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Hieronymous Alloy
Jan 30, 2009

Why! Why!! Why must you refuse to accept that Dr. Hieronymous Alloy's Genetically Enhanced Cream Corn Is Superior to the Leading Brand on the Market!?!

Morbid Hound
fuckin' Edgelord


Hieronymous Alloy
Jan 30, 2009

Why! Why!! Why must you refuse to accept that Dr. Hieronymous Alloy's Genetically Enhanced Cream Corn Is Superior to the Leading Brand on the Market!?!

Morbid Hound

Xelkelvos posted:

There's definitely a ton of hooks for a potential season 3, I just hope it gets enough viewers to justify it and the budget to back it up and it doesn't spin its wheels too much in dealing with it.

I hope we get a run at least as long as the cartoon's. For a character who's been around as long as the Tick has, I've never really felt there was enough.

Ben Edlund spent ten years on Supernatural he can spend five on the big blue boi

Hieronymous Alloy
Jan 30, 2009

Why! Why!! Why must you refuse to accept that Dr. Hieronymous Alloy's Genetically Enhanced Cream Corn Is Superior to the Leading Brand on the Market!?!

Morbid Hound

Hieronymous Alloy
Jan 30, 2009

Why! Why!! Why must you refuse to accept that Dr. Hieronymous Alloy's Genetically Enhanced Cream Corn Is Superior to the Leading Brand on the Market!?!

Morbid Hound

Maelstache posted:

All the nerdy Superman references in regard to Superian are killing me, particularly the "Can you read my mind" bit.

"I think you should take a long walk." "...On the ground?" - has to be a reference to this, right?

And here I was thinking it was Blowhole / Forrest Gump!

Hieronymous Alloy
Jan 30, 2009

Why! Why!! Why must you refuse to accept that Dr. Hieronymous Alloy's Genetically Enhanced Cream Corn Is Superior to the Leading Brand on the Market!?!

Morbid Hound
Holy poo poo, final episode spoiler

when the tentacles come out, they shout THRAKKAZOG

In conclusion, this incarnation of the Tick is perfect and I wish we could get a 24 episode season.

Hieronymous Alloy fucked around with this message at 03:44 on Apr 14, 2019

Hieronymous Alloy
Jan 30, 2009

Why! Why!! Why must you refuse to accept that Dr. Hieronymous Alloy's Genetically Enhanced Cream Corn Is Superior to the Leading Brand on the Market!?!

Morbid Hound
I hope this guy is wrong but it makes sense, I feel like this season was barely advertised: (basically arguing that executive lineup changes at Amazon may explain lack of promotion for The Tick / possible upcoming cancellation)

Hieronymous Alloy fucked around with this message at 04:33 on Apr 14, 2019

Hieronymous Alloy
Jan 30, 2009

Why! Why!! Why must you refuse to accept that Dr. Hieronymous Alloy's Genetically Enhanced Cream Corn Is Superior to the Leading Brand on the Market!?!

Morbid Hound

Vakal posted:

That's a funny way of spelling Sap Sucker Frog.

Could've sworn it was "Four Yaks and a Dog." Weird.

Hieronymous Alloy
Jan 30, 2009

Why! Why!! Why must you refuse to accept that Dr. Hieronymous Alloy's Genetically Enhanced Cream Corn Is Superior to the Leading Brand on the Market!?!

Morbid Hound
Found some neat stuff in Ben Edlund's twitter feed:


When it comes to a third season, Edlund is hopeful. “It’s a big show, so we need to prove ourselves in this season, in its response,” he said. “I think we got something going that people would like to see more of. So, I am cautiously optimistic that a response will be tendered that gives us a shot, you know?”

Sony produces “The Tick” for Amazon, which Edlund thinks is “the exact right place” for the show because “Amazon has sort of set itself out as the place that will do superhero fare, but it must have a sort of a commentary level” — something it shares with the upcoming new series “The Boys,” which will premiere on Amazon this summer.

“I think we’re part of the house take on the whole thing,” he said. “As far as moving into the future, we just want a Season 3, and I think Amazon wants that, but they have to be satisfied by a set of analytics. The math of which I do not claim to understand.”

It helps that Season 1 was, according to Edlund, one of the best-received Amazon comedies, based on user ratings. “As I understand it, it was among the top five programs… basically, I know it did very well,” he said.

So what I'm hearing is, make sure you're reviewing and rating the show on Amazon itself.

Hieronymous Alloy fucked around with this message at 14:20 on Apr 14, 2019

Hieronymous Alloy
Jan 30, 2009

Why! Why!! Why must you refuse to accept that Dr. Hieronymous Alloy's Genetically Enhanced Cream Corn Is Superior to the Leading Brand on the Market!?!

Morbid Hound
From Reddit:


I’m reaching out to all our fans to ask you to help us get a Season 3. Stream the show. Restream the show. Have you friends, family and pets stream the show. Tweet about it to Amazon Prime Video. Write reviews on Amazon and Rotten Tomatoes. The first three weeks are crucial for us and we need all hands on deck. Trust me I know what could happen in Season 3 and you definitely want to see it. Thanks, chums! And SPOOOON!!

Hieronymous Alloy
Jan 30, 2009

Why! Why!! Why must you refuse to accept that Dr. Hieronymous Alloy's Genetically Enhanced Cream Corn Is Superior to the Leading Brand on the Market!?!

Morbid Hound
Interview with Griffin Newman:

Hieronymous Alloy
Jan 30, 2009

Why! Why!! Why must you refuse to accept that Dr. Hieronymous Alloy's Genetically Enhanced Cream Corn Is Superior to the Leading Brand on the Market!?!

Morbid Hound
The only goddam problem with this show is, there isn't anywhere near enough of it.

Hieronymous Alloy
Jan 30, 2009

Why! Why!! Why must you refuse to accept that Dr. Hieronymous Alloy's Genetically Enhanced Cream Corn Is Superior to the Leading Brand on the Market!?!

Morbid Hound
When exactly does arthur's left eye goggle get cracked?

Hieronymous Alloy
Jan 30, 2009

Why! Why!! Why must you refuse to accept that Dr. Hieronymous Alloy's Genetically Enhanced Cream Corn Is Superior to the Leading Brand on the Market!?!

Morbid Hound
OK, I have a new personal headcanon for this show:

This show and the Tick cartoon series take place in the same universe. However, the Amazon series is filtered through Arthur's viewpoint, while the cartoon is filtered through Tick's viewpoint.

For example, Aegis and the Comet Club? Same thing.

Hieronymous Alloy fucked around with this message at 13:53 on May 6, 2019

Hieronymous Alloy
Jan 30, 2009

Why! Why!! Why must you refuse to accept that Dr. Hieronymous Alloy's Genetically Enhanced Cream Corn Is Superior to the Leading Brand on the Market!?!

Morbid Hound

tarlibone posted:

I swear, the first thing I thought when I saw that talking dog was, "I'll call you 'Speak' because that's what you do!"

That, and there was a talking dog in the cartoon, I think. In the sidekick's lounge. Oh man, why couldn't we get The Evil Midnight Bomber What Bombs At Midnight on the Amazon series? I'd love that! Who'd play him, though... Bobcat Goldthwait from 1989?

Bobcat Goldthwait has to voice Mr. Creamy (I hadn't noticed this before but my wife caught it last night).

Hieronymous Alloy
Jan 30, 2009

Why! Why!! Why must you refuse to accept that Dr. Hieronymous Alloy's Genetically Enhanced Cream Corn Is Superior to the Leading Brand on the Market!?!

Morbid Hound

Chokes McGee posted:

Can we pretend the old show is the actual reality then?

Old live action is Aegis propaganda.

Hieronymous Alloy
Jan 30, 2009

Why! Why!! Why must you refuse to accept that Dr. Hieronymous Alloy's Genetically Enhanced Cream Corn Is Superior to the Leading Brand on the Market!?!

Morbid Hound

tarlibone posted:

I like that they've turned Dot from a character whose sole purpose is to be the 100% normal, straight-laced sibling to the co-lead protagonist, a guy who wants to be in the superhero game and suddenly can be thanks to a super-suit and a nigh-invulnerable superhero who has inexplicably imprinted on him. Instead of just being a contrast point, like the little heart some women put on their bodies to gauge how deep their tan is, she's a well-rounded character and full-on badass. Well, a badass in training, but that's badder of an rear end than I was expecting when this all began. I thought she'd be a caretaker-type who is constantly pulling Arthur back toward normalcy, but she's not.

Hell, for a while, I was worried that she'd just follow her brother, but no, she's branching out with someone else, and her methods are not at all what Arthur's are. And they gave her a legit superpower, which is cool.

I like how in the first season, she was trying to be the protective big sister to her supposedly mentally-ill brother who was clearly getting in over his head. This season, Arthur decides to try and be the big brother, as he thinks he's got a handle on how this lifestyle works, and Dot is doing something very different.

If we get a Season 3, I wonder where they'll go with her.

I listened to a Ben Edlund interview where he talked about this. He said that Dot's "tragic flaw" was that she was born a third tier supporting character, having to be a caregiver for Arthur, and never got a chance to deal with her own trauma; now that Arthur's standing on his own feet, she's finally able to have a look at herself.

Hieronymous Alloy
Jan 30, 2009

Why! Why!! Why must you refuse to accept that Dr. Hieronymous Alloy's Genetically Enhanced Cream Corn Is Superior to the Leading Brand on the Market!?!

Morbid Hound
This seemed worth sharing:


Hieronymous Alloy fucked around with this message at 19:28 on May 16, 2019

Hieronymous Alloy
Jan 30, 2009

Why! Why!! Why must you refuse to accept that Dr. Hieronymous Alloy's Genetically Enhanced Cream Corn Is Superior to the Leading Brand on the Market!?!

Morbid Hound
The crazy thing is, I think it's literally their highest-rated show right now by the numbers. Percentagewise it has 95% positive on Amazon; their other "hit" shows like Ms. Maisel and Bosch peak out at 80%.


Hieronymous Alloy fucked around with this message at 21:26 on May 16, 2019

Hieronymous Alloy
Jan 30, 2009

Why! Why!! Why must you refuse to accept that Dr. Hieronymous Alloy's Genetically Enhanced Cream Corn Is Superior to the Leading Brand on the Market!?!

Morbid Hound
One really weird thing about this show is that everyone who watches it loves it but it still seems to be a niche show with a small audience.

I think Amazon really turbo-hosed the marketing on the show, partly by just not advertising it intelligently (there were some billboards?) and partly by the weird rear end release schedule that killed momentum.

Should've gone with just a normal episode a week release like What We Do in the Shadows.

Hieronymous Alloy
Jan 30, 2009

Why! Why!! Why must you refuse to accept that Dr. Hieronymous Alloy's Genetically Enhanced Cream Corn Is Superior to the Leading Brand on the Market!?!

Morbid Hound
What really sets Tick apart from other comedy is that it's very heart-forward, loving, positive comedy. It never demeans or mocks, it always uplifts. That's *really* hard to do.

Ben Edlund is one of the best writers on television and the reason Supernatural got fifteen seasons. I still think that the "little wooden boy and the belly of love" is one of the top ten half hour television comedies ever written, right up there with the Tiny Town episode of Arrested Development but a decade prior.

Hieronymous Alloy
Jan 30, 2009

Why! Why!! Why must you refuse to accept that Dr. Hieronymous Alloy's Genetically Enhanced Cream Corn Is Superior to the Leading Brand on the Market!?!

Morbid Hound

Pick posted:

It is. That episode is crazy tight in terms of laughs-a-minute and overall cleverness.

What I especially love about it is that it pulls off that almost magical sleight-of-hand trick you only see in the absolute best comedies, where a bunch of apparently random elements just crystallize out of suspension in the last moments of the show.

Hieronymous Alloy
Jan 30, 2009

Why! Why!! Why must you refuse to accept that Dr. Hieronymous Alloy's Genetically Enhanced Cream Corn Is Superior to the Leading Brand on the Market!?!

Morbid Hound

Hieronymous Alloy
Jan 30, 2009

Why! Why!! Why must you refuse to accept that Dr. Hieronymous Alloy's Genetically Enhanced Cream Corn Is Superior to the Leading Brand on the Market!?!

Morbid Hound

Azhais posted:

Apparently it's the 22nd most expensive tv show of all time

worth it imho


Hieronymous Alloy
Jan 30, 2009

Why! Why!! Why must you refuse to accept that Dr. Hieronymous Alloy's Genetically Enhanced Cream Corn Is Superior to the Leading Brand on the Market!?!

Morbid Hound
I'd even take a comic book. I just want to know the rest of the five year story.

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