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A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.


Plastic_Gargoyle posted:

Someone got the time a goon almost invaded Syria?

Let's not besmirch Caro's accomplishments.

(yes I know you're talking about the other guy)


A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.

Dude has a completely full West Virginian bingo sheet.

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.

Testing the effects of C4 on Alzheimer's.

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.


Doc Hawkins posted:

a post in the other-other idiots thread reminded me of this one

As hilarious as this is to know about her, and as much as I hate Dick Cheney, I'm not going to begrudge anyone on figuring out a way to get out of going to Vietnam, even if it is a bit classist. If I were facing down being drafted I'd fight tooth and nail not to get gang pressed into service.

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.

My old CSM instituted a policy that nobody could be on their cell phone during duty hours while on staff duty, but said that we could watch videos as long as they were "military related". This lead to me getting to re-watch Generation Kill and Band of Brothers several times since staff duty during duty hours is a pointless job and is just a way to not have to hire a janitorial staff.

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.


Midjack posted:

France is overall a very competent nation politically, economically, and militarily. The “cheese eating surrender monkey” reputation is really undeserved.

The whole "Americans hating on the French" thing is super recent, and mainly due to them not going along with a lot of our bullshit.

However, Charles de Gaulle was a gigantic rear end in a top hat and an idiot.

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.

I'm bemused that he didn't face any punishment from the FFL for intentional fratricide, but the IDF gave him a year in prison for deserting to get revenge on the concentration camp guard who killed his family. Like, what the gently caress Israel? You should have thrown the man a parade in Tel Aviv.

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.

Of course. I'm talking more about after the information came out at his trial in Israel.

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.

No one looks cool holding a cigar. People only ever look cool if they're chomping on it while shooting a machine gun.

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.

I don't think that there was a lot of thinking going on around that incident.

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.

Some dumbass from 1-25 did that with a Stryker down at JRTC, drove it right through the designated sleeping area that was marked off with engineer tape and glow sticks. Luckily, nobody was sleeping there but based on the number of rucksacks that got crushed, he would have run over about 6 people.

A Bad Poster fucked around with this message at 17:35 on Sep 10, 2019

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.

For more hilarity, this is the same rotation, since we were an airborne engineer unit, our battalion's mission was to make the runway down there usable for aircraft after it had been seized. What happens the first night 1/25 gets there? They kill one of our bulldozers that was grading the runway because they thought it was a tank. This is after the airfield had been secured by friendly forces for several days. They somehow thought an enemy tank had just appeared right in the middle of the friendly AO.

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.

They shot it with one of the MGS's, so it counted as a catastrophic kill, but that rotation was so hosed up that the JRTC staff just brought the dozer and driver back to life.

This is a unit that made a SAW gunner the battalion RTO, and hosed up the acquisition paperwork so the first wave of guys in only had 10 rounds apiece for M4s and 20 for crew served.

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.

And their crews will still get bitched out for not having the PMCS done on Monday.

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.



Chances are just as good it's a "country girl'

She's probably more country than the girl with cowboy boots and the pink, lifted Wrangler with "cowgirl" vinyls all over it. Real country people are economical, and a Dodge Journey is economical as hell.

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.


Proud Christian Mom posted:

lmao what I scream from my 2020 F-250 Platinum because Im a rancher who makes $375k a year from oil leases but still gets welfare from losing money at ranching

Well, you know, no war but class war.

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.

Km the other hand, those Bundy assholes pretty much got away with their stunt scott free, aside from tarp ghost (RIP in piece).

I'm still of the opinion that Obama would have been justified in dropping a hell fire on them in Oregon.

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.


shovelbum posted:

Does anyone in the US military including special forces actually know how to operate without historically unprecedented levels of reinforcement and materiel right around the corner

Bowe Bergdahl probably does.

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.

The answer is Caro, as it always was, and always will be.

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.

A bunch of war criminals literally "triggering" a bunch of school kids jesus loving christ

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.


To be fair to our comrades there, they're removing the hostages from danger.

Permanently even!

Just a small scale version of the Moscow theater hostage crisis.

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.

Or one where their people keep getting arrested in Tijuana for getting in drunken bar fights. Can't stop them from doing that in the US, but you can dictate that.

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.

So, maybe we should do something about that "President can unclassify anything they want whenever they want" thing. I guarantee you that Donny has no idea what is or isn't classified and what is or isn't tactically sensitive, we've seen as much evidence to that point over the last 3 years. Just makes the "buttery males!" thing that much more galling.

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.

Eliminate states. Bing bang boom problem solved.

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.

I got the option to med board or fix my problem with surgery. I elected for the surgery and am still amazingly hosed up anyway. Hooray!

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.

Nobody involved in that put more thought into it than "This will look so badass".

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.



loving neigh sayers


A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.


EBB posted:

Max really hit close to home this week. Panel 2 minus the text was pretty much the entirety of my career.

Oh man, I saw almost this exact thing happen in basic. Mail call rolls around, dude gets his Dear John letter, goes off to have a cry, DS finds him and smoked the dogshit out of him. He was not so happy with his career choice afterwards.

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.

You know what, that actually explains everything Donny has been doing in regards to that case.

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.

I wonder how many of the dudes who wear that kind of garbage would think twice if people kept saying "Nice Disney shirt. What are you, 12?" to them.

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.

That particular moron is scared of Bernie because he's a rich baseball player, and Bernie would make his taxes go up.

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.

No, we do, they're well cataloged in the Darwin Awards.

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.

Should have done them a favor and turned some of the fake bullet holes into real ones.

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.

In contrast the US military plastered fliers on every door saying that you aren't allowed to play Pokémon Go on base.

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.


And the CIA!

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.

Her, Obama, and AOC collectively have caused more brain damage in the last 15 years than lead paint ever did.

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.


devmd01 posted:

Well yeah, former. Left for college and I haven’t looked back since. I don’t blame my dad necessarily, he picked country over family. Then again he retired O-6 so hang all nobles!

Demand repayment from his retirement checks for all the time he missed when you were a child. You didn't sign up to make that sacrifice, he did it for you.

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.


PathAsc posted:

If you threw up on the dress, no one would know

What dress? All I see is some dude in his class A's standing at parade rest.

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.


Internet Wizard posted:

Spend more time on a marine base, not even civilians are safe from dress codes

What kind of idiot would want to spend any time around Marines who isn't already dumb enough to be one?


A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.

I recommend not joining the military.

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