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man in the eyeball hat
Dec 23, 2006

Capture the opening of the portal that connects this earth of 3D to one earth of 4D or 5D. Going to the 5D.

mcmagic posted:

It's actually not super believable if you think about it... Canada is at war with Gilead. It's hard to see a Gilead pep rally being treated too kindly. It's not the same thing as people in the US today being Q freaks because we're not literally at war with another Q country lol

I agree with this. There was the scene a few seasons ago where Fred was in Canada and a swarm of protesters were outside the hotel where he stayed and Luke confronted him briefly. But now that he's made an appearance advocating for enslaving fertile women to improve the birth rate, the protesters are gone and the Gilead stans are out in full force?


man in the eyeball hat
Dec 23, 2006

Capture the opening of the portal that connects this earth of 3D to one earth of 4D or 5D. Going to the 5D.

i'm not sure if i can even hate-watch the new season

man in the eyeball hat
Dec 23, 2006

Capture the opening of the portal that connects this earth of 3D to one earth of 4D or 5D. Going to the 5D.

i have remained true to my refusal to watch S5, so thank you for the summary. I'm curious to hear how S5 ends.

Lum_ posted:

- June goes ape-poo poo about rescuing Hannah, eventually getting her and Mr. June captured trying to re-enter Gilead. She escapes, because plot armor, but not before Mr. June is violently tortured, because this show.

i hated that this was where S4 was going, and i hate that this is where S5 actually went.

Lum_ posted:

- June returns to Canada, demands someone rescue her daughter, or she's going to take Lawrence's offer and give Gilead a propaganda win. To keep June from re-defecting to Gilead the US remnants send 3 planes full of elite gung-ho paratroopers, who presumably were off drinking in Thailand while Gilead took over America, deep into Gilead on a bad-rear end take-no-prisoners gently caress-yeah raid into Colorado to rescue everyone at Hannah's Wife School. They immediately get shot down after crossing the border, which explains a bit about how America lost the war, I guess. Russia, China and North Korea send their regards to Gilead over this victory (and no, I'm not kidding).

im very glad that June can continue to increase her death toll over trying to rescue her daughter and the universe just plays along because she's June

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