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Wasabi the J
Jan 23, 2008


Branis posted:

I may be a fat,lazy cop, but at least i'm not a war criminal like the rest of these baby killers in GiP

I was such a lovely soldier I never killed a single baby


Apr 14, 2006

Wasabi the J posted:

I was such a lovely soldier I never killed a single baby

sorry baby killer, all troops are bastards

Aug 28, 2002

Does a bear split in the woods near Zheleznogorsk?

Branis posted:

I may be a fat,lazy cop, but at least i'm not a war criminal like the rest of these baby killers in GiP

Hey now, the baby killer I commissioned with is NOT in gip.

He's in Leavenworth for another decade or so

Jun 16, 2003

Branis posted:

I may be a fat,lazy cop, but at least i'm not a war criminal like the rest of these baby killers in GiP

I may have flattened a city or two with a howitzer, and some villages, a couple farmsteads, and destroyed that one garden I drove through with a humvee, and shot a guy off a beer factory wall that one time....

What was I talking about again? Oh right, proper TTP's for baby killing, first thing to remember is they're smaller targets you really gotta try to hit em, takes a lot of practice, unless you're DOW Corning but they dont give a poo poo...

only partly kidding, but hey, at least I'm not a cop

Apr 14, 2006

Steezo posted:

I may have flattened a city or two with a howitzer, and some villages, a couple farmsteads, and destroyed that one garden I drove through with a humvee, and shot a guy off a beer factory wall that one time....

What was I talking about again? Oh right, proper TTP's for baby killing, first thing to remember is they're smaller targets you really gotta try to hit em, takes a lot of practice, unless you're DOW Corning but they dont give a poo poo...

only partly kidding, but hey, at least I'm not a cop

it helps me sleep at night to know that no matter what I do, i'll always be morally superior to the war criminal welfare rats of the US military.

Oct 15, 2004

Branis posted:

it helps me sleep at night to know that no matter what I do, i'll always be morally superior to the war criminal welfare rats of the US military.

Whatever you have to tell yourself while beating your wife I suppose.

Grip it and rip it
Apr 28, 2020
I was just. following. orders.

Mar 29, 2004

Worst Case Scenario

CainFortea posted:

Whatever you have to tell yourself while beating your wife I suppose.

Boy do I have some bad news for you about domestic violence rates in the military

Oct 15, 2004

Grem posted:

Boy do I have some bad news for you about domestic violence rates in the military

Well yeA, it ain't great. But the piggies are all a bunch of Vet Life types and "I would have enlisted but I woulda knocked out my drill instructor" types. So it's even worse

Apr 14, 2006

CainFortea posted:

Well yeA, it ain't great. But the piggies are all a bunch of Vet Life types and "I would have enlisted but I woulda knocked out my drill instructor" types. So it's even worse

yeah, rat, that has never been a cop stereotype. I think what you mean is we get some 4 year marine who thinks the world owes him because he served and flies off the handle every time he has to repeat himself. The big problem is you absolute scum troops becoming cops and pretending like you are still in iraq or afghanistan where you can beat, rape, or murder people at will and then get treated like a hero for it.

Oct 15, 2004

Branis posted:

yeah, rat, that has never been a cop stereotype.

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?

May 3, 2013
Finally this thread is taking off.

Jun 7, 2009

It's at time like this you have to wonder, what's the deal with the thin blue line? Does it really matter what color the line is as long as a cop is dangling on the end of it? If his feet dont reach the floor he's becoming one of the few good cops


Apr 14, 2006

Stravag posted:

It's at time like this you have to wonder, what's the deal with the thin blue line? Does it really matter what color the line is as long as a cop is dangling on the end of it? If his feet dont reach the floor he's becoming one of the few good cops

please, join the 22 today.


Jun 7, 2009

Hey how do you find a good cop? With a shovel.

Oct 28, 2008

Can we tone it the gently caress down with the suicide "jokes" here please? Jesus gently caress, c'mon y'all.

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?

pantslesswithwolves posted:

Can we tone it the gently caress down with the suicide "jokes" here please? Jesus gently caress, c'mon y'all.

Mar 29, 2004

Worst Case Scenario

Jun 16, 2003

Branis posted:

yeah, rat, that has never been a cop stereotype. I think what you mean is we get some 4 year marine who thinks the world owes him because he served and flies off the handle every time he has to repeat himself. The big problem is you absolute scum troops becoming cops and pretending like you are still in iraq or afghanistan where you can beat, rape, or murder people at will and then get treated like a hero for it.

Says the slave patrolling strike breaker. You do know that the rapists and murderers get sent to Ft. Leavenworth unlike in your profession where at best cops get a consent decree? bottom of page 6 of the first one for a list of poo poo they've done but are now supposedly prohibited from doing.


Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.

Steezo posted:

Says the slave patrolling strike breaker. You do know that the rapists and murderers get sent to Ft. Leavenworth unlike in your profession where at best cops get a consent decree? bottom of page 6 of the first one for a list of poo poo they've done but are now supposedly prohibited from doing.

The military was used to kill union members and put down slave uprisings, I don't care one way or the other just pointing out that both groups have done some heinous poo poo and that saying someone is personally guilty due to someone else's past actions mean that we should all get put against the wall.


Aug 28, 2002

Does a bear split in the woods near Zheleznogorsk?
You're all loving insufferable.

Grip it and rip it
Apr 28, 2020
lol the idea that the military has some kind of moral highground compared to any other organ of the United States Government, state or federal, is 100% laughable. Wake the gently caress up.


May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.
I don’t remember why this thread even exists, but if y’all are gonna be more CSPAM than funny, gently caress that

Apr 14, 2006
The fact is every group of americans can rightly spit in my face and say ACAB but you piss baby storm troopers for the empire can never, and will never pretend you are superior to us. If you troops refuse to realize that and come in here acting like you aren't absolute scum then just delete this thread and ban all the cops.

Actually just ban me, this place is dumb as hell now and the world would be a better place if every troop killed themselves, followed by every cop.



Jun 3, 2004

It’s crazy how much support from the right cop city gets as opposed to troop city (aka the tent city under the local highway)

Oct 15, 2004

As usual, coward cop won't even post their own banme.

US Berder Patrol
Jul 11, 2006


Grip it and rip it posted:

lol the idea that the military has some kind of moral highground compared to any other organ of the United States Government, state or federal, is 100% laughable. Wake the gently caress up.


bad shoot, but I suppose this is the right thread for that

Tiny Timbs
Sep 6, 2008

DoJ report on Uvalde is out:

I haven’t had time to read it so I can’t say where it falls on concluding that every cop on scene should consider suck starting their service pistol.

Wasabi the J
Jan 23, 2008


Tiny Timbs posted:

DoJ report on Uvalde is out:

I haven’t had time to read it so I can’t say where it falls on concluding that every cop on scene should consider suck starting their service pistol.

I agree with you and will take the probe like a fuckin' man for being critical of these cowards.


And it highlights anguished and panicked quotes from a 911 call by students trapped in the classroom — “Help!” “Help!” “Help!” “I don’t want to die. My teacher is dead” — experiencing “unimaginable horror” while officers stood just outside in the hallway.

joat mon
Oct 15, 2009

I am the master of my lamp;
I am the captain of my tub.
Here's the report itself, all 600+ pages of it

Oct 28, 2008

In a previous job, I used to facilitate what were basically HEAT courses. I worked at one training facility where they had a contingent of staff instructors- former military, police, aid field worker or intel types- who would lend their expertise to teach certain modules. During some downtime during scenario rehearsals, we were talking about the active assailant module, and one of the instructors was a former cop who apparently had connections to law enforcement in Texas. The subject of Uvalde came up because we anticipated questions about why the cops bungled the response, and he said that the word in Texas LE was that officers on scene were afraid of being judged harshly for going in and killing the shooter (as is doctrine) because of BLM. Everyone nodded politely and changed the subject, but even the ex-cop instructor had a look on his face that said he knew it was bullshit like the rest of us did.

Butter Activities
May 4, 2018

Branis posted:

The fact is every group of americans can rightly spit in my face and say ACAB but you piss baby storm troopers for the empire can never, and will never pretend you are superior to us. If you troops refuse to realize that and come in here acting like you aren't absolute scum then just delete this thread and ban all the cops.

Actually just ban me, this place is dumb as hell now and the world would be a better place if every troop killed themselves, followed by every cop.



They hated him because he spoke the truth

Wait are you still a cop on second thought lol even lmao

Butter Activities fucked around with this message at 03:55 on Jan 19, 2024

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?

Wasabi the J posted:

I agree with you and will take the probe like a fuckin' man for being critical of these cowards.

Nah, I don't think I'm handing out probes on this topic at the moment.

shame on an IGA
Apr 8, 2005

This report is all process audit and documentation bullshit, everything we needed to know was known in the weeks after.

The only interesting detail I've seen so far is that shooter apparently had some kind of speed trigger that was imaged in the crime scene photos but then found in the trash a few days later but wasn't entered into evidence

did any of the uvalde cops have an FFL?

Handsome Ralph
Sep 3, 2004

Oh boy, posting!
That's where I'm a Viking!

pantslesswithwolves posted:

In a previous job, I used to facilitate what were basically HEAT courses. I worked at one training facility where they had a contingent of staff instructors- former military, police, aid field worker or intel types- who would lend their expertise to teach certain modules. During some downtime during scenario rehearsals, we were talking about the active assailant module, and one of the instructors was a former cop who apparently had connections to law enforcement in Texas. The subject of Uvalde came up because we anticipated questions about why the cops bungled the response, and he said that the word in Texas LE was that officers on scene were afraid of being judged harshly for going in and killing the shooter (as is doctrine) because of BLM. Everyone nodded politely and changed the subject, but even the ex-cop instructor had a look on his face that said he knew it was bullshit like the rest of us did.

Yeah loving seriously.

Look I know this is going to come across as Internet bravado/Monday morning QBing, and I really don't give a poo poo if someone wants to try and dunk on me for it, but I'm pretty sure if I were to find myself in a situation where a classroom or classrooms of children are being massacred and I was in a position to do something, anything , to help them, I'd do it even if it meant a high possibility of not going home to my wife that night.

These people are only a fraction of a hair less worse than the shooter, and I hope they spend the rest of their lives with those children's unanswered pleas for help haunting them at every waking moment. gently caress them, and gently caress anyone saying "oh but you see, BLM."

And if your bigger concern is that you might take some heat from "the BLM crowd" for engaging the shooter, than you're an even bigger coward and piece of poo poo than those that refused to engage because they didn't want to die/get shot.

Butter Activities
May 4, 2018

Handsome Ralph posted:

And if your bigger concern is that you might take some heat from "the BLM crowd" for engaging the shooter, than you're an even bigger coward and piece of poo poo than those that refused to engage because they didn't want to die/get shot.

The James Baldwin speech about how oppressors can tie themselves in knots to convince themselves they’re the most oppressed unfortunately continues to get more and more prophetic

Wasabi the J
Jan 23, 2008



They hated him

Could've left it there.

I accept my reward and punishment for being fooled into an unjust occupation. My shame of making children afraid of blue skies is eternal.

Cops as an organization are a violation of the 3rd amendment, and should end their occupation of our country as well.

Butter Activities
May 4, 2018

Wasabi the J posted:

Could've left it there.

I accept my reward and punishment for being fooled into an unjust occupation. My shame of making children afraid of blue skies is eternal.

Cops as an organization are a violation of the 3rd amendment, and should end their occupation of our country as well.

Joking aside I mean in a way he is in a way correct that the US military often does terrible things and that anyone who is on the ACAB train (myself included though I don’t really think the acab thing is that productive) shouldn’t be able to justify why their service was better or moral but he’s obviously just doing it because he got mad.


Victor Vermis
Dec 21, 2004

was branis the guy with the smokey and the bandit avatar?


Victor Vermis fucked around with this message at 15:39 on Jan 19, 2024

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