CainFortea posted:There's that youtuber who makes knives out of loving everything and I bet he could do it. The silent guy who never shows his face, or the skinny white guy who's definitely going to get himself mangled soon?
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# ¿ Feb 16, 2025 15:22 |
Edit: derailing
Imagined fucked around with this message at 00:59 on Sep 25, 2019 |
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Internet Wizard posted:Remember how Melania’s signature issue as First Lady was supposed to be countering cyberbullying I had secretly hoped this was a low key dig at her husband, but no, it turns she has as little capacity for self reflection as he does.
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Doc Hawkins posted:some of them will try to kill him, op If Obama survived, so will Bernie.
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Edit: forgot to refresh before commenting
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Casimir Radon posted:My dad's in-laws think this is a great time to come up from Iowa to go snowmobiling and keep telling my stepmom that it's all overblown. It's almost funny that pretty much the only population vulnerable to this thing (olds) are also the ones most likely to think it's all hype, no big deal, etc. I guess they have to think that way or the cognitive dissonance of their years of voting against any socialized healthcare or worker protections and for cutting all government funding and safety nets will catch up to them.
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Broke my arm tripping over a laundry basket while I had an armful of groceries up to my chin.
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I had a roommate with a literal bodybuilder boyfriend with a drinking problem. She breaks up with him one night and later he turns up drunk at our house and starts pushing her around - not hitting her but shoving her into walls and things, punching our walls and appliances, slamming doors and bellowing at her, and then trying to fight me when I tell him to leave. I didn't own a gun at that point and this dude is younger, stronger, meaner, and drunker than me, so I'm in no mood to get myself killed trying to fight him. So I call the cops. When they show up I watch her go from "arrest that motherfucker I want to press charges right now" to "nevermind" as the cops actively lean hard into her about what a hassle it will be to go to court, and she'll have to testify, and then probably nothing will happen anyway. They literally talked her out of it in our front yard. Meanwhile I'm going, uh, can I press charges? It's my house too? I told him to leave and he threatened me? They ignore me. They notice he's too drunk to drive so they drive him home. End of consequences for him. I go buy a Mossberg the very next day. Edit: oh yeah she totally went back to him a few weeks later and stayed with him for a few more years. To my knowledge he never hit her again but he did "accidentally" leak all her nudes by "forgetting" to wipe his hard drive when he sold his computer to someone. He was a winner. Imagined fucked around with this message at 19:45 on Jun 1, 2020 |
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There's a corresponding book from the Russian perspective called The Dead Hand. It focuses as much if not more on biological weapons programs, and again, the impression you're left with is, "How the hell did we survive the 20th century?"
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Midjack posted:Do they really intend for that to be worn in combat? Of course. Otherwise, it could be dangerous.
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I knew a Pakistani woman as a coworker/good friend who once asked me, while trying to relate a story about someone else getting "all up in her face": "How would you feel if I came all over your face?" I didn't know someone so brown could turn so red until I (gently) explained to her the implication of that phrasing (after I stopped laughing).
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stinkypete posted:Hey am I the Idiot to try to ride an Amtrak cross country for 2 days? I keep hearing to have fun on the train or just go and fly across the country instead. I only rode one when I was like, 12 so ymmv, but unless you've paid extra for one of the cabins, it's going to be like flying in a commercial airline but it takes 2 days and there's constant 'turbulence' except for the couple of times a day you stop at the worst places in any town along the route. See also: Greyhound.
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'All Quiet on the Western Front' is a novel, right? It's fiction. It feels a bit like critiquing it by calling Remarque a fobbit or whatever is a bit like slagging 'Moby Dick' because Herman Melville wasn't a real whaler.
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Itchy_Grundle posted:What's wrong with Apaches? They need about 100* hours of maintenance time for every 1 hour they spend in the air. *Not an exact number, but you get the idea.
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I found this article about what's known about it: https://www.bellingcat.com/resources/how-tos/2021/08/26/the-telltale-traces-of-the-us-militarys-new-bladed-missile-r9x/
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It would be brilliant if every employer on Earth could purge themselves of the worst of the worst chuds with one policy. Unfortunately most of them will leave exception clauses in their mandates big enough to block the Suez Canal.
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Biden watching the dumbest, most hardcore chuds quitting the military and/or civil service:![]()
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Can't do it. Heard it was designed by Bloody Stupid Johnson.
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There was lots of public muttering in the chudverse against Trump himself recently when he publicly advocated getting the vaccine. Trump is no longer necessary for Trumpism. In a way, it was inevitable, considering he was always 100% cynical and never had any actual principles except power and attention for his precious self, the self he is far too much of a coward to actually risk in the revolutionary way the actual true believers wanted. Revolutionaries go to jail or get killed. Trump has no interest in actual martyrdom.
Imagined fucked around with this message at 17:26 on Sep 17, 2021 |
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Jonathan Hickman wrote a pretty good comic called Pax Romana, the premise of which is that the Vatican discovers how to use time travel and sends a modern private army back to the time of Constantine to give 'western civilization' a thousand year jumpstart / do-over. It goes about as well as you'd imagine.
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Adam Baldwin has had the brainworms the entire time I've been aware of his existence, unfortunately. Since before Firefly was cancelled. He might've been one of those white dudes who lost their god drat minds after 9/11, see also Christopher Hitchens, Dennis Miller, et al.
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I mean, I wouldn't either if my last name were Baldwin.
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Edit: reuploaded from Reddit. gently caress Reddit videos. ![]() https://i.imgur.com/AKpkvuP.mp4
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Going through my google photos today I found an old meme:![]()
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Probably a lot of leaks from one side trying to shift blame to another, too.
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While good advice in general, I don't think most actors on movie sets could even tell the difference between a real gun loaded with blank cartridges versus actual bullets, nor should they need to. If an armorer hands Alec Baldwin a gun on a movie set and says it's safe, he should be able to take that to the bank, and I think expecting him to triple check at that point is kind of unreasonable.
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There's really no reason in 2021 that they even need to use anything but CGI to make things go bang, anyway.
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Man I just really resist any take on this which even hints at any blame for the actor. If there's any blame for Baldwin in this, I'm inclined to assign it to his role as a producer on this film. Especially as someone who tries to portray himself as a spokesperson for the left, when his money was on the line he sided against the workers and against the unions, and someone died as a direct result of that chain of decisions. Imagined fucked around with this message at 18:22 on Oct 27, 2021 |
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Season 3 was for all intents and purposes a completely different show with a 99% different cast and can be safely disregarded.
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Has anyone ever met anyone who actually saw any frontline fighting who acted like that in the civilian world?
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Kith posted:Everyone I've ever met that's actually seen combat have been some of the chillest, most understanding people that I've ever seen. Same. With one exception, a childhood friend of mine who joined the Marines and then signed up with Blackwater or someone like that after two deployments in Iraq because he loved it so much. He is crazy though. And even he doesn't act like this General did when he's back home.
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If I ever spend $100,000 and 8+ years in college to get a PhD, you bet your rear end I'm going to try to get every person I ever meet to call me "doctor".
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Considering they appear to be Russian soldiers in Ukraine, I hope it blew their nuts off.
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And then there's the motherfucking brain eating amoeba that's starting to become more common in fresh water lakes thanks to global warming. ![]()
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Among the many things I don't understand, the absolute contempt the exact same bootlicking fuckwads who wield "support the troops" like a cudgel against anyone who disagrees with American foreign policy actually demonstrate for said troops with their policies re:veterans and the health of those actual "troops" is so bizarre. It seems like such an easy own-goal to avoid. Facts/people don't matter, I guess, only owning libs.
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Considering they were an active duty member of the armed forces participating in an act of insurrection and treason in which multiple people died while storming the nation's capital to overthrow the legal result of a democratic election, three years is, in fact, a shockingly light slap on the wrist. Anything short of the firing squad would be getting off light, imho. My dad did 15 years in jail for robbing a retail shop while hurting zero people in the process. So.
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Let's just hope he doesn't decide to write a book about his struggle while in jail for the putsch.
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# ¿ Feb 16, 2025 15:22 |
For the record I think getting off with only three years would be lucky for literally anyone who participated in that poo poo.
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