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Jul 1, 2004

If you see this avatar while scrolling the succ zone, you have been visited by the mcmagic of shitty lib takes! Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you reply "shut the fuck up mcmagic" to this post!

PostNouveau posted:

Hoping this season will take the turn toward actual violent resistance like it should have last year. That wheel-spinning season was cowardly of the showrunners. Afraid to move beyond the wallowing in dystopia that made Season 1 a hit.

Got bad news for ya....

more wheelspinning


Jul 1, 2004

If you see this avatar while scrolling the succ zone, you have been visited by the mcmagic of shitty lib takes! Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you reply "shut the fuck up mcmagic" to this post!
Can I just say how much I hate the Bradley Whitford character? I even get what they are going for and I still hate it.

Jul 1, 2004

If you see this avatar while scrolling the succ zone, you have been visited by the mcmagic of shitty lib takes! Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you reply "shut the fuck up mcmagic" to this post!

Captain Melo posted:

I liked tonight’s episode. I think they did the emily/wife reunion extremely well. I’m hoping we see more nick in Chicago in the next episode though

I was confused as to why she was going to stay in the hotel? I thought that was implying that the Clea Duvall's character was with someone else and thats why they kept saying it was so awkward?

Jul 1, 2004

If you see this avatar while scrolling the succ zone, you have been visited by the mcmagic of shitty lib takes! Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you reply "shut the fuck up mcmagic" to this post!
What are the chances they wouldn't have a camera in that room to see her slash Serena?

Jul 1, 2004

If you see this avatar while scrolling the succ zone, you have been visited by the mcmagic of shitty lib takes! Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you reply "shut the fuck up mcmagic" to this post!
The Lawrence character doesn't behave in believable ways at all.

Jul 1, 2004

If you see this avatar while scrolling the succ zone, you have been visited by the mcmagic of shitty lib takes! Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you reply "shut the fuck up mcmagic" to this post!
Good episode! Stuff happened!

Jul 1, 2004

If you see this avatar while scrolling the succ zone, you have been visited by the mcmagic of shitty lib takes! Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you reply "shut the fuck up mcmagic" to this post!

Snow Cone Capone posted:

Ah, ok.

This episode didn't have any pointless grossness, but I'll admit that Meloni trying to speak through lungs with like a dozen holes in them was extremely disturbing to me.

Maybe it's cause of how jacked he is now but he was really loving good for that role.

Jul 1, 2004

If you see this avatar while scrolling the succ zone, you have been visited by the mcmagic of shitty lib takes! Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you reply "shut the fuck up mcmagic" to this post!
Those scenes where they reach Canada and freedom always loving get me but the girl's father being the first person she sees when she gets off the plane was pretty implausible.

Jul 1, 2004

If you see this avatar while scrolling the succ zone, you have been visited by the mcmagic of shitty lib takes! Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you reply "shut the fuck up mcmagic" to this post!
It's happened at least like 5 times on this show that June gets captured and escapes because of like 1 guy guarding her lol.

Jul 1, 2004

If you see this avatar while scrolling the succ zone, you have been visited by the mcmagic of shitty lib takes! Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you reply "shut the fuck up mcmagic" to this post!
Episode 4 was actually good! The plot is kinda moving forward.

Jul 1, 2004

If you see this avatar while scrolling the succ zone, you have been visited by the mcmagic of shitty lib takes! Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you reply "shut the fuck up mcmagic" to this post!

flashy_mcflash posted:

I haven't read Testaments but every season of this show they tease a face turn for Lydia (even this season has the "it was your fault/you failed them" scenes in the prison where it looks like June is really getting to her) but it's never happened.

Either they follow through with it in the last season or it never happens imo. I really think they've taken Lydia too far now to redeem her though, and if they're going to tell the story of a rogue Aunt it'll have to be a new character.

it's completely not believable that June would have the chance to kill Lydia and not kill her.

Jul 1, 2004

If you see this avatar while scrolling the succ zone, you have been visited by the mcmagic of shitty lib takes! Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you reply "shut the fuck up mcmagic" to this post!
Get the gently caress out of here, this show.

Jul 1, 2004

If you see this avatar while scrolling the succ zone, you have been visited by the mcmagic of shitty lib takes! Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you reply "shut the fuck up mcmagic" to this post!

a new study bible! posted:

This show is so bad.

The funny thing is that I thought season was kinda on the upswing before the last half of the last episode with her just walking down the middle of the street in a war zone and the highly dumb end of the episode...... I can't believe they couldn't come up with a better way to make that happen.

Jul 1, 2004

If you see this avatar while scrolling the succ zone, you have been visited by the mcmagic of shitty lib takes! Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you reply "shut the fuck up mcmagic" to this post!

SirPablo posted:

Why does Gilead even give a flying gently caress about June at this point? Why do they keep trying to "save" her? Just let her go, carpet bomb her, whatever. This stupid cat and mouse game is tiring and just results in everyone else dying and for what purpose?

The whole deal with Nick is just dumb and nonsensical.

Jul 1, 2004

If you see this avatar while scrolling the succ zone, you have been visited by the mcmagic of shitty lib takes! Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you reply "shut the fuck up mcmagic" to this post!

Looten Plunder posted:

I love that Gilead can basically commit was is surely a warcrime by announcing a ceasefire and then carpet bombing the front minutes beforehand but if an NGO snuggles one Gilead person they'll be outraged and never let any of them there again.

Gilead seems about as worried about war crimes as Israel is.

Jul 1, 2004

If you see this avatar while scrolling the succ zone, you have been visited by the mcmagic of shitty lib takes! Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you reply "shut the fuck up mcmagic" to this post!
The idea that every coast guard troop in Gilead doesn't know what she looks like is LOL. She's like the foremost enemy of the state.

Jul 1, 2004

If you see this avatar while scrolling the succ zone, you have been visited by the mcmagic of shitty lib takes! Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you reply "shut the fuck up mcmagic" to this post!
I too love to visit maximum security prisons in the middle of the night. It's fun.

Jul 1, 2004

If you see this avatar while scrolling the succ zone, you have been visited by the mcmagic of shitty lib takes! Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you reply "shut the fuck up mcmagic" to this post!
lol @ the Waterfords having fans.

Jul 1, 2004

If you see this avatar while scrolling the succ zone, you have been visited by the mcmagic of shitty lib takes! Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you reply "shut the fuck up mcmagic" to this post!

flashy_mcflash posted:

Being in the stupidest timeline irl with QAnon, etc this is maybe the most believable thing about this season. Of course a certain subset of people will rally behind Strong Rapist Daddy just trying to bring about god's plan.

Yeah it is believable. I was just laughing about it while watching.

Jul 1, 2004

If you see this avatar while scrolling the succ zone, you have been visited by the mcmagic of shitty lib takes! Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you reply "shut the fuck up mcmagic" to this post!

flashy_mcflash posted:

I think they were going for terrifying but when they started cutting to the people in the crowd I was howling too. I don't even know why.

It's actually not super believable if you think about it... Canada is at war with Gilead. It's hard to see a Gilead pep rally being treated too kindly. It's not the same thing as people in the US today being Q freaks because we're not literally at war with another Q country lol

Jul 1, 2004

If you see this avatar while scrolling the succ zone, you have been visited by the mcmagic of shitty lib takes! Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you reply "shut the fuck up mcmagic" to this post!

flashy_mcflash posted:

There's always a subset of people that support the other side for whatever reason. We have Trump supporters here in Canada and neo-Nazis. One country being at war with another doesn't just turn the entire country into a monolith against the country you're at war with. It's also very much a Cold War with a shared border.

I think there probably would've been counter-protestors for sure, and they'd certainly outnumber the Serena Stans but showing that prominently would undercut what they were trying to portray.

There were also practical considerations around making that crowd too big.

Were there nazi rallies in the US during WW2? I think if that had happened those people would've been literally killed.

mcmagic fucked around with this message at 22:34 on Jun 5, 2021

Jul 1, 2004

If you see this avatar while scrolling the succ zone, you have been visited by the mcmagic of shitty lib takes! Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you reply "shut the fuck up mcmagic" to this post!

Matt Zerella posted:

There were Nazi rallies all over the US in the 30s. Henry Ford was a nazi.

I said “during” WW2.

Jul 1, 2004

If you see this avatar while scrolling the succ zone, you have been visited by the mcmagic of shitty lib takes! Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you reply "shut the fuck up mcmagic" to this post!

Drunk in Space posted:

I must have missed something: when did they say Canada is actually at war with Gilead? I thought it was still a standoff type situation.

This might be the reason. We haven't heard much about canadian military.

Jul 1, 2004

If you see this avatar while scrolling the succ zone, you have been visited by the mcmagic of shitty lib takes! Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you reply "shut the fuck up mcmagic" to this post!
Nick really is a stealth wizard.

Jul 1, 2004

If you see this avatar while scrolling the succ zone, you have been visited by the mcmagic of shitty lib takes! Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you reply "shut the fuck up mcmagic" to this post!
Anyone think June goes from "save my daughter from Gilead" to "thank you so much for bringing me a few pictures of my daughter" pretty quickly?

Jul 1, 2004

If you see this avatar while scrolling the succ zone, you have been visited by the mcmagic of shitty lib takes! Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you reply "shut the fuck up mcmagic" to this post!

Vanderdeath posted:

I know it will never happen but goddamn I just want Nick to get murked already. I don't care how much Max Richter-esque violin music you play over them, show, I am never going to like that creepy motherfucker.

Is there anyone watching this show who buys into the Nick/June romance?

Jul 1, 2004

If you see this avatar while scrolling the succ zone, you have been visited by the mcmagic of shitty lib takes! Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you reply "shut the fuck up mcmagic" to this post!
I really hope that June doesn't just trade herself back for Hannah and end up back in Gilead.

Jul 1, 2004

If you see this avatar while scrolling the succ zone, you have been visited by the mcmagic of shitty lib takes! Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you reply "shut the fuck up mcmagic" to this post!
None of that was in any way believable but whatever.

Jul 1, 2004

If you see this avatar while scrolling the succ zone, you have been visited by the mcmagic of shitty lib takes! Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you reply "shut the fuck up mcmagic" to this post!
It's pretty funny how Lawrence and Nick just do whatever she wants them to. I kinda like that part.

Jul 1, 2004

If you see this avatar while scrolling the succ zone, you have been visited by the mcmagic of shitty lib takes! Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you reply "shut the fuck up mcmagic" to this post!
Zoom in that episode has got to be one of the weirdest product placements ever.

Jul 1, 2004

If you see this avatar while scrolling the succ zone, you have been visited by the mcmagic of shitty lib takes! Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you reply "shut the fuck up mcmagic" to this post!

Fellatio del Toro posted:

i assume hannah wasnt one of the 23 people traded lol

maybe june should like, use the immense leverage she has by being able to go on tv and thank commander lawrence for helping get all the kids out


Escobarbarian posted:

I watched that final scene twice and somehow managed to miss that she says “and then I’ll go” both times, jeez

Ok that makes it even worse

Where the gently caress is she going? lol. Are canadians big enough cucks to put her in jail for killing Waterford?

mcmagic fucked around with this message at 16:08 on Jun 17, 2021

Jul 1, 2004

If you see this avatar while scrolling the succ zone, you have been visited by the mcmagic of shitty lib takes! Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you reply "shut the fuck up mcmagic" to this post!
I still can't get over the large roving groups of Gilead fans roaming around Canada unmolested. lol

Jul 1, 2004

If you see this avatar while scrolling the succ zone, you have been visited by the mcmagic of shitty lib takes! Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you reply "shut the fuck up mcmagic" to this post!
OMG this show is so bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111


Jul 1, 2004

If you see this avatar while scrolling the succ zone, you have been visited by the mcmagic of shitty lib takes! Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you reply "shut the fuck up mcmagic" to this post!
You know what.... I want to see the June and Serena live happily ever after in Hawaii together show

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