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Feb 9, 2008
Odd Person
Well deserved but loving hell!


Jul 1, 2004

If you see this avatar while scrolling the succ zone, you have been visited by the mcmagic of shitty lib takes! Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you reply "shut the fuck up mcmagic" to this post!
None of that was in any way believable but whatever.

Oct 2, 2013
Can't post for 3 days!
After the "let's get the support group into a frenzy" scene it was obvious June was going to turn all of them into Batwomen, but I did not foresee "The rock cried out no hiding place!" for Fred. Well done, show!

Owling Howl
Jul 17, 2019
It was cathartic I guess although logistically it makes no sense. The Waterfords are useless baggage by now so good.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
Fred is so loving gross. Pretty satisfying to see him get hosed up but I don’t know if that necessarily makes it a good ending or gives me any more hope for the future of this show

Mar 5, 2006

Party Membership is a Democracy, The Weave is Not.

A fledgling vampire? How about a dragon, or some half-kobold druids? Perhaps a spontaneous sex change? Anything that can happen, will happen the results will be beyond entertaining.

That was so unsatisfying. I guess everyone who comes into contact with June becomes an accessory to murder? She is become death, destroyer of worlds?

Jul 1, 2004

If you see this avatar while scrolling the succ zone, you have been visited by the mcmagic of shitty lib takes! Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you reply "shut the fuck up mcmagic" to this post!
It's pretty funny how Lawrence and Nick just do whatever she wants them to. I kinda like that part.

May 1, 2004

I hate this loving show. Why is she leaving at the end? Because she did a Bad Thing?

Retrowave Joe
Jul 20, 2001

More like Hangmaid’s Tale amirite

Matt Zerella
Oct 7, 2002

Norris'es are back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (fox Howl)
Big Monty Python vibes from the death scene when he was being chased :lol:

Mar 5, 2006

Party Membership is a Democracy, The Weave is Not.

A fledgling vampire? How about a dragon, or some half-kobold druids? Perhaps a spontaneous sex change? Anything that can happen, will happen the results will be beyond entertaining.

Are we done yet? Can we stop watching now?

Nov 4, 2020

handmaids tale season 4 finale sponsored by zoom

Jun 7, 2000
Zoom unavailable now has to use Hangout

May 1, 2004

lol yea glad to know loving zoom exists in all lovely timelines.

Jun 4, 2005

What, no castration?

Nov 4, 2020

i will say that ending was perhaps the most subtle, slow paced finale of the show! and the music, why, just beautiful

Feb 7, 2011

mcmagic posted:

It's pretty funny how Lawrence and Nick just do whatever she wants them to. I kinda like that part.

They can and will orchestrate this needlessly elaborate death for Waterford but can't hook her up with Hannah? What are we even doing here y'all

Nov 4, 2020

im glad this season definitively established how easy it is to bop in and out of canada

Jul 1, 2004

If you see this avatar while scrolling the succ zone, you have been visited by the mcmagic of shitty lib takes! Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you reply "shut the fuck up mcmagic" to this post!
Zoom in that episode has got to be one of the weirdest product placements ever.

Matt Zerella
Oct 7, 2002

Norris'es are back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (fox Howl)

mcmagic posted:

Zoom in that episode has got to be one of the weirdest product placements ever.

She didn’t connect so at least it isn’t false advertising.

Fellatio del Toro
Mar 21, 2009

i assume hannah wasnt one of the 23 people traded lol

maybe june should like, use the immense leverage she has by being able to go on tv and thank commander lawrence for helping get all the kids out

May 13, 2009

Destruction comes inevitably :rip:

Hell Gem
The highs this season were so few and far between and things made progressively less sense. I don’t feel that watching this season was a great use of my time overall. I wish this show would just come to a satisfying conclusion and be done.

Dec 25, 2005

"...and the light is on and burning brightly for the masses."
Fallen Rib

Vorgen posted:

Are we done yet? Can we stop watching now?

remigious posted:

I don’t feel that watching this season was a great use of my time overall.

Jun 5, 2006
Supposedly next season is the last, which makes sense because there's really nothing left to tell, especially since "The Testaments" is going to be another series and (not really a spoiler) Gilead is still around 15 years later.

Some assorted observations:

- Canada has the fastest overnight delivery known to man

- June's ability and willingness to manipulate literally everyone she comes across really should be addressed

- The whole Waterford storyline is nonsensical. Gilead would *never* release 22 resistance operatives, especially for a Commander they detested. "He knows all of Gilead's secrets!" yeah, uh huh. Imagine Louie Gohmert being captured and interrogated for tactical intelligence on troop movements in Afghanistan. Throughout the series, Waterford was never depicted as especially *good* at doing anything. He was a mid-level bureaucrat outside the center of power. Anything he knew about Gilead's functioning could have been supplied more reliably by the constant stream of refugees escaping the place.

- Nick is such a superhero secret policeman he can make Commanders disappear from openly-negotiated prisoner exchanges. (The writers, in an interview, explained that away by saying "Gilead didn't care as long as he was gone.")

- June's scene with Waterford in the prison was utterly gratuitous. Apparently the writers thought it was out of her need to get closure, which is hilarious since she already screamed in Serena Joy's face, but no, we have to make nicey to the oily rapist for no apparent reason.

- Pretty obvious they were calling back to the Salvaging in season 1 but did a poor job of it, it looked more just like "Handmaid's Tale does the ending of the "This is America video".

- The ending was REALLY clumsy. June, still with Waterford parts all over her, hugs her baby and tells Luke, who's really suffered enough, "I must return to my home planet now." And again, from an interview the writers gave, they don't even know where they're going with it! It's just... dumb writing. Which describes this show when it departs from Atwood in general.

The next season is going to be all about Serena Joy's baby and June trying to get Hannah from her Rocky Mountain paradise and I really don't think any one cares. This episode would have been as appropriate a place to end as any. Fred's dead, baby. Let's go.

Interviews :

Lum_ fucked around with this message at 08:59 on Jun 17, 2021

Jun 2, 2010

I really loved this episode, best in a long time. Zoom wasn't product placement, it was a joke. I thought it was hilarious that Serena was wanting to embrace new technology while also planning to spread their Gilead religious propaganda which denounces modern tech. It tied in nicely with Fred's hypocrisy of demanding then begging for his rights, the point of which was even spelt out with "you helped write those laws".

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
I watched that final scene twice and somehow managed to miss that she says “and then I’ll go” both times, jeez

Ok that makes it even worse

Looten Plunder
Jul 11, 2006
Grimey Drawer

Lum_ posted:

- The ending was REALLY clumsy. June, still with Waterford parts all over her, hugs her baby and tells Luke, who's really suffered enough, "I must return to my home planet now." And again, from an interview the writers gave, they don't even know where they're going with it! It's just... dumb writing. Which describes this show when it departs from Atwood in general.

Wait, they don't even know what that line is supposed to mean? What the gently caress? That whole thing makes zero sense. What is Luke even distraught about? The last he saw of June was her going for an afternoon stroll. Are we to expect he sees his wife 18 hours later covered in scratches and blood and immediately knows everything she's done?

This loving show.

Jul 1, 2004

If you see this avatar while scrolling the succ zone, you have been visited by the mcmagic of shitty lib takes! Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you reply "shut the fuck up mcmagic" to this post!

Fellatio del Toro posted:

i assume hannah wasnt one of the 23 people traded lol

maybe june should like, use the immense leverage she has by being able to go on tv and thank commander lawrence for helping get all the kids out


Escobarbarian posted:

I watched that final scene twice and somehow managed to miss that she says “and then I’ll go” both times, jeez

Ok that makes it even worse

Where the gently caress is she going? lol. Are canadians big enough cucks to put her in jail for killing Waterford?

mcmagic fucked around with this message at 16:08 on Jun 17, 2021

May 1, 2004

What the gently caress do the Canadians care what happened to Waterford on Gilead soil? Canada gonna extradite people to Gilead?

Feb 7, 2011

mcmagic posted:


Where the gently caress is she going? lol. Are canadians big enough cucks to put her in jail for killing Waterford?

They facilitated it! How can they turn around and punish her for that now? Oh right, because it's THT, the dumbest show on TV.

What was the point of showing the Canadian support for the Waterfords again?

May 1, 2004

I like how it never dawned on the Canadians that they could maybe trade Waterford.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
Maybe she’s going back to Gilead to start a Girlboss Batwoman death squad

May 5, 2009

some fan service was served, still not June and Moira riding on top of a tank into Gilead as thousands of bombers stream overhead, but still.

also, Luke is a wimp and should have been waiting with a high-five and champagne

May 1, 2004

Like is the biggest bitch. He should get out of that abusive relationship.

Oct 1, 2004
What the hell was the point of the Janine/Aunt Lydia/crazy teen subplot? Was it even referenced in the finale?

Feb 7, 2011

Exodor posted:

What the hell was the point of the Janine/Aunt Lydia/crazy teen subplot? Was it even referenced in the finale?

lol nope. And June didn't even think to ask for her good buddy to be one of the 22 released women I guess?

Jul 1, 2004

Do I Krushchev?

The released people were specifically captured American insurgents, I believe.

Fellatio del Toro
Mar 21, 2009

what's the deal with the commanders in Boston? I thought Fred was like one of the founders of Gilead and for like two seasons they make it seem like the guys in Boston are running things. then they go to DC and the Boston commanders are nobodies. then next season Fred's driver is running the military and secret police and border patrol, and Lawrence is not just some economics nerd but is also in charge of international relations and personally overseeing prisoner exchanges

kind of a weird choice to make to make a show about an American Nazi analog where the head of the SS and the guy orchestrating the rape and slave labor programs are secretly good guys, even though they can freely go to Canada whenever they want and choose to stick around doing those jobs

May 5, 2009

This is a show about horrible trauma, suffering and feelings not alt-reich-history, world building and sensible writing.

Keyser_Soze fucked around with this message at 00:35 on Jun 18, 2021


Jan 27, 2009
Fred's dead. They bashed him in the head.

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