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Jul 31, 2012

spacetoaster posted:

Some SF Colonel shoots up a team of utility company surveyors walking by his property.

I hate to say it because the guy didn't deserve to die, but walking onto a property without talking to the residents, with no Hi-viz, and taking a bunch of photos is a loving stupid thing to do


Aug 3, 2012

Jaguars! posted:

I hate to say it because the guy didn't deserve to die, but walking onto a property without talking to the residents, with no Hi-viz, and taking a bunch of photos is a loving stupid thing to do

Counterpoint: it's not that way in much of the world, and shouldn't be in America either!

Casimir Radon
Aug 2, 2008

The subcontractor the guy was working for seems partly responsible for this. Sending a guy who maybe didn’t have the best grasp of English out without a company uniform isn’t a good practice. But at the same time whackos in the US are happy to shoot and kill people for turning around in their driveway.

Mar 31, 2010

Weaving Merry Christmas magic
I don't usually advocate for taking peoples guns away but I think i would do so for this person.

Oct 28, 2008

Jaguars! posted:

I hate to say it because the guy didn't deserve to die, but walking onto a property without talking to the residents, with no Hi-viz, and taking a bunch of photos is a loving stupid thing to do

Fox News was reporting on this as though it was a Russian intel op. MSN link so you don’t have to give them any clicks.

So these guys were there after dark, not in any kind of workman’s uniform, and got into an “altercation” with the property owner/resident? Honestly the shooter is probably going to walk but the victim’s family probably has a good case for a civil suit against their employer.

Vincent Van Goatse
Nov 8, 2006

Enjoy every sandwich.


pantslesswithwolves posted:

So these guys were there after dark, not in any kind of workman’s uniform, and got into an “altercation” with the property owner/resident? Honestly the shooter is probably going to walk but the victim’s family probably has a good case for a civil suit against their employer.

Yeah if this happened as reported, the employer is definitely at fault. What the gently caress kind of utility sends people to futz around someone's property after dark unannounced and without ID or a work uniform? Hell, the family could probably get the shooter to testify for them in the civil suit.

Don't get me wrong, COL Triggerhappy should go to jail too, but this whole situation sounds like something that would happen in the cold open of a Columbo episode where the poor guy's boss arranged for him to get shot by the local paranoid.

Vincent Van Goatse fucked around with this message at 09:47 on Jun 3, 2024

Wingnut Ninja
Jan 11, 2003

Mostly Harmless

Vincent Van Goatse posted:

Yeah if this happened as reported, the employer is definitely at fault. What the gently caress kind of utility sends people to futz around someone's property after dark unannounced and without ID or a work uniform?

Keep in mind that this is according to the cops. If they reported that the sky was blue I would be looking for independent verification.

Mar 31, 2010

Weaving Merry Christmas magic
A fair point.

Lead out in cuffs
Sep 18, 2012

"That's right. We've evolved."

"I can see that. Cool mutations."

I mean that article also implies that the motive of this supposed Russian intelligence operation was to mildly inconvenience SOF families by causing occasional power outages.

Which ... really?

May 15, 2012

Presumably he thought cutting the power was step 1 of something that would end up with his corpse being found zipped up inside a suitcase

Jan 15, 2006
Apropos of nothing, but when I played Eve Online back in the late 2000s/early 2010s one of the more prominent members after a Russian group we were allied with offered to get the power cut at the house of one the leaders of an alliance we were at war with.

This person was rumored to be the son of an aluminum oligarch.

Oct 15, 2004

A.o.D. posted:

Apropos of nothing, but when I played Eve Online back in the late 2000s/early 2010s one of the more prominent members after a Russian group we were allied with offered to get the power cut at the house of one the leaders of an alliance we were at war with.

This person was rumored to be the son of an aluminum oligarch.

I thought it was the Nickel Baron.

Jan 15, 2006

CainFortea posted:

I thought it was the Nickel Baron.

Might've been that. This was over a decade ago, and I was busy playing spreadsheets, not politics.

Feb 13, 2012

What are spreadsheets, but a continuation of politics by other means?

A Festivus Miracle
Dec 19, 2012

I have come to discourse on the profound inequities of the American political system.

That's really dope because a lot of my job is going on to people's properties.

In SOF dudes defense, the chechyan dude was negilligent as poo poo if what the cops are saying is true: no ppe, truck parked way too far away, not calling thr customer prior to entry (which I'm pretty certain is the legal requirement in NC) etc, etc. If that's the case, it's a tragic mix of negillgence and paranoia that led to his death.

I turned down a pole inspector job precisely because this poo poo happens. You have to meet a huge quota every day (with variable pay, no less, based on how many poles you do) so you're basically incentivized to hop fences n poo poo so you can rush to get as many poles done as you can. And honestly, sneaking onto a customers property is dumb as gently caress unless you got assigned that segment and don't even wanna gently caress with trying to call crazy people like this dude obviously loving was. I would bet a sizeable chunk of money that guy pulled a gun on an inspector or tree crew before. The kind of person that would kill someone for trespassing was almost definitely a known hazard.

So yeah. Capitalism, paranoia, worker exploitation. Also really great that this will probably make my job harder because John 65 year old homeowner in rural fucknowheresville is convinced that I'm actually a Russian spy and not, ya know, a dude who wants to look at their utilities or trees.

Sep 13, 2015

His licence wasn't suspended. It showed up that way to the judge because of a clerical error.

Feb 10, 2014

During a change of command ceremony, video of a man beating off while doing butt stuff was streamed to everyone in attendance.

Nov 7, 2011

Omich poluyobok, skazhi ty narkoman? ya prosto tozhe gde to tam zhivu, mogli by vmeste uyobyvat' narkotiki

Hyperlynx posted:

His licence wasn't suspended. It showed up that way to the judge because of a clerical error.

reason dot com with the hot take that "akshually it was a clerical error and his license wasnt actually suspended" ignoring the hilarity of the clerical error happening and having an obvious meaningful real world impact and, even if we ignore that, the guy in question still dialing into a court date he was definitely aware of midway into some other appointment and all involved being hilariously confused

it me, the very serious libertarian publication intern being utterly befuddled at the discovery of stupid human interest poo poo showing up in news media. SOMETHING IS _WRONG_ IN THIS COUNTRY GOD drat anyway vote rfk junior or something idk too busy getting eaten by bears

Punished Ape
Sep 17, 2021

spacetoaster posted:

During a change of command ceremony, video of a man beating off while doing butt stuff was streamed to everyone in attendance.


The U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Division’s Cyber Crimes Unit is now investigating the incident, Special Operations Command told Task & Purpose.

CID should have its own show like NCIS except it's all stuff like this.

Casimir Radon
Aug 2, 2008

We got roped into live-streaming a lot of ceremonies during the height of COVID even though that’s supposed to be a PA function, and supposedly there’s a memo that explicitly says they’re supposed to handle it. I almost wish something like that would have happened.

Aug 8, 2010

spacetoaster posted:

During a change of command ceremony, video of a man beating off while doing butt stuff was streamed to everyone in attendance.

Show is the video goddamnit.

Sep 3, 2003


CainFortea posted:

I thought it was the Nickel Baron.

Different oligarchs IIRC, and I think the power-cutting instance had something more to do with people connected to the Bratva in some way (not that those two groups of people are mutually exclusive).

I could be mistaken because it's been a long-rear end time, but the AAA war was rumoured to have been bankrolled by the aluminum oligarch (meaning, he was funding AAA's war effort with RMT) and the other was the driving force behind one of the massive campaigns against GSF years later.

Fearless fucked around with this message at 06:30 on Jun 4, 2024

Sep 13, 2015

Qtotonibudinibudet posted:

reason dot com with the hot take that "akshually it was a clerical error and his license wasnt actually suspended" ignoring the hilarity of the clerical error happening and having an obvious meaningful real world impact and, even if we ignore that, the guy in question still dialing into a court date he was definitely aware of midway into some other appointment and all involved being hilariously confused

it me, the very serious libertarian publication intern being utterly befuddled at the discovery of stupid human interest poo poo showing up in news media. SOMETHING IS _WRONG_ IN THIS COUNTRY GOD drat anyway vote rfk junior or something idk too busy getting eaten by bears

Ok, perhaps you would like other sources

Moon Slayer
Jun 19, 2007

Man, what is up with the Navy lately?

Command senior chief convicted for unauthorized Wi-Fi on her ship

Navy Times posted:

Then-Command Senior Chief Grisel Marrero was court-martialed, convicted and reduced in rank to E-7 in March for setting up an unauthorized Wi-Fi system aboard the littoral combat ship Manchester.

The former command senior chief of the littoral combat ship Manchester’s gold crew pleaded guilty at a court-martial in March to charges that she installed an unauthorized Wi-Fi system aboard the ship and then lied about it to superiors, according to records obtained by Navy Times.

Before her trial, Naval Surface Force Pacific, or SURFPAC, quietly relieved then-Senior Chief Grisel Marrero from her leadership position aboard Manchester in September, due to a “loss of confidence,” the command said in a statement.

Marrero, whose online biography indicates a background in Navy intelligence, declined comment for this report. SURFPAC officials also declined to discuss further specifics of the case.

She was sentenced to reduction in rank to E-7 in March, according to a trial summary obtained by Navy Times.

Marrero wasn’t the only high-level relief aboard Manchester’s gold crew last year.

The Navy also ousted the second-in-command of the ship’s gold crew, Cmdr. Matthew Yokeley, in May 2023. The reliefs of Marrero and Yokeley were not related, according to SURFPAC, which declined to provide further details regarding the reasons for Yokeley’s ouster.

At a special court-martial earlier this year, Marrero pleaded guilty to willful dereliction of duty charge specifications.

According to her charge sheet, Marrero failed to safeguard the Manchester against operational security risks when she set up the secret Wi-Fi.

Such Wi-Fi systems are generally banned aboard Navy ships because of cybersecurity concerns.

Marrero “willfully coordinated the procurement, installation and use of an unauthorized and unapproved Wi-Fi system” onboard the ship between March 2023 and August 2023, according to her charge sheet.

Charge sheets state that she “willfully failed” to share a commanding officer’s suggestion box comment from a crew member about the Wi-Fi system with the then-commanding officer of the Manchester’s gold crew in June 2023.

She pleaded not guilty to an obstruction of justice charge, but was found guilty at trial, according to the trial summary record.

That charge involved an incident near Naval Base Guam in August 2023, where Marrero altered a data usage image on a chiefs mess Starlink account to reflect less data usage, which she did to “influence or impede” pending criminal or disciplinary actions against another Navy member whose name is redacted on the charge sheet copy provided to Navy Times.

Starlink provides broadband internet access to remote locations via an array of satellites.

SURFPAC spokesman Cmdr. Arlo Abrahamson told Navy Times that other sailors were also disciplined in connection to the unauthorized Wi-Fi, but he declined to provide further details.

Marrero also pleaded guilty to two false official statement charge specifications that involved her telling the CO that there was no Wi-Fi aboard the Manchester, according to her trial summary.

Marrero is currently assigned to Naval Surface Forces.

The Manchester was in or around San Diego, Hawaii and Guam at the time of Marrero’s crimes.

Feb 13, 2012

lmao @ ’shopping the billing image

Jan 15, 2006

Qtotonibudinibudet posted:

reason dot com with the hot take that "akshually it was a clerical error and his license wasnt actually suspended" ignoring the hilarity of the clerical error happening and having an obvious meaningful real world impact and, even if we ignore that, the guy in question still dialing into a court date he was definitely aware of midway into some other appointment and all involved being hilariously confused

it me, the very serious libertarian publication intern being utterly befuddled at the discovery of stupid human interest poo poo showing up in news media. SOMETHING IS _WRONG_ IN THIS COUNTRY GOD drat anyway vote rfk junior or something idk too busy getting eaten by bears

I can't make heads or tails of this post.

Scratch Monkey
Oct 25, 2010

👰Proč bychom se netěšili🥰když nám Pán Bůh🙌🏻zdraví dá💪?
If your license gets suspended due to what turns out to be a clerical error it’s massively stupid to call into a hearing about said error while driving. Judges generally don’t like people treating their court like a joke, particularly to their face

Sep 13, 2015

Scratch Monkey posted:

If your license gets suspended due to what turns out to be a clerical error it’s massively stupid to call into a hearing about said error while driving. Judges generally don’t like people treating their court like a joke, particularly to their face

Yeah, whether his license should have been suspended or not, driving on it and calling in to court was pretty daft. It looks like he was driving his wife to the doctor, though.


Harris said he was driving his wife to the doctor because her medical condition was worsening.


"What was I thinking? I was thinking about getting my wife medical help," Harris told the news station. "That's what I was thinking. I wasn't thinking about the fact that I got a suspended license. I don't care about all that."
:shrug: I can't say I blame him.

e: no, strike that. He was driving with a suspended license because he didn't know it was suspended. It wasn't meant to be. He was told the suspension was going to be lifted, and then they didn't do it.


Michigan man driving during viral Zoom court hearing had license suspension lifted in 2022

A Michigan man who went viral after a judge noticed him driving while he attended a virtual Zoom court hearing with a "suspended license" is being vindicated by an apparent clerical error.

Corey Harris, 44, attended the virtual hearing May 15 for charges related to an October traffic stop in Pittsfield, Township, Michigan. A clip from the hearing spread like wildfire across the internet last week, with many in disbelief that Harris would drive with a suspended license right in front of Judge Cedric Simpson.

After noticing what Harris was doing, Simpson revoked his bond and ordered him to turn himself in at the Washtenaw County Jail by 6 p.m. that day. What Simpson and no one in the courtroom apparently knew was that another judge had rescinded Harris' license suspension in January 2022, according to Saginaw County court records obtained by USA TODAY on Monday.

Here's what we know.
A Michigan man in court for a suspended driver's license shocked a judge by joining his Zoom hearing while in his car driving.
Why didn't court know Harris' license had been reinstated?

Harris' license had been suspended during a now-settled child support case with Saginaw County Friend of the Court before it was ordered reinstated, court records show.

The reason Simpson and no one in the courtroom knew about the reinstatement is because the Michigan Secretary of State's office never received a clearance from the Saginaw County Friend of the Court, reported WXYZ-TV, which was the first outlet to track down the clerical error in court records.

Without clearance, the lift on Harris' license never officially went into effect, according to the Detroit-based TV station.

USA TODAY contacted the Michigan Secretary of State's office and Simpson's chambers but did not receive a response. The Washtenaw County Public Defender's Office, which represents Harris in the ongoing case, was closed when USA TODAY called.
'I don't even know why he would do that'

Simpson's ruling came as Harris was driving his wife to the doctor due to a worsening medical condition, WXYZ-TV reported.

"I don't even know why he would do that," Simpson can be heard saying about Harris in the now-viral video clip.

When Harris heard Simpson order him to jail, his mouth fell open.

WXYZ-TV interviewed Harris, asking him what was going through his mind during the now-viral hearing.

"What was I thinking? I was thinking about getting my wife medical help. That's what I was thinking," Harris told the TV station. "I wasn't thinking about the fact that I got a suspended license. I don't care about all that."
'It's very embarrassing'

Harris spent two days in jail after the hearing, abiding by Simpson's order and turning himself in. Although Harris did the time, he told WXYZ-TV that the license suspension was "supposed to have been lifted two years ago, but they didn't."

"It's very embarrassing," Harris said about the whole situation.

Khyla Craine, deputy legal director for the Michigan Secretary of State, told the station that the process to get a driver's license reinstated "can be complicated."

"Sometimes it is simple as we at the Secretary of State's office did not get a clearance from the court that everything was done, but something happened in the wires, and we needed to talk to the court to get the clearance and clean it up for the resident," Craine said.

Hyperlynx fucked around with this message at 13:02 on Jun 4, 2024

Feb 22, 2003

spacetoaster posted:

During a change of command ceremony, video of a man beating off while doing butt stuff was streamed to everyone in attendance.


Oct 6, 2009
We're way too chill about judges getting petty with people and making snap decisions, "Straight to jail" and letting dude rot there for two days is despicable.

Sep 17, 2009

You never learn anything
by doing it right.

Moon Slayer posted:

Man, what is up with the Navy lately?

i've been led to believe that's just intel

Mar 13, 2007


spacetoaster posted:

During a change of command ceremony, video of a man beating off while doing butt stuff was streamed to everyone in attendance.

They've got Jeffrey Toobin covering the military now?

Aug 22, 2006

The blue glue is a feature, not a bug

spacetoaster posted:

During a change of command ceremony, video of a man beating off while doing butt stuff was streamed to everyone in attendance.

God Bless our Troops.

Handsome Ralph
Sep 3, 2004

Oh boy, posting!
That's where I'm a Viking!

ComradePyro posted:

We're way too chill about judges getting petty with people and making snap decisions, "Straight to jail" and letting dude rot there for two days is despicable.

Not disagreeing with you per say, but based on the judges wording, I think he could have bonded himself out that same evening without issue. Had he not shown up, then he'd be in jail on a bench warrant without bond.

Oct 15, 2004

Handsome Ralph posted:

Not disagreeing with you per say, but based on the judges wording, I think he could have bonded himself out that same evening without issue. Had he not shown up, then he'd be in jail on a bench warrant without bond.

Yea, just rustle up a bond no big. I'm sure they don't cost anything!

Dec 30, 2000

railroad graffiti

CainFortea posted:

Yea, just rustle up a bond no big. I'm sure they don't cost anything!

signature bonds in fact do not cost anything

Feb 13, 2012

U.S. Air Force officials confirmed that they are investigating a viral social media video that appeared to show a captain speeding down a residential Las Vegas street in a Tesla Cybertruck.


Punished Ape
Sep 17, 2021
I don't recognize his name, is he an ascended chud?

Discussion Quorum
Dec 5, 2002
Armchair Philistine

Punished Ape posted:

I don't recognize his name, is he an ascended chud?

No, just an undescended Teslacle


Scratch Monkey
Oct 25, 2010

👰Proč bychom se netěšili🥰když nám Pán Bůh🙌🏻zdraví dá💪?
Yeah I’m clearly breaking the law but I’ll have you know I’m friends with the cops so it’s fine

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