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Aug 2, 2008

You can't stop what's coming
Not really surprising at all but when Boston media is reporting on something I assume it's coming from the Celtics, even when they go out of their way to say their source is NOT THE CELTICS


Jan 8, 2007

Noblest of all dogs is the hot-dog; it feeds the hand that bites it.
I saw a post on Facebook comparing the first six seasons of Arenas vs Curry and the numbers were eerily similar. Can someone with more bball ref skill show me the comp?

Sep 2, 2006

Is this Heaven?

humpthewind posted:

I saw a post on Facebook comparing the first six seasons of Arenas vs Curry and the numbers were eerily similar. Can someone with more bball ref skill show me the comp?

Peak Gil is probably a little underrated now but Steph's career 3pt% is like 7 percent better than any Arenas season. I can't get the link to work on my phone but I ran it and basically they have comparable pts/reb/ast numbers but Steph is way more efficient.

MourningView fucked around with this message at 01:21 on Jun 14, 2019

Declan MacManus
Sep 1, 2011

damn i'm really in this bitch

gil would go top 5 in a modern draft

nothing but respect for my black president

Apr 16, 2005

humpthewind posted:

I saw a post on Facebook comparing the first six seasons of Arenas vs Curry and the numbers were eerily similar. Can someone with more bball ref skill show me the comp?

I’m phoneposting but the answers shouldn’t surprise you

Steph takes many more three pointers as a % of FGs (33 as a rookie to 48 in his sixth year), teammates rely on his assists more, he uses fewer possessions, and he turns it over much more (which just from the territory of playing more like a PG and less like a combo guard, which is no shade at Arenas, just different playstyles)

Arenas’s numbers were WAY closer to Kyrie’s

Jan 8, 2007

Noblest of all dogs is the hot-dog; it feeds the hand that bites it.
I think agent zero would make far superior shoes though

Jan 8, 2007

Noblest of all dogs is the hot-dog; it feeds the hand that bites it.

kingcobweb posted:

I’m phoneposting but the answers shouldn’t surprise you

Steph takes many more three pointers as a % of FGs (33 as a rookie to 48 in his sixth year), teammates rely on his assists more, he uses fewer possessions, and he turns it over much more (which just from the territory of playing more like a PG and less like a combo guard, which is no shade at Arenas, just different playstyles)

Arenas’s numbers were WAY closer to Kyrie’s

I wonder if the number of kobe assists Gil created helped close the assist gap

Declan MacManus
Sep 1, 2011

damn i'm really in this bitch

gil’s best teammates were antawn jamison and caron butler

Apr 16, 2005

humpthewind posted:

I wonder if the number of kobe assists Gil created helped close the assist gap

The Wizards got 12.8 OREB/100 pos in 06-07 above the league median of 12.2. Your post establishes as law that this advantage is due to Gil and no one else, so if you consider an OREB to be worth one point, that’s a marginal 0.6 points via Kobe assists/100 pos above the average team. Let’s assume he only assists on 2s to make it easier, so that’s .3 assists per 100 that Gil DESERVES to have tacked on to that season. That takes him from 7.7 to 8.0.

Curry had 11.6/100 in his sixth seasons but we’re arguing in bad faith since it’s the internet so let’s compare that to his rookie year 7.8 assists/100 instead. A loving CHUMP NUMBER. Gil easily wins again

You also have to account for him being held back by that hideous mid-2000s Wizards logo

Declan MacManus
Sep 1, 2011

damn i'm really in this bitch

oh and those loving atrocious zephyr jerseys, awful

anyways here’s one of my favorite basketball memories not involving the spurs:

Jan 8, 2007

Noblest of all dogs is the hot-dog; it feeds the hand that bites it.

kingcobweb posted:

The Wizards got 12.8 OREB/100 pos in 06-07 above the league median of 12.2. Your post establishes as law that this advantage is due to Gil and no one else, so if you consider an OREB to be worth one point, that’s a marginal 0.6 points via Kobe assists/100 pos above the average team. Let’s assume he only assists on 2s to make it easier, so that’s .3 assists per 100 that Gil DESERVES to have tacked on to that season. That takes him from 7.7 to 8.0.

Curry had 11.6/100 in his sixth seasons but we’re arguing in bad faith since it’s the internet so let’s compare that to his rookie year 7.8 assists/100 instead. A loving CHUMP NUMBER. Gil easily wins again

You also have to account for him being held back by that hideous mid-2000s Wizards logo

Also Gil was never shut down by Kevin Love. I think the conclusion here is clear

Aug 2, 2008

You can't stop what's coming

Declan MacManus posted:

gil’s best teammates were antawn jamison and caron butler

And a few randomly good Larry Hughes years

Silly Burrito
Nov 27, 2007

Ok, now see what a one year rental can do, Danny Ainge?


Jan 19, 2038

Hi Golden State :wave:

Aug 29, 2003

You can't be angry ALL the time!

Fun Shoe

iospace posted:

Hi Golden State :wave:

Sep 1, 2006

you literally think a person saying their NBA team of choice being better than the fucking 76ers is a 'schtick'

a literal thing you think.

Oct 13, 2013

Revelry in the Dark

Masai trampled the Knicks twice on his way to building a contender and a champion

Give that man a blank check and he’d fix the Wizards

Apr 16, 2005
Masai on the Wizards would be able to trade Wall and a second round draft pick for the Empire State Building with free shipping for it to go on the national mall

R.D. Mangles
Jan 10, 2004


Sep 18, 2005
Can't post for 15 hours!
So now Kawhi can go to the Lakers with a clear conscience and make Kobe the 6th best Laker.

R.D. Mangles
Jan 10, 2004

i really want the bulls to sign PAT BEV, the Prince of Boylenball

Spring Break My Heart
Feb 15, 2012
"We all knew what my destinations were" when asked about getting traded to Toronto

Feb 23, 2004
When I was 17, my father was so stupid, I didn't want to be seen with him in public. When I was 24, I was amazed at how much the old man had learned in just 7 years.
Welcome Warriors fans. So many good moments over the years, and perhaps still more to come for you in the future. No one is ever going to give the Warriors sympathy for this, so I hope you don't look too hard for it, and also I know at times like this, y'all perhaps know more than anyone that silver linings are not welcome so I won't give them to you.

And to all who fished with me this offseason, it's been a joy that we've mostly had calm, playoff poster free discussion for the past few months and I thank you all for that.

Oct 28, 2010

The importance of this mission cannot be overemphasized
Crosspost from N/V but just making sure people see

:siren: I made the free agency prediction challenge thread: :siren:

R.D. Mangles
Jan 10, 2004

granted i haven't been following the lakers but i was under the impression that lonzo loving sucks

Dejan Bimble
Mar 24, 2008

we're all black friends
Plaster Town Cop

R.D. Mangles posted:

granted i haven't been following the lakers but i was under the impression that lonzo loving sucks

He was hurt this year, but I think the sketch of the player he is came through. He can run, and make crazy crosscourt passes, he can defend and rebound. He can not run an offense in the half court and he cannot shoot or score at the basket

R.D. Mangles
Jan 10, 2004

also i know he is not good on defense and isn't a great facilitator but zach lavine gets buckets and that seems really undervalued here.

Sep 2, 2006

Is this Heaven?
That trade is some serious Laker fan fiction. It'd be awful for the Pelicans

Oct 21, 2008

Acguy Supremacy

MourningView posted:

That trade is some serious Laker fan fiction. It'd be awful for the Pelicans

It's what the Lakers would like to happen just as the Beal trade is what the Pels would like to happen. Neither will happen.

Feb 23, 2004
When I was 17, my father was so stupid, I didn't want to be seen with him in public. When I was 24, I was amazed at how much the old man had learned in just 7 years.

MourningView posted:

That trade is some serious Laker fan fiction. It'd be awful for the Pelicans

Yeah the money doesn’t work. It’s weird though all the people taking about it have like gotten one thing right over the year.

Oct 17, 2005

¡Hola SEA!

Dejan Bimble posted:

He was hurt this year, but I think the sketch of the player he is came through. He can run, and make crazy crosscourt passes, he can defend and rebound. He can not run an offense in the half court and he cannot shoot or score at the basket

So he’s...second year Rondo? But taller and with smaller hands, and can shoot threes if extremely way the gently caress wide open

R.D. Mangles
Jan 10, 2004

DeimosRising posted:

So he’s...second year Rondo? But taller and with smaller hands, and can shoot threes if extremely way the gently caress wide open


Sep 3, 2006

All days are nights to see till I see thee; and nights bright days when dreams do show me thee.

DeimosRising posted:

So he’s...second year Rondo? But taller and with smaller hands, and can shoot threes if extremely way the gently caress wide open

Rondo could score at the rim, but Lonzo is a better (more versatile at least) defender and I think a little less likely to bonehead your team like young Rondo could.

R.D. Mangles
Jan 10, 2004

the Next Rondo is the man who throws Ryan Arcidiacono into the scorer's table


Oct 17, 2005

¡Hola SEA!

Lockback posted:

Rondo could score at the rim, but Lonzo is a better (more versatile at least) defender and I think a little less likely to bonehead your team like young Rondo could.

Yeah I intended (but did not say) that his big hands explain his better finishing

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