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Jul 8, 2006

Bored As gently caress posted:

Many departments are so short they're making exceptions for 4 year degrees and even if you've smoked weed in the past. A lot of departments are so shorthanded their guys are doing mandatory overtime 1-3 times a week just to cover the bare minimum of bodies.

If all departments got rid of the "never smoked weed" or "haven't smoked weed in 3 years/1 year" requirement, there would be a lot more bodies to fill those spots.

Sure, the drug test is the problem. Perhaps if cops hadn't spent the last few decades alienating the general public by creating a culture where they can attack people with no accountability while hiding behind increasingly militarized gear, there would be a lot more bodies to fill those spots.


Butter Activities
May 4, 2018

Deathy McDeath posted:

Pour one for a real defender of freedom, P. Barnes


All cops are bastards except P Barnes (PBUH)

Feb 17, 2010

One of the funniest posters in GIP.

Just not intentionally.
My department let's people in who smoked weed and don't have degrees. :shrug:

Mar 29, 2004

Worst Case Scenario
Why not just go to WalMart and get a supersoaker and come back for some revenge?

Jun 7, 2009

Because they would have tho use the civil forfeiture money on something other than a margarita machine

Feb 17, 2010

One of the funniest posters in GIP.

Just not intentionally.

Grem posted:

Why not just go to WalMart and get a supersoaker and come back for some revenge?

Angry Cop Shoots Unarmed Black Man, Click Here for Uncensored Footage!

Jan 1, 2007

Mudslide Experiment
dont need a supersoaker to see that video

May 29, 2007
I like cookies.
The other recruitment problem that my local department is having is the fact that the base salary is barely enough to cover cost of living for a family of four in the community they service... and this is after the county approved a 10% funding increase last year. Who the gently caress wants to risk getting shot during a routine traffic stop and still live paycheck to paycheck?

Coasterphreak fucked around with this message at 11:53 on Jul 27, 2019

Butter Activities
May 4, 2018

People who get off to having power.

Police in the US need to have more centralized certification and training and to re-professionalize

Professor Bling
Nov 12, 2008


Coasterphreak posted:

The other recruitment problem that my local department is having is the fact that the base salary is barely enough to cover cost of living for a family of four in the community they service... and this is after the county approved a 10% funding increase last year. Who the gently caress wants to risk getting shot during a routine traffic stop and still live paycheck to paycheck?

Lol imagine the possibility of being able to cover CoL for a family of four

And they have the gall to loving complain hahahahahahaha

Fuckin' hell, man, cops really are poo poo.

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.

Maybe that's why so many cops beat their families, in the hopes that they'll leave so they won't be broke all the time.

Mar 30, 2011

Peggy Hill
Foot Connoisseur
No poo poo, cops can work part time jobs for all I give a gently caress. There are plenty of security jobs they can take if they don't want, or aren't offered, overtime in their precinct.

May 29, 2007
I like cookies.

SpaceSDoorGunner posted:

People who get off to having power.

Police in the US need to have more centralized certification and training and to re-professionalize

This guy got my point.

Also the point was tacitly directed at the whole "members of the community" sentiment: it's hard to be a member of the community if you can't afford to live there because gigantic national property corporations buy up all of the reasonably priced housing and flip it so they can charge enormous amounts of rent.

Unless it's zoned for multifamily already, in which case they evict everyone, knock the whole thing down, and build "mixed use" that rents for 2.5 times what it did before.

Nov 1, 2008

SpaceSDoorGunner posted:

People who get off to having power.

Police in the US need to have more centralized certification and training and to re-professionalize

its decentralized so much so that no political fallout can ever reach state officials.

Jul 11, 2004

Prepare for my priapic projectile's exalted penetration
Nap Ghost

This particular cop even went so far as to have video on the news with his face blacked out and the voice-altering poo poo applied while discussing his gosh-darned chicken sandwich.


"I went ot the McDonald's and talked to the supervisor. She offered me some free food I didn't care anything about. I just wanted to find out who the person was and they deal with that person in an appropriate way."


Bored As Fuck
Jan 1, 2006
Fun Shoe
rear end in a top hat on parole for homicide decides to hurt a woman, 911 caller (victim) states that he has two guns and was hitting her. PD arrives, he fails to comply and instead runs, grabs his pistol, turns around and fires at officers, who return fire and wound him.



Traffic stop for overly tinted windows, passenger bails and runs away, throws the gun on top of a metal container which probably sounds like a gun shot to the officer, the gun falls off the container, bad guy reaches for it, and officer shoots him, wounding him in the leg, guy throws gun over a high fence. Guy fails to comply and lay down so he can be secured, possibly has other weapons on him as far as the officers know, so he's tazed and taken into custody, then gets medical help

Oh man what injustice.

Sep 1, 2011

by Hand Knit

What's your point? That crime happens?


Aug 12, 2016

by Nyc_Tattoo
College Slice

Bored As gently caress posted:

Oh man what injustice.

Kawasaki Nun
Jul 16, 2001

by Reene

Bored As gently caress posted:

rear end in a top hat on parole for homicide decides to hurt a woman, 911 caller (victim) states that he has two guns and was hitting her. PD arrives, he fails to comply and instead runs, grabs his pistol, turns around and fires at officers, who return fire and wound him.



Traffic stop for overly tinted windows, passenger bails and runs away, throws the gun on top of a metal container which probably sounds like a gun shot to the officer, the gun falls off the container, bad guy reaches for it, and officer shoots him, wounding him in the leg, guy throws gun over a high fence. Guy fails to comply and lay down so he can be secured, possibly has other weapons on him as far as the officers know, so he's tazed and taken into custody, then gets medical help

Oh man what injustice.

drat buddy don't worry they'll let you lick the boots whether or not people like them!

Internet Wizard
Aug 9, 2009


I’ve never been shot so I dunno for sure but I’m gonna guess “lie down and calmly follow orders” isn’t going to be one of those things my brain is going to let me do at that point

Proud Christian Mom
Dec 20, 2006
re: reserve cops

of the three I've met, 1 is not so thinly veiled white supremacist, 1 is a doomsday prepper and the other is a full blown q-anon guy.

in short, imagine being so attracted to the opportunity to murder people that you'd do it part time with little of the protections.

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.

People who choose to be cops should be viewed with suspicion. People who choose to be cops for no pay should be put into a gulag.

Edit: if these people actually wanted to make their community a better place, they'd sign up to be a reserve firefighter.

Oct 23, 2009

10,363 snaps and not a playoff win to show for it

A Bad Poster posted:

People who choose to be cops should be viewed with suspicion. People who choose to be cops for no pay should be put into a gulag.

Edit: if these people actually wanted to make their community a better place, they'd sign up to be a reserve firefighter.

There are states whose system forces a lot of police academy grads to take unpaid gigs where they are basically taken advantage of by local municipalities.

I'm looking at you Ohio...

Edit: Basically if you go to a police academy, pass the Opota test and get a commission as a police officer in the state of Ohio, you have 12 months to find a department that will hire you. So a lot of smaller departments will hire you to an unpaid auxiliary position, where you work 20 hours a month, for free. So that you have time get hired on to a paying department.

Flikken fucked around with this message at 21:49 on Jul 28, 2019

May 29, 2007
I like cookies.
what if we only incarcerated people for violent crimes and made it a violent crime to do otherwise

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.


Flikken posted:

There are states whose system forces a lot of police academy grads to take unpaid gigs where they are basically taken advantage of by local municipalities.

I'm looking at you Ohio...

Edit: Basically if you go to a police academy, pass the Opota test and get a commission as a police officer in the state of Ohio, you have 12 months to find a department that will hire you. So a lot of smaller departments will hire you to an unpaid auxiliary position, where you work 20 hours a month, for free. So that you have time get hired on to a paying department.

That sounds like you really, really have to want to be a cop in Ohio to put up with that. I say gently caress 'em if they're willing to unnecessarily be indentured servants. They chose to be cops, no sympathy.

Oct 23, 2009

10,363 snaps and not a playoff win to show for it

A Bad Poster posted:

That sounds like you really, really have to want to be a cop in Ohio to put up with that. I say gently caress 'em if they're willing to unnecessarily be indentured servants. They chose to be cops, no sympathy.

I knew guys that would drive 60-90 minutes away from home to work those jobs for free, until they got hired on to a bigger department.

If you see a cop in a city with less than 30,000 people, they probably aren't getting paid and live nowhere near the area they are policing once or twice a month.

Apr 12, 2002

Coasterphreak posted:

This guy got my point.

Also the point was tacitly directed at the whole "members of the community" sentiment: it's hard to be a member of the community if you can't afford to live there because gigantic national property corporations buy up all of the reasonably priced housing and flip it so they can charge enormous amounts of rent.

Unless it's zoned for multifamily already, in which case they evict everyone, knock the whole thing down, and build "mixed use" that rents for 2.5 times what it did before.

Or for example where our GOP government changed state law to make it so cities couldn't require city employees to live within the city proper, so now a huge amount of police (and other various civil servants) live in and come from our incredibly conservative suburbs policing a city that is majority minority.

Professor Bling
Nov 12, 2008


Flying_Crab posted:

Or for example where our GOP government changed state law to make it so cities couldn't require city employees to live within the city proper, so now a huge amount of police (and other various civil servants) live in and come from our incredibly conservative suburbs policing a city that is majority minority.

This is a real bitch locally, too, with a lot of the cops in the "big minority town" coming from outside the whole drat county.

Because they want the purest racist shitbags, you see, not just your average run-of-the-mill cops

Diarrhea Elemental
Apr 2, 2012

Am I correct in my assumption, you fish-faced enemy of the people?

Professor Bling posted:

This is a real bitch locally, too, with a lot of the cops in the "big minority town" coming from outside the whole drat county.

Because they want the purest racist shitbags, you see, not just your average run-of-the-mill cops

Or access to better schools for their kids. Nobody's gonna sacrifice their family on your purity altar just because it's what you want them to do. Baltimore's got some decent schools, but do you seriously expect people to not want to give their kid the best shot they can? Primary Ed policy and funding is a whole other loving mess that overlaps decent with police policy. Of course you want members of the community being the ones policing their own poo poo, being invested in where they live, but do you have any actual real suggestions for how to get to that point?

Cool, I get it, you've tied your entire identity up with this grand idea of not having a hosed up systematically racist and classist judicial system that enables and supports the worst parts of humanity. Worthy cause. The only problem is you're likely never going to actually see meaningful movement on this issue in a timeframe that actually means anything to you. So instead you just end up sounding like my loving tinnitus and making everyone cringe when you speak up with the same one tone every time.

Internet Wizard
Aug 9, 2009


It’s almost like the current system of letting rich communities buy themselves the best schools possible while letting poor neighborhoods wither and die is also a huge issue and a part of our system of racial oppression

Liquid Communism
Mar 9, 2004

коммунизм хранится в яичках

Coasterphreak posted:

This guy got my point.

Also the point was tacitly directed at the whole "members of the community" sentiment: it's hard to be a member of the community if you can't afford to live there because gigantic national property corporations buy up all of the reasonably priced housing and flip it so they can charge enormous amounts of rent.

Unless it's zoned for multifamily already, in which case they evict everyone, knock the whole thing down, and build "mixed use" that rents for 2.5 times what it did before.

The solution is not being a paid enforcer for the rich who are set on gentrifying the community out of existence if you want to be a member of the community, buddy.

Hope that helps.

Feb 17, 2010

One of the funniest posters in GIP.

Just not intentionally.

Liquid Communism posted:

The solution is not being a paid enforcer for the rich who are set on gentrifying the community out of existence if you want to be a member of the community, buddy.

Hope that helps.

Not all law enforcement revolves around class warfare. For example: the active shooter who just killed a bunch of people in my community.

Professor Bling
Nov 12, 2008


Diarrhea Elemental posted:

Or access to better schools for their kids. Nobody's gonna sacrifice their family on your purity altar just because it's what you want them to do. Baltimore's got some decent schools, but do you seriously expect people to not want to give their kid the best shot they can? Primary Ed policy and funding is a whole other loving mess that overlaps decent with police policy. Of course you want members of the community being the ones policing their own poo poo, being invested in where they live, but do you have any actual real suggestions for how to get to that point?

Cool, I get it, you've tied your entire identity up with this grand idea of not having a hosed up systematically racist and classist judicial system that enables and supports the worst parts of humanity. Worthy cause. The only problem is you're likely never going to actually see meaningful movement on this issue in a timeframe that actually means anything to you. So instead you just end up sounding like my loving tinnitus and making everyone cringe when you speak up with the same one tone every time.

Oh gently caress it's almost like you've got no fuckin' clue what you're talking about because the town I'm talking about has the best and most well-funded schools for five counties, but those cops' kids might have to sit next to a black kid, so they don't live in town. It's all racism.

Not my fault that cops are loving useless and the money we spend on them could be better spent on trauma response/education/social programs because holy gently caress a police department shouldn't be a full third of a loving city budget.

Edit: yeah this section wasn't worth it.

Professor Bling fucked around with this message at 07:32 on Jul 29, 2019

May 29, 2007
I like cookies.

Liquid Communism posted:

The solution is not being a paid enforcer for the rich who are set on gentrifying the community out of existence if you want to be a member of the community, buddy.

Hope that helps.

So your solution is that people with a conscience never go into law enforcement, leaving no choice but to hire people without a conscience.

That seems like a good idea.

Professor Bling
Nov 12, 2008


Coasterphreak posted:

So your solution is that people with a conscience never go into law enforcement, leaving no choice but to hire people without a conscience.

That seems like a good idea.

"People with a conscience" in law enforcement are at best sidelined and voluntarily keep their heads down, at worst drummed out or killed.

Stop believing in the myth of the "good cop" because they don't exist

Bored As Fuck
Jan 1, 2006
Fun Shoe
Must be awesome to have psychic powers.

Feb 17, 2010

One of the funniest posters in GIP.

Just not intentionally.

Professor Bling posted:

"People with a conscience" in law enforcement are at best sidelined and voluntarily keep their heads down, at worst drummed out or killed.

Stop believing in the myth of the "good cop" because they don't exist

No, I'm not.

Dec 29, 2009

I need to go scrap some money together cause my avatar is just sad.

Professor Bling posted:

"People with a conscience" in law enforcement are at best sidelined and voluntarily keep their heads down, at worst drummed out or killed.

Stop believing in the myth of the "good cop" because they don't exist

They literally do though, as a volunteer fire fighter I've seen them over and over no matter what town I've been stationed in. Dudes take the extra time to listen and talk. Dont run around in a brodozer. Its generally the guys in the mid 30s or younger. Just because they don't support your bullshit fantasy doesn't mean they are not out there and common enough.

Butter Activities
May 4, 2018

Melthir posted:

They literally do though, as a volunteer fire fighter I've seen them over and over no matter what town I've been stationed in. Dudes take the extra time to listen and talk. Dont run around in a brodozer. Its generally the guys in the mid 30s or younger. Just because they don't support your bullshit fantasy doesn't mean they are not out there and common enough.

It’s easier to think that police in the US are reactionary and lovely because they’re mustache twirling sociopaths rather than realize that our society creates a system where decent “normal” people become cops yet grow to do and tolerate horrible poo poo because our system and culture both inside and outside law enforcement is so hosed and almost any human being would fall into those patterns, no matter how woke you think you are.

The former let’s you have a smug sense of superiority and a hate boner, the latter is a lot more disturbing since you don’t get to give yourself a pass, since almost anyone would eventually give in to the social pressure and continue the cycle. But the solution lies in dismantling and re-building the system, not thinking that somehow the only problem is that all cops are violent psychopaths that are nothing like you.


Professor Bling
Nov 12, 2008


SpaceSDoorGunner posted:

...our society creates a system where decent “normal” people become cops yet grow to do and tolerate horrible poo poo because our system and culture both inside and outside law enforcement is so hosed and almost any human being would fall into those patterns, no matter how woke you think you are.

The former lets you have a smug sense of superiority and a hate boner, the latter is a lot more disturbing since you don’t get to give yourself a pass, since almost anyone would eventually give in to the social pressure and continue the cycle.

hey guess what I mean when I say "all cops are bastards" and maintain that there's no such thing as a good cop

I mean, he edited it out of his post back in the June CE thread, but Bored As gently caress, noted "liberal as gently caress" cop (ahahahahahahaha) admitted to keeping his head down to keep his job. Which is part and parcel of being a bad cop.

Because there are no good cops.

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