber. Stamina is pretty useless, at least. quote:Stamina determines the character's resistance to Death attacks and how much health is healed from Regen, as well as how much damage the character takes from Poison, Seizure, HP Leak, and how much the character is healed from the Tintinabar. If you're worried about death attacks (which includes things like Break, W Wind, Demi, etc.) then you're better off getting something with Instant Death protection to just avoid it entirely. The various attacks that leak HP don't do enough damage to worry about and Regen is an OK thing to have instead of something you aim for. Let's blow this joint. Final Fantasy Mystic Quest - Rock Theme - It's no Techno de Chocobo but still very jaunty and a solid tune for a chocobo ride. Though our time was short, I will miss you little green friend. Final Fantasy IV: Tower of Babel - Towers are kinda like mountains if you think about it. I've always loved Malboro sprites. code:
Who is this crazy bastard standing at the edge of a pretty big drop? And who goes mountain climbing in a jaunty hat? Whatever, we have new friends to chitchat with. code:
Saber is wearing a Barrier Ring, which gives them Protect status when at Near Death. Saber has plenty of hit points but the enemy attack has put them into Near Death anyway. If I had used Fight and gotten lucky, Saber might have pulled off Terra's Desperation Attack. This fight on the outside of the mountain is a muse for Saber, teaching them the Rock Conga dance. code:
Guardian here is almost entirely vanilla, in its vanilla spot. An extra +1 Stamina and 4 less Attack. I've gotten Guardian in this spot a ton of times in previous seeds. Here's a shot of Sun Bath's heal, restoring almost 3x the amount of max HP everyone has. This Blossom is a pretty severe downgrade, losing 8 Attack and a whopping -10% Evade! In vanilla it has the Wind element but this version is Ice. code:
Attack x3.5 and Blizzard are both very very powerful. A shame they're neutered by the monster's 1 Attack and Magic Power. Awww look, a couple tiny dolls and a ball they're playing with! Luau Lon are the tiny little cuties, Fenrip is their magical animated ball. code:
This game has a lot of dogs and birds. code:
Ranma learned Rasp and Safe at level 9. Rasp drains MP from the target but unlike Osmose, it drains a set amount and doesn't give it back to the caster of Rasp. It only has a Spell Power of 10 so generally you're removing 100~ MP. Some monsters, even bosses, die at 0 MP and will often have less MP than HP. This can be useful if you're fighting something that absorbs all the damage you do. Imp is real obnoxious and I tried to bribe the enemies to go away. GP Rain throws GP equal to the user's Level x 30. code:
At this point I notice one of the enemies had dropped a Jewel Ring. This is entirely vanilla. The description says it protects against Blind as well but this is a lie, as evidenced by the Effect window. Not sure if that's a bug in the original or just a bad description. gently caress Mt. Kolts. Hey what happened to the bard? Did you eat them? Wow how rude, I'm just passing through. code:
I can't bear to watch. A couple of FlaPears later and our hero comes to save us from...someone not all that threatening really. Taiga does have a pretty striking battle pose at least. Final Fantasy VI: Save Them This actually plays later in the game at certain points. I start with a hefty Jump. I wish I had a Heavy Shield leftover in the inventory to do a Super Jump but alas. I've definitely had worse skills for Sabin at this point, several of them leading to a wipe. Just a few bops on the head is all it takes. Hey remember how Gau was broken in vanilla? Rage is (or at least potentially is) even more broken in BC. Monster skills are way more varied than Vanilla. We'll go over Rages in detail in the next update. Magic Power is a little low but Vigor is high and Speed is through the roof! 65 is crazy high at this point in the game. Taiga arrived with a slightly above normal Silk Robe with an extra spicy +10 Evade over vanilla. The last chest of this update is a claw, not equipable by anyone we currently have access to. These have 15 higher Attack than normal with the same Holy element. This is real hosed up, not gonna lie. I'm going to assume the rabbits (Raga) are running from the floating disembodied head of a Somouro. code:
Can you tell that I didn't heal after the Vargas fight? Whatever, I'll just reload the save state. gently caress OFF Good lord we finally made it, gently caress the wildlife.
# ¿ Mar 30, 2019 17:57 |
Mega64 posted:Rage is always nice, though it's *kind* of a pain to remember all the useful ones since they always change, especially with randomized enemy names. I try to go through the Rage menu as soon as I get it and make note of any useful statuses or attacks. I also try to check it every time I fight something new; in BC you automatically get the Rage of any creatures you encounter. It was a simpler solution than trying to guarantee someone with Rage also had Leap, and so someone didn't get stuck with an otherwise useless command.
# ¿ Mar 31, 2019 00:24 |
I feel like I've noticed MiaBs not dropping a lot of stuff too, not even any GP or XP. Probably only the ones that are MiaB only, not the ones that can appear out in the world. I did some Permadeath on Twitch tonight, I didn't even make it past Vargas on any of the 5-6 seeds . The Vargas death was entirely my fault, I wasn't paying attention to HP when he did a Gale Cut and killed everyone.
# ¿ Mar 31, 2019 04:28 |
I'll have an update sometime this week, I'm very tired today. After all, I have to at least make it to Kefka@Narshe to beat that other LP!
# ¿ Apr 1, 2019 19:08 |
We did it, everyone. Now we can talk to the leader of the Returners and finally get rid of the Empire! First we gotta do some menuing tho. The Rage menu itself isn't any different besides the randomized monster names. Hitting 'A' with this special ROM gives us a lot more info! The top part tells us the level and HP of the monster and any auto-statuses and immunities the monster has. The Nautee is immune to Blind and Sleep which are handy. The bottom part shows which two skills your Rager will use; in vanilla all Rages have Battle and whatever special move was programmed for the monster. Here those two abilities will often include Battle but not always. The Nautee does have Battle, as well as its Special Attack available to the rage. We can also see that it absorbs Wind/Fire, nullifies Ice and is weak to Poison. The Nautee isn't actually that great of a Rage. A regular Battle command and an ability that turns the enemy invisible isn't very impressive; remember that the Vanish + Doom/X-Zone exploit is fixed. Coex Ana has some differences. It still has Battle but does not have the monster's Special Attack, as indicated by it not being under Rage Skills and also greyed out under Special. Love Token is very strong. code:
Giveng and Encrut have a couple more things to show off. Giveng reveals how ridiculous some of the immunities can get, including Magitek. Magitek Armor is actually a status given to your characters, in the intro and in Cyan's Dream. Immunity to it means you just have access to your normal battle commands available. There are exploits you can do to get Magitek status outside of those areas. I will not be doing these exploits but here is abyssonym explaining how it works (minor editing for clarity): quote:I've done it before but you kind of have to plan out an entire playthrough around getting Leo into the WoR then entering Cyan's dream with five characters. You then change your party order in a specific way during the Magitek sequence. The game sets/heals Magitek status on only the "first 3" (disclaimer: might not be the first 3) characters, so if you move them around then someone won't get that status removed. So you leave Cyan's dream with one character who has Magitek status, then you can use Leap Frogs + Rippler to transfer that to someone else (ideally Terra) and Tek Missile Kefka in the face. Encrut has Near Death and Interceptor status. I did some testing earlier; Interceptor status on a monster does nothing and using Rippler to transfer it to another character also does nothing. You CAN transfer Interceptor from a character to a monster if that monster uses Rippler, then use your own Rippler to get Interceptor on another character. I don't know of a way to clone the status in a way that works so you'll only ever have one dog. Being in Near Death status will also never trigger a Desperation Attack while Raging as no monsters have the Fight command. You can also see that the Encrut doesn't even have a Battle command. Taiga will choose between casting Slow and using their Special attack, which is just Battle at 3x the damage. The highest it can theoretically go is x9 but I've only personally seen x6.5. Anyway, where were we? Oh right. We're here to collect tribute. First, I sell this lovely stick I found in a box. That lets me stock up on Tonics, Potions and some Tents. I feel much safer. Now we go looting! This Mithril Pike has some good damage but Reverse Cures is not a good thing to have unless you're planning for it. That's the same effect you normally get from the Relic Ring; it basically turns your character undead. All healing spells do damage, casting most varieties of Doom will fully heal them, and any absorbtion spells (Drain, Lifeshaver, etc.) cast on that person will reverse. It can be useful but you need to have a reason to use it normally. Pardon me, Your Highness. +1 Speed is alright but that Defense is 10 lower than vanilla. Lower defenses I also pick up: Buckler x2 Fenix Down Tent Head Band Blossom What a lovely haul. Her Highness tries to Dragon Warrior our rear end but we stick to our guns of saying no, an- HEY https://i.imgur.com/5GivsNr.gifv This is bullshit! All is forgiven, Princess Banon. Look at those stat increases! Sure it has 36 less defense than vanilla but +6 to Speed/Magic Power and +7 to Vigor is huge when I don't have any Espers yet. In case it isn't clear, Banon gave us the BehemothSuit instead of a Genji Glove. Banon herself ain't really bringing the cows home. The Magic Power is OK but she's stuck with the Biggs/Wedge Magitek abilities. At least she has Heal Force! She's also a lefty and I'm very glad she's carrying that Guardian and Memento Ring. Assuming it still has the vanilla ability of Instant Death immunity. I've heard of water bears but this is ridiculous. The Undiesi is the bear, Snuch is the ...crawfish? And Hend is every nightmare about killer robots. code:
https://i.imgur.com/7Xwmy3i.gifv But what is this? They took MP DAMAGE? This is a quirk of the Runic system. Any creature (including Celes in vanilla) that absorbs an element, if they use Runic, will instead take MP damage from that element. This game is weird. A water battle means a new dance! code:
My what nice teeth you have! Not that they'll do you any good, you delicious little morsel. code:
The opening salvo of some water and Megazerk heal him and do nothing, respectively. Princess Banon lays down the law with her Fire Beam. This time around, Ultros is basically no threat, unless you jump in the water with him like an idiot, as Taiga does. We made it, everyone! Let's see what our monkey friend has going on. I mean...sometimes you gotta eat on the go. Might as well take all your beef jerky with you. The Chain Saw and Dried Meats are maxing out Mog's defenses due to non-equipment being weird when equipped. Dried Meat heals 150 HP, which the game is interpreting as 150 Defense instead because of the way it reads item stats. Next time, we follow Taiga to his doom. Admiral Joeslop fucked around with this message at 20:48 on Apr 6, 2019 |
# ¿ Apr 3, 2019 22:20 |
Hello again and welcome to Final Fantasy Beyond Chaos EX: Where The Rules Are Made Up And The Strategies Don't Matter. Today we're going through Taiga's scenario and meeting new friends along the way. New friends like Goku here! He's a real spud, he'll be there for you when you're feeling fried, when your heart is sliced up, and he'll help you hash things out. His dog is cool too. Befitting his namesake, our bespeckled friend has a high Vigor and decent Speed/Magic Power. Peep that natural Evade of 35%; that's with Goku completely naked as is natural. ?-Geo is a call back to the Geomancer of old. code:
I've already covered a lot of these spells so I won't be writing them all out again. Suffice to say, they do damage, instant kill, heal or do percentage damage in various ways. The "?" means Goku will use one of these skills when you use the commmand. After the first command, there is a 50% chance another one will fire, then 25%, then 12.5%, etc. The theoretical limit is sixteen but good luck getting higher than four or five uses. The merchant has some good items. I don't really need any of it right now but I do buy a pair of Sprint Shoes. The randomizer gives you auto-run status, rendering the Sprint Shoes useless. This is because using a relic spot to save time is annoying. Instead, the Sprint Shoes are programmed to teach someone a lower level spell. Here I get Fire which is useful! Fire can be used to remove Frozen status without doing a ton of damage. See ya dawg. code:
Bulldogs that can throw radioactive boulders at will. code:
These poor dogs have to be hot out in this tiny desert. Secret of Mana: The Wind Never Ceases - Secret of Mana had such good music. None of that matters cuz we got ourselves a badass over here. Some terrible godawful speed but those commands! Bolt 3 is Bolt 3, MindQua is Mind Blast + Quasar. code:
In fact, Mind Blast killed this guy without Quasar even going off! code:
I hit the chest then completely forgot to actually grab the treasure because I'm a dummy. Luckily, it was only another Magus Hat so I didn't miss anything spectacular. I talked to a guard to see who I'm up against. We've seen the Giveng before but Got Plet is new. code:
Kefka looks like he has a butt helmet. Entirely vanilla MithrilGlove. The other chest had a Fenix Down. The last chest here had these little fellas in it. Fuelyne is the big beefy one, Oleo Awa is the round red rotund one. code:
Hey. I know these guards aren't very good but I can't advance the story if I don't help you. code:
https://i.imgur.com/Vv4Fppl.mp4 Goku does not give a single gently caress about any of them. The rest of the fights in the base go about like this. God dammit not these assholes again! code:
The different palette really works for the Phantom Forest. https://i.imgur.com/efME9bQ.gifv This is Love Token in action, the one I explained in a previous update. That poor bird is now forever cursed to take physical attacks that are aimed at Taiga until one or the other die. https://i.imgur.com/PJXTqfp.mp4 This is Mind Blast + Quasar. Get used to that animation if you watch the boss fight videos. The skill is a staple for a while. This place is seriously pretty. I'm amazed they only reuse it for some of Shadow's dreams and in the ending. Next time, we enter a spooky train.
# ¿ Apr 6, 2019 23:28 |
R-Miss is a collection of spells that have low accuracy. I don't know what's in it off the top of my head but the text file that was generated with your rom will tell you. I've got some real stinkers coming up, don't you worry about that!
# ¿ Apr 7, 2019 00:27 |
I streamed some Permadeath last night. Very first seed had a very rude enemy in the Narshe clock and I died immediately. Second seed got me all the way to Zozo; I killed one MiaB then got another one that could only kill me with Ice Beam and I didn't have enough Fenix Downs to keep up. The highlight was going through the Narshe caves with Banon and him eating a Fire Wall that left him at one hitpoint.
# ¿ Apr 8, 2019 02:08 |
Phantasm is actually pretty good. It's unblockable, won't end until the creature is dead, and has no element so will never heal anyone. It might take a while to kill something but it's free damage! Is Terra a Natural Mage or does she just have the Magic command? Not everyone that has Magic also has Natural Magic.
# ¿ Apr 8, 2019 17:04 |
Fricassee posted:Up until this point, my team was fighting to stay alive through dungeons due to lack of healing options and no real heavy damage output. Once I have a heartier team I might play around more with phantasm. And that’s a good question, I’m not sure. There’s no spells learned yet, so I don’t know. If they don't have any spells already, they probably don't have Natural Magic. Or they just may not have any spells yet; I don't know if they always start with two spells or have to be a certain level. The text file will tell you if you aren't avoiding looking.
# ¿ Apr 8, 2019 20:27 |
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 OST: Kingdom Of Tantal (Day) - Never played any of the Xenoblade games. Music seems cool. Hello friends! Today we're going to cry some tears onto a Train. Or will we? Look at that carpet! https://i.imgur.com/C21CTol.gif Look at those moves! We run into some new enemies, unsurprisingly. Bientioc is the katana dude, Revel is the wrench dude, Kre is the soldier dude. code:
Magus that hair color does not suit you at all. Within the files, this character is replaced by Strago once we get him; that's why ????? is identified as Strago. They don't share anything otherwise. That equipment isn't too bad. Mirage Vest will start our friend in Image status, to avoid a couple physical attacks. Its stats are abyssmal; a Magic Power of 24 isn't going to do much good for 3xWater. Someone having Throw can also be a problem. It means that somewhere out in the world, there are monsters with their own Throw command and it WILL kill you. The vendor doesn't really have anything impressive. Magus doing his best Dr. Strange impersonation! Impressive that she can dance on top of a moving train. The tiny coral Darnautns are just weird. code:
Finally, some treasure! What did we get? The Tiara is OK. Slight defense differences, -1 Stamina that won't change much. The Hawkeye is garbage. Less attack, -10% Evade. code:
Our dog immediately takes out 1/3 of the Train's HP. Good dog. Less good is when it finally does another attack. It hurts most of the party. I could have just used a Revivify on the Train, as it is Undead. That's the usual tactic in Permadeath and Speed runs, since that will immediately kill it. As you can see, I didn't even need it. Out in the world we have another dancing lady in the form of Cushka (detailed in a previous update), her pet Magroader the Tooto Loy, and two backups named Eclea (also previously). They're so ashamed of lacking dance skills that they hide behind the battle UI. code:
Strip down, Goku. We're going over a waterfall and you're not taking a bunch of my stuff with you! code:
Secret of Mana: Fond Memories - Don't you agree that Secret of Mana has good music? Oh hello. Normally you have to find Gau on the Veldt and feed him some Dried Meat. Since the randomizer can't guarantee you'll have Dried Meat available, the randomizer just puts Gau in your party automatically. Our Gau is....Gau in a suit. We found a Ninja Star user! They're so much better than Shurikens. Rudol himself is potentially not very impressive. Magic is great, depending on what Espers he can use. Morph and Sonic Boom, less so. code:
I don't understand the Optimize option a lot of the time. It put that Iron Armor on instead of the Silk Robe. With that, we conclude today's adventure. Until next time! Admiral Joeslop fucked around with this message at 19:43 on Apr 21, 2019 |
# ¿ Apr 10, 2019 20:31 |
FeyerbrandX posted:maybe in case of ties in defense stats the game defaults to the one that shows up earliest in the equipment tables? That could be. I actually forgot that Optimize just goes by Defense and Attack.
# ¿ Apr 10, 2019 21:53 |
Veryslightlymad posted:234 Battle Power and Morph should put him light-years ahead of anyone you have in damage aside from that nutty "50% chance to use x5 damage physical" Rage. Without something like Genji Glove/Offering or a way to ignore Defenses, I tend not to use Fight unless I have no other damaging commands There should be an update sometime this coming week, I've been busy at work! ...and play. Admiral Joeslop fucked around with this message at 02:06 on Apr 16, 2019 |
# ¿ Apr 14, 2019 19:43 |
Ah, the smell of a lovely backwoods country town surrounded by all the bastards of the world that want to kill me. I feel right at home. PS, the Veldt music is just the Mt. Koltz/Mt. Zozo theme. Nothing that blows me away in the shops. Those Beads and White Cape would be nice but I can't afford them. We're here to support Are Troops. ...after I check this clock. Funnily, this is what you normally get from doing the soldier's thing. Entirely vanilla. This is a cool time saver that was implemented into the hack. Instead of going back and forth 5 times, you can just tell this guy to do it all at once. What does our good deed get us? Same thing the vanilla clock would have! This and the Tintinabar amused me to no end. GOD DAMMIT Gau is already feeling the PTSD from those "Can't Run, Back Attack, Blizzard" assholes. (He gave me a Tonic) Final Fantasy III: The Forbidden Land Eureka - I can't emphasize enough how much effort emberling on the Discord puts into these randomized songs. She recreates them from the source material to fit the format that FF6 uses, which is very limited. Every song that isn't originally from an SNES game has been completely remade for the randomizer. Into the river we go, sharing one diving helmet between us. Don't worry about the details. code:
This is pretty nice so early. Little bit of extra attack and vigor over vanilla, and the ability to attack a fire weakness if needed. The other cave gives us the polar opposite () in an Ice Rod. Not really worth using with the Fight command but breaking it for a multi target Ice 2 is a great backup plan. Don't worry Taiga, I've been there too. You'll bounce back. Not much going on in the regular shops. However the Relic Shop is half priced! I pick up a White Cape that turns out to be pretty good! Everything but the Auto Shell is vanilla but those immunities and 33% less damage from Magic is wonderful. We're leaving before they find the pile of vomit Taiga left on the docks. Let's see what our sorry soaking wet raft riders are up to. WHAT DOES EVERYBODY WANT Hi are you interested in buying some knives? They're the highest of quality. The only good way to deal with door-to-door MLM scammers. You can't get into the Beginner's Hall in the World of Balance. There's a reason; it'll be a long while before we can get in there and show it off. I love the Vanish status effect. code:
Arvis, we're home! Alright you know the rules in this house, everyone strip down. Bit of a short update. The next one will also be kinda short. I want the Kefka at Narshe fight to be the end of an update but it would definitely be too short with just that section. Next time will be Celes/Locke and we'll fight a clown! Admiral Joeslop fucked around with this message at 01:22 on Apr 20, 2019 |
# ¿ Apr 16, 2019 02:02 |
SSNeoman posted:Have there been any major 'gently caress you' moments thus far? Besides those jerkoffs that cast Blizzard, not yet. The really hard and frustrating boss fights are later on. I could probably release an uncut video of all the attempts at certain bosses and it would be over an hour.
# ¿ Apr 16, 2019 02:16 |
FeyerbrandX posted:Really, eh? My seed let me in, but I picked and chose different options than you, and I have a very good guess which option causes that. And I'm perfectly fine with that... assuming I ever finish it, my team so far is just... meh. The answer lies within the ROM creation picture in the OP. If anyone wants to spoiler their guess as to why the room is closed and the reasoning for it, go ahead. You won't get a prize besides maybe a firm handshake at Gencon if you go.
# ¿ Apr 16, 2019 02:50 |
Jade Rider posted:Welp. I just generated a new seed and my Gau has a Battle/Ultima combo command. This is gonna be fun. BATTLE and Ultima?
# ¿ Apr 19, 2019 11:06 |
The only mini update I have now lists the skills in the game that you can't normally get. Everything else is fair game, from one use, to double use to "?" which is one to sixteen uses in a row. CecilBot - Named for the expert on the Discord, this is the bot everyone uses in their Twitch channel to look things up. It can tell you boss stats (assuming you didn't randomize them) as well as what every skill does. The download version contains all the information in regular .txt files. The formatting is a little weird but they're readable. For example, the list of all the random skills (SPOILERS BEWARE): https://pastebin.com/h3gBdikm. The % listed after each skill is the chance you have of casting a spell or skill that has a good chance of killing or otherwise incapacitating you. Everything else in the game can be rolled. On the stream earlier I checked the text file after I died and someone had 5xDoom. Then the last seed I did, Ultros used X-zone on Banon.
# ¿ Apr 20, 2019 04:30 |
sudonim posted:This is an interesting list. What I'm most curious about, though, is what sort of stuff is fair game for the creation of oddball commands like "FlaPearl" and "3xWater" and the logic used to stitch them together. BUT I get the feeling I'm not gonna find out without a helpful expert or another source code dive. As far as I'm aware, you can get a combo of any two legal skills and the 3x modifier is also just random chance. If you're looking for a helpful expert, I linked the Discord in the OP. Someone there can probably tell you more if they're available.
# ¿ Apr 20, 2019 05:37 |
Hello friends! Today we're going to rescue a prisoner and beat up a clown. We start by witnessing WuFei getting comfortable with himself and how he dresses. Shine on, WuFei! Unfortunately it doesn't last long as I don't get a prompt to keep the clothes on. I'm surprised they let her keep her cape on while being held prisoner. Uh..I guess being chained to a wall enables some kind of shape changing ability? Hey. Hey, everyone. Do you want to break the game even more wide open? All you need to do is have Ragnarok as a regular command! I'm sure you've noticed the "Morph (%):" entries on most of the monsters before. As I mentioned earlier, those are the four items that are possible to get from using Ragnarok, with the % being the chance of the skill actually going off. Each item has an equal chance to drop if the skill goes off. This can (and will) lead to some very nice items. R-Miss is..OK. Meteo can do decent damage and if the enemy is vulnerable to the Instant Death/Confusion stuff it can help. Unfortunately it's just more RNG on top of RNG. code:
Since I have a 99% chance of it going off, I snag myself a Stout Spear! It's not spectacular but just a good upgrade. Nice little upgrade for anyone that can wear it. code:
I pull these from a couple of battles. Fixed Dice are better than Dice but these are still good and give a bonus to Speed. The Charm Bangle is funny; it halves my encounter rate but also gives double XP like the Exp. Egg. Makes grinding that much more unappealing. I also pick up some vanilla Goggles, a Heavy Shield, MithrilGlove, X-potion, vanilla Hyper Wrist, and some new goodies. Eventually, someone will get a big damage boost from equipping a Tack Star. The Gold Hairpin is vanilla and that's perfectly fine. Halving MP costs is an amazing get at this stage. Murasame has an extra 15 attack. Gaia Gear is the next big drop; Earth absorb is the key to victory in Permadeath, and overall very nice at this stage. You never know when a monster is going to have Quake or Magnitude 8 even as a death counter. code:
A deadly boss in most BC runs, depending on your RNG. If your Locke/Celes have garbage commands or you don't have a Thunder Rod, your run may very well end here. Tek Laser really hurts but luckily for me, the only thing it does is a regular attack and a MT Ice. If it absorbed or nullified Pearl I would have been in danger. Final Fantasy IX: Hunter's Chance - This is a good tune and I should really get around to playing 9 some day. That brings us to this, the defense of Narshe and the Esper held within. Same rules as the Moogle fight at the beginning; waves of monsters slowly make their way up. If any of them touch Banon, that's a game over. Losing a fight isn't a game over, that team just appears on the save point and can fight some more. My preferred method is to make one shitkicker team, then one OK and one good character in a party, and someone that can potentially hold their own in the last. This is just an insurance policy in case I miss one of the roaming monsters and they make it up to Banon. The conga line method of defense is underrated. code:
Cure Ring is acceptable, the Thief Glove is hot garbage. R-Miss isn't great to begin with and replacing it with Morph isn't much better. Pipimi isn't here to do damage, she's here to melt enemies into items. I also pick these up. Trident is pretty vanilla but the Blizzard Orb has a bonus +5 Magic Power, once I find my berzerker. code:
Cherub Down is the other anti-Earth tech that makes PD runs hum. No need to absorb Earth if you can just avoid it! The Mithril Shld is slightly worse than vanilla but the Beret has a wonderful +50% MP rogue effect! Enough looting, let's meet this dog on the battlefield. code:
Just kidding I turned him into a gag gift instead. Now're talking. Vulnerability to Control is random as well. Some bosses can be controlled, and anything super dangerous that is vulnerable will no longer be super dangerous. NOW we're going to have an actual battle. code:
Treasure of the Rudras: The Spirit Chaser - Kefka gets his own special music for this fight. We start by flashing then throwing some snow balls. Kefka is not amused. Virite has a pretty nice animation, even if it is just a Poison spell. Mind Blast won't work on Kefka but throwing a bunch of asteroids at him certainly will. This is Disaster, from Pipimi's R-Miss. None of the things it does will affect him though. Looks neat at least! Ice 2 kinda hurts but not enough to be worried about yet. As you can see, Kefka is a coward when faced with actual shitkickers. He drops me a vanilla Sniper Sight. Go on now, git! We're back to cutsene territory. Is the Esper OK? OH GOD HELP Saber is drawn to the creature. Something primal within them is stirring. Tales of Phantasia: Biting Cold - Saber can't resist. Saber approaches the frozen Esper. It feels like the Esper is calling to them.. This may have been a mistake. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_XHnTsxWjo Admiral Joeslop fucked around with this message at 00:28 on Apr 22, 2019 |
# ¿ Apr 21, 2019 20:17 |
Kheldarn posted:Trying to run beyondchaos_ex.exe gives me this error: I asked in the Discord and got this linked: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2999226/update-for-universal-c-runtime-in-windows I guess give that a try?
# ¿ Apr 21, 2019 23:11 |
Kheldarn posted:Next Question: Is it possible to make it so that it doesn't replace any of the Main Characters with other Main Characters? For example, I got a Seed that replaced Edgar with Sabin, and Sabin with Edgar. I don't want ANY of the 14 Main Characters from the game as any character. I don't see anything either, may have to ask in the Discord. I can try to remember to do that later if you aren't part of it.
# ¿ Apr 25, 2019 01:19 |
Kheldarn posted:I'm not, but I've been passing the time by changing the entries on the list of male and female names. Adding named characters from the other titles with names of 6 characters or less, and of course, adding Quina to both the Male and Female lists. I've also deleted most of the animé names, as that's not my cup of tea. I did ask, and there isn't a way to do that without editing the code EDIT: emberling posted:Line 2432 randomizer.py: Admiral Joeslop fucked around with this message at 22:58 on Apr 25, 2019 |
# ¿ Apr 25, 2019 22:48 |
# ¿ Jan 18, 2025 15:16 |
Sup nerds. Last time we dusted a clown and today we're off to find Luigi. Let's fuckin' roll. I take the good crew. When I said that Ragnarok can easily break the game, I meant it. I hope you like items! First we're looting the storehouse for some things we actually earned for once. I also snag another Hyper Wrist and an Amulet. These are alright items. You might think the Ogre Nix is good with that sky high attack; it's not because of Fragile Wpn. quote:Will always try to use [12..19] MP to inflict a critical hit. When no MP can be used, no critical hit will be inflicted. Has a average of 28% chance of breaking (depends on the last digit's of the wielder's current HP). So sure, you'll hit pretty hard but there's about a 1 in 3 chance you'll lose the weapon completely. This make it only useful for Throwing, as the damage is based off of the item's Bat. Pwr. There's one last chest here. code:
They get some measure of revenge when the front one reflects Pearl onto poor Pipimi, one shotting them. This little guy shows up when someone's been asleep or confused or whatever for too long, and it heals them. I kill it shortly after anyway. This is the only shop in town worth a drat and only because of that Chain Saw. I don't buy one as I don't have a Tools user. This is where it begins. I spend a good long while Ragnaroking everything I can find. We'll fly through a lot of it since menuing isn't very exciting. Vanilla but not unappreciated. Elemental defenses are amazing. Marvel Shoes are 4 different relics smashed together. They give you Haste, Regen, Shell and Safe status all at once. You really can't go wrong with them. I'm not a big fan of the Atma Weapon in general and this one is just strictly worse. Fairy Ring teaches Slow and extra magic is good. Blizzard is early but not TOO early; it also has +20 attack compared to vanilla. More MP good. Tao Robe is normally something you buy in the World of Ruin and is the best Robe in the game. The Sneak Ring has a nice bonus to Speed and any attempts I make at stealing. SwordBreaker is busted rear end good at this point, also normally available at WoR Maranda. It has +15 attack and a small bump to Mag. Pwr. Look at how swole Pipimi is with this stuff. Over time, I pick up a Chain Saw and Air Anchor as well. Let's go find some more creatures to murder. code:
The Strato is actually a downgrade from vanilla but an upgrade for Taiga. The other two are pretty close to normal. code:
I also encounted some Tabbas from a previous update. Mirage Vest is a real good catch here, with a whopping +9 to Speed and immunity to a few physical hits in every combat. I don't have a claw user yet but Dragon Claws are the second best claws in the game. The Tempest got hit by a rogue change effect; unfortunately turning Jump into Control is already covered by the FakeMustache. I'd rather use the FakeMustache and a much stronger weapon than the Tempest. That's RNG for you! Oh and I farmed up a bunch of these I guess. (Eight of them) This place has always felt like the FF6 equivalent of Mayberry to me. Just a small town in the middle of nowhere that houses a kooky coroner and the dead body of WuFei's amnesiac lover. In fact, they'll let just about anyone into the cafe. All the shops have nothing new or notable so instead let's sneak into the coroner's house and get some drugs. Someone's already been here and forgot their hat! At least it's a little jaunty. Let's get out of here. code:
There's a joke about balls in here somewhere. They can't be Morphed into items for some reason. They do have Rippler as a Rage skill which could lead to some shenanigans. code:
I bet all those stray dogs come from Jidoor. Parents buying puppies for their spoiled brat kids then releasing them into the wild when the kids get bored. What a bunch of assholes. All the rest of the stores here are too expensive and sell crap that I don't need, much like any tourist trap at a destination. I did find a store that sells Earrings (for 17k!) but as I am a man of the land, I have Hero Rings instead. I gnawed them myself from the bones of my enemies. We steal a chocobo on the way out. I'm sure they'll figure out a way to make it tax deductible. Next time, we enter Zozo in search of our friend, Saber Luigi Mario. Sorry for the smaller update, it's a busy weekend and I didn't want to leave the thread hanging.
# ¿ Apr 28, 2019 17:50 |