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Feb 6, 2002

Every man likes a pretty girl with him at a skeleton dance.

McNally posted:

USAWTFM can get hosed but it's good they're pointing this poo poo out.

I’m not familiar with USAWTFM why are they fuckers?


Comrade Blyatlov
Aug 4, 2007

should have picked four fingers

they completely ignored mcnally trying to bring attention to the poo poo he went through, it was real bad

did they block you as well or something?

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?

Comrade Blyatlov posted:

they completely ignored mcnally trying to bring attention to the poo poo he went through, it was real bad

did they block you as well or something?

Nah, they just gave me a thumbs up emoji when I called them on ignoring my poo poo but posting some stolen guidon bullshit

Feb 6, 2002

Every man likes a pretty girl with him at a skeleton dance.

Comrade Blyatlov posted:

they completely ignored mcnally trying to bring attention to the poo poo he went through, it was real bad

did they block you as well or something?

Da fuq? gently caress them.

Dec 22, 2018

I hope this is "battle" enough for you, friend.

Platystemon posted:

I agree. Defeated Confederate leaders were dealt with far too leniently.

IDGI - J6 leader has no jail time either, the guy is free and campaigning for president

Icon Of Sin
Dec 26, 2008

Found in the CE thread:

Punished Ape
Sep 17, 2021
Do people really get permanently barred from enlisting from a bad ASVAB? Something about that is pinging my BS detector, but I was never a recruiter and maybe it's a Marine specific thing so I don't know.

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?

Punished Ape posted:

Do people really get permanently barred from enlisting from a bad ASVAB? Something about that is pinging my BS detector, but I was never a recruiter and maybe it's a Marine specific thing so I don't know.

No. It's almost certainly because he was saying stuff like "I can't wait to shoot some [slur]s" or someshit.

Feb 10, 2014

I retired late last year and now I need my Army W2. But I no longer have a cac so how do I get this thing?

Am I going to have to drive on base and go to finance? poo poo.

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?

spacetoaster posted:

I retired late last year and now I need my Army W2. But I no longer have a cac so how do I get this thing?

Am I going to have to drive on base and go to finance? poo poo.

Try calling DFAS if you have a couple free hours to wait on hold.

Jul 10, 2001

Punished Ape posted:

Do people really get permanently barred from enlisting from a bad ASVAB? Something about that is pinging my BS detector, but I was never a recruiter and maybe it's a Marine specific thing so I don't know.

I would imagine there was some follow up psych testing based on a preliminary screening. Like he reported having counseling as a child, which triggered a psych eval.

bird food bathtub
Aug 9, 2003

College Slice
There's also a non-zero chance someone had access to the googles or evening news and ended up saying, "Rittenhouse. THAT Rittenhouse? gently caress no I want nothing to do with the problems that could come of that." and then found the paper justification for it afterwards.

Mr. Nice!
Oct 13, 2005

bone shaking.
soul baking.
His failed asvab predates his murders.

bird food bathtub
Aug 9, 2003

College Slice

Mr. Nice! posted:

His failed asvab predates his murders.

Oh. Well I guess I belong in this thread then.

Kevin DuBrow
Apr 21, 2012

The uruk-hai defender has logged on.
So far this info is just from Rittenhouse's former handler but apparently he sent unsolicited videos to recruiters of himself field stripping and reassembling guns.

Apr 1, 2010
Some comments from this reddit thread


My buddy, God bless his insane little heart, passed the test to join the USMC with a literal IQ of sub 80. He had to retake the highschool exit exam for 7 years running before the exam was done away with in our state and he graduated by DEFAULT 5 years late. He did not meet even half of the requirement to graduate via the testing.

He didn't last long in the USMC before being discharged due to some significant behavioral instability, but he passed the test while Rittenhouse couldn't.

What on earth.


I was in Navy Boot camp with a guy who couldn't figure out how to march. Not turns or half steps, but keeping a left right left right cadence. So we'd always leave him at the barracks as watchmen when we had graded marches.

He talked with the mannerisms of Little Nicky and seemed like he never ventured further than his driveway for 18 years. Everyone helped him graduate because there wasn't a malicious bone in that sweet idiot's body. I wish I could have seen the chaos he caused in the fleet after.

Another kid I met in the fleet was so dumb, his work center supervisor had a parent teacher conference with his mom. I saw the kid watch airplanes land for 2 hours without moving his feet. Just still as a statue swiveling his neck back and forth. When he was done, he grabbed a paint brush and painted his hands so it looked like he had worked.

Another time he pooped his pants and tried to flush the evidence, but having never bought new underwear after boot camp he failed to realize his name was on the skivvies. So when we got a call for a clogged toilet and when I pulled out the turd burrito there was his name in big black letters.

These two men were both more qualified for service than Rittenhouse.

Other comments suggest that the info comes from "page 572 of 938 from Kenosha Police Department Field Report of Case #2020-00047360" acquired through a FOIA request.

Lemniscate Blue
Apr 21, 2006

Here we go again.

Kevin DuBrow posted:

So far this info is just from Rittenhouse's former handler but apparently he sent unsolicited videos to recruiters of himself field stripping and reassembling guns.

If this were the case I can see why it'd be a giant red flag, but I can also see why a certain category of recruiter would ignore it to make quota.

Casimir Radon
Aug 2, 2008

The scummiest recruiter on the planet would be left wondering if it was worth babysitting Shittenhouse long enough to get him shipped off. Too dumb and insufferable to remotely be worth it.

Icon Of Sin
Dec 26, 2008

Marines made their numbers* last year, unlike literally everybody else :laffo:

By only like 20 recruits, but nobody else did.

not caring here
Feb 22, 2012

blazemastah 2 dry 4 u

Icon Of Sin posted:

Marines made their numbers* last year, unlike literally everybody else :laffo:

By only like 20 recruits, but nobody else did.

We're doing the Lord's work, boys.

Apr 28, 2010

His trial handler had somethings to say-

Leviathan Song
Sep 8, 2010

spacetoaster posted:

I retired late last year and now I need my Army W2. But I no longer have a cac so how do I get this thing?

Am I going to have to drive on base and go to finance? poo poo.

Did you have mypay set up to email a civilian account? If so you can just use the lost login and password links to get your login information. That's something you should have been told to do before retiring.

shame on an IGA
Apr 8, 2005

HelleSpud posted:

Some comments from this reddit thread

Other comments suggest that the info comes from "page 572 of 938 from Kenosha Police Department Field Report of Case #2020-00047360" acquired through a FOIA request.

yeah there are a few more foiad emails floating around that in sum have enough context to be pretty convincing, it's the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force shaking trees across the fed gov to see if any departments have any information from prior contacts with the guy

Casimir Radon
Aug 2, 2008

What do they even mean by “Google Machine?”. Sounds like they gave him worksheets and he Googled answers for 10 months.

Edit: He kept bringing up colleges a while back. If he’s too dumb to get minimums on the ASVAB he’s not going to last a semester in anything that isn’t U of Phoenix level.

Jan 10, 2007

Casimir Radon posted:

What do they even mean by “Google Machine?”. Sounds like they gave him worksheets and he Googled answers for 10 months.

Edit: He kept bringing up colleges a while back. If he’s too dumb to get minimums on the ASVAB he’s not going to last a semester in anything that isn’t U of Phoenix level.
He'll be a cum laude graduate of Prager U. His entire existence can only be in the MAGA cinematic universe because polite society isn't going to want to deal with him.

Feb 10, 2014

Leviathan Song posted:

Did you have mypay set up to email a civilian account? If so you can just use the lost login and password links to get your login information. That's something you should have been told to do before retiring.

Turns out I did! Whew.

Got everything reset to not use a cac.

Speaking of getting on base, I really need to go get my retired ID card done.

Oct 15, 2004

Casimir Radon posted:

What do they even mean by “Google Machine?”


Jun 4, 2011

HelleSpud posted:

Some comments from this reddit thread

Other comments suggest that the info comes from "page 572 of 938 from Kenosha Police Department Field Report of Case #2020-00047360" acquired through a FOIA request.

Do people in the military have contests to see how long they can make their e-mail signatures?

Casimir Radon
Aug 2, 2008

AF says you’re just supposed to have a standard block of professional and contact info. You’re not supposed to have any dumb quotes or mottos but people still do.

May 13, 2014

Tanks still suck but you don't gotta hand it to the Axis either.

goatsestretchgoals posted:

Do people in the military have contests to see how long they can make their e-mail signatures?

Yes. A good way to lengthen the block is to have a quote in some foreign language - latin is good for this - at the end bc then you can also add the translation after it. Boom, instant extra seven lines.

Jan 15, 2006
It's frowned upon to only put the minimum pieces of flair in you email signature.

Sep 13, 2005

I only have canyoneyes for you

Lemniscate Blue posted:

If this were the case I can see why it'd be a giant red flag, but I can also see why a certain category of recruiter would ignore it to make quota.

He was just born at the wrong time. He was too dumb and crazy for the year 2020 USMC but he probably could have snuck in at a different time.

Case in point, world champion idiot Bowe Bergdahl got bounced from Coast Guard Basic after three weeks in 2006 for being a nutcase and the Army happily scooped him up 18 months later because they had to fill some 11 series slots.

Carth Dookie
Jan 28, 2013

Email signatures like north korean generals encrusted with tin pot medals.

Casimir Radon
Aug 2, 2008

canyoneer posted:

He was just born at the wrong time. He was too dumb and crazy for the year 2020 USMC but he probably could have snuck in at a different time.

Case in point, world champion idiot Bowe Bergdahl got bounced from Coast Guard Basic after three weeks in 2006 for being a nutcase and the Army happily scooped him up 18 months later because they had to fill some 11 series slots.
Bergdahl at least got his GED all on his own. Nobody was paid to babysit him while he did it.

Shittenhouse is too much of a loser to have even snuck in during the Surge. He could have gotten in under Project 100,000. Or maybe in the military of 5 years from now if lovely trends don’t improve a bit.

Dick Burglar
Mar 6, 2006
So, to be clear: Rittenhouse wasn't homeschooled or anything, was he? He was just really stupid (and in public school), and then the shooting and trial got in the way of finishing high school?

Casimir Radon
Aug 2, 2008

Seems he dropped out after one semester of 9th grade, some of which was completely online, and then didn’t do poo poo with his life until murdering those people.

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns
Here's a nominee for the thread:

Airman gets arrested for soliciting nudes from a 17 year old and gets kicked out of the guard. Airman skips town after getting the criminal charges against him.

Airman then signs a contract with the Russian military and is actively fighting in Ukraine. :psyduck:

Casimir Radon
Aug 2, 2008

Massachusetts ANG has had a couple of real winners recently.

Oct 23, 2009

10,363 snaps and not a playoff win to show for it
Bad enough for the AG to get canned?


Punished Ape
Sep 17, 2021
Anyone, uh, have eyes on that North Korea defector?

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