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Wasabi the J
Jan 23, 2008


PROBATION 03/27/17 11:30pm posted:

You got it all wrong son. First you start drinkin on days off with your coworkers at the bar. You're havin fun bustin heads and stoppin cars and you meet your first badge bunny. She's probably a nurse in ER and you tell yourself that since you both work nights and see hosed up poo poo that you get each other and you date and get married. Life is good, you buy a house in the suburbs but you still are out drinkin at the bar with your shiftmates. You meet a younger badge bunny and you start thinkin that your wife doesn't understand you but 22 year old stacy who is a community college criminal justice student does, so you and stacy start banging while your on duty, just a little code 6 in the back of the squad car between calls. Eventually Stacy gets pregnant cause you dumb and don't wrap it and you can't convince her to abort and theres no good situation for you to push her down some stairs. Inevitably you tell your wife and she leaves you, you been married so long now and have kids now that she gets the house and you get visitation rights on weekends. You move to a further out suburb and start supporting stacy and your old family. You got enough years on the job that you are drinking with the hardcore veterans now at the pub that is full of old timers doin hard drinking, not the fun kind of bars with music and dancing. Stacy eventually pops out your kid and you realize you can't deal with a 24 year old and she leaves you for Tyrone and now you're paying child support to two families living in a lovely studio in your ghetto rear end city and you need to swallow a 5th just to get through a shift. Finally you are looking at retirement but between alimony and child support you're gonna be left with about enough to fill your tank between your gate guard retirement job at the meat packing plant and walmart, so you decide to take the old cops retirement option, a bottle of cheap whiskey and your service weapon to the dome. Enjoy the badge son, it will bring you your greatest memories and saddest moments.

User loses posting privileges for 6 hours.


I can't even see the old thread so i have no idea what was said


Dec 13, 2011

Wasabi the J posted:


I can't even see the old thread so i have no idea what was said

Yeah, that one's in the mods-only memory hole it looks like. Based on what he got banned for I'm just gonna assume that's his post being quoted as the reason :stare:

Apr 20, 2007
I invented the line.

Wasabi the J posted:


I can't even see the old thread so i have no idea what was said

It is the text from his rap sheet.

Edit: I am a moron, ignore me

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy
That reads like me probing a cop while I was GiP moderator.

Is it?

maffew buildings
Apr 29, 2009

too dumb to be probated; not too dumb to be autobanned
I remember the day that happened I looked up images of the school and the classroom sure looked to be on the ground floor with windows on the backside that just about anyone could have accessed, but I guess doing nothing was a better option for these brave warriors

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?

LtCol J. Krusinski posted:

That reads like me probing a cop while I was GiP moderator.

Is it?

lol yes

and yes it is a copy/paste of what he posted

Sep 20, 2007
Taco Defender

McNally posted:

lol yes

and yes it is a copy/paste of what he posted

Isn't that just a pasta of air-force-intel-officer.txt?

joat mon
Oct 15, 2009

I am the master of my lamp;
I am the captain of my tub.

piL posted:

Isn't that just a pasta of air-force-intel-officer.txt?

Ish? In the same sense that License to Kill is a pasta of Goldfinger, maybe.

LtCol J. Krusinski
May 7, 2013

by Fluffdaddy
What the gently caress are you guys talking about pasta?

Dec 24, 2007

LtCol J. Krusinski posted:

What the gently caress are you guys talking about pasta?

"Copypasta" is a 4chan/reddit term for copy/paste, basically saying a thing is a ripoff or at least a very close style parody of another post.

Jan 15, 2006
Every morning I wake up and open palm slam is an ur-copypasta, as an example.

May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.
Gorilla warfare is another example.

Jul 11, 2004

Nap Ghost
Officer resigns without charges after he gets into firefight with the sound an acorn makes.

This video has gunfire, but no one is shot in this video(thankfully, the cops didn't hit the guy handcuffed inside the car they are shooting at).

joat mon
Oct 15, 2009

I am the master of my lamp;
I am the captain of my tub.

mlmp08 posted:

Officer resigns without charges after he gets into firefight with the sound an acorn makes.

This video has gunfire, but no one is shot in this video(thankfully, the cops didn't hit the guy handcuffed inside the car they are shooting at).

Here's the report
Dude said he was a West Point grad, infantry, special forces, 10 years in, 2 tours in Afghanistan, but no combat - because officers don't do that.

Jul 11, 2004

Nap Ghost

joat mon posted:

Here's the report
Dude said he was a West Point grad, infantry, special forces, 10 years in, 2 tours in Afghanistan, but no combat - because officers don't do that.

lol wtf... going to be funny if this also rsults in finding out that either it's all bullshit claimed service or if by "I was special forces" he means he was the local non-SF secfor or logistics officer on a base that supported SF ops.

This quote:


“We are limited in further response due to pending litigation. But let this be clear, we understand this situation was traumatic for Mr. Jackson and all involved and have incorporated this officer involved shooting into our training to try to ensure nothing similar happens again.

The training is just a police sergeant yelling "Don't shoot acorns, assholes" and then moving on to the traffic plan for the day.

May 3, 2013

joat mon posted:

Here's the report
Dude said he was a West Point grad, infantry, special forces, 10 years in, 2 tours in Afghanistan, but no combat - because officers don't do that.

That’s not precisely what he said since it’s not a quote. The Special Forces Officers, (if he was actually an 18A, like a green beret officer), generally are not the man in from the door first in a 12 man team, but they’re still very much in the situation. Especially with lower intensity of later Afghanistan, it would be something along the like of being in the vehicle as the other guys hit the compound, or being on the overwatch site or walking after the breachers.

If he was not an 18A but some sort of other SF support officer, like comm or personnel or intel or something, he’d similarly be just a bit removed from the doors getting kicked down, even by few hundred meters, but it’d be somewhat hard to not hear gunfire UNLESS he’s someone of completely removed role, and simply some sort of support officer on the logistics company in SF support or something and never left the FOB.

That’s really the only way to parse that that makes much sense.

Also edit; a real 18A would be present in many live fire exercises in extremely tight quarters, firing rifles alongside other green berets with and without suppressors, even if they’d somehow miss an actual combat event (which seems to be very hard to do if one went to Afghanistan as one).

So probably what Muhlump said.

Vahakyla fucked around with this message at 04:38 on Feb 14, 2024

Jul 11, 2004

Nap Ghost
He heard call of duty in the background and perceived that in the moment as being a special forces officer.

Butter Activities
May 4, 2018

I’m the last person to hype up green berets or SEALs or whatever but this guy is so far below par no loving way he was ever within a mile of any selection harder than what type of bread he was getting from subway.

Just gonna repeatedly set my only gun on the ground and move away from it in the middle of this firefight I imagined I’m in, a little trick I learned in the regiment

Jul 11, 2004

Nap Ghost


I’m the last person to hype up green berets or SEALs or whatever but this guy is so far below par no loving way he was ever within a mile of any selection harder than what type of bread he was getting from subway.

He could be a liar, but anything's possible.

I met a guy who went for green berets, and succeeded. He tried out for SF in large part because he was considered a fuckup by his infantry unit and was trying to get out of the community who knew him. They thought he was a fuckup because:
1. He lost a pistol on deployment.
2. After an MRAP was mobility killed by an IED, rather than attempting a recovery or calling for recovery assets, he was so worried that there might be a complex ambush that he tried unsuccessfully to destroy the MRAP in place and abandoned it, returning to the FOB without it. They sent out another unit to recover his vehicle for him...

He became a green beret and then was later given a disparaging nickname for not being a brilliant thinker. But he could run/ruck well, could lift weights, and I hear he was very good at shooting a rifle.

joat mon
Oct 15, 2009

I am the master of my lamp;
I am the captain of my tub.
Grasshopper, what is the sound of one acorn falling?

Butter Activities
May 4, 2018

mlmp08 posted:

He could be a liar, but anything's possible.

I met a guy who went for green berets, and succeeded. He tried out for SF in large part because he was considered a fuckup by his infantry unit and was trying to get out of the community who knew him. They thought he was a fuckup because:
1. He lost a pistol on deployment.
2. After an MRAP was mobility killed by an IED, rather than attempting a recovery or calling for recovery assets, he was so worried that there might be a complex ambush that he tried unsuccessfully to destroy the MRAP in place and abandoned it, returning to the FOB without it. They sent out another unit to recover his vehicle for him...

He became a green beret and then was later given a disparaging nickname for not being a brilliant thinker. But he could run/ruck well, could lift weights, and I hear he was very good at shooting a rifle.

No doubt there are some "special" special forces guys but that dude still sounds like Mike Vining compared to watching this cop in action.

Handsome Ralph
Sep 3, 2004

Oh boy, posting!
That's where I'm a Viking!

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?

Tiny Timbs
Sep 6, 2008

dude literally followed the gps into the drink and murdered a lady

Apr 29, 2005

If its good enough for a Kennedy it's good enough for a cop god dammit

Butter Activities
May 4, 2018

We cannot make any comments until we know what crime this woman was arrested for I heard from reliable sources (local FOP president) that she was no angel

Shooting Blanks
Jun 6, 2007

Real bullets mess up how cool this thing looks.


NJ cop slams drunk chief onto car, when said chief shows up at a DWI crash.

Video in the link, but the chief is berating the cop for some bullshit uniform video, cop tries to go about his job and it escalates. Chief is currently suspended, cop is back on duty. It'll be interesting to see how this one turns out - if the chief or the cop wind up losing their jobs over it.


Liquid Communism
Mar 9, 2004

коммунизм хранится в яичках
How 'bout them cops?


In federal court this morning, six defendants, five former members of the Rankin County, Mississippi, Sheriff’s Office (RCSO) – Chief Investigator Brett McAlpin, 52, Narcotics Investigator Christian Dedmon, 28, Lieutenant Jeffrey Middleton, 46, Deputy Hunter Elward, 31, Deputy Daniel Opdyke, 27 – and one former member of the Richland, Mississippi, Police Department – Narcotics Investigator Joshua Hartfield, 31 – pleaded guilty to all charges against them.

The defendants admitted that on Jan. 24, without a warrant or any exigent circumstances, they kicked in the door and entered a home in Braxton, Rankin County, Mississippi where two Black men, M.J. and E.P., were residing. The defendants handcuffed and arrested the men without probable cause to believe they had committed any crime, called them racial slurs, and warned them to stay out of Rankin County. Further, the defendants punched and kicked the men, tased them 17 times, forced them to ingest liquids, and assaulted them with a dildo. During the incident, Dedmon fired his gun twice to intimidate the men.

At the conclusion of the incident, Elward surreptitiously removed a bullet from the chamber of his gun, forced the gun into M.J.’s mouth and pulled the trigger. The unloaded gun clicked but did not fire. Elward racked the slide, intending to dry-fire a second time. When Elward pulled the trigger, the gun discharged. The bullet lacerated M.J.’s tongue, broke his jaw and exited out of his neck.

As M.J. was bleeding on the floor, the defendants did not provide medical aid, but instead gathered outside the home to devise a false cover story and took steps to corroborate it, including: planting a gun on M.J.; destroying surveillance video, spent shell casings, and taser cartridges; submitting fraudulent drug evidence to the crime lab; filing false reports; charging M.J. with crimes he did not commit; making false statements to investigators; and pressuring witnesses to stick to the cover story. Three of the defendants admitted in court that they were members of “The Goon Squad,” a group of RCSO officers who were known for using excessive force and not reporting it.

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